FactandOpinionAnchorChart 1

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Literacy Department - Year 5 -Term 3

Name--------------------------------------------------------------- Date:--------------

Fact & Opinion

Authors often include facts and opinions in their writing, it is important to know the difference between
fact and opinion.

Fact Opinion
A fact is a stat m nt that can b An opinion is a p rsonal b li f, f ling
prov n tru or fals , usually by or thought. An opinion cannot b
using vid nc or rs arch. prov n tru or fals .

Authors will includ facts to inform th r ad r, and opinions to p rsuad th r ad r

to think a c rtain way. Authors will oftn us facts to support th ir opinions.

For Exampl :
Fact: Th r is no school in July.
Ask: Can this b prov n?
Ys, th school cal ndar shows that as th only month without school.
Opinion: July is th b st month of th y ar.
Ask: Can this b prov n or could p opl disagr ?
Ys, p opl can disagr . July may b too hot for th m, or th y hav school all y
ar, and th r for July is not th b st month.

Words to h lp us know wh n som thing is an opinion:

Could Would Should Pr f r

Important Ought Bli v Gr at st
B st Lik Worst Fll
Most Lov Think Btt r than

Th s words imply a thought, f ling or blif. Th s ar p rsonal things.

W can p rsuad p opl to agr with our opinion using facts, just lik w did
wh n w said July is th b st month of th y ar, b caus th r’s no school.

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