Project Proposal Final

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Title: Online Clearance Management System for Wachemo University Student

and Instructor

Supervised by: Agegnehu Ashenafi Ms


1 AMANUEL DESALEGN…………………….……………………………5932

2 DAWIT W/MICHAEL….…………………………………………………5956

3 BEZAHUN TAMIRAT…………………………………………………….5937

Hosanna, Ethiopia

Submission Date [Dec/2022]

Approval sheet
Approved by advisor

Full name signature Date

Approved by Board of examiner

Full name signature Date

Full name signature Date

Full name signature Date

Table of Contents
Approval sheet....................................................................................................................................i
List of Table......................................................................................................................................iii
I. Executive Summary........................................................................................................................i
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the project......................................................................................................1
1.2 Project overview..........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Existing system............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Statement of Problem..................................................................................................................2
1.5 Objective of the project...............................................................................................................3
1.5.1 General objective..................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Specific objective..................................................................................................................3
1.6 Scope of the Project.....................................................................................................................3
1.6.1 Limitation of the project.......................................................................................................5
1.7 Methodology of the project....................................................................................................6
1.6.1 Requirement Gathering Method............................................................................................6 Primary data collection......................................................................................................6 Secondary data collection..................................................................................................6
1.7.2. System Analysis and Design................................................................................................7
1.8 System development tools...........................................................................................................7
1.8.1 Hardware tools......................................................................................................................7
1.8.2 Software tools.......................................................................................................................8
1.8 Feasibility..............................................................................................................................8
1.8.1 Economical feasibility..........................................................................................................9
1.8.2 Technical Feasibility...........................................................................................................10
1.8.3 Time Feasibility..................................................................................................................10
1.8.4 Operational Feasibility........................................................................................................10
1.8.5 Behavioural/Political Feasibility.........................................................................................10
List of Table
Table 1 hardware tools..........................................................................................................................7
Table 2 software tools...........................................................................................................................8
Table 2 Budget for the Project...............................................................................................................9
Table 2 software Development Cost....................................................................................................10
I. Executive Summary
In this project we will try to develop online student clearance management system is a web
based project work that will help build an effective information management for university.
This paper contain five chapter ,in first chapter we will deals about introduction part of online
clearance system such as back ground of organization, statement of problem, general and
specific objective, scope of project, feasibility in the first chapter we will see team
configuration .the second chapter will be describe about system requirement, essential use
case, system use case and their description, the third chapter about all UML diagrams such as
class modelling ; fourth and fifth chapter about code tasting, design and report on
implementation. Our system will develop a computer software system that replaces the
manual method of clearance during withdrawal, summer vacation and graduating time for
students. The designed system will serve as a more reliable and effective means of
undertaking students clearance, remove all forms of time delay and stress as well as enable
you to understand the procedure involved, as well as how to do your clearance online. This
project work makes use of data collection from the university, materials and journals from
various authors and the software was developed to effectively achieve the aim of the project.
In this project the implementation is carried out with PHP, MYSQL as the database. In
conclusion it will meet all the objectives and it will be recommended for all the departments
in Wachemo University and other tertiary institution.
Online clearance management system is a project work that will help to build an effective
information management for the Wachemo University. It is aimed at developing a system for
making clearance for the students and Instructors. The clearance management system service
currently uses manual system which creates the major problems. The designed software will
serve as more reliable and effective means of understanding students and instructors
clearance remove all to delay and stress as well as enable the user of the system to understand
the procedures involved and how to do their clearance online. This project will be done by
collecting the data from the University. The project is aimed to achieve effective and efficient
clearance process system for the students and Instructors of Wachemo University. Moreover,
the design and implementation will be carried out using HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT,
XAMPP Server, Keywords and MYSQL for data base

1.1 Background of the project

Wachemo University is one the fourth generation university in Ethiopia. It is situated in a 15
years old fast growing Hossana town located at a distance of 230 km south of Addis Ababa
and 142 km away from Hawassa the capital city of S.N.N.P Regional State. It was established
by Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2004 E.C at Hossana. Currently, the university is
operating in commenced its function in 2012 admitting 538 students in 12 departments under
4 colleges. Currently, the University has admitted over 18,400 students in regular and
continuing education programs in 48 Departments under 6 colleges, 1) Engineering and
Technology, 2) Natural and Computational Sciences, 3) Medicine and Health Sciences, 4)
Agricultural Sciences, 5) Business and Economics, and 6) Social Sciences and Humanities. In
addition to these, the university is going to launch 10 new programs in undergraduate level
and 6 programs at Msc level in the academic year. The university has 957 academic staff
(from these 36 are expatriate academic staff) 39 technical support staffs and 808
administrative support staff totaling 1029. Furthermore, the university has launched its
branch campus at Durame town (Kambata Tambaro Zone) about 60km away from the main
campus, Hosanna. From on the top of that the university has one teaching hospital: Nigist
Eleni Muhamed General Hospital which is found at Hossana town. Finally, all the
community memmbers of WCU with their profundity and commitment are playing immense
role to achieve the national growth and transformation plan (GTP) via the university’s vision,
mission and goals. The University has been working hard in teaching, research and

community services for the last five years. It has been awarded the prize of “Best achieving
University” for three successive years, from 2013-15 academic years, among the newly
established third generation Universities of Ethiopia.

1.2 Project overview

A clearance is a certificate permitting to disengage an entity from an institution. The term
“clearance” is also used in organizations that have a formal method to check employees for
access to sensitive information. A clearance system is very essential and it must be
implemented in all organizations.
The process of clearing students of a named Wachemo university after the end of academic
year requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments. This clearance
processing system service currently uses manual system which creates problems. With the
existing system all the activities are performed manually to clarify the student using process
oriented methods.

1.3 Existing system

The current WCU clearance processing system is the manual system that needs intensive
human labor, resource, consume time, less security. Here, the students and employees to visit
all the clearance offices with a form for them to fill and get sign by the respected offices.
Once these forms are signed, it proves that the users have been cleared. This process takes
some days to be completed and possess a lot of stress to all the users and workers who
provide clearance system. In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file
cabinet. Each time the clearance form is needed, a search operation conducted on the file
cabinets to locate a particular user‘s clearance form.

1.4 Statement of Problem

The process of clearing students of a named Wachemo university after the end of academic
year requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments. This clearance
processing system service currently uses manual system which creates problems. With the
existing system all the activities are performed manually to clarify the student using process
oriented methods. In order to clarify the student goes to each of the available office such as
dormitory, cafeteria, book store, library, faculty dean, department head, register and sport

1.5 Objective of the project

1.5.1 General objective

The general objective of this project is to change the manual clearance processing system to
online clearance system.

1.5.2 Specific objective

The specific objective of this project includes:-
 Check students from the data base.
 Fast data processing.
 To avoid the problems and stress of travelling and crowding up of student during
 Designing friendly user interface.
 To develop reliable clearance system.
 To provide border-less access.
 To avoid redundancy, and inconsistency.
 To keep personal feelings and interest.
 To serve as reference materials to other researchers.
 To implement proposed system
 To study the existing system and get solution for it.

1.6 Scope of the Project

This project is limited for Wachemo University students. Currently the university performs
clearance system manually or paper based processing system. Generally the scope of this
project includes:-
 Our system used for WCU students.
 The System contains all the recorded information that can be handled by
the registrar and other offices.
 Manage students who are free from any of the university’s property and
check it that they are fulfilled the matters which the university needs from
The scope of the project includes the tasks performed by the following units (as of the new
organizational structure):-
o register
o dormitory
o Librarian

o Bookstore
o Cafeteria
o Student loan
o Department adviser
Clearance System for students. This is belongs to the students who needs their clearance
form. And these students may be:
– Year break
– with drawls
– graduation
– transfer to other university
The process of clearance students of a named Wachemo university after the end of
academic year requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments.
This clearance processing system service currently uses manual system which creates
problems. With the existing system all the activities are performed manually to clarify
the student using process oriented methods. In order to clarify the student goes to each of
the available office such as dormitory, cafeteria, book store, library, faculty dean,
department head, register and sport head.
 DORMITORY: checks students building block room number; full name, ID number and
whether student return material (foam, pillow, bed) or not manually.
 Cafeteria: checks student meal card with photograph and ID number.
 Book store: checks student return learning material, book and modules by identifying the
student ID number manually.
 Library: checks student returning borrowed books by identifying pocket ID number of
the student manually.
 College dean: accept the student in the department under that college manually.
 Department head: checks whether the student is the member of the department or not.
 Register: checks the student whether they finished all of the other signed or not
 Finance: receive legal payment according to officer message if the student loss the
 Sport head: check student weather return or not sport materials.
Due to this the following problems are faced:-
 There is no way to get clearance form in one office.
 Most of the activities are time consuming and stressful.

 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to students
repeatedly visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
 Students travelling one office to the other and queuing in line to sign clearance form.
 When the Clearance form is lost it causes delaying of readmission date.
 Data redundancy &loss of data.
 Unauthorized body may sign Clearance form.
 Data recording system is not centralized or not in the modern system which is
 It takes more space because the data is stored in the form of written document.
 If the student is not clarified one of all work station or if the student is punished .The
student can clarify themselves by corruption.
 after the student finishes the clearance the student return the student clearance form to
register after time being then the register worker adjust the clearance with The student
file and sends to college .In this method there are problem of searching.
 If the students want to clarify in the purpose of withdrawal due to health problem.
The system does not give immediate response for a student.
Generally the above problem led the overall Clearance process let and boring Due to this it
becomes necessary for an automated clearance system to eradicate the bottle neck of the
manual system in place.

1.6.1 Limitation of the project

Defines what the proposed system is not going to perform or what is not including in the
proposed system. This project covers some of the aspects of computer software based online
clearance processing system using Wachemo University as case study. Generally the
limitation of this project includes:
 The system couldn‘t give service for administrative staff i.e. limited only for regular
Students and Instructors.
 If the students and Instructors lost/damage the university property, he/she couldn‘t
clearance, until the students and Instructors pay the cash personally to finance.
 The proposed system cannot access with their local language.
 Blind people unable to use the proposed system.

I.7 Methodology of the project
There are different methods of data collection. Among them we should use interview and
questionnaire methods of data collections.

 Observation: this data is collected from that we are facing problems when we are
clearance. This type of data is mainly collected from us means members of the group.

 Interview: It’s a fact finding technique whereby we should use to collect further
information from employees through face-to-face interaction. This method will help
us to get clear, timely, and verified information in greater depth. However
interviewing employees was time consuming, and it depends on the will of employees

 Questionnaires: those types of data are also collected by distributing question and
answering method by having the fall and success to the students and instructors.

 Document analysis: we have used document analysis data gathering method to

collect the documented information about job registration in Wachemo University.

1.6.1 Requirement Gathering Method

We use document analysis in order to obtain the information about the practices and
problems of the clearance system which ultimately assists us in developing the computerized
system. Some of data collection method is listed below. Primary data collection

 Practical Observation: We observed physically the current existing system which
is done by manually. We referred different forms and documents in the
department, registrar and some other offices.
 Interview: To get the basic information and background information about the
existing system structure, we ask different question from different persons such as
admin and different offices who provide clearance system. We choose interview
because, to get the exact, full range and depth information from the user, guidance
and council. Our team we have used semi-structured interview type because this
type of interview is used as both structured and unstructured interview type, to ask
selected and unselected question, therefor to get full/sufficient information Secondary data collection

 Document Analysis: For more information about the existing system we refer
relevant documents, others reading materials and some forms in different offices.
We have used Observation data collection method because, it do not rely on

people‘s willingness to provide information. we have used indirect observation
from observation type

1.7.2. System Analysis and Design

The team plan to use the Object Oriented System Analysis and Design (OOSAD) for the
development of the system among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to
construct, manage and assemble objects that are implemented in our system. We used
OOSAD because of the following important features:
 Increase reusability: The object oriented provides opportunities for reuse through the
concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and modularity.
 Increased extensibility: When you to need to add new feature to the system you only
need to make changes in one part of the applicable class.
 Improved quality: Quality of our system must be on time, on budget and meet our
exceeded the expectation of the users of our system, improved quality comes from
increased participation of users in the system development.
 Financial benefits: Reusability, extensibility and improved quality are all the
financial benefits, because they led to the business benefits of the object- oriented
from the point of view of the users, the real benefits are we can built, system faster
and cheaper.
 Reduced maintenance cost: Software organizations currently spend significant
resources maintain operating system so the object oriented development methods
helps us to overcome this problem while doing Wachemo university clearance system

1.8 System development tools

Hardware and software tools required for successful completion of the project are listed
below with their respective significances.

1.8.1 Hardware tools

Table 1 hardware tools
No purpose Hardware name

1 Training Papers

2 Writing something pen

3 Writing softy copy of documentation Computer(laptop)

4 Printing purpose printer

5 Storage file Flash

6 File transferring Flash 32 GB

1.8.2 Software tools

Table 2 software tools

No purpose program Reason

1 Code writing Visual studio, notepad++ Easy to use

2 Database server Xampp server Database server for php

3 Web server Apache Web server for php

4 Server-side scripting Php Understand by server

5 Client-side coding Html It works php

6 Client-side scripting JavaScript Easy to validate form

7 Coding language Php Easy to writing code

8 Cascading style sheet CSS It works with html and CSS

9 Browser Firefox, Microsoft, edge Better for displaying web


10 Documentation MS word 2021 Easy to use

11 User training MS PowerPoint Best for presentation

12 Modelling and scheduling Edraw-max,, Easy to design diagram

visual paradigm

13 Creating Image Adobe Photoshop Easy to Create an Image

I.8 Feasibility
Feasibility Study assesses the operational, technical and economic merits of the proposed
project. The feasibility study is intended to be a preliminary review of the facts to see if it is
worthy of proceeding to the analysis phase. From the systems analyst perspective, the
feasibility analysis is the primary tool for recommending whether to proceed to the next
phase or to discontinue the project.

1.8.1 Economical feasibility
When the team can be analysis the system by comparing the cost with the benefit (the
enterprise can get by using the proposed system), surely the benefit out weight the cost .the
cost of developing a full system including software and hardware cost for the class of
application being considered should be evaluated. So, the benefit that obtain by using the
proposed system can be categorized as tangible and in tangible.
Tangible benefits are:
 Using less man power than the existing system.
 Increase speed of activities and competence.
 Reduce cost.
Intangible benefits:
Intangible benefits are benefits derived from the creation of an
information system that cannot be easily measured in money and with consistency such as:
 Knowledge required by project developer.
 Facilitating information processing
 Updating information
 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.
 Improving the morale of our team
 Facilitating information processing of our team
Therefore the team decided the proposed project is economically feasible. As cost/benefit
analysis, show the new system is developed using a very minimum coast and it give a lot of
benefits such as advancing the services of the system, decreasing the work load of the users.
The following are the needed materials, equipment and working budget for the project:

Table 3 Budget for the Project

Item Quantity of Cost per Total

item Item Cost
Paper 120 2.00 240.00
Pen 10 4.00 40.00
Flash card 2 150.00 300.00
Computer 2 6,000.00 12,000.00
Others ------------ 4,000.00 4,000.00
Total cost 16,580.00

Software development cost

For this particular project we will be using different software but the software’s are getting
from the university.

Software costs

Software Description Price

Microsoft office word 2007 free

Microsoft power point 2007 free

Microsoft SQL server free

Avast !free antivirus free

Xampp free

Table 4 software Development Cost

1.8.2 Technical Feasibility

The proposed system doesn‘t require much technical expertise. The system to be developed
by Using technologically system development techniques such as PHP, Java script, CSS and
MySQL Database without any problems and the group members have enough capability to
develop the Project. So the system will be technically feasible.

1.8.3 Time Feasibility

Since schedule feasibility is a process of assigning the degree to which the potential time and
Computation date for all major activity which in a project meet organizational deadlines. So,
our project will be profitable within months.

1.8.4 Operational Feasibility

The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases
labour of workers. And also it is plat form Independent i.e. it run‘s in all operating system.

1.8.5 Behavioural/Political Feasibility

The system to be developed is not conflict with any government directives. The reason is it
gives services for the people effectively and efficiently. In addition it also doesn‘t affect any

individual or group rights of the peoples. Even the government is profitable, so the
application will be politically feasible.


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