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Title: Online Clearance Management System for Wachemo University Student

and Instructor

Supervised by: Agegnehu Ashenafi Ms


1 AMANUEL DESALEGN…………………….……………………………5932

2 DAWIT W/MICHAEL….…………………………………………………5956

3 BEZAHUN TAMIRAT…………………………………………………….5937

Hosanna, Ethiopia

Submission Date [Dec/2022]

I. Acknowledgement
We would like to thank the almighty God for giving us the opportunity to live and share our
knowledge to other people and for the blessings that we received each day. To our instructors
from the School of Computing and Informatics – Department of Computer Science who
molded us in technical knowledge and discipline since our freshmen years until what we
become today. Especially to our respective advisor Agegnehu Ashenafi who were support as
from the beginning of the project until we finish. And also we would like to thanks for our
head of Computer Science department Kumella Neda (Msc) . Thanks to our respective
families, friends and relatives, who are our inspirations. Thank you all.
II. Abstract
In this project we will try to develop online student clearance management system is a web
based project work that will help build an effective information management for university.
This paper contain five chapter ,in first chapter we will deals about introduction part of online
clearance system such as background of organization, statement of problem, general and
specific objective, scope of project, feasibility in the first chapter we will see team
configuration .the second chapter will be describe about system requirement, essential use
case, system use case and their description, the third chapter about all UML diagrams such as
class modeling; fourth and fifth chapter about code tasting, design and report on
implementation. Our system will developing a computer software system that replaces the
manual method of clearance during withdrawal, summer vacation and graduating time for
students. The designed system will serve as a more reliable and effective means of
undertaking students clearance, remove all forms of time delay and stress as well as enable
you to understand the procedure involved, as well as how to do your clearance online. This
project work makes use of data collection from the university, materials and journals from
various authors and the software was developed to effectively achieve the aim of the project.
In this project the implementation is carried out with PHP, MYSQL as the database. In
conclusion it will meet all the objectives and it will be recommended for all the departments
in Wachemo University and other tertiary institution.

I. Acknowledgement..............................................................................i

II. Abstract..............................................................................................ii

Chapter ONE..............................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.2. Background of organization........................................................................................................1
1.3. Statement of problem..................................................................................................................2
1.4. Objectives...................................................................................................................................4
1.4.1. General objective.................................................................................................................4
1.4.2. Specific Objectives..............................................................................................................4
1.5. Methodology..............................................................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of study............................................................................................................................5
1.7. Significance of the Project..........................................................................................................6
1.8. Feasibility....................................................................................................................................7
1.8.1. Technical Feasibility.............................................................................................................7
1.8.2. Operational feasibility..........................................................................................................9
1.8.3. Schedule Feasibility............................................................................................................10
1.9. Management issue...................................................................................................................10
1.9.1. Team configuration and management...............................................................................10
1.9.2. Team compositions............................................................................................................10

Chapter two..............................................................................................11
2.1. System requirement specification and analysis modeling (SRS)...............................................11
2.1.1. Existing System..................................................................................................................11
2.1.2. Proposed System...............................................................................................................12
2.1.3. Overview of the proposed.................................................................................................12
2.1.4. Functional requirements....................................................................................................12
2.1.5. Non-functional requirement..............................................................................................13
2.2. CRC (class responsibility collaboration) Actors Description......................................................16

 Print ():- used to print the cleared clearance form..............................16

 Change Password ():- used to allow change the login password of the

 Recover Forget Password ():- used to allow to recover forget


 Request for clearance ():- used to clear student..................................17

2.2. CRC (class responsibility collaboration) Actors Description......................................................17

Table 2:.....................................................................................................17

Librarian <<actors>>................................................................................17

 Clearance.........................................................................................17

 Student.............................................................................................17

 Registrar...........................................................................................17

Table 3:.....................................................................................................18

Book store <<actors>>.............................................................................18

 Student.............................................................................................18

 Clearance.........................................................................................18

 Registrar...........................................................................................18

Table 4:.....................................................................................................18

Cafeteria <<actors>>................................................................................18

 Student.............................................................................................18

 Clearance.........................................................................................18

 Registrar...........................................................................................18

Table 5:.....................................................................................................18

Sport <<actors>>......................................................................................18

 Student.............................................................................................19

 Clearance.........................................................................................19

 Registrar...........................................................................................19

Table 6......................................................................................................19

Dormitory <<actors>>.............................................................................19

 Student.............................................................................................19

 Clearance.........................................................................................19

 Registrar...........................................................................................19

Table 7......................................................................................................19

Registrar <<actor>>................................................................................19

 Manage student information............................................................19

 Create user account..........................................................................19

 Update user account.........................................................................19

 Change login password....................................................................19

 Recover forget password..................................................................19

 Search...............................................................................................19

 Student.............................................................................................19

 Clearance.........................................................................................19

Table 8......................................................................................................20
2.1.1. ESSENTIAL USE CASE DIAGRAM [CURRENT SYSTEM MODELLING................................21
2.4. System use case modeling........................................................................................................26
2.4.1USE CASE SELECTION...........................................................................................................27
2.4.2.System use case description................................................................................................28
2.6. Feature.....................................................................................................................................45
2.7. User interface prototyping.......................................................................................................45
2.7.1.Traditional user interface prototyping................................................................................46
2.8.User interface flow diagram......................................................................................................52

2.9. Supplementary specification....................................................................................................52
2.9.1. Business rule......................................................................................................................52
2.9.2. Non-functional requirement..............................................................................................53
2.9.3. Constraint..........................................................................................................................55

Chapter Three...........................................................................................56

3. Design Document.................................................................................56
3.1 Class Modeling...........................................................................................................................56
3.2.Class diagram.............................................................................................................................57
3.3. Sequence Diagram....................................................................................................................60
3.4. Collaboration Diagram..............................................................................................................66
3.5. Activity Diagrams......................................................................................................................72

3.6. User Interface Design................................................................................................................75
3.6.1 Form design......................................................................................................................76
3.6.2 Report design....................................................................................................................76
3.6.3 .Interface design.................................................................................................................78
3.8. State chart Diagram..................................................................................................................83
3.9. Object Diagram.........................................................................................................................86
3.10.Database Design......................................................................................................................87
3.10.1.Persistence modeling........................................................................................................89
3.10.2. NORMALIZATION.............................................................................................................89
3.10.3. ER Diagram.......................................................................................................................92
3.10. Component Diagram...............................................................................................................93

3.10. Deployment Diagram..............................................................................................................93

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................95

4. IMPLEMENTATION DOCUMENT..................................................95
4.1.REPORT ON IMPLEMATION.......................................................................................................95
4.2.SAMPLE CODE............................................................................................................................96
4.3.Testing methodology...............................................................................................................127
4.3.1.Unit testing.......................................................................................................................127
4.3.2.Integration Testing............................................................................................................127
4.3.3.System testing..................................................................................................................127
4.4. Clients Feedback....................................................................................................................128
4.5.User Manual............................................................................................................................128

Table 1. Budget of the Project................................................................................................................9
Table 2 class responsibility collaboration for students........................................................................17
Table 3 class responsibility collaboration for department....................................................................18
Table 4 class responsibility collaboration for librarians.......................................................................19
Table 5 class responsibility collaboration for book store.....................................................................19
Table 6 class responsibility collaboration for cafeteria........................................................................20
Table 7 class responsibility collaboration for sport..............................................................................20
Table 8 class responsibility collaboration for dormitory......................................................................20
Table 9: class responsibility collaboration for registrar........................................................................21
Table 10 class responsibility collaboration for clearance.....................................................................21
Table 11: identifying classes from use case and CRC..........................................................................22
Table 12 preparing student clearance form use case description..........................................................24
Table 13 Asking for clearance form use case Description...................................................................24
Table 14 Clearing Student use case Description..................................................................................25
Table 15 manage property use case description...................................................................................26
Table 16: take cleared clearance form use case description.................................................................26
Table 17 Login use case description....................................................................................................30
Table 18 Record property Information use case description................................................................31
Table 19 update property Information use case description.................................................................32
Table 20 Delete property Information use case description.................................................................33
Table 21 upload material lend student information use case description.............................................34
Table 22 Create user account use case description...............................................................................35
Table 23 Update user account use case description..............................................................................37
Table 24 Change Password use case description..................................................................................38
Table 25 Delete user account use case description...............................................................................39
Table 26 Recover forgotten password use case description.................................................................39
Table 27 approving clearance form use case description.....................................................................41
Table 28: Rejecting Student Clearance use case description................................................................41
Table 29 Requesting for Clearance approval use case description.......................................................42
Table 30 manage student information use case description..................................................................43
Table 31 view profiles use case descriptions.......................................................................................43
Table 32 save and print use case descriptions......................................................................................44
Table 33 generate report use case description......................................................................................45

Figure 1:..............................................................................................................................................23
Figure 2 system use case diagrams.......................................................................................................29
Figure 3 home page of clearance management system.........................................................................47
Figure 4 create account for student traditional user interface prototyping............................................48
Figure 5 create account for officers and registrar traditional user interface prototype.........................49
Figure 6 Login page for all users user interface prototype...................................................................49
Figure 7 recover forgotten password user interface prototype.............................................................50
Figure 8 view profile user interface prototype.....................................................................................51
Figure 9 fill clearance form traditional user interface prototype..........................................................51
Figure 10 rejected clearance form of traditional user interface prototype............................................52
Figure 11: approved clearance form of traditional user interface prototype.........................................52
Figure 12: user interface flow diagram................................................................................................53
Figure 13 class modeling relationship..................................................................................................58
Figure 14 class diagram.......................................................................................................................59
Figure 15 sequence diagram for login student......................................................................................62
Figure 16: sequence diagram view student profile...............................................................................63
Figure 17 sequence diagram create account.........................................................................................63
Figure 18 sequence diagram for recover forgotten password...............................................................64
Figure 19: sequence diagram for register material...............................................................................64
Figure 20 sequence diagram for change password...............................................................................65
Figure 21 sequence diagram for lend materials....................................................................................65
Figure 22 sequence diagram for filling clearance form........................................................................66
Figure 23 sequence diagram for delete student lend material information...........................................66
Figure 24 sequence diagram for delete account...................................................................................67
Figure 25 login and forgotten password collaboration diagram...........................................................68
Figure 26 registration create account collaboration diagram................................................................68
Figure 27 view profile collaboration-diagram......................................................................................69
Figure 28 Officers search for student collaboration diagram...............................................................69
Figure 29 changed password collaboration diagram............................................................................70
Figure 30: recover forgotten password collaboration diagram.............................................................71
Figure 31 register material collaboration diagram................................................................................71
Figure 32: lend material collaboration diagram...................................................................................72
Figure 33 return material collaboration diagram..................................................................................72
Figure 34 fill clearance collaboration diagram.....................................................................................73
Figure 35 Activity diagram for create account.....................................................................................73
Figure 36 login activity diagram..........................................................................................................74
Figure 37 change password activity diagram.......................................................................................74
Figure 38 recover forgotten password activity diagram.......................................................................75

Figure 39 lend material for student activity diagram............................................................................76
Figure 40 return material activity diagram...........................................................................................76
Figure 41 fill clearance activity diagram..............................................................................................76
Figure 42: login form design user interface design.............................................................................77
Figure 43 report form of user interface design.....................................................................................78
Figure 44 UI design for homepage of Haramaya university clearance management system................79
Figure 45 user interface design for University Admin login page........................................................80
Figure 46: user interface design student login page.............................................................................80
Figure 47: user interface design officers registration form...................................................................81
Figure 48 Student registration user interface design form....................................................................81
Figure 49 lend materials user interface design form.............................................................................82
Figure 50: recover forgotten password user interface design form.......................................................82
Figure 51 fill clearance form user interface design for student............................................................83
Figure 52 Approved clearance form user interface design...................................................................84
Figure 53 state transaction login diagram............................................................................................85
Figure 54 search state diagram.............................................................................................................86
Figure 55 create account state chart.....................................................................................................86
Figure 56 manage account state transaction diagram...........................................................................86
Figure 57: manage material state chart diagram...................................................................................86
Figure 58 fill clearance form state chart diagram.................................................................................87
Figure 59 print clearance form state transaction diagram.....................................................................87
Figure 60 object diagram for student clearance form...........................................................................88
Figure 61 ER diagram of the clearance system....................................................................................93
Figure 62 component diagram.............................................................................................................94
Figure 63 deployment diagram............................................................................................................95

Chapter ONE
1.1. Introduction
Clearance is a status granted individuals, typically members of the military, university graduates
and employees of governments and their contractors, allowing them access to classified
information, i.e. state secrets. The term “clearance” is also sometimes used in private
organizations that have a formal process to vet employees for access to sensitive information. A
clearance by itself normally not sufficient to gain access; the organization must determine that
the cleared individual has a “need to know” the information. No one is supposed to be granted
access to classified information only because of rank or position, but once a clearance is
obtained, access to certain information or gain of freedom will be granted. Wachemo University
higher educational institution that consists of many manual and automated processes. Student
Clearance (SC) is a one of the manual system with the purpose of clearing the student from their
material and infrastructures usages. Since, the SCS is processed manually. The manual system
has nine main work flow divisions such as, Book store, Library, Faculty advisers, Faculty dean,
Sports, Student loan, Cafeteria and registrar. This works manual which is not computerized so;
we are going to develop a computerized system/the automated system called Online Student
Clearance Management System (OSCMS) for the university to solve the manual problems.

The proposed system over comes one problem done by manual system. To reduce misuse of
manpower, avoiding errors, to save time, to provide comfort clearance process for the students
and to provide insurance for the organization especially for workers who play role in the
clearance processing system.

1.2. Background of organization

Wachemo University is one the fourth generation university in Ethiopia. It is situated in a 15
years old fast growing Hossana town located at a distance of 230 km south of Addis Ababa and
142 km away from Hawassa the capital city of S.N.N.P Regional State. It was established by
Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2004 E.C at Hossana. Currently, the university is operating in
commenced its function in 2012 admitting 538 students in 12 departments under 4 colleges.
Currently, the University has admitted over 18,400 students in regular and continuing education

programs in 48 Departments under 6 colleges, 1) Engineering and Technology, 2) Natural and
Computational Sciences, 3) Medicine and Health Sciences, 4) Agricultural Sciences, 5) Business
and Economics, and 6) Social Sciences and Humanities. In addition to these, the university is
going to launch 10 new programs in undergraduate level and 6 programs at Msc level in the
academic year. The university has 957 academic staff (from these 36 are expatriate academic
staff) 39 technical support staffs and 808 administrative support staff totaling 1029.
Furthermore, the university has launched its branch campus at Durame town (Kambata Tambaro
Zone) about 60km away from the main campus, Hosanna. From on the top of that the university
has one teaching hospital: Nigist Eleni Muhamed General Hospital which is found at Hossana
town. Finally, all the community memmbers of WCU with their profundity and commitment are
playing immense role to achieve the national growth and transformation plan (GTP) via the
university’s vision, mission and goals. The University has been working hard in teaching,
research and community services for the last five years. It has been awarded the prize of “Best
achieving University” for three successive years, from 2013-15 academic years, among the
newly established third generation Universities of Ethiopia.

1.3. Statement of problem

The process of clearing students of a named Wachemo university after the end of academic year
requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments. This clearance processing
system service currently uses manual system which creates problems. With the existing system
all the activities are performed manually to clarify the student using process oriented methods. In
order to clarify the student goes to each of the available office such as dormitory, cafeteria, book
store, library, faculty dean, department head, register and sport head.

Dormitory: checks students building block room number; full name, ID number and whether
student return material (foam, pillow, bed) or not manually.

Cafeteria: checks student meal card with photograph and ID number.

Book store: checks student return learning material, book and modules by identifying the student
ID number manually.

Library: checks student returning borrowed books by identifying pocket ID number of the
student manually.

College dean: accept the student in the department under that college manually.

Department head: checks whether the student is the member of the department or not.

Register: checks the student whether they finished all of the other signed or not

Finance: receive legal payment according to officer message if the student loss the materials.

Sport head: check student weather return or not sport materials. due to this the following
problems are faced:-

 There is no way to get clearance form in one office.

 Most of the activities are time consuming and stressful.
 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to students
repeatedly visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
 Students travelling one office to the other and queuing in line to sign clearance form.
 When the Clearance form is lost it causes delaying of readmission date.
 Data redundancy &loss of data.

 Unauthorized body may sign Clearance form.

 Data recording system is not centralized or not in the modern system which is difficult.

 It takes more space because the data is stored in the form of written document.

 If the student is not clarified one of all work station or if the student is punished .The
student can clarify themselves by corruption.

 after the student finishes the clearance the student return the student clearance form to
register after time being then the register worker adjust the clearance with The student
file and sends to college .In this method there are problem of searching.

 If the students want to clarify in the purpose of withdrawal due to health problem. The
system does not give immediate response for a student.

Generally the above problem led the overall Clearance process let and boring Due to this it
becomes necessary for an automated clearance system to eradicate the bottle neck of the manual
system in place.

1.4. Objectives

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this project is to develop a web based clearance system for
WCU students.

1.4.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this project includes:-

 Check students from the data base.

 Fast data processing.

 To avoid the problems and stress of travelling and crowding up of student during

 Designing friendly user interface.

 To develop reliable clearance system.

 To provide border-less access.

 To avoid redundancy, and inconsistency.

 To keep personal feelings and interest.

 To serve as reference materials to other researchers.

 To implement proposed system

 To study the existing system and get solution for it.

1.5. Methodology
There are different methods of data collection. Among them we should use interview and
questionnaire methods of data collections.

 Observation: this data is collected from that we are facing problems when we are
clearance. This type of data is mainly collected from us means members of the

 Interview: It’s a fact finding technique whereby we should use to collect further
information from employees through face-to-face interaction. This method will
help us to get clear, timely, and verified information in greater depth. However
interviewing employees was time consuming, and it depends on the will of

 Questionnaires: those types of data are also collected by distributing question

and answering method by having the fall and success to the students and

 Document analysis: we have used document analysis data gathering method to

collect the documented information about job registration in Haramaya

1.6. Scope of study

This project is limited for Haramaya University students. Currently the university performs
clearance system manually or paper based processing system. Generally the scope of this project

 Our system used for HU students.

 The System contains all the recorded information that can be handled by the
registrar and other offices.

 Manage students who are free from any of the university’s property and
check it that they are fulfilled the matters which the university needs from

The scope of the project includes the tasks performed by the following units (as of the
new organizational structure):-

o register

o dormitory

o Librarian

o Bookstore

o Cafeteria

o Student loan

o Department adviser

Clearance System for students. This is belongs to the students who needs their clearance form.
And these students may be:

– Year break

– with drawls

– graduation

– transfer to other university

1.7. Significance of the Project

The project work will help in a good ways to ease the queuing system in the university, the
clearance system will help students to achieve whatever they want without coming to the various
offices for clearance personally such as dormitory, bookstore, registrar, sport, library and student
service. Student clearance system allows the users to check their clearance status as whether
they are in any way obligated to the university, fill and submit their clearance form, and obtain
their clearance letter. There are many others advantage of student’s

clearance system. Some of them are listed below:-

 It saves a time.

 It is very convenient to use it right from the dormitories, office or anywhere in the

 Help the University in reducing cost such as labor and stationary.

 Process clearance effectively and efficiently.

 Provides a reliable and transparent clearance processing system.

 The system removes the problems of stress, travelling to different office and queuing up
of students during processing of the clearance.

1.8. Feasibility
Feasibility Study assesses the operational, technical and economic merits of the proposed project.
The feasibility study is intended to be a preliminary review of the facts to see if it is worthy of
proceeding to the analysis phase. From the systems analyst perspective, the feasibility analysis is

the primary tool for recommending whether to proceed to the next phase or to discontinue the

1.8.1. Technical Feasibility

This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is
available or not. This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will
successfully satisfy the user requirement. We concern here with specifying equipment’s
that will satisfy the user requirement such as computer (hardware and software),
Microsoft access etc. This involves questions such as whether the most of the technology
needed for the system has exists in the Haramaya University compound. Because the
system is too customized according to HU information transferring system there will be
no difficulty to build the clearance system, and also the staff and other concerned bodies
has or will have enough experience using this system.

The system developers understand the scope, objectives including specific objectives and
limitations of the proposed system well and the users have technical capability/ability to use this
system. As a result they develop the system for HU successfully within proposed resources
(budget, time, etc.). This also deals with the hardware as well as software requirements. We have
to find out whether the necessary technology and the proposed equipment have the capacity to
hold the data used in the project. The technical feasibility issues usually raised during the stage
of fact finding includes the following:-

 This software is running in windows and Linux operating system.

 The system can be expanded in any system platforms.

Economic Feasibility

When the team can be analyses the system by comparing the cost with the benefit (the enterprise
can get by using the proposed system), surely the benefit out weight the cost. The cost of
developing a full system, including software and hardware cost for the class of application being
considered should be evaluated. So, the benefit that obtain by using the proposed system can be
categorized as tangible and in tangible.

Tangible benefits are:

 Using less man power than the existing system.

 Increase speed of activities and competence.

 Reduce cost.

Intangible benefits are:

 Knowledge required by project developer.

 Facilitating information processing.

 Updating information.

 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.

 Improved productivity.

 Improving the morale of our team.

 Facilitating information processing of our team

Therefore the team decided the proposed project is economically feasible.

As cost/benefit analysis, show the new system is developed using a very minimum coast and it
give a lot of benefits such as advancing the services of the system, decreasing the work load of
the users.

The following are the needed materials, equipment and working budget for the project:

Item Quantity of Cost per Item Total Cost

Paper 120 2.00 240.00
Pen 10 4.00 40.00
Flash card 2 150.00 300.00
Computer 2 6,000.00 12,000.00
Others ------------ 4,000.00 4,000.00
Total cost 16,580.00
Table 1. Budget of the Project

Software development cost

For this particular project we will be using different software but the software’s are getting
from the university.

Software costs

Software Description Price

Microsoft office word 2007 free

Microsoft power point 2007 free

Microsoft SQL server free

Avast !free antivirus free

Xampp free

1.8.2. Operational feasibility

When new system is implemented to improve these bulky system users, the student in university
can be benefited. The new system should be very easy for the End users to manage it. The
proposed system will solve the business and time problem for the organization. Therefore the
campus administration and other users providing effective processing system, which satisfies
their needs.

 The proposed system offers greater level of user-friendliness.

 The proposed system produces best results and gives high performance.

 The proposed system can be implemented easily.

 The proposed system can be solved the existing system problem and challenge.

1.8.3. Schedule Feasibility
Schedule feasibility is making sure whether potential time frames and completion data can be
met or not. The project team members discussed on it to work hardly and also estimate project to
be completed on time without any delay.For organization replacing manual systems with
automated one is advisable for better performance. To replace the manual system developers
(we) should make the whole plan before starting to develop a computerized system. In order to
develop this project we have planned all the necessary tasks.

1.9. Management issue

On this issue our team members are which we are going to do on the system & a plan how we go
with time based on the schedule to achieve within the time.

1.9.1. Team configuration and management

Our group accountable for all activity of this project & we are work by organized way. On this
project we are working on the online clearance system of Haramaya University.

1.9.2. Team compositions

We have organized our self (team member) in a decentralized way that every team member
communicates to each other.

The communication between our team will be held by group discussion, call phone, social media
etc. Change management:-in our project change may occurred due to different factor such as
schedule in which we decide date is not completed at decide a result of this we have
extend our project completion and when we go to requirement collection the officer not present
then we change our plan. Also we show our project to our adviser to review and adviser give the
comment then the change will occurred in our project.

Chapter two
2.1. System requirement specification and analysis modeling (SRS)
2.1.1. Existing System
The current clearance processing system is the manual system that needs intensive human labor,
resource, consume time, less security. Here, the student to visit all the clearance offices with a
form for them to fill and get sign by the respected offices. Once these forms are signed, it proves
that the users have been cleared. This process takes some days to be completed and possess a lot

of stress to all the users and workers who provide clearance system. In the manual system, the
clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the clearance form is needed, a
search operation conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular user’s clearance form.
Before sign in the clearances form each officers first check all the property borrowed by the
students whether return or not. If that is return he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she
didn’t sign in to the clearance form. When the clearance form is released from the cabinet
student should re-fill the clearance form for the clearing him/her self from the property of the
university. This manual clearance form is very boring and time consuming because for the every
student of the campus use only one registrar and the other offices that clarify the students are
uses for all student of the campus so the time for signing the clearance form is too long. This
manual clearance form is sometimes working with error as a result of some department file
cabinet is loosed from the collected cabinet, or it may be burned for some result as this time the
property of the university was not returned properly. The process of manual clearance system is
proposed as the student that take materials from the offices must be returned to clarify the
student or students are not filling the form and get sign of the registrar. Students take the form
and go to offices like sport science that give sport materials for the student such as ball, shoes
and other wear materials, librarian and book store lend book or modules for the student by taking
pocket in this pocket there is the form to filled such as student name, ID number and books name
and ID number, cafeteria also give materials for student like meal card for taking service from
university cafeteria or by taking the money for student and make them non-cafeteria, so student
should return the meal card at each semester. Dormitory service also gives the one of essential
human needs for the student like bead for taking rest and other materials. In this manual system
student should have to appear and fill the form from all offices and take the cleared form from
registrar at the end of academic year of educations.

2.1.2. Proposed System

Our system model is consists of the following individual models. These are

 The functional model: represented by use case and Scenario,

 The system object model: represented by classes and objects diagrams and

 The dynamic model: represented by state chart, collaboration diagram and sequence
diagram based on this our new proposed system.

2.1.3. Overview of the proposed

During our observation and interview of users we have observed certain problems from
their manual based system. Because of this we are proposed to solve the problem of the
existing clearance system by developing automated clearance system. System by providing
centralized clearance system, the student can get their clearance from only one place
without moving office to office. The proposed system will also provide easily resource
controlling mechanism and create communication between selected that means our
proposed system will minimize the current problem and weakness of existing offices. As
generally the proposed system will able to minimize the existing problems and resource
consumption because the university clearance activities are based on manual system.

2.1.4. Functional requirements

Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment. The
environment includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts.
Students registered by Registrar when they are the member of the university. They get user name
and password to access the system, and then logged in to the system by using the username and
password they given. After the user logged in the user fill the clearance form and click the
submit button and wait for approving the clearance. After that the approved page is displayed to
the students and then students save the approved clearance form. Then the students take saved
clearance form and go to registrar to print and sign on the clearance form. The system will
approve the clearance form by typing as approve on the specified field and the date that they take
the clearance. But reject the user if there is an office which borrowed the material and do not
return that material to the office by telling as they have a responsibilities that they must have to
be complete. Registrar sign and put the seal of university. Students take the approved clearance
and go.

Performance requirements: - The system performance is one of the functional requirement in

which they regularly and producing quality output. It is all time ready to perform all the
functions, faster response time and use minimal space usage.

Process requirements: - The system performs the services for all inputs by functional
components of the system based on the given inputs.

Input related requirements: - After the system is implemented, to perform a process it needs
inputs like student username, student ID No and other information which are necessary to
processing clearance are entered in clearing process.

Output related requirements: - The system takes in an input to perform or to process some
function in order to produce an output based on the given input.

Storage related requirements: - The system developed by using MySQL database server which
used to store all the students information like cleared students and the current available students
information to be cleared.

In generally the functional requirements of the system are:

 Clear students with his or her necessary information.

 Search student’s information by using his or her id

 Handle Material lend student information.

 Handle property information

2.1.5. Non-functional requirement

Non-Functional requirements describe user visible aspects of the system that are not designated
to the functional behavior of the system. The requirement includes from user interface to
resource issues. Generally, Non-Functional requirements of the system can be viewed as follows.

 User interface

Since users of the system will interface with the software to be deployed on a personal computer.
When we consider the user interface on the personal computer since there is going to be different
type of users. Generally it will include the necessary features for each user with a user friendly
and attractive interface.

 Documentation

The System has well defined document which helps to easily maintain the system and we
will also prepare short and precise help file on how to use the system for the system users. It will
have a helping page to guide the user of the system and to show the process how they will have
to use.

 Hardware consideration

The Software product to be developed should run on existing standard computers. The system
will be portable that can be run on any type of computer and it supports any type of browsers.

 Performance characteristics

Since the system is going to be accessed by different users with different needs, it should be
capable of handling and processing their queries quickly. Besides the software, Hardware will
also be a great factor in the systems’ performance. Generally, the system should be able to
handle many users and it will be responsive.

 Error handling and extreme conditions

The system is expected to handle errors encountered during run time. Errors could rise from
users and from the system. Errors that occurred from the wrong doing of users will be handled by
appropriate exception handling mechanisms. Generally, if an error occurs, the system will
identify the error and notify the user so that he/she can take the appropriate corrections rather
than terminating the system.
 Quality issues

Since the system is used for clearance process it is more related with resource control of the
university so it should be accurate, robust and reliable.

 System modifications

The System modification can be achieve easily because the system is going to be designed using
an object oriented approach. If there is change on the process of clearance the system can be
modified based on change criteria by the developers or any trained person that knows the code
behind the system.

Physical environment

 The server must be put on a place that has high security room. And the client must put in
the local area it must connect with server.

 Security issues

The system has login page it allow only the user who have privilege to access the system
therefore the system can’t be accessed by unauthorized user. When the user want to access the
clearance form they sign up to the system and sign in to the system. Each system users can
access the system based on their access right. Non-Functional requirements describe user visible
aspects of the system that are not designated to the functional behavior of the system. The
requirement includes from user interface to resource issues

2.2. CRC (class responsibility collaboration) Actors Description

Student <<actor>>
 Fill clearance form  Registrar
 Request for approval  Clearance

 Save and print cleared clearance form
 Change login password
 Recover forget password

Table 2 class responsibility collaboration for students

Student class
This message class is part of clearance package. It helps to manage student information’s

Attribute in student class: -

 First name:-used to set and get student first name

 Last name:- used to set and get student Last name
 Sex:-used set and get student sex
 Id number:-used to set and get student id number
 School:-used to set and get student school
 Department:-used to set and student department
 Program :-used to set and get student program
 Class/year:-used to set and get student class/year
 Academic year:-used to set and get student academic year

Method in student class: - all method in student class is private

 Login():- used to enter into account page information

 Save ():- used to insert student information in to the database.
 View ():- used to show previously store student information
 Print ():- used to print the cleared clearance form
 Change Password ():- used to allow change the login password of the student
 Recover Forget Password ():- used to allow to recover forget password
 Request for clearance ():- used to clear student.

2.2. CRC (class responsibility collaboration) Actors Description

Department <<actor>>
 Record materials lend student  Clearance
information  Student
 Update materials lend student  Registrar
 Delete materials lend student
 Change login password
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student
information to the central database
 Generate report.
 Search
Table 3 class responsibility collaboration for department
Table 2:

Librarian <<actors>>
 Record materials lend student  Clearance
information  Student
 Update materials lend student  Registrar
 Change login password
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student
information to the central database
 Generate report.
 Search
Table 4 class responsibility collaboration for librarians
Table 3:
Book store <<actors>>
 Record materials lend student information  Student

 Update materials lend student information  Clearance
 Change login password  Registrar
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student information
to the central database
 Generate report.
 Search
Table 5 class responsibility collaboration for book store
Table 4:
Cafeteria <<actors>>
 Record materials lend student information  Student
 Update materials lend student information  Clearance
 Delete materials lend student information  Registrar
 Change login password
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student information
to the central database
 Generate report.
 Search

Table 6 class responsibility collaboration for cafeteria

Table 5:
Sport <<actors>>
 Record materials lend student information  Student
 Update materials lend student information  Clearance
 Change login password  Registrar
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student information
to the central database

 Generate report.
 Search
Table 7 class responsibility collaboration for sport
Table 6.
Dormitory <<actors>>
 Record materials lend student information  Student
 Update materials lend student information  Clearance
 Change login password  Registrar
 Recover forget password
 Upload materials lend student information
to the central database
 Generate report.
 Search
Table 8 class responsibility collaboration for dormitory
Table 7.

Registrar <<actor>>
 Student
 Manage student information  Clearance
 Create user account
 Update user account
 Change login password
 Recover forget password
 Search
Table 9: class responsibility collaboration for registrar
Table 8

Clearance <<actor>>
 Approve  Student
 Reject  Registrar
 Department
 Book store
 Cafeteria
 Librarian
 Dormitory
 Sport science
Table 10 class responsibility collaboration for clearance
Table 9:

1. Identify Classes from the Use Case and CRC

Use case Classes

Login Student
Create account Registrar
View profile Clearance
Update Department
Delete Librarian
Approve/reject Cafeteria
Record report Book store
Search Dormitory
Table 11: identifying classes from use case and CRC
Table 10

The following are the use cases that included in HU Clearance system

 Manage Property
 Approve
 Request For Clearance
 Store Cleared Student Clearance
 View profile
 Recover forget password


Figure 1:

Figure 1:....................................................................................................................................................23

2.1.2. Essential use case description

Use case name Preparing student clearance

Participating Actor Registrar
Description The registrar Prepare student clearance form at
any time.
pre condition The Registrar always should have printed
Clearance form for the student in their office
Flow of event 1.The Registrar have a soft copy of student
clearance form
2.They print out and document in their Office

post condition The Registrar document and Store a clearance

Table 12 preparing student clearance form use case description
Table 11:

Use case name Asking for clearance form

Participating actor Student
Description The student ask clearance form from registrar
when they want to sign clearance

Pre condition Student must decide to signing clearance form

Flow of event 1.the registrar have a soft copy of student
clearance form in their office

2.they printout and document in their office
3.student ask clearance
Post condition The registrar give the clearance form
Table 13 Asking for clearance form use case Description
Table 12:

Use case name Clearing students

Participating Actor Officer & Registrar
Description The above Actors Clear the Students by
Signing on the Clearance Form if the student
doesn’t have any Responsibility.
Pre condition The Student Must be asking for signing
Flow of event 1.The Registrar have a soft copy of student
clearance form
2.They print out and document in their Office
3.The Students ask a clearance form from
Registrar when they want to sign clearance
4.By taking the clearance form they Travel into
different office to sign clearance
5. The officers sign and clear the student if
they do not have borrowed material that does
not return.
6.The Students then cleared and submit to
Post condition The Students get Cleared at the registrar
Table 14 Clearing Student use case Description
Table 13:

Use case name Manage property

Participating actor Officer
Description The officers manage the property of the

university by borrowing and receiving the
borrowed material
Pre condition The student should be borrow the material
from officers
Flow of event 1.The officers lend the property to the student
of the University who want to borrow the
2.The officer must record the material they
borrow with the full address of the borrower
3.The officer delete the record when the
borrower return the material they borrow
4.Sign and clear the student
post condition Validate students as they do not have any
property they borrow
Table 15 manage property use case description
Table 14:

Use case name Take cleared clearance form

Participating Actor Registrar
Description Registrar Officers approve the student’s
clearance and take a piece of cleared
clearance paper as a backup.
Pre condition The Students must sign in different officers,
submit at registrar and must be cleared at
Flow of event 1.Students wish to sign Clearance form
2.Student go to Registrar and ask for
clearance form
3.Registrar give Clearance for to the Student
4.Students travel to different officers and
sign clearance
5.Student go to registrar and submit cleared
clearance form to the registrar officer
6.Registrar officers approved Student’s
clearance form and take a piece of cleared
clearance form paper and the give the other
piece of cleared clearance form to the student
Post condition Registrar officers store a backup of cleared
clearance form of the student
Table 16: take cleared clearance form use case description
Table 15

2.4. System use case modeling

An Actor in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) "specifies a role played by a user or any
other system that interacts with the subject. The followings are a list of Actors in the Pro In the
beginning; the above actors will login in to the system based on the access privilege. The officer
(department, librarian, book store, cafeteria, sport science and dormitory) logins into their page
and record detail information about the materials and the name of the borrower when the
students borrow material. They also upload the student information and the type of material they
borrow to the central database. Registrar also login in to their page and manage Student
information on their database. The registrar will have a database of student information and the
material they borrow from different officers. The student login into their page and will fill the
clearance form. The student will request to the central for approval. The system checks their
information on the central database and if their information does not exist, the system clear the
clearance but if there exist the system reject the request with a message as they have
responsibility on that officer. The students save and print the cleared clearance form and sign out
from the system. The students have a privilege to change their login password but they cannot
change their login user name, also they can recover forget password.

 Registrar: is someone who uploads material lends student information to the central
database and print the approved clearance form and put the seal of the university.
 Department: is someone who upload material lends student information to the central

 Librarian: is someone who upload material lends student information to the central
 Book store: is someone who upload material lends student information to the central
 Sport science: is someone who uploads material lends student information to the central
 Dormitory: is someone who upload material lends student information to the central
 Cafeteria: is someone who upload material lends student information to the central
 Student: is someone who wishes to sign clearance form due to different reason and at the
end of each year.
 Clearance: is the form used to free student from the registrar and other offices from their


The following are the use cases that will include in HU Clearance system

 Manage Property

 Approve

 Request For Clearance

 report generate

 View profile

 Recover forget password

 Search

 Register

 Update

Figure 2:

Figure 2 system use case diagrams

2.4.2.System use case description
Description of login display

 Store any user name and password

 Recover forgotten password

Use case name Login

Participating actor All system user

Description Any user who wants to access the system’s

functionality must be Authenticated and
Authorized and login to the system.

Entry condition The user must be already register (the user

must have user name, password and account

Flow of event 1. The user open the system

2. The user click login link

3. The system display the login page

4. The user enter his/her identification

(user type user name and password)

5. The user click on login button

6. The system takes the user to his/her


Alternative Flow of event Step 5, If the identification is not correct the

system display incorrect user type, user name
and password try again message and the
system display the login page. The system
give chance to try again.

Exit condition The system user logged in to the system

Table 17 Login use case description

Table 16:

 Description for property management use case it is general use case for

 Record property Information

 update property Information

 Delete property Information

 Upload new materials to the system

Use case name Record property Information.

Participating actor Librarian, cafeteria, dormitory, book store,

sport, department

Description This use case helps for Officer, to record


Entry condition Officer user login to the system.

Flow of event 1. Officer select on upload material lend

student information menu.

2. The system display record form.

3. Officer fills required information and click

upload button.

4. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully record the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If Officer enters wrong information

the system display message in order to correct
wrong information.

Step 4. If Officer enters duplicate property

information the system display “information
already exist” message.

Exit condition Property information record on the system

Table 18 Record property Information use case description
Table 17:

Use case name update property Information

Participating actor Department, cafeteria, dormitory, sport,

librarian, book store

Description This use case helps for Officer to modify

previously recorded property.

Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property

already exist.

Flow of event 1. Officer select on update record Menu.

2. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully Edit the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If the property is not found the system
display “information not found” message.

Step 3.If Officer enter wrong information the

system displays a message to correct.

Exit condition Modification is recorded.

Table 19 update property Information use case description

Table 18:

Use case name Delete property Information

Participating actor Department, cafeteria, dormitory, sport,

librarian, book store

Description If the property that borrowed by the student

are returned the Officer want to remove that
property information.

Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property must

be returned to Officers.

Flow of event 1. Officers click on Delete link

2. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully Delete the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the Recorded information is not

found the system display “information not
found” message.

Step 3. If the Officers Click on cancel button

the property do not remove.

Exit condition Recorded Information is deleted.

Table 20 Delete property Information use case description

Table 20:

Use case name upload material lend student information

Participating actor Department, cafeteria, dormitory, sport,

librarian, book store

Description This use case helps for Officer to upload

material lend student information to the
central database

Entry condition Officer login to the system

Flow of event 1. Officer select on upload student
information Menu.

2. The system display material lend student

information form.

3. Officer fills required information and click

save button.

4. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully record the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If Officer enters wrong information

the system display message in order to correct
wrong information.

Step 4. If Officer enters duplicate property

information the system display “information
already exist” message.

Exit condition Materials lend student information uploaded

to the central database.

Table 21 upload material lend student information use case description

Table 21:

 Use case description for account management use case this is general use case for

 Create user account

 Update user account

 Delete user account

 Recover forgotten password use cases

 Change Password

Use case name Create user account

Participating actor Registrar

Description This use case helps the user when it is

necessary to create new user account.

Entry condition user login to the system

Flow of event 1. User selects Record Student information

from menu bar.

2. The system display Student Registration


3. User fills all information and click upload


4. The system crate new user account

5. The system save the new account

6. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully crate the account

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If user enters wrong the system display
message in order to correct wrong

Step 4. If users enters duplicate account the

system display “information already exist”

Exit condition A new user account is created

Table 22 Create user account use case description

Table 21:

Use case name Update user account

Participating actor Registrar

Description This use case helps the users when he/she

wants to update their account.

Entry condition User login to the system

Flow of event 1. User selects Manage account link from

menu bar.

2. The system display user account form.

3. User search account that he/she want to


4. The system display information of that


5. User makes necessary modification and

click Update button.

6. The system asks for conformation.

7. User click ok button.

8. The system saves the change to that


9. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully updating the account.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the
system display “account not found”

Exit condition Save the change to the account

Table 23 Update user account use case description
Table 22:

Use case name change Password

Participating actor All system user

Description This use case helps the user when it is

necessary to change login password.

Entry condition user login to the system

Flow of event 1. user login to the system

2. User selects change password link.

3. The system display password change form.

4. User fills all information and click change


5. The system change the password and save

the new password

6. The system display an acknowledgement of

password change successfully

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If user enters wrong the system display
message in order to correct wrong

Step 4. If users input does not exist in the

database the system display the password
does not exist message

Exit condition A new user account is created

Table 23:

Table 24 Change Password use case description

Use case name Delete user account

Participating actor Registrar

Description This use case helps the user to delete user

account if it is no more necessary.

Entry condition The user login to the system, the account


Flow of event 1.Users select Manage account from menu bar

2. the system select Delete account link

3. Users search account who wants to delete.

4. The system display information of that


5. User click delete button.

6. The system deletes the account.

7. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully deletes the account.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the
system display “account not found”

Exit condition the account is deleted

Table 25 Delete user account use case description
Table 24:

Use case name Recover forgotten password

Participating actor All system users

Description The system users may forget their password

so this use case help to the system user to
recover the forget password .
Entry condition The user must be previously register

Flow of event 1. The user click on forgotten password button

2. The system display forget password recover


3. The user will enter all required information

and click on display button.

4. The system retrieves the password and

display on their page and will display
acknowledgment successfully retrieve the

Alternative Flow of event Step 4.if the user miss required information
the system display the message to fill all
required information

Exit condition The user knows their password

Table 26 Recover forgotten password use case description

Table 25:

Use case name Approving clearance form
Participating actor Department head, registrar, dormitory,
cafeteria, book store, librarian, sport
Description The system check the name and ID of the
student on the registrar database and approve if
not exit, registrar take the approved clearance
form from the student and approve the
clearance form for the last time by putting the
seal of the university and their signature.
Entry condition The student must be request for approval
Flow of event 1. The Registrar have a database of
Student and the material they borrow
2. The students login in to the system
3. Student click clearance form link
4. The system display student clearance
5. The students fill the required
information in students clearance form
6. The student click the approve button
7. The system checks the student
information on the registrar Database
8. The system clears the student and
displays the cleared clearance form.
9. The Student save and print the cleared
10. Students go to Registrar and cleared at
the end.

Exit condition The student get cleared
Table 27 approving clearance form use case description
Table 26:

Use case name Reject student clearance

Participating actor Department head, registrar, dormitory,
cafeteria, book store, librarian, sport
Description The system and registrar checks the ID of the
student on the registrar database and reject if
Entry condition The Student Must be Requesting for
Approving clearance
Flow of event 1. The Registrar have a database of
Student and the material they borrow
2. The students login in to the system
3. Student click clearance form link
4. The system display student clearance
5. The students fill the required
information in students clearance form
6. The student click the submit button
7. The system checks the student
information on the registrar Database
8. If the student information exists the
system rejects the clearance request
with a notification in which office the
student have responsibility
9.The displays again on student clearance
form page
Exit condition The student clearance request rejected
Table 28: Rejecting Student Clearance use case description

Table 27

Use case name Request for clearance

Participating actors Student
Description Students click the submit button after they fill
the required information to request for
clearance approval.
Entry condition Student Must fill the required information on
the clearance form and click the submit button
Flow of event 1. Student login into their own page
2. Students fill the required information
on the clearance form
3.Students click the submit button
Exit condition The student waiting until the system say some
Table 29 Requesting for Clearance approval use case description
Table 28:

Use case name Manage student information

Participating actor Registrar
Description Registrar upload the student information and
give user name, password and privilege to the
Entry condition Registrar users must be login to the system to
their own page.
Flow of event 1. Click record student information link
2. The system display the record student
information form
3. The user fill the required field and click
add button
4.The system validated the user input and
save the data into the database

Exit condition Student information inserted to the student
information table
Table 30 manage student information use case description
Table 29:

Use case name View profiles

Participating actors All systems users
Description Users of the system views the profiles of
themselves containing information of academic
and registration page
Entry condition Users must be logged into their account by
entering user name and password then
selecting the view profiles links to access the
filled profiles.
Flows of the event 1. User enter user name and password
2. When accessing the account holding
page select the view profile links
3. The profiles form will be displayed.
Exit condition Users go back if there is no problem with
his/her profiles.
Table 31 view profiles use case descriptions
Table 30:.

Use case name Save and print the clearance form

Participating actors Students
Description Student fill the clearance form and send to the
database for the approval of the form, if the
clearance form is cleared the system display
cleared form and student save to his/her
profiles and print and go to the registrar for
Entry condition Student must be logged into the system by

entering user name and password and fill the
form of all required offices that borrows
materials to the students and request for
approval of the clearance form.
Flows of the events 1. Student logged into the system by
entering user name and password
2. Student select the clearance link to fill
the form
3. Clearance form is displayed and fills
for all offices required to fill the form.
4. Student asks for the approval of the
clearance form by sending the
clearance forms into the database of
offices he/she borrowed the materials.
5. If student is free from the borrowed
materials he/she save into their profiles
and print the cleared form.
Exit condition Student prints and go to the registrar for the
Table 32 save and print use case descriptions
Table 31:

Use case name Generate report

Participating actors Department, cafeteria, sport, department head,
dormitory, book store, librarian
Description All the above offices send the report of each
and every student into the registrar for the
clearance seal.
Entry condition Users of the above offices must be logged into
the account by entering user name and
password of the users and send the student

database to the registrar.
Flows of the systems 1. Users of the above systems logged into
the system
2. Checking the database of the student
that returns the materials.
3. Send to the registrar for sealing into
each student.
Exit condition Report is stored into the registration database
for the more security if the stored for is
Table 33 generate report use case description
Table 32:

2.5. User stories

The users of this system are the following:-

 Students: - by providing fast access to the clearance system by reducing time like waiting
in the queue and going to different offices. The students access the system anywhere and
anytime when they need the clearance. It improves the tiredness of student by avoiding to
going to different offices to get the clearance system.

 University: - in manual system there is loss of materials like time, paper, pen which is cost
and more manpower, the system reduces loss of costly materials and manpower.

 Developers of the project: - it increases our knowledge and we get moral satisfaction from
the project we developed.

 Officer such as dormitory, librarian, book store, department head, sport, and cafeteria.

2.6. Feature
Our system solves the problem of the existing clearance system by developing automated
clearance system. System by providing centralized clearance system, the student can get their
clearance from only one place without moving office to office. The proposed system will also
provide easily resource controlling mechanism and create communication between selected that
means our proposed system will minimize the current problem and weakness of existing offices.
As generally the proposed system will able to minimize the existing problems and resource
consumption because the university clearance activities are based on manual system.

The proposed system over comes one problem done by manual system. To reduce misuse of
manpower, avoiding errors, to save time, to provide comfort clearance process for the students
and to provide insurance for the organization especially for workers who play role in the
clearance processing system. Our system will provide the following:

 Online student clearance system allows the users to check their clearance status as
whether they are in any way obligated to the university, fill and submit their clearance
form, and obtain their clearance letter.

 Information processing is very fast and delays can be minimize.

 Help the University in reducing cost such as labour and stationary.

 Process clearance effectively and efficiently.

 Provides a reliable and transparent clearance processing system.

2.7. User interface prototyping

The Proposed system has several user interfaces to communicate easily with the User. Our team
attempt to illustrate this interface in general as follows:-

♠ The system user interface should be consistent with all other program.

♠ The caption and the test of user interface should be self-descriptive and clear to

♠ The user interface should be easy to understand.

♠ The user interface should be customized.

♠ The user interface should be accompanied with help files that describe the usage of each
user interface.

♠ The user interface should be designed in the way that they can be extended easily to
support localization.

2.7.1.Traditional user interface prototyping

Figure 3:

Figure 3 home page of clearance management system

Figure 4:

Figure 4 create account for student traditional user interface prototyping

Figure 5:

Figure 5 create account for officers and registrar traditional user interface prototype

Figure 6:

Figure 6 Login page for all users user interface prototype

Figure 7:

Figure 7 recover forgotten password user interface prototype

Figure 8:

Figure 8 view profile user interface prototype

Figure 9:

Figure 9 fill clearance form traditional user interface prototype

Figure 10:

Figure 10 rejected clearance form of traditional user interface prototype

Figure 11

Figure 11: approved clearance form of traditional user interface prototype

2.8.User interface flow diagram

Figure 12

Figure 12: user interface flow diagram

2.9. Supplementary specification

2.9.1. Business rule
 Can only access authorized user.

 Unauthorized user cannot access the system for the reason of system security.

 Users must be registered to access the system to be authorized user by filling the
necessary information in the registration form.

 Users must have username and password to login to the system.

2.9.2. Non-functional requirement

 Performance

 Security

 Efficiency

 Service

 Robustness

 Usability

 consistency

 Security control

Performance: -

 The system is very fast since it is automated.

 The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.

 It works very well with short response time, high throughput and high availability.

 Reduce costs and time waste by providing access to system in available place and time
where Internet connection is available

User Interface: - The developed system provides web application user interfaces that are
compatible browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, etc.

Security and Access Permissions: - The system provides or contains user name and password
for each users based on their privilege. This performs the following activity: -

 Authenticated user with predefined access right will only enter to the information related
to database.

 Every users should use strong passwords especially admin.

 User must enter valid user name and password to login to system. Without this, access to
the system is denied.

 Data is encrypted for security.

 System allows only registered users to access clearance system and also allows the users’
to view their own profile not the other users’ profile.

Backup and Recovery: - When team member standard to develop a system they must have to
put use a backup mechanism by using removable flash disks, or CDs.

Usability:-The system shall be very easy to learn, needs a basic computer knowledge to use and
have a help menu to guide the user.

Availability: - There is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed, can be
captured very quickly and easily. The server should be always on to be available.


Efficiency requirements represent the system’s ability to produce outputs with minimal wastes.

 Duplicate processes that are held in the existing system are eliminated and increase the
throughput of the system.

 The system is very fast so that it reduces wastes of the resources and time.


Service requirements represent needs in order to make the system to be reliable, flexible and
expandable. It includes:-

 The system is used only by an authorized person because there is a system to control
unauthorized users using username and password.

 The system can be loaded in client computer or on the server computer to be accessed by
network computers.

 The system must be user friendly.

 The system broadcast messages to the customer.

 Data’s must be stored in the database of the system.


It represents the system shall validate data entry and prompt the user when user entered invalid
data. Then the new system that we develop validates the data entry.

Usability: The system should support ease of use, i.e. it shouldn’t be complex to understand and
use. The user interface should be user friendly.

2.9.3. Constraint
Defines what the proposed system is not going to perform or what is not including in the
proposed system. This project covers some of the aspects of computer software based online
clearance processing system using Haramaya University case study. However the following are
the constraints:-

Time constraints: - Due to time constrain the web page covers only clearance for various
departments by the students.

Financial constraints: - Due to financial constraints people cannot afford this kind of process
online especially towards the cost of accessing the internet. Therefore, it would cost a lot to
develop a full web based clearance processing system. Generally the limitation of this project
includes: -

 This project done only for HU student.

 The system couldn’t give service to academic staff and administrative staff i.e. limited
only for students.

 If the students lost/damage the university property, he/she couldn’t gain clearance, until
the students pay the cash personally to finance.

Chapter Three

3. Design Document
3.1 Class Modeling
Class modeling shows the classes of systems and interrelationship (including of inheritance,
aggregation, association) and operation and attributes of the classes. Classes represent collection
of similar objects. Classes are modeled as rectangles with three sections: the top section for the
name of the class, the middle section for the attributes of the class, and the bottom section for the
methods of the classes.


Figure 13 class modeling relationship

3.2.Class diagram
Class diagram is static model that shows the classes and the relationships among classes that
remain constant over the time. Class is the main building block of class diagram, which stores
and manages information in the system. They contain:

 Layered type classes

 Association relationship

 Inheritance relationship

 Composition relationship

 Aggregation relationship

 Attribute and operation

Figure :

Figure 14 class diagram

Attributes and methods

Attributes and methods are the main component of class modeling which describes information
stored about an object (or at least information temporarily maintained about an object), while
methods are things an objects or class does.

Student attributes: - First name, second name, Sex, Age, Id-number, Department, School,
Faculty, Class/Year, and Academic year.

Student Methods: - Create account (), Login (), Request Clearance Approval (), View profile (),
Recover forgotten password ().

Registrar attributes: - First name, second name, sex, age, job position, username, and password.

Registrar methods: - login (), forgotten password (), view profile (), update account (), delete
account (), generate report (), approve (), search ().

Librarian attributes: - first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username, and

Librarian methods: - login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student lend
materials (), update recorded material (), upload new materials ().

Cafeteria attributes: - first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username, and

Cafeteria methods: - login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student lend
materials (), update recorded material (), delete student return material ().

Book store attributes: - first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username, and

Book store methods: - login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student lend
materials (), update stored material (), delete student return material (), upload new materials ().

Dormitory attributes:- first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username,

Dormitory methods: - :- login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student
lend materials (), update recorded material (), .

Sport attributes: - first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username, and

Sport methods: - login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student lend
materials (), update recorded material (),

Department attributes:- first name, second name, sex, age, job position, id number, username and

Department methods: - login (), search (), view profile (), manage property (), record student
lend materials (), update recorded material (),

3.3. Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams used to model the logic of usage scenario that describe the potential ways the
system are uses. These diagram models flow of logic within your system in a visual manner. The
boxes across the top of the diagram represent classifiers or their instance; typically use case,
objects, classes, or actors. Dashed lines handing from the boxes are called objects lifeline, which
represent the life span of the objects during scenario being modeled. Thin boxes on the lifelines
are indicating the process being performed. Messages are indicated by labeled arrows, the
cancel(X) sign represent the lifespan is end.

Sequence diagram login for student

Figure 9:

Figure 15 sequence diagram for login student



Figure 16: sequence diagram view student profile

Figure :

Figure 17 sequence diagram create account

Figure :

Figure 18 sequence diagram for recover forgotten password


Figure 19: sequence diagram for register material

Figure :

Figure 20 sequence diagram for change password


Figure 21 sequence diagram for lend materials

Figure :

Figure 22 sequence diagram for filling clearance form

Figure :

Figure 23 sequence diagram for delete student lend material information

Figure :

Figure 24 sequence diagram for delete account

3.4. Collaboration Diagram

Collaboration diagram is similar to sequence diagram as it shows the interaction of objects
and message pass between them. But collaboration diagram does not show the time sequence
of diagram. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of information taken from
class, sequence, and use case diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic
behavior of a system.

User login collaboration diagram

Figure 19:

Figure 25 login and forgotten password collaboration diagram

Figure 20: r

Figure 26 registration create account collaboration diagram

View Profile account collaboration Diagram

Figure 21:

Figure 27 view profile collaboration-diagram

Figure 22:

Figure 28 Officers search for student collaboration diagram

Figure :

Figure 29 changed password collaboration diagram


Figure 30: recover forgotten password collaboration diagram

Figure :

Figure 31 register material collaboration diagram


Figure 32: lend material collaboration diagram

Figure :

Figure 33 return material collaboration diagram

Figure :

Figure 34 fill clearance collaboration diagram

3.5. Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are one of the UML diagrams that used to document the logic of single
operation/methods. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow from one
activity to another activity. Filled circle represents starting point of the activity and filled circle
with a border represent end point of the activity diagram. Rounded rectangles represent processes
that are performed. Diamonds are represents decision points, arrows represent transaction s
between activity. Text on the arrows represents condition that must be fulfilled to proceed along

1. Activity Diagram for create account

Figure 22:

Figure 35 Activity diagram for create account

Figure :

Figure 36 login activity diagram

Figure :

Figure 37 change password activity diagram

Figure :

Figure 38 recover forgotten password activity diagram

Figure : register material activity diagram

Figure :

Figure 39 lend material for student activity diagram

Figure :

Figure 40 return material activity diagram

Figure 41 fill clearance activity diagram

3.6. User Interface Design

User interface design is the specification of interaction between system users and a system. This
process involves input, output and navigation mechanism.

3.6.1 Form design
Form design is a business document that contains some predefined data and often includes some
areas where additional data are to be filled in.


Figure 42: login form design user interface design

3.6.2 Report design
Report design is a business document containing only predefined data; it is a passive document
used only for reading or viewing.

Figure :

Figure 43 report form of user interface design

3.6.3 .Interface design

Figure 32:

Figure 44 UI design for homepage of Haramaya university clearance management system

Figure 33:

Figure 45 user interface design for University Admin login page

Figure 34

Figure 46: user interface design student login page

Figure 35

Figure 47: user interface design officers registration form

Figure 36:

Figure 48 Student registration user interface design form

Figure 37:

Figure 49 lend materials user interface design form

Figure 38

Figure 50: recover forgotten password user interface design form

Figure 39:

Figure 51 fill clearance form user interface design for student

Figure 40:

Figure 52 Approved clearance form user interface design

3.8. State chart Diagram

State diagram shows the various state transition or changes an object can experience during its
life time, along with the events that causes those transitions. State is a condition during its life of
a condition to satisfy some conditions and event is something takes place at a certain points time.
Login state diagram for student and university personal

Figure 41:

Figure 53 state transaction login diagram

Figure : Figure 42:

Figure 54 search state diagram

Figure 55 create account state chart

Figure 43:

Figure 56 manage account state transaction diagram


Figure 57: manage material state chart diagram

Figure :

Figure 58 fill clearance form state chart diagram

Figure 44:

Figure 59 print clearance form state transaction diagram

3.9. Object Diagram

Object diagram are also closely linked class diagrams, just as an object diagram could be viewed
as instance of a class. It could be viewed as instances of class diagram. Each object is

representing as a rectangle, which contains the name of the object and its class underline and
separated by a colon.

Figure 45:

Figure 60 object diagram for student clearance form

3.10.Database Design
The following lists shows table of HUSCS database design:

 Student – used to store student information

 used to store every user account information including the admin

 Material – used to store material /property that is borrowed by students

 Lend – used to store lend material for student

 Clearance – used to store student clearance form

Name Data type Null Default Primary key Foreign key

First name Varchar No None
Last name Varchar No None
Id number Integer No None 

Sex Char No None
Age Integer No None
Department Varchar No None
Year Integer No none
Table : student

Name Data type Null Default Foreign key Primary key

Student id Integer No None 
Student name Varchar No None 
Clearance ID Integer No None 
Reason Varchar No Clear
Semester Integer No None
Date Integer No None
Table : clearance

Name Data type Null Default Primary key Foreign key

First name Varchar No None
Last name Varchar No None
User name Varchar No None 
Password Varchar No None 
User type Varchar No Clear
Age Integer No None
Sex Char No None
Edu- status Varchar No None
Table : account

Name Data type Null Default Foreign key Primary key

Material name Varchar No None
Material ID Integer No None 
Material type Varchar No Clear 
Table : material

Name Data type Null Default Primary key Foreign key

Material name Varchar No None
Material ID Integer No None 
Student name Varchar No None
Student ID Integer No None 
Department Varchar No None
Year Integer No None
Table : lend material

3.10.1.Persistence modeling
Persistence of our object can be achieved by relational database since it used as machine to make
object persistent. It describes the persistent data aspect of software system. Our system includes
the basic table that handles the data of system implemented using MySQL server.

Figure 46: persistent diagram

Primarily a tool to validate and improve a logical design so that it satisfies certain constraints that
avoid unnecessary duplication of data. The process for producing well-structured relations of
database we decompose relations. Normalization contains normal form techniques for analyzing

a table based on its primary key and functional dependency between its attributes. Nor
normalization could be 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF.

1NF: - it contains single atomic value.

No two row of the data contain repeating group of information i.e. each set of column must have
unique values, such that multiple column cannot be used to fetch the same row. Each row should
have to be organized into rows and each row should have a primary key that distinguish it
unique. In this normal form there is redundancy of data but each row as a whole is unique.

2NF: -when there is a composite PK, all non-key depend on the entire PK. It means that for a
table that has concatenated primary key, each column in the table that is not part of the primary
key must depend upon the entire concatenated key for its existence. In this normal form PK in
the table must be unique.

1NF and 2NF normalization of student table

F-name S-name Sex Id number Dept School Class year

Ahmed Mohamme Male 1777 IS IS 4th


Alex Erijabo Male 1778 IS IS 4th

Abu Edao Male 1775 IS IS 4th

Burte Tes Female 1777 IS IS 4th

F-name S-name Sex Id-number Dept School Class year

Ahmed Moh Male 1777 IS IS 4th

Alex Erij Male 1778 IS IS 4th

Abu Edao Male 1775 IS IS 4th

Table 2: student table following 1NF and 2NF

1NF and 2NF registrar table normalization table

F-name S-name Sex Age Username Job position Edu-status

Genet Mengistu F 21 Genetmen12 CCI reg staff Assistance Master

Alex Ahmed M 21 Alex21 IOT reg staff Assistance master


F-name S-name Sex Age Username Job position Edu-status

Genet Mengistu F 21 Genetmen12 CCI reg-staff Assistance Master

Alex Ahmed M 21 Alex21 IOT reg-staff Assistance Master

Table 3: registrar tables following 1NF and 2NF

1NF and 2NF clearance table normalization table

Clearance No Student ID Reason Semester Date

0001 1777 Summer vacation 2nd 12/07/2017

0001 1778 Summer vacation 2nd 12/07/2017

Clearance No Student ID Reason Semester Date

0001 1777 Summer vacation 2nd 12/07/2017

Table 4: clearance table following 1NF and 2NF

1NF and 2NF Account table normalization table

First name Last name Username password User type Age Sex Edu-status

Kedir sufiyan Kedir123 ******* proctor 35 M Diploma

Abibakar Umer abiumer ******* Proctor, 35 M Degree


First name Last name Username Password User type Age Se Edu-status

Kedir Sufiyan abiumer ******* Proctor 35 M Degree

Table 5: officer table following 1NF and 2NF

3.10.3. ER Diagram

Figure 47:

Figure 61 ER diagram of the clearance system

3.10. Component Diagram

Component diagram used to analyze and design your component based software. Components
are modeled as rectangles with two smaller rectangles jutting out from left hand the left hand
side. This in some extent shows which component or objects will be accessed by whom and what
type of security infrastructures it is using. The diagram is simulated below.

Fig 48:

Figure 62 component diagram

3.10. Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram shows the software components, processes, and objects are deployed into
physical architecture of the system. It shows the configuration hardware units and how the
software is distributed across the units.

Fig 49:

Figure 63 deployment diagram


The Implementation Process takes the design model and produces an equivalent executable
representation and the purpose of this part of the document is to provide short explanation how
we implement the system. In this phase we show the tools and environment to implement the
system. we mainly use two terms called hardware & software, that are the oxygen for developing

Tools and environment

We used different hard ware and software tools to develop the system those are


Front end
 Notepad++ 6.9.2 ----- to design users interface.
Notepad++ is a free (As in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and
notepad Replacement that support several languages like PHP, JavaScript, HTML and etc.
Running in the MS windows environment.
Back end
SQL Server is a Microsoft product used to manage and store information. Technically,
SQL Server is a “relational database management system” (RDMS). Broken apart, this
term means two things.
Pictures editing
 Adobe Photoshop CS4
Hard ware
 Three Laptop computer with 6GB RAM and 500 GB hard disk for server to design data
base and client to write the code.

 CD/DVD and flash disk to take back up & store file

 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): in order to design front end of the system and to
design help file for the user.

HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands for
Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language is a set of markup tags. HTML documents
are described by HTML tags. Each HTML tag describes different document content.

 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): in order to make format the displayed HTML.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a
document written in a markup language.

1. Sample code of home page

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr">

<title>haramaya university online student clearance system website</title>

<head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"/> </head>

<body style="background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 90%, 0.3);">

<?php include("header.php"); ?> <div class="mbody">

<div id="topnav" class="tpcrn_slide_menubar-container clearfix ">

<ul id="topmenu" class="topnav megabar clearfix"style="margin-


<li><a href="index.php"title="Homepage">&nbsp;<b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="crule.php"title="clearance rule"><b style="color:black;font-
size:20px;">&nbsp;clearance rule</b></a></li>

<li><a href="notice.php"title="notice"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="aboutus.php"title="About us"><b style="color:black;font-

size:20px;">&nbsp;about us</b></a></li>

<li><a href="feedback.php"title="feedback"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="help.php"title="help"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="contact.php"title="contact"><b style="color:black;font-

size:20px;">&nbsp;contact</b></a></li> </ul>

<hr></div> <div class="left-part-marquee">

<h3>New Notice</h3>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" height="" scrollamount="1"

onMouseOver="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 0, 0)"
onMouseOut="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 2, 0)">

<?PHP include_once('db.php');

@$date1 = $_POST['date1'];

@$notice_name = $_POST['notice_name'];

@$notice_from = $_POST['notice_from']; @$notice = $_POST['notice'];

$sel = "SELECT * FROM notice";

$result = mysql_query($sel);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<center>";

echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class='upper'> <b>NOTICE NAME : </b> </td>";

echo "<td class='upper'>".$row['notice_name']."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class='upper'> <b>NOTICE FROM : </b> </td>";

echo "<td class='upper'>".$row['notice_from']."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class='upper'> <b>DATE : </b> </td>";

echo "<td class='upper'>".$row['date1']."</td></tr>"; echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class='upper'> <b>NOTICE : </b> </td>";

echo "<td class='upper'>".$row['notice']."</td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>****************************</td></tr>";

echo "</table>"; echo "</center>"; } } ?>

</marquee> </div><!-- end of left part marquee division -->

<div id="huslide">

<div class="slideshow-container"> <div class="mySlides fade">

<img src="image1/2012-08-28_13.41.35_HU_gate_2-1024x768.jpg"

<div class="text"> <p>Haramaya University</p>

<p>Online Clearance Systems</p>

<p>We Are Building Basis For Development</p> </div> </div>

<a class="prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)"><img src="icon/Button-Previous-
icon.png"title="previous image icons"/></a>

<a class="next" onclick="plusSlides(1)"><img src="icon/Button-Next-icon.png"title="next

image icons"/></a>

</div> <br> <div style="text-align:center">

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(1)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(2)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(3)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(4)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(5)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(6)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(7)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(8)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(9)"></span> </div>

</div><!--end of slideshow centeral menu--> </div><?php include("footer.php"); ?>

</body> </html>

2. Officer Login sample code

<?php include_once('../db.php'); ?>

<?php //Start session session_start();

unset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']); //Unset the variables stored in session

session_unset(); session_destroy();


?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr">

<title>haramaya university online student clearance system website</title> <head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"/></head>

<body style="background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 90%, 0.3);">

<?php include('o-header.php'); ?> <div class="mbody"> <div class="mainheader">

<ul id="topmenu" class="topnav megabar clearfix">

<li><a href="../index.php"title="Homepage">&nbsp;<b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="../crule.php"title="clearance rule"><b style="color:black;font-

size:20px;">&nbsp;clearance rule</b></a></li>

<li><a href="../notice.php"title="notice"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="../aboutus.php"title="About us"><b style="color:black;font-

size:20px;">&nbsp;about us</b></a></li>

<li><a href="../feedback.php"title="feedback"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="../help.php"title="help"><b style="color:black;font-


<li><a href="../contact.php"title="contact"><b style="color:black;font-

size:20px;">&nbsp;contact</b></a></li> </ul>

</div><!--end of header shown in create account -->

<div class="full-upper">

<h4>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are here : <a href="o-login.php?officer login

page"title="officer login page" style=" border-right: 2px solid #bbb;">officer login page


<a href=" university website"title="HU website"style=" border-

right: 2px solid #bbb;border-left: 2px solid #bbb;">HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL

</div><!-- end of the upper full height content part -->

<div class="slogin"style="height:300px;">


<img src="image/admin.jpg"alt="admin image"style="height:250px;width:300px;float:left;"/>


<form method="post"name="studentlogin-form"onsubmit="return officer-page()"


<tr><td><b> USER-NAME : </b></td> <td > <input type="text" onblur="ufunction()"

required="required" name="id" id="username" class="username" placeholder="enter your user
name" style="width:205px;height:35px;" onkeypress='return event.charCode>=47 &&

<tr><td><b>PASSWORD : </b></td> <td > <input type="password"onblur="pfunction()"

required="required"name="password" id="password" class="password" placeholder="enter your
security password" style="width:205px;height:35px;"></td></tr>

<tr><td><b>OFFICER TYPE : </b></td> <td>

<select name="job_type"class="job-type">








<option>Finance</option> </select> <tr ><td>

<input type="submit" name="login_button" value="LOGIN"></td>

<td> <input type="submit"name="reset_button"value="RESET"


<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="o_recover_account.php"title="recover

password"target=""><b> RECOVER YOUR ACCOUNT !!!</b></a></td></tr>

</form> </table> </div> </div>

<?php include_once('../db.php'); session_start();


{ @$id=$_POST['id'];


$_SESSION['id'] = $id;

$_SESSION['password'] = $password;


@$status = $_POST['status']; if ($id == "")

{ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("YOUR USERNAME IS EMPTY");


</script> <?php } elseif ($password == "")

{ ?> <script type="text/javascript">


window.location='o-login.php'; </script> <?php }

elseif ($job_type == "Select-your-job-type") {

?> <script type="text/javascript">


window.location='o-login.php'; </script> <?php } Else {

@$id= $_POST['id'];

@$password = $_POST['password'];

$sql = "SELECT * FROM officer_account WHERE id = '$_SESSION[id]' AND

password='$_SESSION[password]' AND job_type = '$job_type'";

$qr = mysql_query($sql);

$result = mysql_num_rows($qr); if($result>0) {

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qr)) {

$job_type= $row['job_type']; }


{ if($job_type=='Dormitory')

{ session_write_close();

header('Location:dorm/dorm_index.php'); exit(); }


{ session_write_close();

header("Location: labirary/labirary-index.php"); exit(); }


{ session_write_close();

header("Location: bookstore/bookstore_index.php");

exit(); } elseif($job_type=='Cafeteria') {


header("Location: cafe/cafe_index.php"); exit(); }


{ session_write_close();

header("Location: sportscience/sport_index.php");

exit(); }


{ session_write_close();

header("Location: department/dept_index.php");

exit(); }


{ session_write_close();

header("Location: finance/finance_index.php");

exit(); } else { ?> <script>

Tray again');


</script> <?php } } Else { ?> <script>

alert('Your account is disabled Please Contact the Administrator!!! and Tray again');


</script> <?php } } else

{ ?> <script>

alert('Incorrect USER NAME or PASSWORD Pls match and Try again ');


</script> <?php } } } ?>

<?php include_once('o-footer.php'); ?> </body> </html>

3. Fill clearance sample code

<?php session_start(); ?>

<?php @$logout = $_POST['logout'];

include_once('s-logout.php'); ?>

<?php include_once('s-header.php'); ?> <div id="menubody"style="height:auto;"> <br>

<table style="margin-left:200px;">

<form method="post"enctype="multipart/form-data">

<tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1"><b>FIRST NAME : </b></td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="first_name"id="first_name" value = "<?php

$select = "SELECT first_name FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['first_name']; } }

?> "placeholder="enter your full


</tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><b>MIDDLE NAME : </b></td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="middle_name"id="middle_name" value =

"<?php $select = "SELECT middle_name FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['middle_name']; } }

?> "placeholder="enter your full


</tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><b>LAST NAME : </b></td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="last_name"id="last_name" value = "<?php

$select = "SELECT last_name FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['last_name']; } }

?>    "placeholder="enteryourfull

</tr> <tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">ID : </td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="id"id="id"value=" <?php echo

$_SESSION['id']; ?>"placeholder="enter your ID number"required="required"onblur="idfun()"

</tr> <tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">DEPARTMENT : </td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="department"value = "<?php $select =

"SELECT department FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['department']; } }

?> "id="department"placeholder="enter your
td> </tr>

<tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">FACULTY : </td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="faculty"value = "<?php $select = "SELECT

faculty FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['faculty']; } }

?> "id="faculty"placeholder="enter your faculty

college"required="required"onblur="facultyfun()"style="width:300px;height:35px;"> </td>

</tr> <tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">ACCADAMIC YEAR : </td>

<td class="up1"><input readonly type="text"name="accadamic_year"value = "<?php $select =

"SELECT accadamic_year FROM student WHERE id='$_SESSION[id]'";

$res = mysql_query($select);

$numof = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($numof >0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

echo $row['accadamic_year']; } }

?> "id="year"placeholder="enter your accadamic

</tr> <tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">SEMISTER : </td>

<td class="up1"><input type="text"name="semister"id="semister"placeholder="enter your


</tr> <tr style="height:40px;">

<td class="up1">REASON : </td>

<td class="up1"><textarea
name="reason"id="reason"style="width:300px;height:80px;"placeholder="enter for what reason
you are filling the clearance"onblur="reasonfun()"></textarea></td>

</tr> <tr style="height:40px;"> <td colspan="2"><input

type="submit"name="send"value="SEND"style="height:35px;width:100px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_dorm_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } } ?
t:20px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

@$cafteria = $_POST['cafteria'];

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_labirary_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } }

ght:20px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_bookstore_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } }

px;height:20px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_cafe_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } }

ght:20px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_sport_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } }

x;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class="up1"><input type="hidden"value="<?php include_once('../db.php');

$select = "SELECT status FROM student_department_case where id= '$_SESSION[id]'";

$result = mysql_query($select);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row['status']; } }

="width:50px;height:20px;"></td> </tr> <tr>

<td><input type="hidden"name="date1"value="<?php $Today=date('y:m:d');

$new=date(' F, d, Y',strtotime($Today));

echo $new; ?>"style="width:250px;height:35px;">

</td> </tr> </form> </table>

<?php include_once('../db.php');

@$send = $_POST['send'];

@$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];

@$middle_name = $_POST['middle_name'];

@$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];

@$id = $_POST['id'];

@$department = $_POST['department'];

@$faculty = $_POST['faculty'];

@$semister = $_POST['semister'];

@$accadamic_year = $_POST['accadamic_year'];

@$reason = $_POST['reason'];

@$dormitory = $_POST['dormitory'];

@$labirary = $_POST['labirary'];

@$bookstore = $_POST['bookstore'];

@$sport = $_POST['sport'];

@$date1 = $_POST['date1'];

@$department_head = $_POST['department_head'];

if (isset($_POST['send'])) {

$insert = "INSERT INTO clearance_office

itory,labirary,bookstore,cafteria,sport,department_head) values

$result = mysql_query($insert);

if ($result) { echo "inserted"; }

else{ echo "not inserted"; }

?> </div><!-- end of the store body main division -->

<?php include_once('s-footer.php'); ?> </body> </html>

4. Clearance report

<div class="container"> <div class="panel panel-default" > <div class="container12">

<form action="#" method="post">

<button onclick="PrintDiv()" class="btn btn-info btn pull-right" name="report"

type="submit" title="Print"style="margin-top:13px;">

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print "></span> Print</button> </form> </div>

<div class="panel-heading">

<h3 class="panel-title">Print View Status of the Student</h3> </div>

<div class="panel-body" style="font-family: times new roman;" >

<div id="divToPrint" style=" width: 800px; margin-left: 200px;">

<div style="border: dashed;background: silver;">

<center>****************************************************<br />

<img src="../image/logo_banner_4.png" title="Haramaya University Logo"width="500"

height="200" class="img-circle"/><br /><br />

<div class="sizeprint">

<font color="white"> DATE:</font>

<font color="white"> <?php $Today=date('y:m:d');

$new=date('l, F d, Y',strtotime($Today));

echo $new; ?> </font> </div>

<div class="sizeprint2">

<h3><font color="green"><b><p>Haramaya University</p></b></font></h3>

<h4><font color="yellow"><b><p>Student Termination Clearance/Withdrawal


<h4><font color="green"><b><p>For Regular Undergraduate


<u>This student is sertified from university property.</u>


<table cellpadding='' style="margin-left: 30px;" >

<tr> <td> Student Name: </td>

<td><?php include_once('../db.php');

@$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];

@$middle_name = $_POST['middle_name'];

@$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];

@$search = $_POST['search'];

$sel = "SELECT first_name,middle_name,last_name from student where id = '$search'";

$q = mysql_query($sel);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($q);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

echo "".$row['first_name']."&nbsp;&nbsp;".
$row['middle_name']."&nbsp;&nbsp;".$row['last_name']; } } ?></td> </tr> <tr>

<td>IDNo:</td> <td><?php

$sel = "SELECT id from student where id = '$search'";

$q = mysql_query($sel);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($q);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

echo $row['id']; } } ?> </td> </tr>

<tr> <td>Department: </td>

<td><?php include_once('../db.php');

@$department = $_POST['department'];

$sel = "SELECT department from student where id = '$search'";

$q = mysql_query($sel);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($q);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

echo $row['department']; } }

?> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td>Year: </td> <td><?php include_once('../db.php');

@$accadamic_year = $_POST['accadamic_year'];

$sel = "SELECT accadamic_year from student where id


$q = mysql_query($sel); $numofrow = mysql_num_rows($q);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

echo $row['accadamic_year']; } } ?>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Semister: </td> <td><?php


@$semister = $_POST['semister'];

$sel = "SELECT semister from student where id = '$search'";

$q = mysql_query($sel);

$numofrow = mysql_num_rows($q);

if ($numofrow > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

echo $row['semister']; } } ?>

</td> </tr> <tr>

<td style="width:150px;">Student cleared from: </td>

<td style="width:150px;"><?php

$s = "SELECT status from student_labirary_case where id = '$search'";

$qq = mysql_query($s);

$n = mysql_num_rows($qq); if ($n>0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qq)) {

echo "<br>"; echo "<form>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row['status'] == 'free') {

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>LABIRARY : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>LABIRARY : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } } } ?></td> <td> <?php

$s1 = "SELECT status from student_cafe_case where id = '$search'";

$qq1 = mysql_query($s1);

$n1 = mysql_num_rows($qq1); if ($n1>0) {

while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($qq1)) { echo "<br>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row1['status'] == 'free') { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>CAFTERIA : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } Else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>CAFTERIA : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } } } ?> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td>Student cleared from: </td> <td> <?php

$s2 = "SELECT status from student_dorm_case where id = '$search'";

$qq2 = mysql_query($s2);

$n2 = mysql_num_rows($qq2); if ($n2>0) {

while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($qq2)) { echo "<br>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row2['status'] == 'free') { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>DORMITORY : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } Else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>DORMITORY : </b><input

type='checkbox'style='width:100px;height:18px;'disabled>"; echo "</form>"; }

//echo "DORMITORY : ".$row2['status']; } } ?> </td> <td> <?php

$s3 = "SELECT status from student_bookstore_case where id = '$search'";

$qq3 = mysql_query($s3);

$n3 = mysql_num_rows($qq3); if ($n3>0) {

while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($qq3)) { echo "<br>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row3['status'] == 'free') { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>BOOKSTORE : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>BOOKSTORE : </b><input

type='checkbox'style='width:100px;height:18px;'disabled>"; echo "</form>"; }

//echo "BOOKSTORE : ".$row3['status']; } } ?> </td> </tr><tr>

<td>Student cleared from: </td> <td> <?php

$s4 = "SELECT status from student_sport_case where id = '$search'";

$qq4 = mysql_query($s4);

$n4 = mysql_num_rows($qq4); if ($n4>0) {

while ($row4 = mysql_fetch_array($qq4)) { echo "<br>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row4['status'] == 'free') { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>SPORT : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } Else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>SPORT : </b><input

type='checkbox'style='width:100px;height:18px;'disabled>"; echo "</form>"; }

//echo "SPORT : ".$row4['status'];

} } ?> </td> <td> <?php

$s5 = "SELECT status from student_department_case where id = '$search'";

$qq5 = mysql_query($s5);

$n5 = mysql_num_rows($qq5);

if ($n5>0) { while ($row5 = mysql_fetch_array($qq5)) { echo "<br>";

if ($id = '$search' AND $row5['status'] == 'free') { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>DEPARTMENT : </b><input


echo "</form>"; } Else { echo "<form>";

echo "<b style='font-size:15px;'>DEPARTMENT : </b><input


echo "</form>"; }

//echo "DEPARTMENT : ".$row5['status']; } } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br />

<center>*****************************************<br /></center> </div> </div>

</div> <script type="text/javascript">

function PrintDiv() {

var divToPrint = document.getElementById('divToPrint');

var popupWin ='', '_blank',


onload="window.print()">' + divToPrint.innerHTML + '</html>');

popupWin.document.close(); }

</script> </div> </div> </div>

5. Database sample code

<?php $servername="localhost"; $username="root"; $password="";

$conn = mysql_connect($servername, $username, $password);

if(!$conn) { die("connection failed" . mysql_connect_error()); }

/* create database */


if (!mysql_query($sql)) { die("database not created" . mysql_error($conn));

} mysql_select_db('HUOSCMS'); ?>


$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feedback (fullname varchar(50) NOT NULL, email
varchar(60) NOT NULL, date1 TIMESTAMP, comment TEXT NOT NULL, comm_no int

if (!mysql_query($sql)) {

die('not created '.mysql_error());}

/* create table for officer account */

$create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS officer_account (first_name varchar(30) not null,
middle_name varchar(30) not null, last_name varchar(30) not null, id varchar(10) primary key
not null,password varchar(30) not null, email varchar(40) not null, sex char(5) not null,

age int not null, image LONGBLOB not null,nationality varchar(30) not
null, region varchar(15) not null, zone varchar(40) not null, woreda varchar(40) not null, kebele
varchar(40) not null, phone int not null, job_type varchar(40) not null,

edu_level varchar(40) not null, birth_date int not null)";

if (!mysql_query($create)) {

die("officer account table not created".mysql_error());}//create

account for student

$student = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student (first_name varchar(20) not null,
middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id varchar(10) primary key
not null, sex char(5) not null,age int not null,department varchar(60) not null,faculty varchar(60)
not null, accadamic_year int not null,semister int not null,

nationality varchar(30) not null,region varchar(30) not null,zone

varchar(40) not null, woreda varchar(40) not null, kebele varchar(40) not null, phone int not
null,gpa varchar(4) not null,password varchar(10) not null, image LONGBLOB not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student)) {

die("student table not created ".mysql_error());}

$register_book = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book_case (book_name varchar(50) not

null, book_title varchar(100) not null, description varchar(300) not null, publisher varchar(100)
not null, author_name varchar(50) not null, book_catagories varchar(100) not null,price int not
null, isbn int not null primary key)";

if (!mysql_query($register_book)) {

die("register book table not created".mysql_errno());}

//create notice table

$notice = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notice (notice_name varchar(100) not null,
notice_from varchar(200) not null,date1 varchar(20) not null, notice varchar(1000))";

if (!mysql_query($notice)) {

die("notice table is not created".mysql_error());}

// create case table

$student = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_dorm_case (first_name varchar(20) not

null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id varchar(10) not null,
department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null,status varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student)) {

die("case table not created ".mysql_error());}

// create case table

$student_bs = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_bookstore_case (first_name

varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id
varchar(10) not null, department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null,status
varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student_bs)) {

die("case table not created ".mysql_error());}

// create case table

$student_lab = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_labirary_case (first_name

varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id
varchar(10) not null, department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null,status
varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student_lab)) {

die("case table not created ".mysql_error()); }

// create table for registering of meal card

$meal_card = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS register_meal_card (meal_number int

primary key not null, year int not null, semister varchar(20) not null, programe varchar(20) not

if (!mysql_query($meal_card)) {



// create table for cafe student case

$cafe = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_cafe_case (meal_number int not

null, first_name varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null, last_name varchar(20)
not null, id varchar(10) primary key not null,department varchar(50) not null,year int not null,
semister int not null,programme varchar(30) not null,status varchar(10) not null)";


die("CAFE STUDENT CASE NOT CREATED".mysql_error()); }


$message_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inbox_message (id varchar(10)

not null, first_name varchar(40) not null,middle_name varchar(40) not null,message_from
varchar(40) not null,message_for varchar(20) not null,date1 varchar(20) not null, message
varchar(400) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($message_table)) {

die("inbox message table not created".mysql_error()); }

// create case table

$student_dept = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_department_case (first_name

varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id
varchar(10) not null, department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null,status
varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student_dept)) {

die("case table not created ".mysql_error()); }

//create account for admin

$admint = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin (first_name varchar(20) not

null,middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null,id varchar(10) primary
key not null,sex char(5) not null,age int not null,email varchar(40) not null,password varchar(15)
not null,address varchar(40) not null,image LONGBLOB not null)";

if (!mysql_query($admint)) {

die(" admin table not created ".mysql_error()); }

// create table for finance add student case

$financetable= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS finance_add_case (first_name

varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id
varchar(10) not null, department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($financetable)) {

die("finance add student case not created".mysql_error()); }

//create sport student case

$student_sport = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_sport_case (first_name

varchar(20) not null, middle_name varchar(20) not null,last_name varchar(20) not null, id
varchar(10) not null, department varchar(60) not null,student_case varchar(100) not null,status
varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student_sport)) {

die("case table not created ".mysql_error()); }

//create clearance table

$clr = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clearance_office(first_name varchar(40) not

null, middle_name varchar(40) not null, last_name varchar(40) not null, id varchar(10) not null,
department varchar(50) not null,faculty varchar(50) not null,accadamic_year int not null,semister
int not null, reason varchar(200) not null,dormitory varchar(10) not null,labirary varchar(10) not

null,bookstore varchar(10) not null,cafteria varchar(10) not null,sport varchar(10) not
null,department_head varchar(10) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($clr)) {

die("clearance table not created".mysql_error()); }

//create image table

$t = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS image1 (id int not null,image LONGBLOB not null)";

if (!mysql_query($t)) {

die("image table not created ".mysql_error());

//create table for clearance

$newclear = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clearance_report (first_name varchar(30) not

null,middle_name varchar(30) not null,last_name varchar(30) not null,id varchar(10) not
null,department varchar(50) not null, accadamic_year int not null,semister int not null,date1
varchar(20) not null,reason varchar(300) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($newclear)) {

die("clearance report table not created".mysql_error()); }

$student_res = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_reason (id varchar(10) not

null,reason varchar(400) not null)";

if (!mysql_query($student_res)) {

die("not created student reason".mysql_error()); } ?>

4.3.Testing methodology
We will use the following fault detection technique in order to identify the possible faults that
may occur during and after developing the system it help us to assure the quality of our product.

4.3.1.Unit testing
Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an
application, called units, are individually and independently searching for proper operation. Unit
testing is often automated but it can also be done manually.

We will use this testing technique in order to test smallest individually executable code units, for
example checking the flow of clearance system with only one issue. Let take more brief
example, we can check when the LIBRARY officer add clearance record.

And Also we can test the system by taking one actor, means by checking all things that actor
does, example how one student fill a clearance.

4.3.2.Integration Testing
Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the phase in
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It
occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.

We will apply integration testing in order to test Interactions between two or more units or

The main Example about our test because to check all things work together, information flow
around officers and other things that must be done related to integrated test.

4.3.3.System testing
System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to
evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the
scope of black-box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the
code or logic.

We test all the components together to check whether the systems meet all requirements or not.

 Test all things that are under the clearance system?

 Checking that’s the system work with in expectation?

 Scope Completed Successfully?

4.4. Clients Feedback

We can’t collect all the feedback from the clients because of most client have no knowledge
about system and also difficulty to implement the system but as an option, we option to use
techniques related to our co-students.

Questions for The Clients

1. How do you rate this clearance system?

2. What do you expect from system?

3. How your systems accurately work?

4. How student clear from the officers?

5. How finance work with other officer?

The clients responded, the system is good but there is something to add to this system, according
to those comments we add so many things to the system and also we try our best to keep what
the client perceived as good from the system.

And also the clients give us to add a lot of things…like...

 How to get new things like news…

 How student give money for scape materials.

4.5.User Manual
Since the system is web based everything important for the user will be explained and
implemented while giving short training when the system is deployed.

For accessing the system, they must have a user account or if student should be the university

1.How One Student Get Cleared from The System?

Step1: First student Click login to fill required username and password

1. How student get materials from officers?

Officer searching for student before add them into the add case into the database.

2. How to free student from the officer case? First officer searching for student that take the

Officer click on the free student checkbox if student return materials if not student not free from
the case and get clearance form

4.How student fill the clearance form

3. How student could check for their clearance form officer? Checkbox is ticked if student
free from materials and checkbox is disabled if student un-free or not return materials

4. How student get free clearance from the clearance office? Clearance office searching for
student and look at the case is free from other officers.

As project come up to the end. We pass all software development life cycles. Start from system
specification up to system testing and at each stage system development we understand clearly
what to be done and what need to be done each tasks. For example, in analysis, we tried to model
the new and proposed system using UML diagrams: - use case diagrams, sequence diagrams,
class diagrams and Activity Diagram. And from this we understand how to model the system.
In general, the project (system) that the team developed will benefit the enterprise in by changing
its business range from manual to online level.
The overall benefits of the system to the University are:

 Provide sufficient security

 Minimize the time required to perform task.
 Reducing human power and cost that are spent on the manual system.

As a system developing team the group member has acquired more knowledge and experience
about the different phases of the software development life-cycle. As software developers, the
team has worked together and assessed risks, and minimizes them.

We recommend students:
 The students should starts the project on time.
 When students work their project they should have discuses one group with other groups
 all group members should participate on project works
 the students properly show the project for their advisor and advisor also properly

We recommend our department:

 To make students interesting in developing course, there should be additional courses to

be given to the students.
 Our university should use the system developed by student after evaluation its
 Department should assignee the professional advisor to students
 Adjust things to test the developed the project in the right manner.
 Give students full information
 Advise students effectively
 Provide Resources to students
 Maximize interaction between students and teachers to do good projects.
 Give full time period
 Mainly for the university, keeping the peace of campus is the main because without peace
anything can’t be done.
 And other

If those points are accepted between students and teachers in our department and also in our
college it will be much change with developing projects.



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