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Table of Contents............................................................... 1
House of Professions ........................................................ 2
What is this? ......................................................................... 2
Structure .......................................................................... 2
How to use this supplement ............................................. 2
A large trading hub ....................................................... 2
Ideas for your own stores ............................................ 2
Home for your players.................................................. 2
Map for indoors fighting ............................................. 2
Small store maps ........................................................... 2
The mystery .................................................................... 2
1st Floor Establishments ..................................................... 3
General Characteristics ................................................. 3
Random Encounters ..................................................... 4
1 – Hairdresser & Barber...............................................5
2 – Antique Boutique .................................................... 6
3 – Butcher ......................................................................7
4 – Parlour ...................................................................... 8
5 – Storage ...................................................................... 9
6 – Fishseller & Sculptor ............................................ 10
7 – Poet ........................................................................... 11
8 – Mapmaker ............................................................... 12
9 – Jeweler ..................................................................... 13
2nd Floor Establishments.................................................. 14
General Characteristics ............................................... 14
Random Encounters .................................................... 15
10 – Weaver ...................................................................16
11 – Bookseller .............................................................. 17
12 – Fortune Teller ....................................................... 18
13 – Trader .....................................................................19
14 – Brewery ................................................................. 20
15 – Chapel ..................................................................... 21
16 – Scientist ................................................................ 22
17 – Tanner ................................................................... 23
Cellar .................................................................................... 24
Alternate stores ................................................................. 25
Weaponsmith ............................................................... 25
Magic shop .................................................................... 25
The Secret of The House Of Professions ...................... 26
The Everflame .............................................................. 26
Motivations ................................................................... 26
Clues ............................................................................... 26
Encounters and Resolution ....................................... 26
Resources ......................................................................... 27
The House of Professions (1 st Floor) (40*40) ............ 27
The House of Professions (2nd Floor) (40*40) ........... 28
The Cellar (40*40) ........................................................... 29
Credits .............................................................................. 30



The supplement can be inserted in a campaign “as is”
elcome to the world-renowned House with the location, the stores the NPCs and the Mystery.
of Professions! Whatever we have is the
best of class, whatever we don’t have
does not exist. Feel free to carouse and IDEAS FOR YOUR OWN STORES
meet our proprietors. But be mindful! Some are only If you wish to you can lift specific stores and their
ready to see you if you have made an appointment descriptions from the file and insert them into any other
beforehand – and oh of course – all are only happy to setting – using only the descriptions, items, and story
see you if you have the necessary amount prepared for… hooks. The basic backstories give you a chance to fill
financial compensation. I hope we have an local details and your own ideas with creativity.
understanding, now go! The House is not open all day!


WHAT IS THIS? Either as a reward for a successful quest, or for a large
This supplement contains the description of a two-story lump-sum of gold, you can allow your players to buy an
apartment, replacing the trader occupying it. Let the
trading hub, called “The House of Professions” which
players get to know the other owners, make friends, use
can fit any D&D 5 th edition large city as a famous market.
In this (decently long) document you can find the the existing services, uncover the secrets – and give
following: them the home they deserve!

• 21 Professions and stores with descriptions and

• 21 NPCs with short backstories and some secrets that You can drop the whole trading hub idea and just make
your players can potentially uncover. this map an all-out battlefield; nobody stops you from
• 16 Apartments available for your players to occupy and doing so! Use the chimneys, toilets, windows, small
set up their business in. storage areas to hide, set up ambushes and create a
• 36 Bite-sized random encounters to liven up this large memorable battle.
• 3 Large floor maps with descriptions, and high-
resolution versions attached to the DM’s Guild listing. SMALL STORE MAPS
• 1 Mystery the House holds for adventurers. You can pick smaller areas of the map and disregard
that they are parts of a large house. Place them in any
location as smaller, standalone houses. The only things
STRUCTURE needed to add are windows – to make the stores fully
The document’s later parts describe each floor of the functional as standalone buildings.
building separately - having 1 page dedicated to each
store and containing a description of the general look
and features of the house – and potential ways for the THE MYSTERY
players to interact with certain elements. Take the Everflame, and its elusive nature, and put it
The chapters will leave space for you to fill in details of into any large manor, castle or keep. The players may
your own but provide story hooks and a high-level find uncovering its existence interesting – and either
guidance – should you decide to use them. make friends with it or send it back to its home plane.

The stores are marked by numbers and will be referred

to either by their name, the profession they represent, or
their number in brackets.

The NPCs are detailed in light textboxes, for your easy

reference, and have their dwellings and behavior in basic
terms also described.

Some items may require descriptions. If an item is

purely homebrew in a store inventory, it is described in
line, or at least on the same page it is first mentioned.
If an item is official D&D content you will see a page
number and the source book’s name next to it. 2 Source
books were used in creation of this supplement – the
Dungeon Master’s Guide (dmg) and Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything (xge). Both are properties of WOTC, and you
should support them by getting them either in print or

The main door to the south is always open during the
1ST FLOOR ESTABLISHMENTS day and is manned by no one – expecting guests to know
what they are here for. The door gets locked for the
This chapter details the first floor’s inhabitants - their
night, by an inhabitant who gets here first at about 10:00
secrets, their wares and in general how they spend their
The ceiling is a little more than 8 foot high, flat, and
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS made from polished stone supports, large wooden
The building is made from smooth, polished stone. It beams and covered with decorative wooden panels.
values function over elegance, and everything is serving The back door to the north is a rough looking plank
the effective transport of goods and the ease of access to door with a crude mechanism locking it from the inside.
buyers coming to the House. Walls are 3 foot thick It is always closed and manned by the storage operator –
towards the outside, and on the west-east supporting used only to supply the goods needed for the businesses
walls inside. The separators between rooms are thinner, within.
1 foot in width. As guests enter, a permanent cold feeling The windows are made from wood and have glass
greets them, thanks to the large mass of stone all panels inside. They are openable from the inside without
around. The corridors seem to isolate sound very well, issue. From the outside a DC12 Sleight of Hand, or a DC10
being able only to hear discussions clearly that are Strength check is needed to open the window.
within 30 feet of any character.

The doors in the corridor are smooth, walnut-colored
wooden constructs, with silver colored steel hinges.
They have an engraved metal plaque on them detailing
Throwing your waste into a hole in the
the kind of business that is hidden behind. They are wall is a true miracle of society.
closed and locked when the business does not operate, or
someone requires privacy during their appointment. Better than buckets and gets rid of
Unlocking them is possible with a DC12 Thieves’ Tools
check, or by a DC10 Strength check, which may alert the the smell… mostly.
owner of the apartment. Boris Orialt – Antique Boutique
The doors inside the apartments have a 30% chance to
be closed, but they are not locked.
Heating is solved by fireplaces on both sides of the
building. Each fireplace is connected to a chimney, on
their back wall having a 2 by 2 feet opening above the
mouth of the fireplace that serves as ventilation. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
Sanitation is solved through chutes powered by The location is alive; positive, and negative things can
gravity. Toilet bowls are directly connected to the chutes and will transpire while the party is spending time
and above them wooden service doors (2 by 2 feet) are inside. You can use the following table to determine a set
openable to throw any additional trash inside. The of random events on the first floor, to make the place
chutes are 5 feet squares in layout and end in the cellar. more alive and provide tasks to solve for your players.
In homes where the kitchen has access to the same Roll
chute, a similar service door is available from there, to (1d12) Random event
get rid of excess materials, or unwanted remains.
1 A lady running out from the hairdresser (1),
Lighting is solved through natural means. Some use
crying, saying that her hair has been ruined.
candle-light, some use torchlight to provide the
necessary illumination. Torches are fixed on the walls at 2 A business discussion ending in a fight in the
5 feet height and provide an orange hue to the interior. parlour (4), one stern looking man holding a
The House is wedged in between 2 other buildings of dagger and stabbing his business partner.
similar size. They cover daylight from the east and west 3 An old lady looking for her son – asking for help.
side windows, dimming it – providing no direct rays of Her son is not located here, and she seems to be
sunshine on the first floor.
completely lost.
The staircases house wooden stairs both upwards and
towards the cellar. They are empty, clean, and frequently 4 You see a thief lifting gold pouches from
travelled by patrons of the establishment. unsuspecting buyers standing in line for the
The schedule of the building is dependent on the Antique Boutique (2)
inhabitants’ businesses, but as a rule of thumb, the 5 A torch falling from its socket causing small
location is closed to the public between 10:00 PM and excitement in people walking next to it. (See the
6:00 AM. At this time, the main door is closed and chapter – Everflame)
locked, the inhabitants being able to travel in and
outwards only. 6 A random business owner not being available,
During business hours the location has guests actively their door closed, guests not being able to
visiting the two floors – sometimes even creating contact them for multiple days in a row.
crowds – this building being the largest and most 7 A dirty worker arriving from the cellar, holding a
prominent trading hub in the region. large pot of half liquid trash, tripping and
Smells, sounds and atmosphere – the house is well covering a couple of clients.
insulated; sound can still be heard through
8 The party finds a single small earring fallen on the
eavesdropping on doors with a DC12 Perception
(Hearing) check. The House is enormous, and even those
who come here often – respect the architecture and the 9 A rat runs out from the storage and disappears
magnificence of the establishment. into the staircase. It holds something in its
The air in the corridors is stale, smells of dust, each mouth.
business has their own smell though – depending on
10 A happy young man comes to you and hugs
their profile either a good or a repulsive feel greets
members of the party. He holds a small
adventurers opening certain doors of business owners.
parchment in his hands. After hugging he skips
Items – All apartments are equipped with items and
further and eventually leaves the House. He just
ingredients used for cooking, personal hygiene, and
other, general utilities. Specific items related to the
got a great poem he can share with his lover and
apartments you can find in their corresponding is excited about it.
chapters. You can use those tables and the Inventory as 11 A recently bought live fish looks at you from a
guidelines if your players would like to enter uninvited bag. It looks distraught and you feel it needs help.
and take some loot with them.
12 For a second all torches dim, and then return to
their original state. A reason can be an
experiment of the scientist on the second floor.

City life comes with obligations! A good look helps reach The apartment contains a working room with the
your goals, let that be signing a good deal, charming a new barber chairs, shelves, and cupboards for equipment,
lover, or pulling a successful political maneuver. and is decorated with thin tapestries. A modest,
undecorated kitchen, bathroom and dining room are
Tor’s Beauty & Elegance, the hairdresser and barber attached to the room on the south west. To the east the
shop provides beauty services to both male and female sleeping chambers with a personal office table and a
patrons, regardless of species. They operate based on living room with instruments are to be found, providing
bookings, but sometimes you might find an empty spot a comfortable atmosphere.
just dropping by…
The owners are devoted to their profession but have Family Items
their personal preferences as well. At night they are 1d4 books (love and mystery novels), 2d100+52GP, 1
often found outside, in pubs, concerts or attending balls lute, 1d4 Disguise Kits
– all in the name of having a good time.
Plot hooks
Owners of the business • A usual client did not show up for their regular
appointment. Nobody heard of them in the last couple
of days, she was last seen in a nearby library.
• Judit is dreaming of attending a royal ball one day. She
feels this is out of her reach – but there is a ball
happening just a week from now in the city.
• You overhear Finn playing the piano – and he shares
his lifelong passion – music. He never got to perform
in a real concert hall though.

There are things magic can’t fix, but

a good haircut can. Just look at you!
You look…. Better come, take a seat!
Finn Tor – Barber

Service Effect Cost
Looking nice and crisp, and having a +2 better chance to Persuade others after
Shaving & beard care 5GP
the shave for 1d4 days.
A new fresh look, and a +2 to Deception Checks related to covering your
Hair coloring & haircut 10GP
identity for 1d20+5 days.

Disguise appearance A full makeover - Advantage on Deception checks for 1 day. 20GP

Preparation for an event Effortless elegance, and a+2 to any Persuasion checks for 1d8+3 hours. 5GP

Item Effect Cost

Disguise Kit It is a Disguise Kit! 50GP

Razor An improvised weapon, or a way to maintain your beard. 2GP

Perfumes, makeup Looking fresh and elegant. 5SP

Magical Item – Rare. The Perfume has 1d12+6 uses. After each use, the wearer
Perfume of Charm 350GP
has advantage on Persuasion checks for 1d6 hours.

The Rooms
2 – ANTIQUE BOUTIQUE The apartment is furnished lavishly. The walls of the
What better way to remember past than to own a piece of client area are covered with expensive curtains, and the
it? At the Boutique you can find your very own artifacts. floors with expensive carpets. In the home most of the
There is something here from all eras, some may even be space is dedicated to storing and organizing artifacts on
legit! different shelves and in cupboards. A notable item inside
is the pure golden cage, housing two pigeons.
The Antique Boutique is a place of historical artifacts. An
open-door trader, open for the full day. Artifacts are Family Items
kept in lockboxes and leather bags, organized in a way 1d6 spell scrolls (up to level 3), 6d100+657GP, 1d4-1
which nobody aside of Boris understands. Wondrous items (maximum rare)
Some of the wares are displayed in the client room,
but for some, Boris needs to run back and check the Plot hooks
multiple cupboards within his home. He organizes his
• One of the valued carrier pigeons disappeared. The
deliveries to the Storage through pigeon-based
windows were closed, and there seem to be no traces
communication, and rarely leaves the House himself.
of it flying away.
• Rumors have it that an excavation to the south
Owner of the business uncovered some wondrous books – Boris would like to
get his hands on some of them.
• Entering the Boutique, you see Boris standing on the
table, miniaturized, 5 inches high. He seems to have
activated an artifact from his collection…

Welcome! To the Boutique! What can

I… NO, NO, NO!
Don’t touch ANYTHING!
Boris Orialt – Artifact Trader

Service Effect Cost

Identify magical item A magical item will be identified, and their effect will be known to the players. 50GP

A piece of lore will be uncovered for players through the knowledge of Boris.
Acquire lore 100GP
This takes 1d5+1 days of research for Boris to complete.

Item Effect Cost
Control Water 300GP
Comprehend Languages 150GP
Stoneskin 150GP
Spell Scrolls Silence 150GP
Imprisonment 800GP
Plane shift 700GP
Fog Cloud 100GP
Driftglobe (dmg 166) 1000GP
Boots of the Winterlands (dmg 156) 800GP
Wand of Secrets (dmg 211) 800GP
Wondrous Items Gem of seeing (dmg 172) 650GP
Tankard of Sobriety (xge 139) 800GP
Ring of Resistance (Fire) (dmg 192) 2000GP
Horn of Silent Alarm (xge 137) 500GP

Useless historical junk Some chipped artifacts, rusted weapons, crushed gems. 10-50GP

The Rooms
3 – BUTCHER A small, functional apartment with worn tables – kept
What is on the menu? Fresh meat – today and every day. clean. The fireplace is the centerpiece of the decoration
The butcher serves the town elite – the wares rarely stay – looking at the home and working arrangements you
here for more than an hour because of the high demand. would not be able to tell that this is a successful butcher.

Bourlak’s Butchery is a place for quality game meat. The Family Items
town elite is always looking for more, and Andy is 1d12+4 family letters, 1 butcher’s knife, 1d100+10 GP,
committed to deliver. 1d4 bottles of moonshine.
He has multiple sources – the best hunters from around
the world – who deliver exotic and rare game to his Plot hooks
butchery to be processed and almost instantly to be sold.
• A magnificent beast is said to have appeared in the
During the evenings he pursues the best meat, during
nearby forest. A beast, which was never presented in
the day he processes and sells it – almost no rest in-
Andy’s butchery. He wants you to help hunt the animal
• You find the butcher drunk and looking out the
Owner of the business window. He will ask you to help him get clean from the
influence of alcohol.

You come here buying? Don’t look the

kind, but who am I to judge! Prices
start from 10 gold a pound!
Andy Bourlak – Butcher

Service Effect Cost
Any carcass brought in, Andy will be able to cleanly skin and provide the fur to
Skin animal 20GP
Any pelt or meat brought in will be identified by the butcher if it originates
Identify pelt/meat 5GP
from a Beast.
You have an 80% chance to receive useful information about a beast of your
Beast lore interest. The information can be senses, vulnerabilities, skills, or immunities of 1GP
the target. The service has a 20% chance to provide false information.

Item Effect Cost

Various meats Can be cooked and eaten, providing a quality meal. 10GP

Cook’s Utensils Utility Item, to make meals and consume them. (phb 154) 1GP

Headpieces, hooves, claws of dangerous and unique beasts, preserved. These

Beast Trophies items do not hold any practical use but can serve as a present or decoration in 5-200GP
any home or for any occasion.

4 – PARLOUR The Rooms
Sometimes you need an open but comfortable place to The hall is adorned with a soft carpet, and the walls
discuss business propositions. Either because of have carvings representing the many professions being
convenience, or to avoid being stabbed in a dark alley. practiced in the house. The tables, chairs and cupboards
are all intricate, with silver and gold inlays, and smooth,
The Parlour serves as an open central unmanned meting shiny surfaces.
space in the heart of the first floor. It is warmly lit,
convenient, and almost always has at least one table Items
occupied with folks in the middle of negotiating or 1 lost golden watch, 1 lost golden ring, firewood, and
considering procurement decisions. pokers next to the fireplace.
The place is adorned with ornate cupboards and tables,
with openable drawers – but all are just there for the
looks, empty.
Sometimes the hall is used just to rest between
different milestones of the shopping journey – it is not
uncommon to see some folks dozing off in one of the
comfortable chairs, next to the crackling fireplace. The House really has everything, and
I appreciate not being stabbed with
5000 gold on my person.
Fil’Toihas – A satisfied customer

Random events
1d12 Event
A business discussion closes, and two well dressed men stand up laughing, shaking hands. They leave the area in a
1 friendly composure but players with a DC12 Arcana or Insight check can identify that one of the parties is under the
influence of a charm.

2 You see a lady rush in the parlour and throw a paper into the fireplace, immediately rushing off, seemingly angry.

3 gnomes come in carrying one barrel each. They are visibly overburdened. The barrels contain beer, and they have just
procured them. It is supposed to be a present for the birthday of their father who likes a good drink.
A kid approaches the adventurers, saying they lost their parents. The players can identify that the kid looks calm and
4 composed. The kid did not lose his parents and upon possibility will try to pickpocket the players – either taking money
or some sort of valuable looking item.
You see a magic user try their skills, summoning a spectral cat on a table. The can jumps in the air, turns to a bat, jumps
back on the table, and turns to a cat again, only to be dispelled by a wave by the now smug looking caster.
You see a figure entering the room with a guitar, starting to play a song, throwing a top hat at his feet, hole upwards. He
is a beggar who came in to trust the goodwill of people having a coin to spend.
Looking into the fire for a second you would swear that you have seen two flaming eyes looking back. (See chapter –
A usually empty drawer in one of the tables contains a letter, written in a cypher you can’t decode. The ink itself looks
special, almost sucking in light.
A bird makes its way inside the chamber, and flies around carelessly, annoying people and hurting itself in the process.
Catching and freeing it, you can see it got scared by something large, and dangerous.
You arrive to the Parlour and find it devoid of furniture. Asking around nobody knows who took the chairs and tables. It
feels like they just vanished into thin air.
Sitting down and tending to your own business a lady comes up to your table, humbly asking for a minute of your time.
She is selling pocket sized paintings, and she shares that she needs the money to make ends meet.
You hear a sigh coming from the torches and the fireplace. Looking at them you do not see anything special… (See
chapter – Everflame)

The Rooms
5 – STORAGE The main area is stuffed with shelves, packed to the
The warehouse sleeps during the day and is busy at night. maximum with wares, categorized and labelled orderly.
Whatever materials were ordered here by the businesses The living arrangements of Tine are very reserved,
within, are being handed out and restocked after the main simplistic – having no adornments, barely holding
doors close. together – but kept clean and orderly.

The Storage is what keeps the house going, serving as an Family Items
entry point for incoming wares, and as a logistics hub for 1 amulet with the shape of an anchor, 1d100GP, 1 crude
orders by the various business owners. dagger.
At first, the work that needs to be done here looks
purely that of muscle – but scratching the surface one Plot hooks
can uncover that there are multiple nuances and
• A set of crates have recently been delivered to Tine;
intricacies of managing stock, making sure things do not
crates that were not included in any of their order.
spoil – and keeping the city rat infestation under
They do not want to open them, not knowing what is
inside, nor where the delivery is from.
The place generally serves as wholesale only – but
• Rats start to swarm the Storage, disregarding any
sometimes there are wares that are superfluous and can
effort that tried to keep them at bay. Catching one of
contribute to the owner’s personal pocket directly.
the rats, the party can identify that they are
Accepting supplies, organizing deliveries, and serving
manipulated through magic.
the businesses of the house all happens during the night
• Tine receives a letter from their old employer, the
– daytime is mostly resting time for Tine Levaric.
dockmaster, detailing a decline in his business, asking
Tine to come back to work.
Owner of the business

Sorry, we do not serve customers

directly, please visit one of the many
establishments within the house!
Tine Levaric – Logistics Expert

Service Effect Cost
Players can put an order for specific materials they desire to acquire.
Depending on the rarity of the material there is a chance that it will not be Cost of the material plus
Order materials
found by Tine’s contacts. Tine’s success rate is 80% of finding and delivering a 20% acquisition fee.
the needed items.
Tine may be interested in items you want to sell them. Upon passing a DC14
Sell materials Persuasion check, or if the item is visibly valuable, Tine will be willing to buy, -
for between 50-90% of the official price.

Item Effect Cost
All materials supplying Every business acquires their raw materials from Tine. The materials are only
Not for direct resale
the House’s businesses for their consumption, not for resale.

The smell of the sea and the sound of chiseling makes for
an interesting combination of sensory effects. The expertise
of the proprietors is not questionable though, they are
among the best in both professions.

The Martinez Hall specializes in quality, rare seafood,

live and processed – and sculptures made on order. The
family consists of the parents and their little daughter,
who all work together and keep a humble lifestyle,
generally respected by all in the city. The Rooms
It is a large apartment, with a child’s room (having
Owner of the business multiple children’s books organized on shelves) a main
bedroom (having wardrobes and bedside tables for
personal belongings) a sculptor’s room (containing
work equipment) a living room (with a large fish tank
and kitchen accessories.
The client area contains ever fresh fish on display –
both alive in a tank and processed on polished wooden
shelves, put on ice.

Family Items
Tifani’s diary, 1d10 gemstones (random), 10d100GP.

Plot hooks
• Irina starts acting disturbed, forgetting things,
reacting in unusually aggressive manner. Upon
investigation the party can find that one of the sea
creatures in her fish tank hold her under a light charm
• Tifani will ask the party to help her learn about the
professions in the House. She says that there are some
people who will not let her observe their work, but she
would like to do it very much.
• Boyle recently received a headpiece order – from a
suspicious nobility. Among a lot of specific asks, the
statue should have the eyes made from red rubies. He
will ask the party to acquire them.

Service Effect Cost
The party can place an order for a sculpture or figurine. The materials of choice
can be any stone or marble kinds, and the size can be between 2 inches to a 3
Order sculpture Enchantment:
by 3-foot headpiece. The items can be enchanted. An order takes 1d10+2 days
to complete, enchanting takes an additional 1d6 days.
The party can gather information about marine history or lifeforms. Irina has 5 GP or free, being on
Sea lore
an 80% chance of knowing the answer to the questions asked. friendly terms with Irina

Item Effect Cost
The leftovers from an unclaimed order, these 3-inch marble figurines represent
Marble figurines various animals. For each figurine there is a 10% chance that it is one of the 50GP
“Figurines of Wondrous Power (dmg 169)”.
Quality fish. Upon consuming the fish in cooked form, the following special
properties can be acquired – at random.
-Advantage on Constitution Saving throws for 1d8 hours.
-1 extra spellslot on the day of consumption (Level: caster’s maximum - 1)
Fish 5GP
-Your Proficiencies become Expertise for 1d4 days.
-Your hair grows 5 inches a day for 1d8 days.
-Your strength score increases by 1 permanently. The effect does not stack.

The Rooms
7 – POET A small, messy flat, with papers and empty bottles all
No better way to show love, appreciation or around. Some bottles are broken, and just swept aside,
commemorate a joyful occasion than a heartwarming Indigo trying to hide them – with little success.
poem or song.
Family Items
The Poet has no business name but accepts donations Letters from the sanatorium where his mother
and in return will supply the requestors with poems or resides, 1d20SP, 1d12 bottles of cheap moonshine, 1d10
songs specially written according to their instructions. empty bottles, a lot of quality paper and ink
Writing on order is hard though – sometimes words
just don’t come out as well as they should, or as well as Plot hooks
they would come for personal, heartfelt compositions.
• Indigo’s mother resides in a small village in a
Indigo is torn between pursuing his love for poetry for
sanatorium operated by powerful wizards –
his own sake and earning money – putting him in a
supposedly to treat her illness. Indigo sends most of
difficult life situation.
his earnings to pay for the treatment, and is crushed
under the responsibility, feeling lost, and caged by it.
Owner of the business The illness is not what it seems though, and the
wizards have no intentions in healing the lady… All of
this is happening behind Indigo’s back, while he is
crumbling under stress…

No, no, no… It’s just not… coming

together!!! Oh hello – I didn’t see you
Indigo Ulion – Poet

Service Effect Cost
You can commission Indigo to write you a piece, with the designated subject.
The final product has a 10% chance of being a masterpiece, 50% chance of
being a good quality art, 20% chance of being acceptable, and 20% chance of
being near worthless. Payment is needed regardless of quality. Players can
determine quality by passing a DC12 Insight check, or automatically if they are
proficient in Performance checks.
Upon being read, or played for the designated target audience, the different
Song or poem on order 20GP
quality art has the following properties and potential impacts.
-Masterpiece: Advantage on the Performance check presenting the piece, and
afterwards advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks on the targeted
-Good quality: Advantage on Performance checks presenting the piece.
-Average quality: No extra effect.
-Worthless: Disadvantage on Performance checks when presenting the piece.

Item Effect Cost

Quill, ink, paper Simple utility items for sale. 2SP

Quality paper and ink Items of high quality, potentially fitting for magical use as well. 50GP

The Rooms
The apartment is dedicated to mapmaking to its
8 – MAPMAKER fullest extent. Most of the floor and shelves have traces
Finding your way in the world is hard. Why make it even of dried ink on them and most of the walls contain rolled
harder? Choose the right professional to supply you with up parchments of ready or in progress maps.
travel maps, wherever you go. Orlak does not accept drop-in visitors, his chambers
are locked, aside of the first small room, with a guest
Orlak’s Treasury is arguably the best mapmaker the book – which can be used to book an appointment with
world has to offer. Orlak is dedicated to his profession him for the day after.
and knows no boundaries when it comes to precision and
accuracy. Family Items
Most officials, nobilities and war experts rely on the 1d4-2 Treasure maps, Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments
maps created by Orlak – him having a strong indirect (dmg 183), 2d100+10GP.
influence on the status quo and how we know life.
He is a generally straightforward, open man, but has Plot hooks
his price and can be bargained with…
• You find an entry in Orlak’s guest book – unsigned,
detailing an ask called “necessary alterations” for the
next day, at sunrise. This “someone” wants to erase a
Owner of the business fort from all maps, giving them an option to overtake
it and not trigger any tax and military patrols visiting
the location.

Service Effect Cost
Change information on official maps – add or remove features, towns, or other
elements and from that point on, spread only maps with the newly changed
Alter maps 1000GP
As he is the most prominent mapmaker, whose maps count as blueprints
worldwide, in 1d6 months the changes you order will be known across the
world, and in 1d12+6 months, the original status will be mostly forgotten.
Orlak can provide information about geographical questions the party has. If
Geography lore the party is on neutral terms with him, there is a 10% chance that he will give 10GP
false information, if they are on negative terms, there is a 50% chance for that.

Item Effect Cost
Local or regional maps, to help orient yourself in the world.
Maps The best quality you can find, containing every detail, except for secrets that 2GP
were commissioned to be deleted.

The Rooms
9 – JEWELER The apartment is furnished as a regular-sized human
Shiny gemstones and precious metals. Every nobility and apartment, with 2 beds for the 4 fairies, a working area
even poor folk appreciate the sentimental value of quality in the living room, a client greeting area with the
materials, especially if they are masterfully crafted. currently on sale items, and a personal kitchen and bath.
The bedroom hosts a small shrine to all good-aligned
Kvartett Jewelry is a family business operated by four gods, and on the floor, there are multiple poems
fairies, who try to live life as close to “large creatures” as scattered around – all worshipping one of those gods.
possible. Their little forms and nimble hands allow the
most dexterous and fine work – giving a distinct look Family Items
and quality of any production of the fairy sisters. 10d100 worth of Gold dust, 15d100+350GP, 4d10+20
Aside of trying to mimic life of other larger creatures, gemstones, 2d10 papers containing poetry.
they are overly religious – regularly commissioning
Indigo to write songs to different gods of the good Plot hooks
• You find an angry Char flying out the front door
casting small puffs of fire in the air. She seemed to
Owners of the business have a conflict with her sisters – they say her magic
bothers their work – but Char is sure that her sisters
also have this innate talent, they just haven’t realized
it yet.
• Timber is sitting at the client area, and as you arrive,
tucks away a small note. Upon investigating, she will
hesitantly share it is a prayer to a god the sisters aren’t
supposed to worship. She asks you not to share her

What shiny piece are you looking for

today, my dear?
Tain Folitree – Jeweler

Service Effect Cost
Players can ask the fairy sisters to identify gems they have. The process will say
Identify gems 5GP
whether the stones are genuine, and what type they are.
Evaluate the price of any precious item you present. The sisters are not
proficient in identifying magical enchantments but will tell you with an 80%
Evaluate jewlery 5GP
chance of being honest, how much the item is worth. If you are on positive
terms with them, they will always tell the value honestly.

Item Effect Cost

Gemstones Gemstones as described in the official rules, with their official list prices. 50-5000GP

Rings, necklaces, other

Jewelry of all kinds, made from precious metals and gems. 100-500GP

Gold dust, Silver dust Materials for spells and other arcane rituals. Their weight in gold coins

insulation, but the creaking of the floor gives
2ND FLOOR ESTABLISHMENTS disadvantage on stealth checks while moving.
The ceiling is a little more than 7 foot high, flat, and
This chapter details the second floor’s inhabitants, their
made from large wooden beams and covered with
secrets, their wares and in general how they spend their
decorative wooden panels.
The windows are made from wood and have glass
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS panels inside. They are openable from the inside, from
The second floor is made from smooth, polished the outside a DC12 Sleight of Hand, or a DC10 Strength
stone, the floor mostly wooden or carpeted. It values check is needed to open the window. Descending on the
function over elegance, and everything is serving the outside walls through the windows is possible on
effective transport of goods and the ease of access to protruding stone wall elements by passing a DC14
buyers coming to the House. Walls are 3 foot thick Acrobatics check, or by falling 20 feet to ground level.
towards the outside, and on the west-east supporting The doors in the corridor are smooth, walnut-colored
walls inside. The separators between rooms are thinner, wooden constructs, with silver colored steel hinges.
1 foot in width. Entering through either staircase brings They have an engraved metal plaque on them detailing
guests to light corridors, which have good sound the kind of business that is hidden behind. They are
closed and locked when the business does not operate, or

someone requires privacy during their appointment. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
Unlocking them is possible with a DC12 Thieves’ Tools The location is alive, positive, and negative things can
check, or by a DC10 Strength check, which may alert the and will transpire while the party is spending time
owner of the apartment. inside. You can use the following table to determine a set
The doors inside the apartments have a 30% chance to of random events on the second floor, to make the place
be closed, but they are not locked. more alive and provide tasks to solve for your players.
Heating is solved by fireplaces on both sides of the Roll
building. Each fireplace is connected to a chimney, on (1d12) Random event
their back wall having a 2 by 2 feet opening above the
mouth of the fireplace that serves as ventilation. The 1 A drunk patron comes out of the brewery (14) and
only exception is the Scientist (16) Who has their own, soils the walls of the western corridor.
central heating through the electric contraption in his 2 A thief pickpockets a lady arriving to the chapel
laboratory. (15) and then tries to leave through the staircase.
Sanitation is solved through chutes powered by
3 There is a muffled explosion sound coming from
gravity. Toilet bowls are directly connected to the chutes
the Scientist (16) – an experiment gone wrong.
and above them wooden service doors (2 by 2 feet) are
openable to throw any additional trash inside. The 4 The Fortune teller (12) walks in the corridor and
chutes are 5 feet squares in layout and end in the cellar. looking at you she draws protective signs in the
In homes where the kitchen has access to the same air, as if she has seen a devil.
chute, a similar service door is available from there, to 5 2 young ladies come out of the Bookseller (11),
get rid of excess materials, or unwanted remains. holding a stack of books, discussing happily.
Lighting is solved through natural means. Some use
Upon inquiry the party can identify that they are
candle-light, some use torchlight to provide the
students, and they spent all their allowance on
necessary illumination. Torches are fixed on the walls at
these books, interests of their research.
5 feet height and provide orange hue to the interior.
The only exception is the Scientist (16) who has 6 A small white cat turns around the corner, but as
electric light inside her apartment. you follow, it is nowhere to be seen.
The House is wedged in between 2 other buildings of 7 The fireplace in the chapel emits a small sound –
similar size. On this floor there is a 30 feet gap between akin to a sigh. (See chapter – Everflame)
this and the other houses, allowing sunshine to enter the
8 A bird flies crashing straight into the window, and
The staircases house wooden stairs. They are empty, then disappears, leaving a small rolled up
clean, and frequently travelled by patrons of the parchment behind.
establishment. 9 The floor starts shaking, but nobody seems to
The schedule of the floor is the same as that of the care. The shaking subsides in a couple of seconds.
building. At about 10:00 PM, businesses close, and
10 Your hairs and hair start to raise upwards – as if
reopen only at 6:00 AM. Between these timeframes,
being subjected to static electricity.
inhabitants tend to their own desires.
During business hours the location has guests actively 11 A maddened man leaves the fortune teller (12) –
visiting the two floors – sometimes even creating shouting “Hahaaa I am going to be rich soon!”
crowds – this building being the largest and most 12 Arriving to the floor, complete silence greets you.
prominent trading hub in the region. You see no movement, hear no sounds – as if the
Smells sounds and atmosphere – the house is well establishment were empty. It is a rare occurrence.
insulated, but the wooden floor gives off a creaking
The air in the corridors is rather fresh on this floor,
smells of pine, and each business has their own
corresponding smell – depending on their profile either
a good or a repulsive feel greets adventurers opening
certain doors of business owners.
Items – All apartments are equipped with items and
ingredients used for cooking, personal hygiene, and
other, general utilities. Specific items related to the
apartments you can find in their corresponding
chapters. You can use those tables and the Inventory as
guidelines if your players would like to enter uninvited
and take loot with them.

10 – WEAVER The Rooms
Garments, pillows – quality fabric. Essentials to a The flat is small and unkept, most cleaning limited to
civilized lifestyle and a comfortable life. At Cloth and the client area. Every drawer, cupboard and table are
Thread you can get everything you need – maybe even a bit stacked with threads, wool, and other materials – or
more. ready made products. She has a lot of money in her
drawers, not having any real time to go out and spend,
Cloth and Thread has everything a civilized household her work being the only thing occupying her mind.
could ever ask for. The proprietor Emilla Calitun
procures the finest threads, makes her fabric herself, Family Items
and transforms it into amazing masterpieces of textile Diary – detailing her inability to stop working, One
products. Her life is simple, and her love for the Periapt of Wound Closure, 30d100+1400GP.
profession is most visible on the consistent quality she
provides. Plot hooks
People keep a distance from Emilla, her devotion • Persuading or gaining Insight on Emilla, you can
giving a cautious feel for all who interact with her, trying identify that she is bound to her work. A DC15 Arcana
to keep said interactions to a minimum. She even seems check will identify that the bind is related to a hag –
obsessed with her work sometimes… and can only been broken by a deal or killing the
Owner of the business • One of the textiles shines with an otherworldly light.
Asking about it, Emilla will share that a mysterious
stranger brought the fur in – asking to make a cloak
out of it. She also mentions that working with the fur
seemed to almost revitalize her…

I am happy you came! Do you have an

order for me? Please?
Emilla Calitun – Textile worker

Service Effect Cost
From any fitting material Emilla can weave threads and create textiles upon
Weave thread 50GP
request. This takes 1d4+1 days.
Emilla can craft fitting clothing for any occasion. Upon request she can add Magical items or secrets
Clothing on order
secret pockets, or tailor in magical items to the cloth. included:

Item Effect Cost

Bag of Holding Magically enchanted bag to contain more than it looks. (dmg 153) 2000GP

Cape of the Mountebank A red cape imbued with magical energy (dmg 157) 3000GP

A bit of a defense against adversities, not sacrificing style over utility. (dmg
Cloak of Protection 2000GP

11 – BOOKSELLER The Rooms
Education is a privilege that everyone should have – but The main living room is organized as the bookstore,
these books have a price in gold, regardless of this fully disregarding any comfort, and giving all priority to
magnificent goal. the tomes. A small fireplace and the small bench to eat is
the maximum that Albert was willing to place here to
The Olden Tomes is a packed bookseller with a large provide utility.
array of old, new, copied, original, magical, and His personal quarters look similarly mundane, with
mundane books and scrolls. some of his favorite books on small shelves – not for
Albert Kovacs – referred to himself – by himself – as sale.
the Librarian is proud of his collection. Contrary to the
name he gave himself, there is no free reading or books Family Items
for loan – everything is just for sale only. A book containing stories of a bully who “got what
Not only the name is pretentious about Albert though they deserved”, 1d100+50GP.
– his representation, the fanfare, the mystery he tries to
show – all seem just a bit too much, too artificial.
Plot hooks
Owner of the business • Overhearing Albert’s mumbling, players can identify
that he seems to be talking to someone. With some
persuasion they can gain the insight, that earlier in his
life he was bullied a lot – and he feels like the bully
never got what they deserved.
• You see the store empty, with an open book on the
main table – looking into the book you see stars and
darkness as the night sky. Albert’s shoes are on the
ground, next to this table.

This store is maaaaagnificent!!!

Albert Kovacs – Bookseller

Service Effect Cost
Albert can be commissioned to do research for you on subjects shared with
him. He will always answer honestly, but his books have limited knowledge on
Lore dump 500GP
characters and living beings. Research takes 1d4-1 days, and has a 100%
chance of success – for lore about people or monsters, the success rate is 50%.
While this is not a library, a certain amount of gold can help players to do
Research opportunity 50GP/day
research on their own.

Item Effect Cost

Scroll of Protection
A small wooden case with a worn piece of parchment (dmg 199) 200GP

Silence 200GP
Spell Scrolls (dmg 200) Water Breathing 200GP
Wrathful Smite 100GP
The tome has 80% chance to still contain magical essence. In case it does not
The Tome of Leadership
have the magic – roll 1d100 – this is how many years it takes for it to regain the 5000GP
and Influence
essence. (dmg 208)
The tome has 80% chance to still contain magical essence. In case it does not
Tome of Understanding have the magic – roll 1d100 – this is how many years it takes for it to regain the 5000GP
essence. (dmg 209)

Sometimes things can’t be explained through logic and The apartment is small, and furnished to give the
science. For those cases, the occult might help – if you impression of a hut, located somewhere in a desolate
believe in that such of things. location. The window is covered with a thick curtain, and
the fire is barely lit, the tables are messy, with potions,
The 1000 Fortunes has everything related to mystery and scrolls, notes, and books all around.
unexplainable magics. Shady fortunes, and predictions, The personal chamber – the bedroom – is hosting the
a crystal ball, a scary looking proprietor, and an ever dim personal belongings of Pannan, and this is the place
chamber. from where she usually goes on her planar journeys.
The fortunes told here are almost always accurate and
tie into the fears and desires of the client – thanks to the Family Items
regular use of Potions of Mind Reading before the 1d8 Scrolls of Plane Shift, 1 Amulet of the Planes (dmg
ceremonies start. 150), 5d100+50GP, one Sending Stone (dmg 199), A Ring
of Three Wishes (dmg 193) with one charge left, 6
Owner of the business Potions of Mind Reading

Plot hooks
• Arriving to an appointment you catch the glimpse of a
portal opening inside Pannan’s chambers, afterwards
her stepping out. If questioned, Pannan will deny,
saying she was here all along.
• Before a ceremony Pannan looks at you shaken –
persuading her she will tell that she is out of Potions
to help her mind reading abilities. She will ask you to
help procure as soon as possible, as she has clients due
in the next couple of hours.

Service Effect Cost
Players need to pass a DC13 Wisdom Saving throw. If failed, the fortune telling
Telling of fortune will link directly to their backstory and experiences – upon success, they will 50GP
receive more general information.

Item Effect Cost

Elixir of Health A revitalizing mix to help ease any burdens. (dmg 168) 300GP

Philter of Love A pink cocktail giving a better chance at romantic relationships (dmg 184) 300GP

Potion of Heroism A steaming blue potion making you brave and confident (dmg 188) 300GP

I see great mysteries, and glory in

your aura – come closer!
Pannan Elderdream – Fortune Teller

13 – TRADER The Rooms
Foodstuffs, trinkets, odds and ends – look for them at The The home has two very distinct areas. The client space
Trader! – No name needed; the wares speak for themselves. is warmly lit, comfortable, emanating a friendly and
You are welcome to pay later – if you REALLY want to pay. welcoming feel, but the personal quarters look dire,
unfriendly, and cold.
The Trader has a reputation to be able to procure Most of the personal cabinets contain weapons,
everything you might need. If you have a tab open at bloodied items and cloths, and there are some cleaned
Martinez, you are considered among the elite of the skeletons to be found – in wardrobes, in the bathroom
town. Some folks who deal with him though – eventually and in the chimneys and chutes.
leave the city never to return… These bodies are clients – who forgot to pay their
debts to Alvaro.
Owner of the business
Family Items
10d100+2430GP, 1d6 Wondrous items (maximum

Plot hooks
• A well-known nobility has gone missing in town. The
last information leads to a deal they made with Alvaro.
• You hear through the door Alvaro talking to someone,
but as you enter you see that the room is empty. The
trader will say that their companion had to lie down,
not feeling so well.

Procuring that?! Who do you think you

are looking at? The Trader will not soil
their hands with such a petty deal.
Alvaro Martinez – Trader

Service Effect Cost
Alvaro takes orders to find any magical or non-magical item of your choice. As
a DM you can categorize these procurements into three categories, based on
how challenging it might be to complete such a mission. Each has a different
Item cost plus a royalty
price tag, and estimated time to complete:
10% for mundane items
Procure item Mundane items: 1d4 days.
20% for interesting items
Interesting items: (Uncommon/rare magical items) 1d10+4 days, 10% to fail,
50% for special items
still required to pay the royalty.
Special items: (Legendary magical items) 2d10+6 days 30% to fail, still required
to pay the royalty.
Alvaro is ready not only to keep a tab for you for buying their wares, but also to
lend money to whoever needs it. The terms in both cases come with interest –
10% for each 30 days passing need to be paid as extra.
Terms of a loan:
Payback is a minimum 10% of the total debt each 30 days. On the remainder
Loan the 10% interest is counted each 30 days. Upon failure to comply, players will 5-10% per month
be tracked down by hired assassins.
Terms of the tab:
Payback is a minimum 10% of the tab each 30 days. On the remainder, a 5%
interest is counted. Upon failure to comply, players will be tracked down by
hired assassins.

14 – BREWERY The Rooms
Drinks are not only a source of recreation for the poor – The brewery’s main hall contains tasting stations with
but the elite have very specific tastes and expectations. The barrels of different drinks on tap, with mugs and glasses
Kiwon Brewery specializes in vintage ales and will cover all next to them. Each station has a short description of the
tastes and needs in the higher end of the quality scale. drink with its history and taste the drinker should feel.
To the side in an open, bright space the brewing
The Kiwon Brewery serves as the central hub for the equipment is located, and there is a separate dim storage
city’s elite when it comes to procuring alcoholic chamber with well documented drinks of all kinds.
beverages for their receptions, events – or personal bars. There is a chamber containing multiple toilets – to
Artas, 4th generation of the Kiwon family is a proud wash up for clients who try maybe a bit too much.
brewer – keeping the family recipes for ales, and other, Artas does not live in The House – he leaves each
stronger alcohols in great secret – ever improving on evening and locks the doors behind himself, only to
them and contributing to the family name. return shortly before the official opening of the House in
the morning.
Owner of the business
Family Items
In the sales desk - 1 Amulet of the Drunkard, 1 ledger
of sales invoices, 1 crude dagger on the sash of Artas,

Plot hooks
• A guest comes in the hall and is acting suspiciously
around the barrels. Focusing on them the party can see
that they are working on pouring some liquid into the
barrels out in the open, used for the tastings.
• Players notice a weird amulet around the neck of
Artas. The amulet is usually connected to people who
drink a lot – but Artas seems abstinent.

100-year-old family recipes, to cheer

with on your 100th birthday!
Artas Kiwon – Brewer

Item Effect Cost
It is good quality ale, that is well known and respected around the world. The
Ale 50GP
minimum amount to buy is 1 barrel. There are multiple tastes and afternotes.
It is exquisite, aged whiskey, that can serve as present even at the highest of 20GP a bottle
nobilities. Buying is possible in bottles or barrels. 800GP a barrel
A niche drink, preferred by some – who are looking for exotic tastes. Sells by
Fruit Schnapps 15GP a bottle
the bottle.

Revitalizing mix A thick green liquid in a small vial – with the effect to cure hangover. 5GP

15 – CHAPEL The Rooms
The Chapel is the respite for all who want to find The Chapel consists of the main hall used for
salvation and embrace the goodness of the gods. It is ceremonies with a pedestal, statues of Pelor and prayer
dedicated to Pelor, but all are welcome – who worship gods benches all around. It is clean, lit through a dome in the
of the good alignment. ceiling, through a colored glass window.
Attached to the main chamber the simple – near
The Chapel is the religious heart of The House of empty bed chamber of Tornak is located – with nothing
Professions. It has its doors open, and a small sermon is but a bed, a wardrobe, and a table.
hosted each day shortly after the House opens – to help
ease the minds and souls of those receptive to the
message of the gods. Family Items
The only servant of Pelor in the chapel is a half-orc, Tornak has no items of interest, aside of his clothes.
his story of crime and dishonesty turning to religious
zeal after a sudden loss.
Plot hook
Owner of the business • A crying lady is praying on her knees at the side of the
chapel, grasping an amulet and the statue of Pelor.
Asking her she will share that she recently lost her
brother to a cult – and that they took the body away –
not even allowing her a proper burial.

May the light guide you, my children!

Tornak Anamesh – Cleric

Service Effect Cost
Through the power of Pelor, any curse that does not have a strong material
Remove curse bind (e.g., a deal with a Hag) can be removed from the target creature. 50GP
This service can be used 3 times a day.
The cleric of the Chapel can convene with Pelor to provide a 10% chance of a
Divine Intervention 500GP
desired event to happen. This service can only be used once a week.
Through the healing power of goodness, all diseases and the Poisoned
Cure disease Donation
condition can be removed from the target creature.

Item Effect Cost

Holy water Holy water, operating in line with standard 5th edition rules. 1SP

Amulet of Proof Against This can take evil eyes off you. You can rest now, child. Stay in the light. (dmg
Detection and Location 150)

16 – SCIENTIST The Rooms
Experiments are the only ways to achieve progress. The location is ultra-modern compared to the other
Science is the way to bring magic to those who otherwise homes of the city. Multiple items can be found here that
could not benefit from it. Some explosions might happen are Allie’s own designs – including a boiler, radiators, a
during the process though. gas-operated stove, a generator, and electric lights.
Most of these are made from brass and other, rarer
The Scientist has a reputation of being a weird person. materials inside – which Allie will keep secret form
She lights her apartment with something she refers to as anyone.
“electricity” that she has “generated”. Most disregard The rooms otherwise contain tables for working,
this as foolishness – but those who decide to buy from containing the ready items (enchanted, magical, or
her, have a hard time explaining the lights and the bottled as potions) and are looking convenient but out of
general way her apartment looks. place in a medieval style world.

Owner of the business Family Items

1 Ring of Protection (Lightning) (dmg 191),
2d100+250GP, 1 Periapt of Wound Closure.

Plot hooks
• Allie’s new design requires a rare material. Nobody
seems to be able to procure it, but she has a lead. The
nearby mountains house a dragon, whose hoard might
just contain what she is looking for.
• Entering the apartment, you find Allie blackened, and
barely standing, her Periapt glowing bright. She had
an … unfortunate … incident just some minutes ago.

Item Effect Cost
Experiments show that these arrows work better than anything you would buy
10 Unbreakable Arrows 50GP/piece
at your regular blacksmith. Limited quantity, so take care of them! (xge 139)

Potions of Superior A drink that puts you back on your feet. No, not magical, how many times
Healing should I tell you – it is made with science! (dmg 187)

Throw this only at your risk. It will hurt and might lock you in - for a minute.
Bead of Force 500GP
Single use! (dmg 154)
Need an extra kick for your weapon? Apply this oil and feel like a king – at least
Oil of Sharpness 1000GP
for a while. (dmg 184)

Universal Solvent For breaking bonds that were not meant to be broken. (dmg 209) 5000GP

Sovereign Glue For binding things together – to eternity and beyond. (dmg 200) 5000GP

Take a look. This should be interesting

for you.
Allie O’Hear – Scientist

17 – TANNER The Rooms
Leather work is one of the most ancient professions. You The tannery is dripping, wet, acidic, and messy. This
would think everyone knows how to do it – but do they area serves as the place to meet customers, process skin
really? Mary is the best when it comes to quality – magical and leather – but you can’t find any ready products here.
or otherwise. Ready products are found stashed and organized next
to Mary’s drawings in the living chambers, in large
Mary’s Leather Emporium smells of acid, and wardrobes. Upon a customer arriving, Mary will scurry
concentrated cured leather. It is near impossible to come inside to get the relevant item and gather the payment.
to the apartment without flinching or breathing heavy, Aside of this, the home is a regular household, with
but if you want to receive good quality armor, leather average quality wooden furniture.
items, or cure your own materials – this is the best place
you can find. Family Items
10 vials of Acid, 1d100+50GP, 1d6 vials of ink, 1d12+6
Owner of the business pieces of small charcoal and multiple feathers used to
write and draw.

Plot hooks
• Mary has a piece of leather in an acid bath that seems
to glow slightly. Asking her she says – it was brought
in by a mysterious client, and so far, the processes
needed to cure it, do not seem to start. She does not
know what animal it may belong to.
• You see Mary bring to her personal chambers a very
finely crafted piece of armor. Upon inquiring she says
it is going to be worn by a lord of very high posture on
a tournament organized in the city.

How did you skin that beast? Do you

think I can do anything with… This?
Mary Alabaster – Tanner

Service Effect Cost
Players can bring in any fresh skin, for Mary to prepare and cure it. The process
Cure and Prepare Leather takes 1 day for the skin of a medium creature, and each larger size adds 2 extra 50GP
days to the time taken and doubles the cost.
Players can bring in an animal for Mary to skin. The process takes 1d4-1 hours
Skin Animal 50GP
and provides an uncured piece of skin.

Item Effect Cost
Standard 20GP
Leather Armor Enchanted +1 1000GP
Enchanted +2 2000GP
Studded Leather Enchanted +1
Enchanted +2

A leather belt, that by looking at it even, seems to make you feel more up to
Belt of Hill Giant Strength 500GP
any tasks at hand. (dmg 155)
A small case, suitable to house a rolled-up piece of paper, defending it from
Leather scroll case 3GP
any external effects.
A pouch able to contain small items, helping to keep them at hand, but out of
Leather pouch 1GP
the way.

The walls are scraped, unpolished, only serving the
The Cellar of The House of Professions is a place
function to keep the place barred from ground pouring
housing all items and utilities to tend for hygiene and
making sure that the civilized services of the home
continue to operate uninterrupted.
All over the cellar there are crates, barrels and boxes
containing either the trash to be taken away (which
The floor is made from planks and is neither clean nor
happens after the daily operations close) or tools for
well kept. It contains the bottom of the toilet chutes and
maintenance – shovels, pickaxes, gloves, pans, cups.
chimneys, barred with large wooden doors,
strengthened with iron plates on the inside. The holes
The place is lit by torches, and the occasional embers
reach 2 feet below the ground level of the cellar.
falling from the chimneys.
The cellar smells like rot and smoke and is not a
The ceiling is held up by large stone pillars and is
pleasant place to be staying at. Workers clean the area
supported by 30 by 30 stone plates on top – keeping the
every day, trying to finish as fast as possible, leaving the
whole house standing.
area empty for the most part of the days.

The Trader (13) and the Antique Boutique (2) can easily
Item Price
be replaced with a more general store concept if you
wish to provide a different feel to the House. Wand of the Warmage (+1) 4000GP
Alternate stores ideas can be the following, with the
attached item tables. You can keep the store owners Ioun Stone (Insight) 7000GP
though, especially related to their secrets and
allegiances – to keep the look and feel of the map in line
Amulet of the Planes 6000GP
with the stores’ profile.

WEAPONSMITH Bead of Refreshment 100GP

Ring of Free Action 5000GP

Item Price

Arrows, Bolts 5CP Spell Scrolls (up to level 5) 100-5000GP

Longsword, Shortsword 1GP Potion of Healing (multiple

Longbow 1GP
Potion of Climbing 50GP
+1 Dart 1500GP
Potion of Resistance (fire) 200GP
Mace of Smiting 500GP
Potion of Invulnerability 500GP
+1 Arrows, and Bolts 15GP
Potion of Water Breathing 100GP
+1 Light Crossbow 1500GP
Tinker’s Tools 100GP
Sword of Wounding 500GP
Herbalism Kit 50GP
Backpack 5SP
Periapt of Wound Closure 500GP
Crowbar 1SP
Quaal’s Feather Token
Grappling Hook 1GP (Anchor)

Hammer 5SP Ring of Evasion 5000GP

Lantern 5SP Robe of Stars 10000GP

Lock 1SP Rope of Entanglement 500GP

Iron Pot 5CP 2 Sending Stones 500GP

Torches 2CP

Signet Ring 1GP

Rope 2SP

Shovel 1SP

Sack 1SP

Mirror 1SP

Axe (woodcutters) 1SP

PROFESSIONS The Everflame is neutral against everyone and is looking
only to overhear discussions. Its motivation is to gather
The house is a peaceful place, respected and not as many secrets as possible, it does not want to harm
bothered by a lot of lawless individuals – nor has it any anyone.
shady dealings – aside of those mentioned in the stores’ It loves to reside in common areas – in torches or the
descriptions in earlier chapters. It does have one fireplace of the Parlour, and when something interesting
inhabitant though – whose intentions and even presence happens during the evenings at the homes, it switches
is mostly unknown, unnoticed. places regularly to overhear family discussions.
The inhabitant is an elemental, called the Everflame.
It was brought into the house on accident, ignited by a CLUES
magical ember, and now resides inside – unable to be The Everflame can be sometimes heard sighing when no
seen and killed – only leaving this plane of existence if at one is around. Players passing a DC16 Perception
one time all flames are quenched in all floors of The (hearing) check can identify that the sigh came from a
House of Professions. torch, or a fireplace.
When the Everflame changes place, the fire’s structure
THE EVERFLAME changes briefly. This can be noticed by passing a DC16
This elemental has no exact shape or size and is not Perception check.
bound to the material plane in ways other creatures
would be – limiting movement and bearing physical ENCOUNTERS AND RESOLUTION
form. Once players realize that there is something wrong with
Below is the stat block of the Everflame though it is not the fires, and start to look for more clues, they will be
meant to be fought. It does not have hitpoints or AC in able to overhear more and more regular whispers from
traditional sense. It can’t be dispelled, but it can be the light sources – inquiring – what their intentions are,
banished from the house. what do they wish to find.
If the players act in a hostile way, the Everflame will
start to try and damage them, leaving immediately
afterwards to a far location within the House.
THE EVERFLAME If the players want to put out all fires the Everflame
Elemental, Neutral will start to sound more desperate, eventually shouting,
begging for the players to stop, even promising to share
Armor Class - its secrets with them in exchange for their mercy.
Hit Points - The players can resolve the mystery either in favor or
Speed instantaneous between burning fires of The House of against The Everflame – the house will mostly be
Professions. unaffected by the change.
Senses Passive Perception 18, Blindsight 300 ft
Saving throws +5 against Banishment, automatic success against
other effects
Languages Common

Made of fire. The Everflame is indistinguishable from a burning

fire if it does not decide otherwise.
Non - targetable. The Everflame can’t be impacted by weapon or
spell attacks. The only spell affecting it is Banishment – against
which it has a +5 modifier on the saving throw.
Fire-bound. The Everflame can only be in the same space as a
burning, wood fire. Once the source of the fire is quenched, the
Everflame is instantly transported to the nearest still burning light
source. If transported this way against their will, they can be
noticed by players for 1d4 minutes passing a DC14 Perception
check. During this time, The Everflame is incapacitated. Once the
last fire in The House of Professions is quenched, and the
elemental has nowhere to go, it returns to its home plane forever.


Flames. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5, Reach 30ft, one target. Hit: 12
(1d12+6) fire damage.
Change location. The Everflame can leave to any other burning
fire within the House of Professions as an action.



THE CELLAR (40*40)

Creator: Peter Kuna
Document Design Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template
by Laura Hirsbrunner
Maps: Created by Peter Kuna on Inkarnate Pro

Additional information

All art and content within this adventure was created by Peter
Kuna and only serves the purpose of you having fun within your
tabletop adventures.
If you are interested in finding more resources like this, check
out the following site:

If you like the content and wish to contribute to creation of

similar adventures, buy me a coffee here:
Paypal Donation link

If you would like to receive access to the adventure through

Roll20 in a digital format – ready to run – or if you have
questions and requests, drop me a note on:

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all ot her Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permissio n under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Peter Kuna and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


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