Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2019) 13-2265-2274

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Characterization of tannins from two wild

blackberries (Rubus spp) by LC–ESI–MS/

MS, NMR and antioxidant capacity

Oscar Abel Sánchez-Velázquez, Julio

Montes-Ávila, Jorge Milán-Carrillo,
Cuauhtémoc Reyes-Moreno, Saraid
Mora-Rochin, et al.
Journal of Food Measurement and

ISSN 2193-4126
Volume 13
Number 3

Food Measure (2019) 13:2265-2274

DOI 10.1007/s11694-019-00146-z

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Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2019) 13:2265–2274


Characterization of tannins from two wild blackberries (Rubus spp)

by LC–ESI–MS/MS, NMR and antioxidant capacity
Oscar Abel Sánchez‑Velázquez1 · Julio Montes‑Ávila1 · Jorge Milán‑Carrillo1,2 · Cuauhtémoc Reyes‑Moreno1,2 ·
Saraid Mora‑Rochin1 · Edith‑Oliva Cuevas‑Rodríguez1,2 

Received: 8 January 2019 / Accepted: 30 April 2019 / Published online: 13 May 2019
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Tannins are phenolics found in fruits such as wild Rubus berries. The aim of this study was to determine the profile by LC–
ESI–MS/MS and NMR, antioxidant capacity (AOX) of the tannins in two Mexican wild blackberries. Fractions rich in tannins
(FRT) were isolated using different solvents and chromatographic resins. The LC–ESI–MS/MS and NMR results showed
that catechin and epicatechin (m/z ­289−1), which are precursors of proanthocyanidins, as well as other six oligomeric forms
of ellagitannins (m/z ­301−1) were found in R. Liebmannii, whereas in R. Palmeri, only ellagitannins were found, highlight-
ing oligomeric forms of lambertianins and sanguiins (m/z ­783−1 to ­1869−1). The purification pathway made it possible to
increase the AOX 19.7 times from fruits to FRT showing strong positive correlations (R2 > 0.9) with total phenolic content.
This study provided a good assessment of the tannin composition of wild blackberries from the Northwest of Mexico and
their bioactivity as a potential edible source.

Keywords  Wild blackberries · Tannins · LC–ESI–MS/MS · NMR · Antioxidant capacity · Rubus

Introduction Wild Rubus fruits are reach in polyphenols like tannins [2,
5–10]. Tannins are hydroxylated polymers (up to 20,000 Da)
Rubus fruits (family Rosaceae) are field berries with more with a large diversity of chemical structures reported fre-
than 300 accepted species worldwide, including grown and quently in many Rubus berries, as one of the main second-
wild blackberries. In Mexico, almost 40 wild Rubus species ary metabolites in Rubus fruits (Fig. 1) [9, 10]. Rubus tan-
have been recorded, among them R. Liebmannii Focke (an nins are classified in two major groups: (1) hydrolyzable
endemic species) and R. Palmeri Rydb. (rare native bram- tannins or ellagitannins (ETs) are esterified polymers of
ble) [1–3]. These two species, like other Mexican Rubus, hexahydroxydiphenic acid (HHDP), gallic acid, and polyol
are agriculturally underused and are consumed only as a units (i.e., d-glucopyranose) and are the main phenolic com-
seasonal fruit and/or an ethnomedical resource [2, 4]. pound in seeds, but are also present in low concentrations
in the flesh and peel [11]; (2) condensed tannins or proan-
thocyanidins (PAs) are oligomers of flavan-3-ol units, such
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this as (−)-catechin and (+)-epicatechin, and their galloylated
article (https​://​4-019-00146​-z) contains
forms [i.e. (epi)gallocatechin (epi)gallocatechin-gallate,
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
etc.]. PAs occur as an important phytochemical constituent
* Edith‑Oliva Cuevas‑Rodríguez of the peel and seeds in berries [11, 12]. Bioactive effects (anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antioxidant and genotoxic)
1 have been reported in wild Mexican Rubus berries collected
Programa Regional de Posgrado en Biotecnología,
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Av. Universitarios s/n, in the Central and Southern of the country, attributing them
Col. Universitarios, AP 1354, CP 80000 Culiacán Rosales, to phenolic diversity (including phenolic acids, anthocyanins
Sinaloa, Mexico and tannins) [1, 2, 4–8].
Posgrado en Ciencia Y Tecnología de Alimentos, Facultad To study Rubus berries tannins, multiple solvent
de Ciencias Químico‑Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de extraction protocols has been improved. In some cases,
Sinaloa, Av. Universitarios s/n, Col. Universitarios, AP 1354, they are followed by purification stages with commercial
CP 80000 Culiacán Rosales, Sinaloa, Mexico

Author's personal copy

2266 O. Abel Sánchez‑Velázquez et al.

Fig. 1  Common tannin precursors (a, b, c) and oligomeric ellagitan- and lambertianin C (c). Structures adapted from Mertz et al. (2007),
nins found in Rubus berries (d, e, f): gallic acid (a), ellagic acid (b) Kool et  al. (2010), Lee et  al. (2012), Melone et  al. (2015), and Li
(epi)catechin (c), casuarictin (a), sanguiin H-6/lambertianin A (b) et al. (2016)

adsorption and/or ion-exchange resins [8]. Liquid chro- On the other hand, many assays are used to determine
matography (LC) and mass spectrophotometry (MS) are the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant capac-
the major qualitative and quantitative analyses to suppose ity (AOX) of Rubus fruits, but there is no real consensus
the tannin profile in red fruits [13–20], but researchers about the right mechanisms of phenolic-antioxidant action.
have been suggested, that is necessary to complement the However, tests such as Folin–Ciocalteu reaction (for TPC)
LC–MS/MS analysis with nuclear magnetic resonance and oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) (for
(NMR) to guarantee the chemical structure of the com- AOX), have been extensively used in studies on Rubus ber-
pounds present in the samples. NMR is a technique that ries showing good results [8, 17, 18]. Despite the above,
details angles, distances, and chiral forms of atoms [15, the phenolic profile of Northern-Mexican wild Rubus ber-
16, 18, 20]. ries, including R. Liebmannii and R. Palmeri, has not been

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Characterization of tannins from two wild blackberries (Rubus spp) by LC–ESI–MS/MS, NMR and… 2267

studied. Thus, a purification pathway it is necessary to evalu- The aqueous CE was mixed with ethyl acetate (1:1, v/v)
ate the profile of tannins, TPC and AOX of fractions of both to remove non-polar compounds (two times). The defatted
berry species. The aim of this study was to determine the CE was evaporated again. The CE was mixed with 100 g of
profile by LC–ESI–MS/MS and NMR and AOX of tannins Amberlite XAD-7 resin (Sigma Life Science, St. Louis, MO,
in two unstudied Northern Mexican wild blackberries. USA) and then packed in a glass column (300 × 25 mm).
Polyphenols were adsorbed by the resin, since impurities
were eluted with acidified water (water:TCA, 99.7:0.3, v/w).
Material and methods After that, polyphenols were eluted with 1 L of acidified
80% MeOH (0.3% TCA) to obtain a fraction rich in polyphe-
Materials and reagents nols (FRP). Alcohol was removed, and the aqueous FRP was
freeze-dried. The dry FRP (2.0 g) was diluted in 100 mL of
The following chemicals were used: standards of gallic acid, acidified MeOH and loaded into a glass column packed with
ellagic acid (+)-catechin, and (±)-6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetra- Sephadex LH-20 resin (Sigma Life Science, St. Louis, MO,
methylchromane-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox); Folin–Ciocal- USA) previously activated with acidified MeOH. First, frac-
teu reagent; dichlorofluorescein (DCF); 2,2-azo-bis-(2-ami- tions rich in anthocyanins (FRAs) were eluted with acidi-
dinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH); trichloroacetic acid fied 80% MeOH (0.3% TCA), and then fractions rich in tan-
(TCA); methanol (MeOH); acetone (­ CH3COCH3); acetoni- nins (FRTs) were eluted with 70% acetone (acetone:water,
trile ­(CH3CN); formic acid ­(HCO2H); deuterated methanol 70:30, v/v). Ketonic solvent was evaporated ( < 40 °C), and
­(CD3OD); and deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide-d6 (DMSO-d6). the aqueous FRTs were immediately freeze-dried ( − 80 °C)
The chemicals were of different degrees of purity. Standards for later use.
and reagents were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis,
MO, USA), unless otherwise specified. Identification and quantification

Plant samples Liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–tandem

mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) analysis of tan-
Ripened fruits of two wild blackberry species were col- nins began with an LCQ DECA XP mass spectrometer
lected in July 2014 in the Chara Pinta Preserve in El (Thermo Finnigan Corp., San Jose, CA, USA) version 1.3
Palmito, Concordia, Sinaloa, Mexico (23°35′22.2″N, SRI, electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive-ion mode (m/z
105°52′11.8″W, 2170  m a.s.l.), identified and recorded 100–2000), along with a photodiode array (PDA) detector
as Rubus liebmannii and R. Palmeri under folio numbers (200–600 nm) version 1.2, an autosampler, and Xcalibur
IBUNAM:MEXU:1417228 and IBUNAM:MEXU:1417230, 2.2 software (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Austin, TX,
respectively, at Herbarium of Biology Institute of National USA). The capillary temperature was 250 °C. The spray
Autonomous University of Mexico. The fruit samples voltage was 10 kV. Liquid chromatography (LC) elution was
were washed, freeze-dried, and stored at − 80 °C for future carried out using acidified water (high-performance liquid
analysis. chromatography [HPLC]-grade water:formic acid, 95:5, v/v)
as mobile phase A and acidified acetonitrile (HPLC-grade
Isolation and purification of the fraction rich acetonitrile:formic acid, 99.9:0.1, v/v) as mobile phase B.
in tannins The flow was constant (1 mL/min) at 25 °C with a step gra-
dient of 0%, 5%, 30%, 60%, 90%, 90%, and 0% solvent B at
The techniques used were those reported previously by 0, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, and 70 min, respectively, and reading
Cuevas-Rodríguez et al. [7], with some modifications, as at 280 nm. Catechin and ellagic acid were taken as reference
illustrated in Online Source 1. Freeze-dried fruits (100 g) standards. The FRTs (5 mg/mL) and standards (0.25 mg/mL)
(FreeZone Dryer System; Labconco, Kansas City, MO, were diluted in 100% HPLC-grade MeOH, filtered through a
USA) were blended with 250 mL of acidified 80% metha- 0.22–µm nylon filter (Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany), and
nol (MeOH:water:TCA, 80:19.7:0.3, v/v/w) for 24 h under placed in 2.0–mL amber vials. All samples were analyzed
cold agitation (100 rpm at 4 °C) into the incubator LOM- in triplicate.
150-Series (MRC, St. Haifa, Israel) to obtain a crude extract Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of proton (1H-NMR)
(CE), which was then filtered through Whatman #4 and #1 and carbon (13C-NMR) spectra were obtained using a Bruker
filter paper (Florham Park, NJ, USA) layers to remove solids. Spectrophotometer (Bruker Biospin GmbH, Rheinstetten,
The above extraction process was done two times, and the BW, Germany) at 400 and 500 Hz. Samples were diluted in
filtered CEs came together. The pooled CE (500 mL) was ­CD3OD and DMSO-d6. Tetramethyl saline was used as an
concentrated by rotary evaporation ( < 40 °C) to eliminate internal standard. The values of chemical displacement (δ)
alcohol (Rotavapor R-100; BÜCHI, Flawil, Switzerland). were expressed in parts per million (ppm). The values of the

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2268 O. Abel Sánchez‑Velázquez et al.

coupling constant (J ) were expressed in hertz in all cases. FRPs from other organic compounds, such as free sugars,
H-NMR analysis was run at 200 and 400 Hz, and 13C-NMR pectins, and peptides. Afterwards, with Sephadex LH-20
analysis was run at 50 and 100 Hz. ion-exchange resin, FRAs and FRTs were obtained [10].

Total phenolic content Tannin profile

The TPCs of the extracts and fractions were measured by A total of 11 signals corresponding to tannins (PAs and ETs)
the method of Nurmi et al. [21] with some modifications. were identified and quantified by LC–ESI–MS/MS (Table 1)
Briefly, 0.5 mL of 1 N Folin–Ciocalteu reagent was added and confirmed by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR in R. Liebmannii
to 0.5 mL of diluted CE, FRP, and FRT (50 µg/mL). This (RL) and R. Palmeri (RP) berries (Table 2).
mixture was allowed to stand for 2 to 5 min before the addi- Compound  1 (retention time ­[RT] = 8.28  min) was
tion of 1 mL of 20% ­Na2CO3. The solution was then allowed recorded only in RL berries and had a molecular ion
to stand for an additional 10 min before reading was per- ([M−H]−) at a mass-to-charge ratio(m/z) 289 and a maxi-
formed at 765 nm in a microplate reader spectrophotometer mum absorption (λmax) of 276 and 278 nm, which indicate
(SpectraMax® Plus 384, Molecular Devices Corp., Sunny- the presence of (−)-catechin and its isomer (+)-epicatechin
vale, CA, USA). The measurement was compared against based on a pure standard. 1H-NMR spectrum exhibited sig-
the standard curve of gallic acid, and the TPC results were nals such as a multiplet (m) at 6.99 ppm, associated with
expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per g of the C6 and C8 protons of PAs [19]; the singlet (s) signal
extract or fraction (freeze-dried weight). All samples were at 7.25 δ indicates the presence of the (−)-catechin form,
analyzed by triplicate. whereas the s signal at 7.68 δ was due to the isomeric form
(+)-epicatechin; and 13C-NMR signals at 64.3 and 69.2 δ
Antioxidant activity were associated with chemical shift of C1′ in catechin and
epicatechin, respectively [13].
The AOX of the samples were determined using the ORAC Compound 2 ­(RT = 8.57 min) was found in both Rubus
assay [22]. Peroxyl radicals were generated by AAPH, and berries. Based on the standards, it corresponds to ellagic
fluorescence loss was monitored in a microplate reader (Syn- acid, since this compound had a [M−H]− at m/z 301 and a
ergy HT multi-detection microplate reader; BioTek Instru- λmax of 254 nm. 1H-NMR spectrum showed a chemical shift
ments, Inc., Winooski, VT, USA). The CE, FRP, and FRT of two doublets at 7.63 δ (J = 4.0 Hz) and 7.23 δ (J = 4.2 Hz),
were evaluated against the Trolox curve. The absorbances of corresponding to C3 and C3′, respectively, in ellagic acid
excitation and emission were set at 485 and 538 nm, respec- and/or HHDP, and was found to have an s at 7.99 δ due the
tively. The antioxidant capacities were expressed as micro- presence of a COOH group in those structures; the signal at
moles of Trolox equivalent (TE) per 100 g of dry weight 157.4 δ in 13C-NMR spectrum corresponds to the C3 and
(dw). All samples were analyzed in triplicate. C3′ of the galloyl groups (gal), since the signal at 211.6 is
associated with the C = O group present in gallotannins and
Statistical analysis ETs.
Compound 3 ­(RT = 14.83) was determined to be a pedun-
Data were reported as means ± standard deviation in trip- culagin (ET) isomer with a [M−H]− at m/z 783, a MS/MS
licate and analyzed using one-way analysis of variance fragment pattern at m/z 481 (loss of HHDP) and 301 (loss of
(ANOVA) under Tukey’s test. Pearson correlation (R2) was glu), and a λmax of 258 nm. Pedunculagin has been reported
determined between TPC and AOX. Statistical analysis was in other Rubus fruits, such as Apache blackberry, red rasp-
performed using Minitab software version 2013 (Minitab berries, and cloudberries [11, 23]. 1H-NMR spectrum
Inc., USA). revealed the presence of a carbohydrate (glu) s at 6.21, cor-
responding to β-d-glucose, since it is bonded to two HHDP
molecules by C–O links; the H-1 glu signal was reported in
Results 13
C-NMR spectrum at 29.6 δ as a high signal that appeared
in the following galloylated ET.
Isolation and purification Compound 4 ­(RT = 18.58 min) was a casuarictin/potentil-
lin isomer and showed [M−H]− at m/z 935, MS/MS frag-
Acidic hydroalcoholic extraction was performed to obtain a ments at m/z 783 (loss of gal), 633 (loss of HHDP), and
crude fraction rich in soluble compounds, among them sug- 301 (loss of gal-glu), and a λmax of 259 nm. 1H-NMR spec-
ars, lipids, and phenolics. Ethyl acetate was used to remove trum of compound 4 presented signals similar to those for
non-polar chemicals that could interfere the next steps of pedunculagin, but the presence of a doublet (d) at 5.83 δ
purification. Amberlite XAD-7 resin allowed to separate the (J = 3.5 Hz) indicates an additional gal group bonded to

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Characterization of tannins from two wild blackberries (Rubus spp) by LC–ESI–MS/MS, NMR and… 2269

Table 1  Profile of tannins from R.Liebmannii (RL) and R.Palmeri (RP) by LC–ESI–MS/MS

Signal RT (min) Compound (CID) M+ (m/z) Fragment ions (m/z) λmax (nm) References

1 8.28 Epicatechin/catechin (9064/72276) 290 289 ([M−H]−) 276, 278 [7, 13, 14]
2 8.57 Ellagic acid (5281855) 302 301 ([M−H]−) 254 [11, 12, 20]
3 14.83 Pedunculagin isomer (442688) 784 783 ([M−H]−), 481 ([M−H]− - HHDP), 258 [11, 16, 15]
301 ([M−H]− - HHDP-glu)
4 18.58 Casuarictin/Potentillin isomer 936 935 ([M−H]−), 783 ([M−H]− - gal), 633 259 [11, 15]
(73644/5315734) ([M−H]− - HHDP), 301 ([M−H]− - gal-
5 18.75 UC [952−]2 951 ([M−H]−), 907 ([M−H]− -CO2), 783 250 [11]
[(M−H)]− - ­CO2-gal), 633 ([M−H]− -
gal-glu), 301 ([M−H]− -gal-glu-HHDP)
6 18.89 Sanguiin H-2 isomer (74079453) 1104 1103 ([M−H]−), 1058 ([M−H]- ­CO2), 248 [11, 15]
935 ([M−H]−), 783 ([M−H]− - gal),
301 ([M−H]− - gal-HHDP-HHDP-glu)
7 19.45 Lambertianin B isomer (N/A) 1251 1250 ([M−H]−), 783 ([M−H]− -HHDP- 250 [15]
gal), 301 ([M−H]− -HHDP-gal-HHDP-
8 19.49 Lambertianin C isomer (101196665) [1402−]2 [1401−]2 ([M−H]−/2), 1250 {([M−H]−/2) 250 [11, 12, 15, 16]
- gal}, 1103 {([M−H]−/2) - HHDP},
934 {[M−H]−/2) - gal-HHDP}, 633
{([M−H]−/2) - gal-HHDP-HHDP},
301 {[M−H]−/2) - gal-HHDP-HHDP-
9 19.82 Sanguiin H-10 isomer (131752591) 1568 1567 ([M−H]-), 1265 ([M−H]− - 250 [15, 16]
HHDP), 1103 ([M−H]− - HHDP-glu),
934 ([M−H]− - HHDP-glu-gal), 632
([M−H]− - HHDP-glu-gal-HHDP),
301 ([M−H]− - HHDP-glu-gal-HHDP-
10 24.36 Nobotanin A/ Malabathrin B isomer 1719 1718 ([M−H]−), 1567 ([M−H]− - gal), 250 [11, 16]
(103616133/N/A) 1250 ([M−H]− - gal-gal), 1015
([M−H]− - gal-HHDP-glu), 951
([M−H]− - gal-gal-HHDP), 859
([M−H]− - gal-HHDP-glu-galloyl)
11 30.78 Sanguiin H-6/ Lambertianin A isomer 1870 1869 ([M−H]−), 1567 ([M−H]− - 250 [11, 12, 15, 16]
(16181831/101632066) HHDP), 1265 ([M−H]− - HHDP-gal-
glu), 1250 ([M−H]− - HHDP-gal-gal),
935 ([M−H]− -HHDP-gal-glu-HHDP),
633 ([M−H]− -HHDP-gal-glu-HHDP-

RT retention time, M± molecular ion, PubChem CID PubChem Compound ID, RL R. Liebmannii, RP R. Palmeri, UC unknown compound,
HHDP hexahydroxydiphenoyl group, gal galloyl group; glu glucosyl group, N/A non-available

C2 of the structural H-1 glu group, which structurally cor- in 1H-NMR spectrum at 6.14 δ (J = 4.0 Hz) and in 13C-NMR
responds to a casuarictin/pedunculagin isomer; 13C NMR spectrum at 14.4 δ, which indicate a non-lactonized gal
spectrum showed a gal signal at 11.4 δ, associated with the group bonded to C2 of the H-1′ glu, and it could be associ-
bond between l-COOH gal group and the C2 of the H-1 ated with the monolactonized moieties of a nobotanin A/
glu. The absence of another signal related to the COOH end malabathrin B isomer [11].
of the gal group indicates that a casuarictin isomer is not Compound 6 ­(RT = 18.89 min) was identified in RP ber-
present in these fruits. ries as a sanguiin H-2 isomer with a [M−H]− at m/z 1103,
Compound 5 ­(RT = 18.75 min) was determined to be an a MS/MS fragment pattern at m/z 1058 (loss of ­CO2), 935
“unknown” compound with a [M−H]− at m/z 951, a MS/ (loss of gal), 783 (loss of gal), and 301 (loss of HHDP), and
MS fragmentation pattern typical for ET at m/z 907 (loss of a λmax at 248 nm. 1H-NMR spectrum showed a d at 6.51 δ
­CO2), 783 (loss of glu), 633 (loss of gal), and 301 (loss of (J = 2.4 Hz), indicating the galloylated form of HHDP from
HHDP), and a λmax at 250 nm, which is typical for an ET gal-2-bis-HHDP-glu; this signal corresponds to 13C-NMR
such as a nobotanin A/malabathrin B isomer. A d was shown spectrum at 70.6 δ.

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Table 2  Chemical shift of Compound 1

H (δ/ppm) Multipl. (J/Hz) Signal (Fig. 2) 13
C (δ/ppm) Signal (Fig. 3) Species
H and 13C NMR of isolated
tannins from wild blackberries (-)-Catechin 6.99 m (2.0) f 64.3 i RL
7.25 s (2.2) d
(+)-Epicatechin 6.99 m (2.0) f 69.2 h RL
7.68 s (2.0) b
Ellagic acid 7.63 dd (4.0) c 157.4 b RL, RP
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
HHDP 7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b RL, RP
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Pedunculagin 6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k RL, RP
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Casuarictin 5.83 d (3.5) n 11.4 n RL, RP
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
UC 5.83 d (3.5) h 11.4 n RP
6.14 d (3.5) l 14.4 m
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Sanguiin H-2 5.83 d (3.5) n 11.4 n RP
6.51 d (2.4) h 70.6 g
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Lambertianin B 5.83 d (3.5) h 11.4 n RL, RP
6.47 s (1.2) i 29.6 k
6.21 s (4.5) k 30.5 j
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Lambertianin C 5.83 d (3.5) n 11.4 n RL, RP
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
6.72 t (8.0) g 125.0 f
129.0 d
132.0 c
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Sanguiin H-10 5.83 d (3.5) n 11.4 n RP
5.98 d (4.8) m 126.3 e
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Nobotanin A/ 5.83 d (3.5) n 11.4 n RL, RP
Malabathrin B 6.14 d (3.5) l 14.4 m
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Sanguiin H-6 5.83 s (3.5) n 11.4 n RL, RP
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
6.38 s (4.5) j 24.0 i
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a
Lambertianin A 5.83 s (3.5) n 11.4 n RL, RP
6.21 s (4.5) k 29.6 k
125.0 f
7.23 dd (4.2) e 157.4 b
7.99 s (4.0) a 211.6 a

s singles, d doublet, dd double doublet, t triplet, m multiplet, RL R.Liebmannii, RP R. Palmeri

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Characterization of tannins from two wild blackberries (Rubus spp) by LC–ESI–MS/MS, NMR and… 2271

Fig. 2.  1H NMR spectra of tannins: a ellagitannins found in R. Liebmannii and R.Palmeri fruits; b signals corresponding to flavan-3-ols from R.
Liebmannii. Individual letters corresponding to Table 2. Ppm, parts per million

Fig. 3.  13C NMR spectra of tannins: a ellagitannins found in R. Lieb- DMSO-d6, deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide; ­CD3OD, deuterated metha-
mannii and R.Palmeri fruits; b signals corresponding to flavan-3-ols nol; ppm, parts per million
from R. Liebmannii. Individual letters corresponding to Table  2.

Compound 7 ­(RT = 19.45 min) was present in both Rubus of HHDP-gal) and 301 (loss of HHDP-glu), and a λmax at
fruits and was identified as a lambertianin B isomer with a 250 nm. A s on 1H–NMR spectrum at 6.47 δ is due to the
[M−H]− at m/z 1250, MS/MS fragments at m/z 783 (loss additional lactonized HHDP linked to gal-2-bis-HHDP-glu.

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2272 O. Abel Sánchez‑Velázquez et al.

Compound 8 ­(RT = 19.49 min) was found to be associ- respectively. Sanguiin H-6/lambertianin A is the dimer form
ated with an isomeric form of lambertianin C precursor, of casuarictin/potentillin, and their respective l- or d- posi-
coeluting with a lambertianin C moiety by its ([M−H] − )2 tion of the COOH of gallic acid bonded to the H-1 and H-1′
doubly charged ion at m/z 1401, and had MS/MS fragments glu group, is the key to distinguishing between them. Thus,
at m/z 1250 (loss of gal), 1103 (loss of HHDP), 934 (loss l-gal in H-1 glu is casuarictin, and for the dimeric form, l-
of gal), 633 (loss of HHDP), and 301 (loss of glu-gal) and gal in H-1′ is lambertianin A, but with a d-gal in H-1 glu it is
a λmax of 250 nm. In fact, the molecular mass (Mr) of this known as potentillin, and the dimeric form appears as l-gal
compound is 2805, and it was determined indirectly by the in H-1 glu and d-gal in H-1′ glu for sanguiin H-6 [11, 23],
doubly charged ion at m/z 1401, since the mass spectrometer
could not detect m/z higher than 2000. 1H-NMR spectrum Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity
indicates the presence of a triplet (t) at 6.72 δ (J = 8.0 Hz)
related to the oligomeric structure of lambertianin C, since TPC results are shown in Table 3. TPC values in the CEs
C-NMR spectrum showed signals at 132, 129, and 125 δ were 15.2 mg GAE/g dw for the RL fruits and 17.3 mg
related to gal–glu (C–O–COOH) bonds present in the GAE/g dw for the RP fruits, with significant differences
macromolecule. (p < 0.05) between them. Previous studies reported TPC
Compound 9 ­(RT = 19.82 min) is related to a sanguiin values indicated ranges from 0.59 to 22.4 mg GAE/g dw
H-10 isomer with a [M−H]− at m/z 1869, MS/MS ionic frag- for cultivated Rubus brambles and from 18.4 to 25.5 mg
ments at m/z 1265 (loss of HHDP), 1103 (loss of glu), 934 GAE/g dw for wild fruits [7, 24]. TPC values after defatting
(loss of gal), 632 (loss of HHDP), and 301 (loss of HHDP), and purification with Amberlite XAD-7 resin were 201.0
and a λmax of 250 nm. Sanguiin H-10 1H-NMR spectrum and 184.4 mg GAE/g dw for RL and RP fruits, respectively,
showed signals similar to those for compound 6, but also with significant differences (p < 0.05) between them. FRTs
had a d signal at 5.98 δ (J = 4.8 Hz), indicating a glu-HHDP obtained after purification with Sephadex LH-20 resin
group linked to gal of the sanguiin H-2. 13C-NMR spectrum showed concentrations of 713.1 mg GAE/g dw for RL fruits
showed a signal at 126 δ related to the H1′-glu core. and 637.5 mg GAE/g dw for RP fruits, with significant dif-
Compound 10 ­(RT = 24.36 min) was identified as an iso- ferences (p < 0.05) between them.
mer of nobotanin A/malabathrin B with a [M−H]− at m/z AOX results are summarized in Table 3. ORAC values
1718, its MS/MS showed fragments at m/z 1567 (loss of of RL and RP fruits were 277.4 and 249.2 µM TE/g dw,
gal), 1250 (loss of gal), 1015 (loss of gal-glu), 951 (loss of respectively, with significant differences (p < 0.05) between
gal), and 859 (loss of gal), and it had a λmax of 250 nm. 1H- them. AOX of FRP was 2921.2 µM TE/g dw for RL fruits
NMR and 13C-NMR spectra were similar to those described and 2280.2 µM TE/g dw for RP fruits, with significant dif-
for compound 5, except that criteria to distinguish among ferences (p < 0.05) between them. AOX values of the FRPs
isomers were not found in the spectra for compound 5. increased 10.5 and 9.2 times from those in the CEs of RL
Compound 11 ­(RT = 30.78 min), a sanguiin H-6/lamber- and RP fruits, respectively. Post-Sephadex resin, AOX of
tianin A isomer, was detected with a [M−H]− at m/z 1869 FRTs were 5243.8 and 4908.1 µM TE/g dw for RL and RP
and a MS/MS fragmentation pattern at m/z 1567 (loss of fruits, respectively, with significant differences (p < 0.05).
HHDP), 1265 (loss of gal-glu), 1250 (M-1250, loss of gal-
gal), 935 (loss of HHDP), and 633 (loss of HHDP), with a
λmax of 250 nm. 1H-NMR spectrum showed a s associated Discussion
with isomeric forms of gal at 6.21 and 6.38 δ, which cor-
respond to lambertianin A and sanguiin H-6, respectively; The use of Amberlite XAD-7 and Sephadex LH-20 resins
the signals of these isomers appear at 24.0 and 125.0 δ in the polymer with appropriate solvent mixtures facilities the
C-NMR spectrum for sanguiin H-6 and lambertianin A, separation and isolation of tannins from Rubus aqueous

Table 3  Total phenolic content SP Total phenolic content (mg GAE/g dw) Antioxidant capacity (μM TE/g dw) R2
(TPC), antioxidant capacity and
analysis of correlation of TPC CE FRP FRT CE FRP FRT
vs antioxidant capacity
RL 15.2 ± 0.6b 201.0 ± 6.9a 713.1 ± 58.1a 277.4 ± 9.5a 2921.2 ± 97.4a 5243.8 ± 124.9a 0.95
RP 17.3 ± 0.7a 184.4 ± 13.1b 637.5 ± 31.9b 249.2 ± 8.9b 2280.2 ± 126.2b 4908.1 ± 54.3b 0.98

No common letters in different columns indicates significant difference (mean ± SD), n = 3

SP species, CE crude extract, FRP fraction rich in polyphenols, FRT fraction rich in tannins, mg GAE/
gdw milligrams gallic acid equivalents/g of dry weight, μM TE/gdw micromole Trolox equivalents/g of dry
weight, R2 coefficient of correlation among TPC and AC, RL R. Liebmannii, RP R. Palmeri

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Characterization of tannins from two wild blackberries (Rubus spp) by LC–ESI–MS/MS, NMR and… 2273

extracts [7, 18, 25]. Methanolic (0.3% TCA) extraction which allowed us to obtain additional information to under-
showed a good carryover of intact tannins from freeze- stand the complexity of their isomeric forms and oligomeric
dried berries, and subsequent purification steps increased structures.
their concentration. Additionally, cleaning-up methodologies improve the
The detection of catechin and epicatechin monomers concentration of phenolic compounds. These values were
(Compound 1) may indicate the presence of macromolecular increased around 3.5 times higher than the contents before
PAs in these fruits, but are present more frequently in seeds, clean-up with Sephadex LH-20 and 46.9 and 36.8 times
which remain nearly intact after acid-hydromethanolic higher than the contents in the CEs of RL and RP fruits,
extraction, whereas ETs are easily carried out from more respectively. In another study, TPC values in fractions puri-
soft fruits structures as peel and pulp. Other works showed fied with Sephadex LH-20 resin revealed a greater increase
high contents of PAs obtained from crushed fruits [7, 12]. in this Rubus species in comparison with CEs from other
These polyhydroxyflavans (flavan-3-ols) contributes to the wild Rubus fruits, whose values were less than 31 times
berries’ high AOX and multiple health benefits, including higher [7]. The double exposure of dry fruits to acidified
anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, metallic-ion-chelating, 80% MeOH (0.3% TCA) and to the purification steps could
antiprotozoal, anti-tumoral anti-proliferation, and among increase the extraction of tannins from Rubus fruits and con-
others [5, 7, 8, 14, 23, 26, 27]. serve chemical structures until the subsequent procedures
Ellagic acid (Compound 2) and its lactonized form, are carried out [18, 24]. Fruit phytochemistry is not stable
HHDP (hexahydroxydiphenyl) and its moieties (gal), occur for plants, even in grown with same conditions, and TPC
in Rubus species in low concentrations ( ~ 5% of TPC) but is variable according to genotype and environmental and
are commonly esterified to β-d-glucose (glucosyl [glu]) to seasonal conditions, including within established crops [18].
build macromolecular oligomeric ETs [10, 11]. Polymeric AOX of post-Sephadex fractions were 1.8 and 18.9 times
forms of ellagic acid with low molecular weight ( < 950 g/ higher than FRPs and CEs, respectively, in RL samples and
mol) as pedunculagin (compound 3) and casuarictin/poten- 2.2 and 19.7 times higher than FRPs and CEs, respectively,
tillin (compound 4), are often in Rubus fruits and have been in RP products. Srivastava et al. [31] studied blackberry cul-
shown as potential secondary metabolites with free-radical tivars and reported increases in AOX from 1.1 to 1.7 times
scavenging, lipoperoxidative, and anti-inflammatory activi- in post-Sephadex LH-20 fractions, that had been purified
ties [7, 28]. Other macromolecular ETs, as sanguiin H-2, previously with Amberlite XAD-16 resin, while, using the
H-10 and H-6/lambertianin A (compounds 6, 9 and 11, same procedures, Cuevas-Rodríguez et  al. [7] observed
respectively), were reported previously in other Rubus spe- increases in AOX from 7.0 to 19.8 times from a CE to an
cies, but this is the first report of sanguiin H-10 in Rubus FRP, of 1.0 to 1.7 times from an FRP to an FRT, and of 10.8
fruits, since only has been recorded in other aerial parts of to 18.0 times from a CE to an FRT in Mexican wild black-
these plants [15, 28, 29]. Lambertianin B (compound 7), was berries. In Rubus fruits, tannins have been reported as main
detected easily in both Rubus species, but lambertianin C is responsible of AOX, inclusive, showing higher values than
a molecule relatively heavy, and its presence was inferred anthocyanins, due to the high presence of hydroxyl groups
thought its molecular moiety. Lambertianin C in its natural in their structures [7, 25, 30, 31].
state (m/z 3470) is the trimeric form of casuarictin and has CEs, FRPs, and FRTs extracts from both wild Rubus
been reported in several grown and wild Rubus berries with species, showed a strong positive correlation (Rubus RL
highly potent beneficial effects on human health, also, is R2 = 0.95 and RP R2 = 0.98) among TPC vs AOX accord-
one of the ETs most studied in Rubus berries. Few works ing to the degree of purification. These results indicate that
have achieved evaluate the bioactivity of these compounds the AOX of these Rubus fruits is influenced significantly by
(sanguiins and lambertianins), including antioxidant, DNA- purification tannin degree (Table 3).
preventive (on a human lymphocyte model), antifungal,
anti-inflammatory, and lipoperoxidative effects [14, 25, 28,
30]. An unknown molecule (compound 5) was reported as Conclusion
the moiety of nobotanin A/malabathrin B (compound 10).
Some studies indicated antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and Purification methodologies made it possible to determine
lipoperoxidative effects as the main bioactivity of nobota- the tannin profile of Rubusliebmannii and R. Palmeri fruits
nin A/malabathrin B [7, 28]. LC–ESI–MS/MS analysis is by LC–ESI–MS/MS and NMR (1H- and 13C-NMR). Two
a tool to identify the compounds of low molecular weight, flavan-3-ol (catechin and epicatechin) precursors of proan-
but its main desadventage is the needed to use standards, thocyanidins as well as six other oligomeric forms of ellagic
databases and bibliography to suggest the presence of some acid, including pedunculagin, casuarictin, nobotanin  A/
compounds. In this study, we isolated and characterized malabathrin B, lambertianins and sanguiins, were found in
rigorously the tannin profile in both Rubus fruits by NMR, R. Liebmannii, whereas in R. Palmeri fruits, 10 forms of

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