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31. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.

I once disagreed with my boss on how best to help a client. Instead of questioning
his authority in front of everyone, I talked to him outside the flat. I was open and
honest about the problems he had with the way he wanted to do things. It turned out
that there was just a simple misunderstanding.
32. How do you handle pressure?
I am not a person who knows how to handle pressure naturally. It's something I've
learned to do over the years. At university, during a season in which I had a large
number of exams at the same time, the pressure prevented me from performing at
my best. Over time, I have developed several personal strategies that help me
manage pressure. Now I see stressful situations as motivation or a challenge, and I
face them with a positive mindset.
33. What is the name of our CEO?
Chemical Engineer Raquel Hidalgo
34. What are your career goals?
In the short term I hope to work as a chemical analyst for a company like yours, with
a mission based on excellent production quality. Working in this company in which
I want you to contribute to my preparation to assume increasingly broad
responsibilities such as leading a team in the future.
35. What gets you up in the morning?
Exceeding my state of mind, I try to look for details that motivate me to start my
day, be it with some music, a snack or simply relax for a moment. It motivates me
knowing that the day can be productive and have something new to learn.
36. What would your direct reports say about you?
I usually get along with almost everyone, and in my job it's quite easy because both
my boss and my colleagues know what they have to do and we work very well as a
37. What were your bosses' strengths/weaknesses?
I have loved the time that he has worked in that company because of the good work
environment and the responsibility towards clients, but I think that the time has
come to change. The company has changed management and for the moment they
are paralyzing some projects, or they are changing strategies.
38. If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could
improve on, what would he say?
I am a disorganized person. However, thanks to this, he began to design work
schedules that allowed me to meet delivery deadlines. In addition, he also began to
create memory dynamics with sticky notes that I place within my sight. I have
improved a lot and I am not closed to apply new measures.
39. Are you a leader or a follower?
I believe that by recognizing what is needed based on the situation and my role, I
can decide how to best use my leadership skills. Overall though, I feel very
comfortable leading and it's something I'm looking forward to doing more of in my
career. I saw in the job description that this position would be leading a team of six
and possibly hiring a couple more people as the group expands, and that's something
I was really excited about the job for.
40. What was the last book you've read for fun?
I usually read a lot since for me it's more than a hobby, I usually focus on mystery
41. What are your co-worker pet peeves?
He had a good work environment and responsible enough to meet and carry out the
42. What are your hobbies?
I love to read. And I love nature. With reading I have quiet moments away from the
noise and stress. I am a calm person and thanks to this hobby I manage to "return to
my center".
43. What is your favorite website?
I like to search the internet as long as the website as long as they are trustworthy.
44. What makes you uncomfortable?
I consider myself ambitious, but I am also practical. As long as I continue to learn
and grow in my position I will be satisfied. Companies promote people at different
speeds, and I'm pretty sure working for you will keep me motivated and mentally
stimulated for years to come.
45. What are some of your leadership experiences?
-I was Bicentennial Generation Scholar
-Design and participation in environmental projects to encourage the creation and
care of green areas in the school.
-I directed the collection of school supplies for donation to low-income schools in
one of the communities with the highest dropout rate in the municipality.
-Participation in campaign against addictions

46. How would you fire someone?

Being careful in the speech and providing reasonable reasons help the employee
understand why they have been fired. He may not show it in the meeting, but
internally he will know where he has failed and will try to do better in future jobs.
47. What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?
My favorite thing about the chemical industry is the opportunity for growth, there
are new things to learn and more to add to your skill set. That being said, the need
for constant learning can also be exhausting when you already have a busy schedule,
which is why I think it's important to work for a company that offers training and
development opportunities.
48. Would you work 40+ hours a week?
I know this job will require additional work hours as projects arrive and deadlines
approach. I work efficiently, but when my colleagues need me to spend extra time
with them, I'll be happy to oblige.
49. What questions haven't I asked you?
The best way to answer this question is with follow-up questions that talk about why
you want to join the company and what you will contribute.
50. What questions do you have for me?
Yes. How would you describe the organization's management style?

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