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A: I can swim well.

B: So can I/ I can, too.

A: I enjoy drinking beer.

B: So do I./ I do, too.

A: I am interested in cooking chicken.

B: So am I. / I am, too.

A: Maria is a good egg.

B: So am I. / I am, too.
C: So is Ana. / Ana is, too.
D: So are we. / We are, too.

A: I will be rich.
B: So will I. / I will, too.

A: I must study hard.

B: So must I. / I must, too.
A: I don’t like living alone.

B: Neither do I. / I don’t either.

A: I’m not interested in having a new car.

B: Neither am I. / I’m not either.

A: I can’t stand going to Santo Dgo.

B: Neither can I. / I can’t either.

A: I won’t be at the party. (won’t = will not)

B: Neither will I. / I won’t either.

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