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(2 C~ Complete Plan. After the unit leaders estimate ofthe situation on the enemy has been either Confirmed or denied based off the actual reconnaissance made, the unit leader completes his/her pl i the unit leader's responsibilty o complete pig at ET = ea (S) {Issue Order. This will be the final order issued forthe mission, The operation order (or “op order” for short) can be written, but is issued orally (6) S— Supervise. suy mmission. The unit leader fo “Inspect what you expect.” 2. THE OPERATI That meen, ontinuous and occurs throughout the entire combat orders process for a that mission i ulti 'ately responsible and accountable for mission accomplishment. Execution, Admis Command and si to and remembered ©. Outlined below is the format us sed for the combat orders ‘most commonly issued orally with th Droces. At the company level and below, ic aid of a terrain model. eiiieee ae eisers are ‘The Operation Order repented from Op Orders Pat 1 ORIENTATION. Prior to ising an ode, the unit leader orients his subordinate | ‘operation using a terrain model, map, or whe leaders othe planned area o simply orient subordinates prior to suing the de Rear anak spamtion se atPoMe Of the orientation i, include Mol eet. The ceria Present location (ight dig rd) Direction of attack (Cardinal ion, ex. Northeast, Southwest) Location of the objective (eight digit grid) : SECIATIN "hed eng eon ee 1S a ac i eta Scie eng a eee ee nar es a 2 a ae a. Enemy Forces, Infor mea ee ie tee tc Iission, The Enemy Fores situation canbe ised ung the aconyms SALT DRAW.D hm ofthe ae ae a commanders or Fe enegations,Curearecent acaiysiee et This, Provides fren rei ng SALUTE ropszt Se oft oem ts he ates hal ‘vith 6-git grid coordinate), Unit typedesignation, Time he cacmy ne observed ask Loca posses Ee RAN-D, Ts norman sot MEM what cour of aon he enemy INNER, Dot ya ‘Wrenn very couse oon ey might ob ta ott One Rotem lc Enemy Forces Sito: (Been TSLALE mat fli apy 3 ony ser reported rare meteerat nate ree Taran Ao dutomaic weapons tnd have commantctons ered am formation conned in this subpareraph i obsined a . Eelendly Eoress. Information acer nen ate nd pe 2 Nah serps ited to tat which subordinate leaders need to know t accompteh ee sat aac atm cme bud wine srnyn HAS, mich een” aed aon Penly Force sation TACT-I015-2 (1) Higher Unit Mission. The mission of the next higher unit (for a squad leader's order, the platoon's mission). (2) Adiacent Unit Missions. The mission and location of units to your left, right, front and rear having effect on your mission. Listed are the unit’s missions and general locations. (3) Supporting Unit Missions. Nonorganic units providing combat support or combat service support are addressed here. If there are no supporting units, simply state “none.” (4) Attachments and Detachments. Non-organic units attached (+) and/or organic units detached (-) from the unit, The unit and effective time of attachment/detachment is given. If there are no attachments or detachments, simply state "none." 2. MISSION. The mission statement i assigned to accomplish. It expresses thi clear and concise statement one simple sentence) of what he nits unit's primary task and purpose represented by the "five Ws" -- When (time), Who (unit), What (task), Where (grid), and Why (purpose) for the mission assigned. The task describes the action to be taken while the purpose describes the desired result ofthe action. Of the two, the purpose (Why) is predominant, The purpose of the mission statement is always represented by the words: in order to (and can be abbreviated by IOT). While the situation may change, making the task obsolete, the purpose is more permanent and continues to guide actions. The Main Effort is the commander's “bid for success” and is the one subordinate unit (cg fire team) assigned the most important task to be accomplished by the higher unit (e.g. squad). ‘The commander ensures the success ofthe main effort by providing it with a preponderance of support (i. “weighting the main effort”) and designating corresponding “Supporting Effort” tasks othe remaining units. Only one (1) unit Example Mission Statement “On order, Squad will destroy the enemy observation post located near the ‘objective in order to prevent the enemy from interfering with the platoon assualt onthe objective. We are a supporting effort” 3. EXECUTION. The execution paragraph contains the "how to” information needed to conduct the operation. __ This paragraph consists of four subparagraphs: Commander's Intent, Concept of the Operation, Tasks, and Coordinating Instructions. The information inthis paragraph is generated by the unit leader issuing the order. Subordinate unit leaders must generate their own Execution Paragraph outlining their plan to accomplish their mission. a. Commander's Intent.) is the part of the order that tes the mission statement and the concept of the ‘operation together (your mission with your plan to accomplish it). At OCS, you will simply state “none” b. Concept of the Operation. The concept of operation includes two subparagraphs: Scheme of Maneuver (SOM) and Fire Support Plan (FSP), raed " (1) Scheme of Mancuver. This isthe “big” picture on how all subordinate uni should be described in general, or “anonym rae will conduct the plan. It ous”, terms without identifying specific units (i.e. the *main effort” or one” fireteam will do...vs, “Ist” fireteam wi eons sshpehas a plan. If subordinate unit tasks hay sirsteam wil do... - This is important to keep everyone's autention tothe entire ‘specific part of the entire plan and te ‘maneuver in logical sequence; best E Jor oars ce ee “Stier nce cee Ss Se scp a a LS orl eo sng c rattack, consolidate into a 360. race boners. gather ACE Reports from fre team leader Sapp ctlad at OCS since no assets are available. es unit will be listed in 8 gd. Bsks. The specific missions to be accomplished by each subordinate element of the shears bumbered subparagraph, Task state y ion statements, and as such or sana on statement from higher, your rd When a subordinate unit is fort, it must be stated in the unit spetirupeirnpeprii ce Part of the scheme of maneuver is rebriefed in logical sequence. (This is important so the subordinate again hears {he Plan, bua this tim itis their “specific” part thy hone enh, they tie into the entire squad.) Example task statement “24 fire team, you are observation post near the objective “inorder to pr the main effort. On order, attack to destroy the enemy objective event the enemy from interferring with the platoon assualt on the oo 2ttsinating Instructions. Coordinating instructions are those specific instruction that tie the plan lls of coordination and control applicable to two or more unite fa tha command. Items commonly addressed in coordinating instructions include (1) Time of Attack. The designated time to cross the line of departure (2) Base Uni Or @)0 them, det of Movement. Include formations through each control measure and each fireteam’s location in (a) Assembly Area to Attack Position: (Example: Squad column, fire team wedge, order 0 back is 1" fire team, 2" fire team, then 3” fireteam) Se order from front to () Attack Position to Assault Position: (Example: Squad wedge, is I" fre team, 2™ fire team, then 3” fireteam) This term and the Main Effort can be synonymous. (©) Assault Position to Objective: (Exar play right is I" fire tam, 2" fire team, then 3” fireteam) j* Seva on ine, fire team strmishers righ onder rom te p ‘eid both RETBOrand Seo STUD. AT eng he objective assign (5) Tactical Control Measures. Ensure you list i or nt eras (@) Assembly Area (AA) (b) Attack Position (Atk Pos) (©) Line Departure (LD) (@) Assault Position (Asit Pos) (©) Objective (Obj) ce he Oeste, Dictionnaire magic, cade cachf thetic legs (AA 1 Aik Pos Atk Por Al onan ae train tue yg 4, ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS. This pgp cna lhe abton nag a ; i — inne ni sesupply seve of eupment cance ae Bares arse by eae ho bac ed at a or Beapeys (SP47?) mn ddd ino 90 mbpanag, - EVAC) @. 4, Administration ‘and evacuation of wo a ti por hae eg 2 Oreo par la ea a ones . yw, water) Se ae oer oe ae OS cal eran gate ora ae sri ta ts ar ad TACT-1015-5 ee

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