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1 Ask B about the empty squares. Draw and write B’s answers.
I use my laptop to
Pupil A What do you use your laptop to do in A2? Pupil B design an avatar.

1 2 3 4
What do you use your
laptop to do?
What do you use your Hello
phone to do?
What do you go to the
sports centre to do?
What do you go to the
shopping centre to do?

2 Answer B’s questions. Say the odd one out in each row.

1 Take turns. Ask B questions about Town B. Complete the information.

Pupil A Is Town B crowded? Pupil B No, it isn’t.

Town A Town B
crowded ✔
famous ✔
modern ✘
historical ✔
beautiful ✔
boring ✘

2 Compare the towns. Then complete the information using the most or the least.

Pupil A Town A is the most crowded.

1 Town A is crowded. 4 Town A is historical.

2 Town A is famous. 5 Town A is beautiful.
3 Town A is modern. 6 Town A is boring.

Units 1 & 2 Cut-out © Oxford University Press

1 Answer A’s questions about what you can do in the squares.
I use my laptop to
Pupil A What do you use your laptop to do in A2? Pupil B design an avatar.

1 2 3 4
What do you use your
laptop to do?
What do you use your
phone to do?
What do you go to the
sports centre to do?
What do you go to the
shopping centre to do?

2 Ask A about the empty squares. Draw and write A’s answers. Say the odd one out in each row.

1 Take turns. Ask A questions about Town A. Complete the information.

Pupil B Is Town A modern? Pupil A Yes, it is.

Town A Town B
crowded ✘
famous ✘
modern ✔
historical ✘
beautiful ✘
boring ✔

2 Compare the towns. Then complete the information using the most or the least.

Pupil B Town B is the least crowded.

1 Town B is crowded. 4 Town B is historical.

2 Town B is famous. 5 Town B is beautiful.
3 Town B is modern. 6 Town B is boring.

Units 1 & 2 Cut-out © Oxford University Press


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