Diabetes Mellitus

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Why diabetes cases in Indonesia is so high?

Tittle : Diabetes Mellitus
Paragraph 1
What is diabetes and how prevalence diabetes cases in Indonesia ?
Paragraph 2
How many types of diabetes are there?

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is marked by the rise in blood sugar due to
a decrease in insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells and insulin function ordisorder.
Diabetes is a disease that many people suffer from, including Indonesia. According to Ligita
and Wicking on their journal “How people living with diabetes in Indonesia learn about their
disease: A grounded theory study” (2019), with more than 10 million people living with
diabetes. Indonesia has a prevalence rate of 6.2% and diabetes is one major cause of death.
Indonesia was rated as one of the top ten countries globally with a high number of individuals
living with diabetes in 2013.

There are two types of diabetes. Type one diabetes usually occurs at a young age. This
condition appears suddenly and requires immediate insulin recovery after being diagnosed.
Type two diabetes often occurs in old age, more often in people who are overweight.
Diabetes type 2 a nutritional disorder characterized by the inability of the body to respond to
insulin and is associated with many complications, including kidney failure, retinopathy,
lower-limb amputation, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Standard value for pre-diabetes is blood glucose level of 100 – 125 mg/dL for fasting
blood glucose (called IFG) or 140 – 199 mg/dL for blood glucose two hour post glucose load
(called IGT) or both. According to the Consensus of Management and Prevention of Diabetes
Mellitus Type- 2 in Indonesia, issued by Indonesian Society for Endocrinologist, “the
upholding of IGT and IFG is established according to the standard diagnostic algorithm”.

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