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Vocabulary (page 1)

1 1.notice 5. get to the bottom of

2.source 6. research
3.occurrence 7. vanish
2 1.assumed 5. wonder
2.looked into 6. attempting
3.turned out 7. revealed
4.disturbed 8. developing theories
Grammar (page 2)
3 1.Jill has just bought a new racing bike. Someone stole her old one yesterday.
2.David travelled to Nepal a year ago. I haven’t seen him since then.
3.I didn’t ride on a camel last month in Egypt.
I have been afraid of them since I was a child.
4.Emily has just had another accident. They took her to hospital ten minutes ago.
4 1.have … had, c 4. Have … reached, a
2.did … return, d 5. Has … done, b
3.Did … run, e
5 1. 1. Have … read
2. gave
2. 1. Have … heard
2. sent
3. Has … gone
4. spent
Vocabulary (page 1)
1 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. e
2 1.whisper 4. roar
2.flashing 5. corpse

3 1.laughter 4. glowing
2.proof 5. haunted

Grammar (page 2)
4 1.didn’t go, had happened
2. Had … escaped, arrived
3.had become, climbed
4.was, had made up
5 1.saw 7. sent
2.took 8. had brought
3.put 9.had arrived
4.found 10. got
5.had left 11. had appeared
6.didn’t think 12. had come
6 1.didn’t use to watch 4. did … use to live
2.did … use to play 5. used to be
3.used to do

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