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(Computer Systems Servicing) 
Activity Sheet – Quarter 2 – Week 1 
Network Design, Addressing, 
Subnetting and Topology 

STE – ICT (Computer Systems Servicing) 
Activity Sheet No. ​1 
First Edition, 2020 
Published in the Philippines 
By the Department of Education 
Region 6 - Western Visayas 
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The  ​TLE/TVL  –  ICT  (Computer  Programming  –  Oracle  Database) 
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agreed schedule.

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.​1 

Name of Learner:  ___________________________________________________ 
Grade and Section: _________________________ Date: ___________________ 
STE – ICT (Computer Systems Servicing) ACTIVITY SHEET 
(Network Design, Addressing, Subnetting and Topology) 
I. Learning Competency 
LO 2. Set network configuration: 
2.1 Check  network  connectivity  of  each  terminal  in  accordance  with 
network design 
Code: TLE_IACSS9-12SUCN-Ia-e-34 
II. Background Information for Learners 
Network Design 
Network  design  refers  to  the  planning  of  the  implementation  of  a 
computer network infrastructure. 

Network  design  is  generally  performed  by  the  network  designers, 
engineers,  IT  administrators  and  other  related  staff.  It  is  done  before  the 
implementation of a network infrastructure. 
Network  design  involves  evaluating,  understanding  and  scoping  the 
network  to  be  implemented.  The  whole  network  design  is  usually 
represented  as  a  network  diagram  that  serves  as  the  blueprint  for 
implementing the network physically. Typically, network design includes the 
● Logical map of the network to be designed 
● Cabling structure 
● Quantity,  type  and  location  of  the  network  devices  (routers,  switches, 
● IP addressing structure 
● Network security architecture and overall network security processes 
Network Address 
A  network  address  is  any  logical  or  physical  address  that  uniquely 
distinguishes  a  network  node  or  device  over  a  computer  or 
telecommunication  network.  It  is  a  numeric/symbolic  number  or  address 
that is assigned to any device that seeks access to or is part of a network. 
A  network  address  is  key  networking  technology  component  that 
facilitates  identifying  a  network  mode/device  and  reaching  a  device  over  a 
network.  It  has  several  forms,  including  the  Internet  Protocol  (IP)  address, 
media access control (MAC) address and host address. 
Computers on a network use a network address to identify, locate and 
address  other  computers.  Besides,  individual  devices, a network address is 
typically unique for each interface; for example, a computer’s Wi-Fi and local 
area network (LAN) card has separate network addresses. 
A network address is also known as the numerical network part of an 
IP address. This is used to distinguish a network that has its won hosts and 
addresses. For example, in the IP address, the network address 
is 192.168.1. 
What is an IP Address? 
IP  address  stands  for  internet  protocol  address;  it  is  an  identifying 
number  that  is  associated  with  a  specific  computer  or  computer  network. 
When  connected  to  the  internet,  the  IP  address  allows  the  computers  to 
send and receive information. 
● An  internet  protocol  (IP) address allows computers to send and receive 
● There are 4 types of IP addresses: public, private, static and dynamic. 
● An  IP  address  allows  information  to  be  sent  and  received  by  the 
correct  parties,  which  means  they  can  also  be  used  to  track  down  a 
user’s physical location. 
How an IP Address Works 

An  IP  address  allows  computers  to  send  and  receive  data  over  the 
internet.  Most  IP  addresses  are  purely  numerical,  but  as  internet  usage 
grows, letters have been added to some addresses. 
There  are  4  different types of IP addresses: public, private, static and 
dynamic.  While  the  public  and  private  are  indicative  of  the  location  of  the 
network  –  private  being  used  inside  a  network  while  the  public  is  used 
outside of a network – static and dynamic indicate permanency. 
A  static  IP  address  is  one  that  was  manually  created,  as  opposed  to 
having  been  assigned.  A  static  address  also  does  not  change,  whereas  a 
dynamic  IP  address  had  been  assigned  by  a  Dynamic  Host  Configuration 
Protocol  (DHCP)  server  and  is subject to change. Dynamic IP addresses are 
the most common type of internet protocol addresses. Dynamic IP addresses 
are  only  active  for  a  certain  amount  of  time,  after  which  they  expire.  The 
computer will either automatically request a new lease, or the computer may 
receive a new IP address. 
What is a subnet? 
A subnet, or subnetwork is a network inside a network. Subnets make 
networks  more  efficient.  Through  subnetting,  network  traffic  can  travel  a 
shorter  distance  without  passing  through  unnecessary  routers  to  reach  its 
Why is subnetting necessary? 
Because  an  IP  address  is  limited  to  indication  the  network  and  the 
device address, IP addresses cannot be used to indicate which subnet an IP 
packet  should  go  to.  Routers  within  a  network  use  something  called  a 
subnet mask to sort data into subnetworks. 
What is a subnet mask? 
A subnet mask is like an IP address, but for only internal usage within 
a  network.  Routers  use  subnet  masks  to  route  data  packets  to  the  right 
place.  Subnet  masks  are  not  indicated  within  data  packets  traversing  the 
Internet  –  those  packets  only  indicate  the  destination  IP  address,  which  a 
router will match with a subnet. 
Network Topology 
Network  topology  is  the  schematic  description  of  the  arrangement  of 
the physical and logical elements of a communication network. 
Network topology refers to the manner in which the links and nodes of 
a network are arranged to relate to each other. Topologies are categorized as 
either  physical  network  topology,  which  is the physical signal transmission 
medium  or  logical  network  topology,  which  refers  to  the  manner  in  which 
data  travels  through  the  network  between  devices,  independent of physical 
connection of the devices. Logical network topology examples include twisted 
pair Ethernet, which is categorized as a logical bus topology, and token ring, 
which  is  categorized  as  logical  ring  topology.  Physical  network  topology 
examples include star, mesh, tree, ring, point-to-point, circular, hybrid, and 
bus  topology  networks,  each  consisting  of  different  configurations  of nodes 
and links. 
Why is Network Topology Important? 
The layout of your network is important for several reasons. Above all, 
it  plays  an  essential  role  in  how  and  how  well  you  network  functions. 
Choosing  the  right  topology  for  your  company’s  operational  model  can 
increase  performance  while  making  it  easier  to  locate  faults,  troubleshoot 
errors,  and more effectively allocate resources across the network to ensure 
optimal  network  health.  A  streamlined  and  properly  managed  network 
topology  can  increase  energy and data efficiency, which can in turn help to 
reduce operational and maintenance costs. 
The  design  and  structure  of  a  network  are  usually  shown  and 
manipulated  in  a  software-created  network  topology  diagram.  These 
diagrams  are  essential  for  a  few  reasons,  but  especially  for  how  they  can 
provide  visual representations of both physical and logical layouts, allowing 
administrators  to  see  the  connections  between  devices  when 
Effective  network management and monitoring require a strong grasp 
of  both  the  physical  and  logical  topology  of  a  network  to  ensure  your 
network is efficient and healthy. 
Types of Network Topology 
BUS Topology 
Bus  topology  is  network  type  in  which  every  computer  and  network 
device  is  connected  to  a  single  cable.  When  it  has  exactly  two  endpoints, 
then it is called Linear Bus Topology. 
Features of Bus Topology 
● It transmits data only in one direction. 
● Every Device is connected to a single cable. 
Advantages of Bus Topology 
● Cost effective 
● Cable required is least compared to another network topology 
● Used in small networks 
● Easy to understand 
● Easy to expand joining two cables together 
Disadvantages of Bus Topology 
● Cables fails then whole network fails 
● If  network  traffic  is  heavy  or  nodes  are  more  the  performance  of  the 
network decreases 
● Cable has a limited length 
● Slower than the ring topology 
RING Topology 
It  is  called  ring  topology  because  it  forms a ring as each computer is 
connected  to  another  computer,  with  the  last  one  connected  to  the  first. 
Exactly two neighbors for each device. 
Features of Ring Topology 
● A  number  of  repeaters  are  used for ring topology with large number of 
nodes,  because  if  someone  wants  to  send some data to the last node 
in  the  ring  topology  with  100  nodes,  then  the  data  will  have  to  pass 
through 99 nodes to reach the 100th​  node. Hence to prevent data loss, 
repeaters are used in the network. 
● The  transmission  is  unidirectional,  but  it  can  be  made  bidirectional 
having  2  connections  between  each  network  node,  it  is  called  dual 
ring topology. 
● In  dual  ring  topology,  two  ring  networks  are  formed,  and  data  flow  is 
in  opposite  direction  in  them.  Also,  if  one  ring  fails,  the  second  ring 
can act as a backup, to keep the network up. 
● Data  is  transferred  in  a  sequential  manner  that  is  bit  by  bit.  Data 
transmitted,  has  to  pass  through  each  node  of  the  network,  till  the 
destination node. 
Advantages of Ring Topology 
● Transmitting  network  is  not  affected  by  high  traffic or by adding more 
nodes, as only the nodes having tokens can transmit data. 
● Cheap to install and expand. 
Disadvantages of Ring Topology 
● Troubleshooting is difficult in ring topology 
● Adding or deleting the computers disturbs the network activity 
● Failure of one computer disturbs the whole network 
STAR Topology 
In  this  type  of  topology,  all  the  computers  are  connected  to  a  single 
hub  through  a  cable. This hub is the central node and all others nodes are 
connected to the central node. 
Features of Star Topology 
● Every node has its own dedicated connection to the hub. 
● Hub acts as a repeater for data flow. 
● Can be used with twisted pair, optical fiber or coaxial cable 
Advantages of Star Topology 
● Fast performance with few nodes and low network traffic 
● Hub can be upgraded easily 
● Easy to troubleshoot 
● Easy to setup and modify 
● Only  that  node  is affected which has failed, rest of the nodes can work 
Disadvantages of Star Topology 
● Cost of installation is high 
● Expensive to use 
● If  the  hub  fails  then  the  whole  network  is  stopped  because  all  the 
nodes depend on the hub 
● Performance is based on the hub that is it depends on its capacity 
MESH Topology 
It  is  a  point-to-point  connection  to  other  nodes  or  devices.  All  the 
network  nodes  are  connected  to  each  other.  Mesh  has  ​n(n-1)/2  physical 
channels to link ​n​ devices. 
There  are  two  techniques  to  transmit  data  over  the  Mesh  topology, 
they are: 
1. Routing 
In  routing,  the  nodes  have  a  routing  logic,  as  per  the  network 
requirements.  Like  routing  logic  to  direct  the  data  to  reach the destination 
using  the  shortest  distance.  Or,  routing  logic  which  has  information about 
the  broken  links,  and  it  avoids  those nodes, etc. We can even have routing 
logic, to re-configure the failed nodes. 
2. Flooding 
In  flooding,  the  same  data  is  transmitted  to  all  the  network  nodes, 
hence  no  routing  logic  is  required.  The  network  is  robust,  and  it  is  very 
unlikely to lose the data. But it leads to unwanted load over the network. 
Types of Mesh Topology 
1. Partial  Mesh  Topology  –  in  this  topology,  some  of  the  systems  are 
connected in the same fashion as mesh topology but some devices are 
only connected to two or three devices. 
2. Full  Mesh  Topology  –  each  and  every  nodes or devices are connected 
to each other. 
Features of Mesh Topology 
● Fully connected 
● Robust 
● Not flexible 
Advantages of Mesh Topology 
● Each connection can carry its own data load. 
● It is robust 
● Fault is diagnosed easily. 
● Provides security and privacy 
Disadvantages of Mesh Topology 
● Installation and configuration are difficult 
● Cabling cost is more 
● Bulk wiring is required 
TREE Topology 

It  has  a  root  node  and  all  other  nodes  are  connected  to  it  forming  a 
hierarchy. It is also called hierarchical topology. It should at least have three 
levels to the hierarchy. 
Features of Tree Topology 
● Ideal if workstations are located in groups 
● Used in wide area network 
Advantages of Tree Topology 
● Extension of bus and star topologies 
● Expansion of nodes are possible and easy 
● Easily managed and maintained 
● Error detection is easily done 
Disadvantages of Tree Topology 
● Heavily cabled 
● Costly 
● If more nodes are added, maintenance is difficult 
● Central hub fails, network fails 
HYBRID Topology 
It is two different types of topologies which is a mixture of two or more 
topologies.  For  example,  if  in  an  office  in  one  department,  ring  topology  is 
used  and  in  another, star topology is used, connecting these topologies will 
result in Hybrid Topology (ring topology and star topology). 
Features of Hybrid Topology 
● It is a combination of two topologies 
● Inherits the advantages and disadvantages of the topologies included 
Advantages of Hybrid Topology 
● Reliable as error detecting and troubleshooting is easy 
● Effective 
● Scalable as size can be increased easily 
● Flexible 
Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology 
● Complex in design 
● Costly 
III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites 
● Janssen, Dale, Techopedia, ​“Network Design”,​ (2015). 
● Janssen, Dale, Techopedia, ​“Network Address”​, (2015). 
● Investopedia, ​“IP Address”​, (2015). 
ndicate%20permanency. Refsnes Data, ​“w3schools.com: SQL Syntax”,​  
(2000). https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_syntax.asp 
● CloudFlare,  ​“What  is  a  Subnet?  |  How  subnet  works?”​. 
● Omnisci,  ​“Network  Topology”.​  
● Staff  Contributor,  DNS  Stuff​, “What is Network Topology? Best Guide 
to  Types  and  Diagrams”,​   (August  2019). 
● Ahlawat,  Abhishek,  Studytonight  Technologies,  ​“Types  of  Network 
IV. Activity Proper 
Activity  1.  Directions:  ​Based  on  the  given  definitions  and  features  of  the 
topologies  stated  above,  illustrate  the  structure/diagram  of  the  topologies 
given below. 
Bus Topology 
1. Tree Topology 
2. Mesh Topology 
3. Ring Topology 
4. Hybrid Topology 
5. Star Topology 
Activity 2. Directions​: ​Differentiate network addressing and subnetting 
Network Addressing  Subnetting 

Rubric for Scoring 
Criteria  3  2  1  Score 
Cleanliness Readable,  Mostly  Not   
/Neatness  Understandable  understandable  understandable 
and clean  and clean  and untidy 
Accuracy/  Evident of own  Evident of own  Evident of   
Clarity  ideas and  ideas most of  confused ideas 
imagination  the time  or imagination 
Organizatio Evident of  Evident of some  Unorganized   
n of Idea/  depth insight  insight and  understanding 
understandi and  understanding  /idea. Needs 
ng  understanding   improvement 
Activity  3.  Direction.  Using  a  Venn  Diagram,  compare  and  contrast  the 
following topologies 
1. Bus Topology and Ring Topology 

2. Hybrid Topology and Tree Topology 

3. Star Topology and Mesh Topology 

Rubric for Scoring 

Criteria  3  2  1  Score 
Cleanliness Readable,  Mostly  Not   
/Neatness  Understandable  understandable  understandable 
and clean  and clean  and untidy 
Accuracy/  Evident of own  Evident of own  Evident of   
Clarity  ideas and  ideas most of  confused ideas 
imagination  the time  or imagination 
Organizatio Evident of  Evident of some  Unorganized   
n of Idea/  depth insight  insight and  understanding 
understandi and  understanding  /idea. Needs 
ng  understanding   improvement 
V. Reflection 
1. What is the importance of network addressing? 

2. What is the importance of subnetting? 
3. If you were to ask, which type of topology is more efficient for you and 
VI. Answer Key 



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