Task 1 (Project Idea) Marwan Salem

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Can you imagine an industry that

involves more risk than agriculture as
the climate change is effecting our
world? , probably not that’s why we
need to think of better ways to use
our world resources by implementing
AI in agriculture .

Marwan Salem
Implementing AI in agriculture
Project idea : Implementing AI in agriculture

Reason for choosing this idea :

As the population of the world increase , so does the demand for food , with an
estimated 9.9 billion of us on the planet by 2050 and with food demand projected
to leap 35%—56% in that time. And that’s not to mention climatic changes that
make resources like water and farmable land scarcer , We need to be smarter in
how we use these lands , and use every bit of resources with efficiency .

Strength Weakness
1- AI enables better decision making 1- Lengthy technology adoption process

2- AI brings cost savings to the farmers 2- Lack of experience with emerging


3- AI address labor shortages 3- Privacy and security issues

Opportunities of this project :
Agriculture involves a number of processes and stages, By complementing adopted
technologies, AI can facilitate the most complex and routine tasks that farmers do
every day. It can gather and process big data on a digital platform, come up with
the best course of action and decisions , and even initiate that action or decision
when combined with other technology that help the farmer .

Risks of the project :

New technologies often seem confusing and unreasonably expensive because

Agriculture Technology providers fail to clearly explain why their solutions are
useful and how exactly they should be implemented. This is what happens with
artificial intelligence in agriculture. Although AI can be useful, there’s still a lot of
work to be done by technology providers to help farmers implement it the right
way , and also the fear of cyberattacks can shutdown important tools which will
cause massive losses to the farmer .

Threats :
Because new technologies are not easily accepted by the society and the privacy
violations that can occur , most farmers will be hardly convinced to use these new
tech because they might think its unnecessary and might feel threatened by the
government if it applied laws that forcefully implement AI.
Segmentation of this project :
AI can potentially change the way we see agriculture and farming, enabling
farmers across the world to achieve more results with less effort while bringing
many other benefits. However, AI is not a technology that works independently. As
the next step on the way from traditional to innovative farming, AI needs to be
understood and handled by farmers to output great benefits to them .

What makes this project special :

Most people on the planet these days are thinking about climate change and how
to improve our lifestyle and routines to make the world a healthier place and of
course as of myself , I would like to see my country to execute this project to be
the world pioneers in this field as we were the strongest agriculture economy back
in ancient Egypt , We deserve this prestige again .

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