Railway Modernization in Serbia - Marko Djekic 324-2020

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University of Kragujevac

Faculty of Engineering

English language 2
Seminar paper

Railway modernization in Serbia 

Professor: Student:
Neda Vidanovic Marko Djekic 324/2020

Kragujevac, 2022.

2.THE PROCESS OF MODERNIZATION..........................................................................4
2.1 INTERCITY AND INTERREGIONAL TRAINS..........................................................................4
2.2 CITY RAILWAY..................................................................................................................5

This seminar paper will describe the history of the railway of the Republic of Serbia. Her
importance during the wars as well as difficult moments for her. The process of
modernization and examples of how railways can be improved in Serbia will also be

The construction of the first railways in our country began in the middle of the last century,
when a large part of our territories were ruled by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the
Ottoman Empire. The struggle of the Serbian people for freedom, after centuries of slavery,
was crowned during the XIX century with the creation of two states, Serbia and Montenegro.
After the Berlin Congress, these two independent states began their lives within the new
borders. The development of railway traffic in this area experienced expansion at the end of
the XIX and the beginning of the XIX century [1].

Figure 1. First trains in Serbia [4]

The year 1854 is important for the history of the Yugoslavia Railways. Name, on August 20,
1854, the Lisava-Oravica-Bazijaš railway was opened to traffic with a horse drive, in
November 1856 with a steam drive. After the First World War, a part of this railway in the
length of 27 km remained on our territory, from the state border near Jama, through Jasenovo
and Bela Crkva to the state border between Vračevo Gaj and Bazija. Over time, some parts of
the railway were dismantled, and today only a part of the railway between Jasenovo and Bela
Crkva is in operation. All later built main railways in Vojvodina were laid in the direction of
Pest [1].

Figure 2. Train on steam drive [4]

The program of modernization of the Yugoslavia Railways was adopted in 1964, and it
foresaw the mass abolition of narrow and unprofitable railways. At the beginning of the
1990s and the appearance of war on the territory of the former republics of SFR Yugoslavia,
the railway administrations of the republics began to separate [1].
During the aggression of NATO forces on FR Yugoslavia, a significant part of the railway
and facilities on the Serbian railway network was destroyed or disabled. Development and
modernization that began in the early 1990s was abruptly slowed and halted during this
period. Traces of these events are shown as war damage [1].

Figure 3. Railway destroyed in NATO aggression [4]

During 2004, the "Railways of Montenegro" withdrew from the Union of Yugoslavia
Railways (ZJZ). The community officially ceased to exist with the entry into force of the new
law on the railway of the Republic of Serbia, which was passed in 2005. Due to obligations
and debts to other railway organizations and institutions, it still functioned until 2007, when it
definitely ceased to exist [1].

Figure 4. Trains in Serbia [4]

2.The process of modernization

2.1 Intercity and interregional trains

After the NATO aggression and destroyed infrastructure, the state slowly began to rebuild
roads as well as railways. Railways have always been very important for a country because it
provided it with various trade transports as well as for passenger transport [1].
Unfortunately, Serbia can not boast of quality trains in terms of human transport, they are
very slow and travel takes a long time, so the railway is poorly used when it comes to
people's travel through Serbia, and travel between neighboring countries. In recent years, the
railway has not adequately met the requirements of users in terms of providing transport
services, so in the future it must work to improve business and improve the organization of
transport to meet the needs of as many passengers and respond to market competition [2].
The decision of passengers to use trains as means of transport are the factors that affect :
 Neatness and accuracy of the timetable
 Comfort and convenience while driving
 Shorter travel time
 Safety of passengers from the starting point to the end point

In the last few years, the state has invested a certain amount from the state budget in the
construction of railway infrastructure and the repair of the existing one. Railways were built
between different cities and the transport of people as well as different products or raw
materials was enabled [3].
The development of railway infrastructure opens up opportunities for foreign companies that
use railway transport in their business as a means of transporting raw materials or their
products [3].

Figure 5. New trains in Serbia [4]

By purchasing new and modern trains, we have gained a lot of trust from the passengers
themselves when it comes to human transport. Conditions for travel between cities or
neighboring countries are getting better, travel time is shorter, safety is at a high level as
comfort and convenience during travel [3].
Development and modernization reduce congestion on the roads between cities, thus avoiding
and reducing accidents [3].

Figure 6. Congestion in Belgrade [4]

2.2 City railway

It is known that big cities have traffic problems that are too crowded and often block the
streets due to too many cars or buses. Modern cities solve such problems by building a city
railway or by building subways [3].
The construction of these roads would significantly reduce car congestion. Pollution in big
cities. People who travel by tram or city subway would arrive at their destination in a short
time, they would not have to wait in excessive crowds for several hours a day [3].
The problem for countries that are not so developed is the finances needed to build the
subway or to buy modern city trams [3].

Figure 6. Subway in big town Figure 7. Tram in Belgrade [4]

It is stated that Belgrade, as a city of over a million, will modernize city roads, build a metro
and put into use as many trams as possible in order to relieve the city streets and everyday
traffic jams [3].
Currently, companies such as Siemens and Skoda have opened their production halls for the
production of trams and high-speed trains in Serbia, and there are indications that several
more global companies will open their own [3].

Figure 9. Mireo – Siemens train

Figure 10. – Velaro – High speed trains

Figure 11. – Siemens tram


The modernization of one hundred urban or suburban railways is very important for one state
or city. Passengers need easy, safe, short and comfortable transportation from one location to
another. Modernization would reduce pollution in big cities and reduce everyday congestion.
One of the obstacles to modernization is financial resources.


[1] - https://www.zeleznicesrbije.com/istorijat/

[2] - https://studenti.rs/skripte/zeljeznica-republike-srpske/

[3] - http://biblioteka.masfak.ni.ac.rs/fond/sites/default/files/dipdf/3282.pdf

[4] - https://www.google.com/search?q=vozovi+u+srbiji

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