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“All About My Animal”

First Quarter At-Home Project

Due: Tuesday, October 22nd
In class, we are learning about animals and the habitats in which those animals live. Your
project this quarter is to gather information about an animal of your choice, create a poster,
and present it to the class!

You will need:

1 piece of poster board, pages attached to these directions,
scissors, glue stick, pencil, crayons, markers, colored pencils

Research the Animal

You will choose an animal to research for this project. You need to tell your teacher the animal
you are choosing on Tuesday, October 8th. Please have a first and second choice. This week,
you will check out one book in Horizon’s library. You will also research your animal in computer
lab and bring the information home. After you research your animal, you will create a poster
and report your findings. DO NOT copy information word for word out of books or websites you

1. Animal Description. Describe the animal. What kind of animal is it? (Mammal,
amphibian, reptile, bird, fish) What does your animal look like? Remember to use
descriptive words and include facts, not opinions. (“Tigers are cute” is an opinion, not a
2. Animal Habitat. Where does your animal live? Describe the habitat that you’ve drawn in
the box. Be sure that the habitat includes appropriate food for your animal.
3. Animal Diet. What does your animal eat? Does the animal eat meat, plants, or both?
Does anything eat your animal?
4. Animal Adaptations. How does this animal protect itself from predators and/or weather?
(Does your animal camouflage, migrate, hibernate, or stay dormant?)
5. Animal Facts. What interesting facts did you learn about your animal? What is unique
about this animal? What makes this animal different than other animals?

Create the Poster

After you choose your animal, draw an appropriate habitat for that animal in the “Animal
Picture” box. Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to make your habitat colorful and
exciting! Be sure to include food for your animal in your habitat! Please hand-draw your picture.
Do NOT include any pictures printed off the internet.

Fill out the other boxes on “Animal Description,” “Animal Diet,” “Animal Habitat,” “Animal
Adaptations.” Include 3 or more sentences for each section. Also, list 3 interesting facts in the
“Animal Facts” section. Be sure to use complete sentences with capital letters and periods.

On the back of your poster, glue the “Animal Question” section. This should be one question
about your animal that you discussed in your presentation that you will ask the class.

Write a title for your project at the top of the poster board. Then, cut the boxes out to glue onto
your poster board. You may place them in any order you choose. Your poster will be graded
on neatness and accuracy (habitat created is appropriate for chosen animal and facts are

Present your Project to the Class

You will present your poster to the class. You will want to practice presenting at home so that
you are able to read your information using a loud, clear voice. You have the opportunity to
receive an E for your presentation if you speak in the first person. (For example, “I am a tiger…”)

All About My Animal Rubric

Student has Student has
Student has
researched his/her researched his/her
researched his/her
animal and has animal and has
Project Research included lots of
animal and has
included little or
Project is incomplete.
included accurate
detailed accurate inaccurate
information. information.
Less than 3 complete
More than 3 3 complete
sentences are
complete sentences sentences are
included in each 0 sentences are
are included in each included in each
Writing section with correct section with correct
section with some included in each
correct section.
capitalization/ capitalization/
punctuation. punctuation.
Habitat shows little
Habitat shows a lot of Habitat shows some
detail and does not Habitat shows
detail, including its detail, including its
Habitat Picture food. The whole box food. Some of the
include its food. minimal detail.
Some of the box is Minimal color is used.
is filled with color. box is filled with color.
filled with color.

Student speaks Student speaks in the Student speaks with a

Student speaks
clearly and loudly third person without low voice, unclearly,
Oral Presentation AND speaks in the first
clearly in the third
using a clear and and/or is unorganized
person and loudly.
person. loud voice. in his/her thoughts.

*If you copy information word for word out of a book or from a website,
you will receive a B.

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