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He giggled at the words of the man to his right, before the latter let out a gasp of air and

burst out laughing, affecting the mood of everyone else into accompanying them in their
joyful conversation.
One of the women opposite to them waved at a servant who was patiently standing
motionless a few meters behind the left side of their table.
Noticing her empty glass, he reached out his arms which were holding a silver decanter,
shaped in an elegant shape that coincidentally suited her appearance.
Their shapes where similarly decorated with rose petals on the former’s surface, and the
latter’s white dress, which only made her bare neck dazzle in the eyes of the men to her front.
Not paying any attention to their looks, she gently pulled her elegant glass towards her,
and merely waited as the other man filled it with a lust red colored wine.
Bar a few moments later, she subtly drank from her cup, raising her eyebrows in surprise
when she felt a drop of wine dripping into her beautiful pink lips.
With fast, yet fine movements, she passed her tender fingers through the surface of her
lips, exchanging a look with the man to her front at the end.
He silently gulped as she secretly blushed and turned her sight to the table, though not
before the rest of the lot burst out again in loud conversations and joyful laughter, whilst
letting out exclamations of excitement from time to time.
Thus, the feast ended not long before two hours past midnight passed, and the man who
had found his self captivated by the glamour of the woman to his front, withdrew into his
study room as soon as all the guests had slept to their spare rooms.
With only the sound of a few passing servants from time to time, he finally found quiet
in the peace of a book he was reading, accompanied only by the silent breeze that came in
through the open window to his left.
The rustling of the large walnut tree’s leaves could be heard occasionally from outside of
the house, though the man paid no attention to its calming sound, for he was already
entrapped into the world hidden within the book he was holding.
His fictional trip was short lived though, as when the clock ticked half and three hours
past midnight, he saw the red light illuminated from the oil lamps of the corridor, enter the
room through the slowly opening door; thus, slowly engulfing the faint light his candle
Raising his cyan colored eyes towards the door to his right, he felt his heart skip a beat,
when he noticed the very same beautiful woman who had stolen his thoughts for the night
appear before him, as he gently pulled the dark-brown ribbon that was bound into the inside
of his book’s neck.
Carefully casting his thick book to a corner of his large wooden desk that was in front of
him, he huffed, before looking once outside the open window to his left, and once into the
woman to his right.
She had already changed her white dress into a comfortable white nightgown, whilst
letting her long wavy hair down to reach until her middle back.
Closing the door behind her, the man found his eyes fixed upon her hair’s beautiful
chestnut color, before turning his eyes towards her own honey-colored ones.
After walking a few meters towards him, she stopped and remained motionless, staring at
him, before he eventually broke the silence.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she crossed her arms, and walked one more meter to the front,
before murmuring her angry words at him, nearly breaking her silence at times.
“What?! I should be the one to ask that from you Jean! First, you pretend as if to be in
love with me, and as soon as I reject you, you go on courting my cousin?! Is this your form of
revenge for my attitude towards you? Or is this a thin effort to get rid yourself of me once
and for all?”
Hearing the final word come out of her mouth, he pushed the heavy chair back with his
body, and angrily stood in front of her, before relaxing his composure a mere second after he
looked at her from his slightly taller position.
“My lady Isabelle, if you are so obnoxious as to assume me of some emotionless
vagabond, going around from one body and soul to another, you are very much so, wrong; to
put it politely”
Ceasing any intent to speak, she surprisingly looked at his saddened face, and his eyes
that had just started to water.
“I thought…”
“You thought wrong” said he, cutting her words short, before taking a step towards her
slowly, thus now feeling her heavy breath to his lips.
“I could not find myself into urging for the feel of one’s body, as much as I do for yours,
even if that was my strongest desire”
Feeling her palate water, she silently swallowed, before she bit her lips from the inside of
her mouth.
Seeing her reaction, he gently placed his right palm into her cheek, and finally his thumb
upon her lower lips.
Kindly stroking them in subtle movements, he looked her in the eyes, before she
suddenly found herself not biting her lips anymore.
“It would be a shame for you to strain your tender lips as a result of my words, or
Stopping his words again, he leaned in closer, felt her heavy breath get duller, and
whispered in his warm resonating voice.
“They are so beautiful, after all”
Following a silent pause, he was about to add another phrase to his words, before he felt
the warmth of her lips, to his palm.
“Then, just this once, allow me to use my lips, as both of us would want me to”
Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he could not find the words to reply, as he merely
witnessed her teeth biting his thumb gently, and finally her mouth entrapping his whole
finger into its warmth.
Before they could exchange one more look, he removed his thumb from her mouth, and
pulled her face towards him, kissing her in a passionate manner.
Acting in the same way, she felt their tongues dance as once, before soon gripping his
warm back from underneath his white shirt, with her short nails.
“Oh no you, shan’t”
Before managing to grip firmer, he turned her body around, and after unbinding the laces
of her nightgown, he removed the clothe from her slender body, and pushed his chest upon
her now naked body.
In a gentle fashion, he pulled her chin upwards and starter kissing her neck, before he
slid his fingers from her neck, towards her stomach area, and finally to her already wet
As soon as she felt his fingers touch that area, she let out a small sound of delight escape
her mouth, before turning her eyes towards him, smiling in fulfilment.
Though, with a quick glimpse and a smirk at her, he started stroking his fingers around
her clitoris, in a delicate manner, which only became faster and faster by the second.
Soon, her controlled sounds turned into silent moans, which required of her to hold
tightly onto his short blonde hair, so as to not let any other sounds escape from her mouth.
It was not after a few more strokes, that she used her other arm to reach out towards the
man’s pants and remove the belt that tightly secured them to his waist.
She had already felt its tight pressure up against her buttocks, but she let out a devious
smile as soon as she had his penis into her arms.
With a few tender moves of her fingers, she slowly caressed his balls and the head of his
dripping wet penis, before gripping it in a rough manner, and gracefully stroking its skin
across its long surface.
“Did you forget your promise?” whispered Jean, as silently as he could, when the clock
sounded four past midnight.
Smirking, and letting out a silent laugh, she turned her body towards him, and fell to her
Once looking up towards him, she bit her lips tightly, and took a good glance at his
enlarged penis, that was indeed drooling with the same transparent liquid that she had been
releasing from her clitoris in a squirting manner for more than twenty and five minutes now.
Thus, she gently placed her hand upon the base of his penis, extending her index finger
up to its head, before delicately passing her other hand’s fingers around it and feeling its wet
Removing her second hand, she leaned in her head towards it, and let out her pink tongue
escape her mouth.
With gentle movements she bathed the penis’ head with her saliva, before finally kissing
it with her gorgeous lips and subsequently swallowing it into her mouth.
For several minutes she gracefully used her tongue to please its surface, its head, and its
fluidly secreted juices, via her flowing movements, whilst with her fast tempo and her
occasional deepthroats she had managed to enslave him into a state of pure ecstasy.
Some time later, when she finally noticed his arm placement on the desk besides him,
she released his lengthy penis from her mouth, and started stroking its head with her fingers,
feeling them slip through the wet mixture of saliva and bodily fluids.
Meanwhile, she was letting out silent moans, as she had long placed her fingers into her
vagina, jerking her clitoris as well, at times.
After she felt the head of his penis further enlarge again, she gripped its veiny surface
once more, and started stroking it harder and faster than how she had done so, until then.
She could not manage to go on for long, when she felt her own clitoris squirting once
more, whilst at the same time she felt the spasmodic movements of his hard penis and placed
her squirt-wet arm in front of her face, whilst continuing the stroking with the other arm.
In mere moments, she felt her fingers covered in the thick white cum that had just been
released from his penis, though she did not refrain from moving her fingers across its surface,
however, in a much slower pace now.
Taking a look into her cum-filled fingers, she playfully moved them into the air, before
licking her index one, and stripping it of its cum.
Finally, she took a look into his penis, which was now starting to become smaller and
softer, and removed her tight grip around its base, seeing how some cum had managed and
reached even some of the fingers there.

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