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IDPCC: Week 1 Overview

Speaker: William Cronje

This week is all about the analysis phase of the ADDIE process. During this week, we pretend to be
investigators or detectives, and we have arrived at a crime scene and we need to figure out what
caused it. Sometimes the cause could be a training problem or a need for training. But other times,
there won't be a need for training at all and it's actually just a broken process.

To help us along our journey, we have this analysis canvas that we will be completing as we progress
through the analysis phase. The analysis canvas is a collection of little research methods and key
questions that we will ask about this crime scene as we progress through our investigation. So firstly,
we have the prompt, and the prompt is just a short summary of what you have observed. What is the
reason why you're starting your investigation? That is your prompt.

Next is the need for your course. So after a quick investigation, you have to be able to justify whether
an online course is the best way to solve your problem. So the needs statement is an argument. It is a
way for you to convince other people that this online course is the best way to solve the problem that
you have identified. Next, we will look at your learner personas. So these personas summarize key
features of your target audience. So these are the people who you are creating the course for.

Next is the course content. What will the course be about? What will learners need to be able to learn
in order to solve this big problem that you've identified with your product? Finally, we look at the
learning environment, and when we look at the learning environment, we put on a bunch of lenses
and these lenses tell us more about the learners and the facilitators, the domain and discipline, and
the technologies that are available to us and to the learners and facilitators.

Once we've done our investigation using all of our different tools, we will have a big canvas or a
summary of all of our findings. And this canvas you can think of as a live document, it will be updated
as you progress through the ADDIE phase ADDIE process. As you learn more about your course and
the problem that you're trying to solve for this week's peer review submission, which will be your first
peer review submission, you will be able to choose what you want feedback on. You can ask your
peers to give you feedback on your entire analysis canvas, or you can ask them to zoom into just a
specific aspect. So maybe you want to only get feedback on your learner personas or the prompt and
the need for your course.

For example, you'll notice that the focus here is on the feedback and what you want out of the
feedback process. So that will be the end of your first week of the Principles course. I suggest very
seriously that you really get into the discussions and the passionate activities that are available and
try to get as much out of the peers and the wisdom that your peers have during this week. Ask them
for help, ask them for advice and try to learn from them as much as possible. And as always, I am
available for questions. You can send me an email to ask me anything.

Material from Instructional Design Principles for Course Creation by Eduflow Academy .

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