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For knowledge: also to smoothen passage of the

 Explain the procedure to the
 Hydrogenates the patient for 1-2
minutes – Providing increase
 Prepare necessary equipment’s
percentage of oxygen to prevent
such as:
hypoxia deprivation during
 Sterile towel, kidney basin,
mask and gloves  Turns the suction machine on to
 Gauze/Sponges cotton the appropriate pressure – To
swabs provide safe and negative
 Hydrogen peroxide, Sterile pressure that according to the
water and antiseptic patient’s age because excessive
solution negative pressure can precipitate
 Tracheostomy tie, sterile pneumothorax.
basin & brush/Pipe cleaner  Don gloves – to deter spread of
 Sterile tracheostomy microorganisms
dressing set/kit and  Holding the sterile suction
suction machine catheter with dominant hand,
 Assess the condition of stoma connect it to the suction tubing
such as redness, swelling, that is held with the non-dominant
bleeding secretions and hand. – This prevents
subcutaneous emphysema at the microorganisms into respiratory
neck tract.
For Skills:  Moisten the catheter by dipping it
into the basin of sterile saline,
 Place the patient in comfort Occlude the suction control port
position in a semi-fowler – to help to check suction. – It helps to
patient to cough and breathe move secretions through catheter
more easily. and ensures the suction
 Wear mask, wash hands and don equipment is functioning well
on sterile gloves – To deter the before insertion.
spread of microorganisms  Remove the oxygen
 Open sterile package and basin administration equipment with the
needs for suctioning and care in non-dominant hand – It allows
an appropriate place in the access to the tracheostomy tube.
bedside table or overhead  Using the dominant hand, gently
without contaminating the inner insert the catheter into the
surface – To maintain sterility of trachea. Advance the catheter to
the items. 4-5 inches until the patient’s
 Pours sterile saline and hydrogen cough. Take note that do not
peroxide or sterile water into occlude the suction port when
sterile basin – To lubricate inserting the catheter. – By
catheter and to decrease friction inserting catheter can cause
trauma to the mucosa and gloves. – reassessment helps
remove oxygen from the evaluate the effect of suctioning.
respiratory tract.  With your non-dominant hand,
 Apply suction by occluding the unlock the inner canula by turning
suction control port with the the lock about 90-degree counter
thumb of non-dominant hand. clock wise.
Gently rotate the catheter with  With non-dominant hand, remove
the thumb and index finger of the the inner cannula by gently
dominant hand as you withdraw pulling it out toward you using an
the catheter. Limit suctioning to outward and downward half are
10-15 seconds duration only at 3- movement of the wrist.
5 minutes interval. Instill NSS into  Soak the inner cannula in the
tracheostomy tube with the use of hydrogen peroxide solution for
syringe to loosen secretions. – It several minutes.
removes secretions from all  Change gloves and remove the
surfaces of the airway and cannula from soaking solution.
prevent trauma from suction Clean the lumen and entire inner
pressure on one area of the cannula thoroughly using the pipe
airway. cleaner or brush moistens with
 Encourage catheter with saline sterile saline solution.
and assess the need for repeat  Agitate and inspect the cannula
suctioning. Allow the patient to for cleanliness by holding it at
rest at least 3-5 minutes between eye level and looking this into the
suctioning. Re-administer oxygen light.
between suctioning efforts and  After rinsing the cannula, gently
when suctioning is completed. – tap it against the inside edge of
It allows time interval and the sterile solution bowl.
replacing the oxygen helps to  Dry the inside of the cannula by
compensate for hypoxia induced using two or three pipe cleaners
by previous suctioning, twisted together. (Do not dry the
 When procedure is completed, outer surface)
turn off the suction and  Suction the outer cannula
disconnect the catheter from the  Clean the flange of the outer
suction tubing. Remove gloves cannula if necessary, using
inside out and dispose it, the cotton-tipped application or
catheter in a waster receptacle gauze square moistened with
an wash hands. – It limits the sterile saline solution.
transmission of microorganism  Grasp the outer flange of the
and deter the spread of it by inner cannula and insert the
direct contact. cannula in the direction of its
 Adjust the patient’s position. curvature.
Auscultate the chest to evaluate  Lock the inner cannula in place
breath sounds the don clean by turning the lock clock wise
about 90 degrees to as upright
 Gently pull on the inner cannula
to ensure that the position is
 Change a tie
 Place gauze between stoma site
and the tracheostomy tube or
absorb solutions and prevent
irritation of stoma.
 Document the procedure,
observation of stoma, Cleaning of
the stoma should be performed
every 8 hours & tie be changed
every 24 hours or as frequently
as needed.

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