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PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar

Learning Area HUMSS

Learning Delivery Modality Online Distance Learning (ODL)
School Gen. Juan Castaneda SHS Grade Level 12
LESSON Teacher Edgar A. Rivera Learning Area Social Science
Teaching Date NOVEMBER 2-6,, 2020 Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM No. of Days 4 (as per RM No. 306, s. 2020)

A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts
2. perspectives in/approaches to the study of culture and society (i.e., comparative,
historical, structural functional, interpretive, critical)
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to
Analyze key features of interrelationships of biological, cultural and
sociopolitical processes in human evolution that can still be used and
1. identify norms and values to be observed in interacting with others in
society, and the consequences of ignoring these rules
2. assess the rules of social interaction to maintain stability of everyday life
and the role of innovation in response to problems and challenges
C. Most Essential Learning *Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbols
Competencies (MELC)
(if available write the indicated MELC) and practices
D. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling competencies) N/A

II. CONTENT Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages 21-43
b. Learner’s Material Pages 54-58
c. Textbook Pages Pivot UCSP Module by Armando D. Ison pp. 33-47
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for Power point presentation about the topic, laptop, journal
Development and notebook, UCSP Module, Learning Activity Sheet
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction Is it possible for a society to have individuals who do not practice
ethnocentrism? Why?

What actions can social institutions present to promote cultural relativism

and mitigate ethnocentrism?

After the review, teacher will present the activity below that may lead to the
presentation of the objectives of the lesson.

Who is he?

__A_L_S _A__IN

What is the important contribution of Charles Darwin?

At the end of the course, the learners will be able to:

1. Identify the human origins and the capacity for culture
2. Determine the role of culture in human adaptation
3. Explain processes of cultural and sociopolitical evolution
4. Analyze the key features of interrelationships of biological, cultural
and socio-political processes in human evolution that can still be
used and developed

Answer the pre-test by clicking the link below.

To determine if the learners understand the previous lesson, they will

perform the activity below.

Direction: Analyze the images below and Identify which shows

ethnocentrism or cultural relativism.
(PIVOT UCSP module pp. 33-34)
(see attached sheet for the activity)
B. Development What is evolution? How is Charles Darwin propose on human evolution?

To answer the questions above, learners will watch the video downloaded
curriculum#curriculum about human evolution.
1. What is evolution?
2. How did Charles Darwin explain evolution?
3. Who studies human and cultural evolution?
Learner will perform the activity below, this will serve as the springboard to
introduce LAS No. 1
Activity 1. Imagining Yourself
Direction: Imagine yourselves as archeologists or anthropologists.
Read them the paragraph below:
(Teacher’s Guide pp. 21-22)

The earth contains many buried objects from the prehistoric past.
Finding and interpreting these objects require training. Assume that
you are an archeologist or an anthropologist looking for evidence of
material remains of the prehistoric past as well as other evidence of
human activity.

1. What specific evidence will you look for?
2. What material evidence will you be interested to know and
learn about?
3. What technology will you use?

Learners will perform LAS No. 1 about The ICEMAN and the ALPS.

Learning Activity Sheet No. 1: The ICEMAN and the ALPS

Direction: By yourself, use at least 6 pieces of evidence to tell a story about
the events leading to the Iceman’s death. Remember that the only wrong
answer in history is an answer that lack evidence. Be creative

(PIVOT UCSP module pp. 34-35)

(see attached sheet for the activity)

How did human interactions and culture change over time?

To answer the question above, learner will watch the video taken from
curriculum#curriculum after watching the video they will answer the
questions below.
1. How did human and cultural evolution take place?
2. In what ways were human and cultural evolution studied?
3. Why is it important to know how humans evolved biologically
and culturally?

Learners will perform LAS No. 2 about The 3-IN-1 Learning Stations
Direction: Carefully look at each picture. Give your descriptions pertaining to
1. CULTURE or way of living
2. PHYSICAL capacity in doing the task
3. The kind of LEADERSHIP they have
(PIVOT UCSP module pp. 36-37)
(see attached sheet for the activity)
C. Engagement Teacher will assign the topic below to each group. This will serve as
Group 1 - Lower Paleolithic
Group 2 - Middle Paleolithic
Group 3 - Upper Paleolithic
Group 4 - Mesolithic
Group 5 – Neolithic

Note: this task is given in advance to the learners.

Content - 10
Delivery - 5
PPt - 5

Learners will perform LAS No. 3 about Think it over

Direction: Read and answer the questions.
(PIVOT UCSP module p. 38)
(see attached sheet for the activity)

Learners will perform LAS No. 3 entitled ARTICLE READING 101.

This will deepen their understanding about the topic.
Direction: Read the article entitled “A Settled Life”. Analyze how the ancient
cultural and socio-political features developed and impact our present
period. Then, be able to answer the succeeding guide questions.

(PIVOT UCSP module pp. 41-43)

(see attached sheet for the activity)

D. Assimilation To sum up what they have learned, they will be ask to complete the
following phrases.
3 Thoughts I have learned…
2 Things I want to remember…
1 Question I have in mind…

Learners will perform LAS No. 4 entitled “A Better Me in My Society”

Direction: As a millennial and a Filipino youth, how will you respond and
adapt to this changing world where people and society have indeed
developed and became more advanced than before? However, consider
some circumstances that are hooked on it.

(PIVOT UCSP module pp. 44)

(see attached sheet for the activity)

Answer the post-test by clicking the link below.


Check I can……..
define evolution

Discuss how did human and cultural evolution take place?

Explain how did human and social evolution take place?

Apply what I learned to my personal experiences


I find _________ the most interesting because _________________

I got ____ checks because __________________________________

I need to improve on _______ because _______________________

I need to practice ______ because ___________________________

I plan to ________________________________________________.

as per RM No. 296, s.2020, page 8 format B

(Learning Delivery Modality: Online Distance Learning or Modular Distance Learning)
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