Insurance: Monday, Only

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In printed and published tit the onico,
Queen attoot, Honolulu, H. I., every
fclturuoim (Suudnys excepted).
at Law & Notary Public
Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf nil
Alnkon, nunr tyiccn Ht
Telephone CI.
Subscription, GO cents par Month. JALPItED at Law &. Notary public
Assets, : : $96,000,000,00
Addross all Oommunioatlouii DaU.v
17!t 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly
vrr , rJ?j-:- o COIltl'UUtOl'H
Hrlck, Stone and Wooden Buildings;
Xs IJlllUIOl'M.

Advoitlsomeuts, to ensure luaertloii, David Dayton given. Jobbing piomptly at-

Fhould lie handed In before one o'clock tended to. 70 King stiect. Bid I Tele- "Facts are Stubborn Tilings.'
P. M.
WALTEIt HILL Editor and Proprietor
Will practice iu the lower courts of the
Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect
lng in all its branches, renting of bouses
POPULAR -- : MILLINERY -:- - HOUSE, phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up 5.1y

At every ago, on every nicmiitm

and auy other business entrusted to him G EORGE LUCAS.
Contractor table, and iu every year, the AC-
Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Ofllec ill King Street Upstairs. 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, nnd Builder,1 TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies
Fob 9

Nowapapor, Book and Job Printing of Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Lspla of tho New York Life Insurance Co.
bll kluds done on the most favorable nadc, Honolulu. have been LARGER than those OF
PIONEER N. S. SACHS, - - - - PROPRIETOR. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing
Telephone No. 25il Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,
No. 25(1 STEAM CANDY FACTOR! Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-
ciniilnr policies.
ilutiiul Telephone
A.N l liA-itasit- work finish. Turning, Scroll nnd Baud fjST For particulars nnply to
F. HORN, Practical Confoctloner,
71 Hotel St.
Paltry Cook nnd Baker.
Telephone 74.
To Commence on Monday, Nov. 4, 1889. Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-tu-
Morticing and Tenanting.
Orders promptly attended to and work

C. O.,
BS guaranteed. Orders from tho other Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Inlands.
solicited 283 tf
Weekly Summary. HOLLISTEB & CO.,
Honolulu iron Works,
Druggists & Tobacconists I8team engines, suirar mills, boil FUZE,
i s
Auinteresting and comprehensive
publication, contains !13 columns of
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Positively for Two Weeks Only ! ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-
ings; machinery of every description
made to order. Particular attention paid LIFE, AND
leading matter on local topics, and a 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, to ship's black Bmitluug. Job work exe-
complete resume of Honolulu and Island
News. It is the best paper nubllshed
210 Honolulu, U. I. THE ENTIRE tfcTOCK OF- - cuted at short notice. 1
in the Kingdom to send to tilenda
a. M. 1IEN80N. fl. W. SMITH.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods & Ladies & Gents Fnrisliii Goods, J. E. BROWN & CO.. INSURANCE.
: 00 year BENSON. SMITH & CO.,
lbland : :
Foreign 5 00 " Hartford Firo Insurance Co. -
Manufacturing anil Dispensing
: : :
B ! SH XM Merchant Ht., Honolulu, H.I. Asset, $5,288,000
Commission Merchants. Pharmacists,
113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu (Fire nnd Marino)
& Co., Depot for Bocrickc & Sccchlk's
H- - e e f Assets, $450,000

General Commission Agonts.

Conveyancers & General Agents
Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation
Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet (Fire and Marine)
'"i Honolulu Requisites, iSJy Everylliiiic Keilnceu from i(H Former 1'ricc ! Capital, paid up, $2,000,000
' 0. W. MACFABXANE & Co. AU oo(Im Iurkoil in I'lnin Figurcx ! REAL ESTATE FACTORS &
South British Fire and Marine Ini. Co

WEMER Jewellers,
ivo. oa
& CO.
want, lawr.
Sole Agents for the Burlington Route
Across America, nnd to the Azores.
Capital, $10,000,000
Now York Life Insurance
Uuecu street, - - Honolulu. H. I. $95,000,000
1C4S Constantly ou hand i largo assortmen Sole Acents for Pitt & Scott's Foreign
of every description of Jewelry, Watches WE WILT MENTION BUT A FEW 0,F THE MANY BARGAINS THAT Parcels Express & General Shipping
Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. Agency.


VALENC1ENNE LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, 75 cts a yard.

Solo Agents for Atlantic Rubber Stamp
Sole Agents for Masellcld Bros.' New
Wholesale Grocers & "Wine Merchants Thomas Lindsay, ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skiit Length, fiO cts a yaiil.
ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, extra quality, 7f els a yaul.
Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods.
Special Agents for Leading New Zea
land and Australian Mercantile Firms.
General Agent, Haw'n Islands.
Beaver Block, Honolulu.
COLORED RORDER HANDKERCHIEFS, (50 cU :i doon. Special Agents for the California Lnud
Association. 1053 ly
BBKWKll St COMPANY, Special Agents for the Honolulu Bust
Jt (Limited)
Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Ladies English Balbriggan Hose, extra fine, 25 cts a pair. ness Directory.
Gbnkhai. Mehoamtilb and
commission aukmu Kukui iowelry a Specially. AIno, Other .Special Agendo. Life, Fire & Marino Insur'oe Agents.
list 0p0fficb11s: King street, llonolnln, II. 1. SATINS (For Fancy Woik), 25 cents n yard. JST" Customs' Eutrics Passed. Pio
1'. O. J0HE8, Jr..'. Manager
.President & Neittloor to the Hawaiian Tiam. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, 50 cents each. pctties Managed. Assignees and Audi Tho Xoiv JCDEland
t. (). (jATKii.....Treaaurei JtHecietary way Company's Olllce. MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, 2.1) per dozen. tors' Work done promptly. Houses
Leased and Runts Collected. MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y
uuiuci'ous: of Boston.
Hon. U. It. Bmuop.
II. Wateiuiousk.
S. C. Ai lkn, tar Paiticular attention paidjnu.19-8-
kinds of repairs.
to all
ON FEED CO., New Business Solicited
838 ly

Metropolitan Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 3G0.

The 2tnn Fire Insurance Co
OFFER AT BED BOCK PRICKS Dcc-- Ii Post Offico Box 4G9. JBS-l- y
of Hartford, Conn.
JOHN Importer and Dealer in General BEAVER SALOON California Hay, Oats, Bran, The Union Fire and
Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1
Meat Company OU Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,
i. u. iiox :t.ti. -- e-
noil t-i- .
Marine Insurance Co.,
of San Francisco, Cala.
a. N. Cistle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. I'. Castle The Best Lunoli in Town,
81 KINO STREET, Barley, Rolled Barley, 101 ly
CASTLQ it ShippingCOOKE,
and Commission Tea and Ooffee at All Hours J. WALLER, - - Manager Middling Ground Barley,
Merchant. importers and Dealers in
Uoneral Merchandise, Wo. 80 King it.,
G. Prussian National
The Finest Brand of Wheat and Corn Flour.
Honolulu. 1 Wholesale & Eetail Butchers
AND FLOUR xerAlla, Golden Gate & Salinas- - FLOTJR
Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,
Honolulu, II. I. Insurance ComD'v
i r WQ.Sugar
Factors uud Commission
Otaua Sprcckels. Wm. O. Irwin.
1717 ly
lolophones, No. 175. Cor. Edinburgh & Quo on Sta. Capital
0,000,000 Reichsmarks

Honolulu. outs, 1
Always on Hand. GENERAL AGENTS. rpiiK undersigned, having been ap-J- L
loll Toloplwnio, rSO --
YjsuSJT Mutiiul "JColeplione, ;$?' 1 pointed agent of the above Company
I S CO.,
WILDER Dealers 11. J. NOITJ4, Proprietor. Choicest Mutton ! AfconutantH &. Collectors for the Hawaiian Islands, is preparedto

I iu Lumber, Paints,
JUh, Nails, Sal, aud Building Materials
of every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen Hts.,
Uiictano J? Rnhartcnrt
O von TH

Bell Telephone So.

accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,
Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar
Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms
Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable
Beef, Pork,
F. J. Lowrey
. Lowers,"
O. M. Cooko.

to Lowers & Dickson,)

HAWAIIAN WINE GO., Manager of Advertising Department

at Wilder A
Importers nnd Dealers in Lumbprand all T K A. Y IU M 3V .
Xrili,Vefieiiill;H,Xso.,teo. FOIl TUK
Jly-8- 7

Kindt ot Building Materials, Kort street, Always on hand at the

tl Nupepa
Honolulu. 1
LL ordeis for Cartsgo promptly at.
teuded to. Particular attention
, i -- O-
H. G. CEABBE, No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street, DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:
(Successors to Win. McCaudleiss), Paauhau IYantatiok, )

Storing & Shipping No. O O.uei'11 tit., : : KIhIi MarKet,
Hawaii, March U, 1S88.
Itlniton Iron Jk. J.ocomotlvit IVorkit
DEALER IN of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Honolulu, II. I.
Collections will receive special atten- Hun 'rnurlHeo.
tion and returns promptly made. Gkntlkmkn: We have used two of
tSyFamlly and Shipping Oulers care- Real Ettate bought, sold and Icnscd. your Filter Presses, this
81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station Also, Black and White Sand fully attended to. Live Stock furnished Taxes Paid and property safely i insured

Mutual 'JTolepUouo
3So. 4. in quantities to suit at lowest prices.
to vessels at short notice. my 8
HAVE THE BEST QUALITY Houses, Cottages, Rooms anil Otficei,
hated nnd reutvd, and reuls collected.
seiiKou. They nio convenient, easily
handled and me working entirely to our
satisfaction. I can recommend no
87 If Omec, next door to JaB. F. Morgan's Fire and Lite Insurance elt'ecti-- in I! on them.

auction room.
982 ly
Insurance Companies
a Specially Recouls
Veiy respectfully yours,
(Signed) A. MOORE,
Mutual Telephone No. 10. searched and correct Abstracts of Title Manager Piintihait Plantation.
Surgeon, furnished.
KOWAT, Veterinary
Alt. and pharmacy at Hawaiian THEO.
Hotel Stables, comer Hotel and Richard
streets. Scientifictreatment iu all ills.
Legal Documents and Papers of every
description carefully drawn and hand,
koinely engrossed. Mu. John
Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889., Agent Risdon lion
Works, Honolulu.
Nuuanu Street. Copying and Translating In all languages
easei of domeatto animals. Orders for View and Jjiimlscana in general use in this Kingdom. Dkau Sin: Please shiptis one f jour
planlatiou and lauch slock promptly Photographer. Custom House Business transacted witli
110Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square
ulteuded to. Mutual Telephone Jo4, IMPORTED INTO THIS KINGDOM. accuracy and dispatch. tret surface, same as the one supplied
P.O. Box 320. mh.18-8-
Loans negotiated at favorable rates.
us last neasou, which I am pleust-- to
Makes a specialty of photographing
residences, interiors, croups, decora, Beef, Veal, Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and hay has given us entire satisfaction,
Yours truly,
LADIES' NURSE. tlons and all kinds of out aud indoor
views. Also, docB priming nnd develop,
Advertisements and Subscriptions soli Gko. R. KWART,
Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. " Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

M RS. MONROE, ladies' nurse, has

removed to no. , iwiuui mnu.
Feb.H-8'- J
ing for amateurs and others at the
lowest rates. Satisfaction given ami
nil orders receive prompt attention.
AW- - Our " PEDRO JIMENEZ ciled for publishers.
Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.
Any Article purchased or sold. These Pi esses ure mndo extra heavy
for high pressures, occupy a Hour
Views mounted iu books to order. Cambridgo Pork Sausagos I Orders will revolve parti,
p;ieo 1 1 feet by 4 ltd. uud prcjcul
Oki'Ioi:: Corner of King and Alakca ciilur attention.
IS SIMPLY SURLIME. To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished lllterlug surfaee of 240 square (eel...
FOR SALE street. P. O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. 8M.
122 tf
Fresh Every Day. Col-
lages in desirable localities at reasonable A limited number iu stoek Iu Houu-lul- u
j and are sold ut very low prices.
j FIRST UliAi. t2TH is noted Sausages are made by rentals.
Phaeton in per.
order. Apply at
A. If. RASEMANN, the every best mnchiui'ry, anil ull orders
entrusted to his care will be dellveied
o Several Valuable
around tho city now for sale and lease
Properties In nnd Risdon Iron & Loco. Works.
San Francisco.
this olllce. :i41 tf Book'binder, Paper-rule- r & Bluuk-boo- k witi promptness and dispatch, aud his
prices aru as low as anywhere in the
gT Wliiehjwill be nld AT LOWEST RATES by
ou easy terms.
ffir For particulars enquire of
Manufacturer. city. JOHN DYER, Honolulu,
THE38 WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X FRANK BROWN, ttSrAll business eutrusicd to our raro Boom No. 3 SprcckeU' 11 lock.
columns, puroly local iiisttei
to foreljju rmintrkt. l,er No. Merchant street.
ocM-flU-I- y
Up stairs, CTTry bit Bologua Sausarei.ta
or--t fi 8d 2170 Malia'ci,
will roielve prompt ami faithful atten-lio-
at jumlerate rhargei, VcM tit

W. O. Irwin & Co., Aaeit, 3

4k JSN wfltMrf 4KB.
L ,"'--fvia-"--
..,.ajii jjJbt.iiaiianiii'miftiii , x ..4Bai.jsdu..i ..!i; j j'JIi. a1':
riA"n.v u. t.. rfn-VinXihtdl-
a. mia.

f II w vA,i m Vthiv nhllilrcii.
hny, will 'vojt
I? von
Uvo tq son tho
T7v .i.iiMHr!arv ftl llkflriilllt' milt
our own, lot vtfl bvlofly eIiuhjo ot tho
wnon a rmtivo win up tried i,V constitutions of olhor oountrlea,
rtgffg- Sal?U n jury
of foreigners, horo in tils own cot)) Commencing with tho30 under mon- k sa C3 a ssiaa IsWSJI
try j most assuredly not as long ns archies and as the noarcst wo will
Placed to neither Sect tier Party,
But established for the benefit of all.
the Hawaiian Hag tlics at the main;
and that 1 hope and am satisfied will
begin with Now Zealand.
Tiie Government of New Zealand
be for many years to come. For is composed of a governor appointed Is issuing a new form ot insurance which provides, in the event ot death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad-
your own good 1 would advise you for a term by the Imperial Govern- dition lo Hie amount, of the policy, or, should the insured survive a given number of years, the Company will
THURSDAY, NOV. M, 188!). ment lo represent the Queen: a
Dupiiviincut ol" luU'ilor. to read, digest and practise more velum all the premiums paid wlth'intorest; or, instead of accepting the policy and profits in cash tlip holder
than you have done for some lime legislative council of l.'i members may, WITHGI'TMKDICAL EXAMINATION and WlTllOtT Ft'RTHKR PAYMENT OF I'RKMIWMS, take in
SATURDAY, Hie Kith of Novem- THE MINISTERIAL ISSUE. past, the tine Christian sentiments appointed by the Crown for life, ami lieu Iheicof the amount of policy and profits in FFLI.Y PAID IT iiisuiancc, pailicipating annually in ilhhlcmK
ber, 1S8U, being the K'ihI Aiinivor-sai- y and principles running through the a lower house called the Legislative
The teller of "Bystander," crili communication of tho Rev. C. M. Assembly composed of SS members Remember, this contract is issued by the olded Life Insurance Company in (lie Foiled Staleu, and the Lar-
of the l'.lith of His Majesty the Millions of Dnllnis.
C'Wiik an article in tint paper on Hyde in the Bn.iiTix of Oct. 28, elected every live years. gest Financial Institution in tin Winhl, its evcecdinf One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x
King, will he observed n n National
"The Ministry in the Elections," and try to practise more of the prin- The qualification for electors is a t&y" For full particulars call on or address
Holiday, nntl nil Public Ollices
throughout the Kingdom will ho
closed on that day.
made some strong points; but. in
those where the writer took decided
ciple of rendering unto Ciesar the
things that are Civsar's. By doing
so you will have a better chance of
freehold unencumbered of S2"i0, or
a town rental of S0, or a country
rental of 825. The natives (Mao-ries)a- re 3G0 lm
IS. ,1-- $.

General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

L. A. THURSTON, exception to our argument, he was living a more happy life, din easier allowed to elect four of their
404 21 Minister of the Tnteiior. not so clear as when he concurred. and have a cleaner ticket lo that race to represent them in the lower
"Bystander"' disputes the theory that bourne from which no traveler re- house.
turns. If the above advice is It, will he seen at a glance thai
TENDEUS. the election of a Legislature on a to your taste, you should

this is far from being as liberal as

platform toward the leave the church and sail under our own constitution, and yet in
Office or Tin: Roaud or,)
dif-feie- nl

Honolulu, H. 1., Nov. 12, 1881.S Ministers would "pave the way for colors. The public are get- New Zealand Hie natives ate com-
a reconstruction of tho Cabinet, if ting tired of those unchristian paratively wealthy, which may be in
Healed tenders will he leeeived at
waiblings too often found within gieat measure due to the fact that
tins otliee until MONDAY, Dee. 2nd, that
188!), until 12 o'clock noon, for the tive
lie found a desirable alterna
by tho majority of the Legisla-
deliveiy on the wharf at Iviilatipapa, ture." His dissent is based on the
the columns ot the Advoithor.
the law forbids them lo part with
their lands, a piece of legislative
protection that, would soon be re-
I. I1. IRAflSJLCV, Manager.
Molokai, in good older and condi- clear provision of tile Constitution A CRITIC CRITICISED. pealed if they themselves had a le-
tion, an average of ninety (90) head that "the Cabinet shall be appoint- KniToit "Some people gislative majority, and no benevo-
lent, check from a second chamber.
of Fat Reef Tattle per month, for ed and commissioned by the King." arc always satisfied" when their
the use of the Hoard of Health, for Still, facts show that well-know- n friends are in question, "and so The Government of Tasmania con- --
would appear from a general" eulogy sists of the usually appointed gov-
mx (() months, fiom the time of this provision is not an insuperable
u win ding the contract. The tender obstacle to reconstruction of the
"by one" double star () in the ernor and a Legislative Council chos-
en for six yeais by freeholders of
should stale the average weight and Cabinet. The Reform Cabinet has
price per head. been twice reconstructed during tho
Clazettc. So far as the people hero
are concerned such stuff as one sn
"has poured forth proves nothing,
Slot) worth of unencumbered estate
and graduates ot a university,
clergymen or doctors which educa-
The Bnaid of Health does not past biennial period, and in neither hut to the uninformed it may be
different." "It is a sufficient refuta- tional recognition in voting is com-
hind itself to accept the lowest or case can anyone say that the new in- mon to all Australian systems. The
unv hid.

404 :it
fli:o. C. POTTER,
cumbent was the personal appointee
of the King. The King in both
tion to his first" answer "to look at
the composition of the Judiciary
department, the road, education,
Assembly, corresponding to our
House of Representatives, is chosen
health board, and post office, to sec for live years by voters owning S.'!."
cases, it is understood, yielded, un- in freehold.
TENDERS. der other provisions of the Constitu that" nsarly nil "the incumbents In New South Wales, of which
are of the missionary slock" (note
tion, to the advice of the majority of
that wc never used the words mis- Sydney is the capital, a Legislative Ginger Ale, Hon Ale, i, Rasjta'i'iiiilG, Sarsapiilla,
Sealed tenders will he reeeivul at his Cabinet remaining in otliee. In sionary slock in the whole article, Council of M members is appointed
the Interior Otliee until TUKSDAY, the first case the Legislature pledg- they are 's. No sacred pig is need- lor life by the Crown. The Assem-
November 1!), 18S!), at 12 o'clock ed in the elections to support the ed to root up their genealogy. bly is composed of 7." members
noon, for furnishing Blue and While Ministry was
IJallc.t Pst per for the (icneral Election
in session, and perhaps Two stars admits that "there are
two small bridges between Ilalawa
elected 1)3' manhood suffrage.
The Colony of Victoria, of which MINERAL WATERS, ETC,, ETC., ETC, ETC.
that pledge was an embarrassment and Ninlii that arc so far out of re- Melbourne is tlio capital and which
or 1S!)(.
to the judgment of membeis in pair, as to be scared' safe." We owing to the gold mining clement
Samples of Paper and specifica- predominating in its development,
tions can he seen upon application meeting the
unexpected situation. say, there are two ravines, a small o- -
one, and the other amongst tlis and that laigely Anieiican, is claim-
to the Interior Ofiice. Still it cannot be said that the com- ed to be tlio, most progressive of all
deepest and largest of the district,
The Paper must he ready for de- mittal of candidates in that election so large, in fact, that there are two the British Colonies, and whose sys 'TELEPHONE 297.
liveiy on or hefoie Jannaiy 1, 1SD0. to suppoit of the Ministry was un- bridges in its bottom. That is "the tem of government is said to include
The Minister of the Inteiior does wise. The opposition to the Minis- pari, of the district that can whistle the most radical features, will be
for good roads." seen lo come very near our own.
not hind himself to accept the lowest try then was undoubtedly in behalf The Legislative Council of Victo-
of reaction to the species of abso- We do not "dig" at school
or anv hid.
tcaclieis nor mean to he "unkind" ria is composed of ."0 members elect-- " sy- - All ('omnuuihiutlonH and orlorn uhouM In nddrcfistMl to
L. A. THUltSTON, lute rule which was overthrown by cd by six provinces for ten years,
Minister of the Interior. to them as Defensor has it, because
the revolution. No executive record they only come for good salaries ten members rcliiing alternately
Inteiior Ofiice, Nov. 12, I Shi), each third of the term, as our own
to:: ."it
had been made on which to judge
the Cabinet, so that it was lo stand
when called, but we do dig at the
school boaid that imports them by Constitution provides lor our 21 JBENSON, SMITH & CO.,
School House at Haou, liana, Maui.
or fall entiiely on the principles of cargoes. At the next election "
will know "what part of the com-
members. The qualification of vo-
ters is the possession of land of SL "0
SHU"! in Ajjenis.
the Reform Party. munity we echo." annual value, or occupying a house
Those principle-- ! were good, and or lot rated at s."i00 :i year. The TO LET
Tenders will he received at the
office of the Board of Education until it is because we do not wish to see
Wc cannot follow in his side
tracks, "over the Waimea moun-
tains, nobody is speaking about, but
lower house, termed the Legislative
Assembly, is composed of 78 mem- Suite of
Gent's Fine Blue Flannel Suits,
12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, the them endangered now that we raise bers elected by manhood suffrage. Kiiniilir. liiicms con- I -

we stop on the main road, and say, Mstinanf pn lor, li uml Young Men's lll.ick French Diagonal Suits!
I'Olh of Novemher inM.., for the con- an objection against their being In the case of Queensland, the Hoys' Fine Light Weight
that Echo lias "common sense" bt-il- room adjoining; alto siiu;lu rooms. Suits' ('as.-mnei-

st! notion and completion of a School identified with the personnel of a enough not to object to a good road youngest of the colonies having Apply "Nutiiiiiii Avenue," opposite Ainu, ' Uenl's Fine Neckwear, Ho.siory, Underwear!
House 20x110x12 feet, with 1 room Cabinet that, in the opinion of many to Mahukona, but merely asks: the Legislative Council riouti I.c.U ion, two doors lielnw Suhw)'
street. 3fl."iif HRNT'S BLAOK, UROWN ami GREY
and veranda on one side, on the Gov- people including honest supporters 1st. Why the Mahukona road. of 28 is nominated for life by the
ernment school lot at Haou, liana,
of those principles, has either indi-
vidually or collectively in various
where there is little or no tralllc, has
been finished before that one of
Crown, and the Assemblymen are
elected by those having, or renting,
houses of an annual value of SfiO.
All the above Goods aie NUW GOODS and NKW DESIGNS, and
Plan and specifications can he seen Niulii, leading to many villages, and for a small
ways disappointed expectations and an important mill, a load that is It will be seen that, by comparison, IlIRNiailEn. foreign with will be Hold at VERY LOW FIGURES at
at the otliee of the Boaid of Educa- our voting system appioaches more
promises. There are two contin
gencies capable of removing the ob-
"almost impassable after a heavy
rain of half an hour or less?" nearly to the lepublican basis, and
nluin 1

lage with the usual conveiiicurca would

lie pielVrred, aail neat u line ol si reel
A seimiiitc Col
The Leading Millinery
Chas. J.fount',FBSHEL'S,
Corner Foil it Hotel sts.

The Boaid of Education does not 2ndly, When will theic be money although troui our dilferent condi-
jection to the Ministry being an is- tions it may not at first sight appear, ears Statu inclusive terillH to "Aliini,"
hind lf to accept the lowe.-- l 01 to make those two bridges and ra- Hci.r.hTiN Ollicu. !!H 2
sue in the elections, which ought to yet, when looked at a little closer
any hid. vines "safe?" CRYSTAL-:-SODA-:-WORK-
By older of the Board of Educa-
have been gathered from the article Hi lly, Why is a first assistant only and studied, it will be seen thai Hie TO LET S,
criticized by our correspondent. paid S!)0, and a second assistant results which our present Constitu-
tion. tion spreads among the wage-earne-
W. .IAS. SMITH, First, the organization of a party in without school experience in the
of the country aie not surpascd, if D ESI lid BLK Residence on
the JOHN GItACE, : : Proprietor.
Secretary. opposition, including in its leading islands, as Defensor objects to the 'Sininv " Extensive
word green, S."iO? Does the differ- equaled, by any of the favored re- SOLE MANUFACTURERS of "THE ORE AT ULOOD
Education Ofiice, Nov. 13, 188!). men material fit for a Cabinet, which publics. grounds planted fruit trec and
ence lie in the skin? mental shrubs. Rent very moderate ,! PURIFIER"
4t):):tt-11- 4 It should not only adopt the principles When '" will have answered satis- (7V he l'o.H-e'hi-
on December 1st Also,

Official Nut ice.

of reform and progress that proved
triumphant in 1887, but be pro-
factorily and squarely these three
questions, Eclio will not for the A SUGGESTION.
Commodious Ofllee fvacalcil by Tahiti
Lemonade Depol), 2tf Merchant street. SARSAPRILLA and IEOH WATER,
Could he divided into two good olllces.
present "undertake to send another ALSO
His. Majesty the King and the nounced upon ital questions that KniTOK Ui'i.i.ivnx: Ab Engine Heat low. Applv to
such growl to the press." Why Company No. is unable to decide
1 .I.E. IJROWN & CO., Ginger Ale, Cursciparilla, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.
Queen, will hold a lecoption at lolalii have arisen since, and that, this does "' answer in the Gazelle when :t!l? lw 2rt Meicliam Ktieet
upon a ticket for the election of en- 3
Palace, on SATURDAY, November should be Hie only Opposition Party wc attack in the Bdu.utis? gineers I would like lo offer the fo-
lfith, fiom 11 o'clock a. m. to 12::!0 in the lists. Then, if there was a Anybody can guess, and wc bet llowing for their consideration: Chief
Valiinble Property For Sale g&T ALL XfRATEI) WATERS OUARANTEFl) l'URE gfll
o'clock r. M. The oider of leception party of unequivocal support to the Wvt! cents that the Advertiser will
reproduce this article, more than
Engineer, John McLain ; First As-
ON Ntuiianil Avenue, n 5i rcrrs:s K'juxtEicr nt
will he as follows: Cabinet as it stands, also with a not it published the first one.
sistant, Hang Sam; Second Assist- wly fuiii'mlied g.alnrv Mutual Telephone 330 tBa- -o i&r Bell Telephone 298
At 11 A. M. The Chancelloi of the ant, Frank May. IIoum' containing K
policy on all new issues, Echo. kitchen, bathroom, cloeif, ciirrloue jfjSyihland orders promptly attended to.
Kingdom, His Majesty's Ministers, lln.i. Smuts.
we should be quite glad Ip see an house, stable, lienery, etc. Uroumls
the President of the Lcgislatuio of contain 2 2.10 umc-i- well laid nut in

the Hawaiian Kingdom, and .fudges

honorable contest over the Cabinet QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS FOR
Auction Sales by James F. Morgan lawn?, shade, nnd fruit trees lloweis, A. G. &JLVA, Hawaiian Sugar Company,
positions, the best men in the elec- NOBLES. etc. Will be sold low, Willi or without (17 Hotel Si., oprodle Uethcl St. (Limited.)
of the Supreme Court. furnitiuc, liorfCJ, carriugen, live, stock,
toral opinion winning. Secondly, ami all the appointments ncnled in u
11:15 A. si. Privy Colineillois and Cabinet Work Netttly Done. "VTOTICU is hereby given Hint nt a
Members of (lie Legislature of the
if the various factions of the opposi-
Regular Cash Sale! IbM.eliiHS residence, in the owner in.
teudrt leaving these IsIiiiiiIh. Fiirulliitt! Ilepaiied tV. PnlUhed. JlN meeting of Ihu stockholder ot the
above named Company held iu Hono-
Hawaiian Kingdom. tion to tho Ministry crystallize into HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AflKNCY. MuiMiiijj? &z CnrpiiiM JL.nil. lulu, Hawaiian Islnndi), an November
a clearly icactionary party, aiming The fact that a second Chamber SrWoik mill and promptly done at 2nd, 1B89, It was voled to accept the
1 1iI'.O a. M. The Diplomatic exists, and is deemed essential in
aeei edited to theCouit at a restoration of the effete doc- all countries claiming to have Con-
Nov. IJith, Collage To Lei. pi ices. .'itlti lm (Hunter ol Incorporation ground by the
Hawaiian Government. Notice is fur-
of Hawaii. trines suul practices of tho past, stitutional Government is (o us AT 10 O'CLOCK A. .11., (Village, in piy. ther given that the limit of said charter
11:45 a. si. The Consular Corps. then let the present Ministers have primn fitcie proof of its recognised At my h'tilorooiii, (neai street, I will I'etl Older, con'iiiiiiug 1
European Billiard Parlors. is II fly .veins and the liability of the
rooniH, nrn.(ii!to prool, par.
stockhofders limited to the amount due
12 si. Admiral Kimheily and the full advantage of their standing value. To argue in favor of a se- bill tit I'uliliu Auction,
liullv liniiihlioil, wlili inrgo, 'IMIB Handsomest Ulllimd I'arlon, in and unpaid on the shares. The follow,
by the piinciples ol refonji and pro- cond legislative chamber seems ab- X llit: cily, and lilted up in the mohl iug officers were elected for the ensuing
Staff, and tho Captains and Olliceis
of the whips of ivar in poit. surd, a waste of lime, and in coun-
gress, however much they may have tries where the question is intelli-
DRY -:- - GOODS ! sdiiulu lues, eic. (Jonvcuieiuly located.
Rent $'40 per month tn jinnd leiinnt. iipproved style. Four table! with till the
latest iuiprovuiiiouls.
11. P. liildwin President.
12:15 si. Government Ollicials, failed in doing credit lo tho profes- .Vo'U!ry. HAWAIIAN RUHINKSS AUKNOY. .1. P. HOWEN & CO., O. W. Miiolarlioie...
gently understood would be so 4al'l(UI'lUB, S70 tr 1'ropriutorn. LA. Hopper Hecietiuy.
Ladies and gentlemen desiiing to sion. Between even the name of considered. I'lll'lll tlll't', COTTAG 12 E. M. Walsh Treiisirei.
pay their rcspectH to Their Majesties good government nnd lhoi actuality History warns us of tho danger of P. 0. .Jones Audiloi.
200 sacks WHOLE BARLEY, -
"tONTAINMNO 1 large and NOTICE. And the following weiis elected us
upon this occasion, will call at the of its antipodes there can be only placing power in the hands of one

body of rulers. Ilayti is at present &mrr$F " Blind! looms, vmunilu Directors:
Palace between the bonis above one choice with lovers of their a notable instance of trying f.O ska llrau, rtiTniVlffll with bath room, dining-roo- I HAVE this day sold nil my light, H. P. ihddwin, I
0. R. IHshop,
stated, and be presented dining tho toiun 1 I'lmcton, anil kitchen ibitiiclicd, on KukauMke 1 title anil interest in the Ciirrlnuti O. W. Mcrailune, G. X. Wileot,
countiy. government without proper checks. 'J.fcitt Cm ring'', stnel, opposite Hotel ttieel. Hint $10 Miiiuif.ielory Uusiness as carried on by J. A. Hopper, I H, Cation.
intervals between the official 1

pur month. Apn'v nt me on Foitstieet, to Mr. Gideon West. K. M. Wabli,

Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed I

"race juries." would have their counterpart in Ha- 1OI'KN IHJtJ.V. HAWAIIAN lUJSINKSS AfiEN'OY. Thuiiking the public lor Ihcir many W. L. HOPl'KIt,
Office of His. Majesty's , past favors I would hespcuk the same tSccretury pio lem.
Knrnm Bri.i.rriN: From tiie waii, stealing, at first secietly, then Honolulu, Nov. lftt). lm.l l'J It
Iolani Palace,' November "obnoxious" editorial thai appeared openly and defiantly, "and what arc JAS. F. MORGAN, Spell erino. for my successor anil having known
Mr. West for a nuiiiliur of years as a
, WW

12,188!), 402 4t in tho Advertiser of Nov. 1, headed you going to do about it." We 101 it Auctioneer practical carriage builder I am satisfied NOTICE.
r nilK best remedy for Ihnl lie will give geiieial sntlslactinr.,
"The Acquittal and its Import," I will say nothing of intelligence be- 1 wonnili, ulcers, (.Signal): W. ILI'AOK.
quote a part where- ho says, "The ing ignored ; the American and Eu- NOTICE. galls, pi oud llesh Mild Honolulu, Oct. 88, 18MI. :t!l 2w MR.. I. M. OAMARA, .lit., bus re.
ANNUAL MEETING. obnoxious system of race juries has ropean scholar and mechanic swapp- of eveiv - dc-crln- to the ollicu ot the I'ortu.
no precedent anywhere, in the ed by tho plantation laborers' vote rpo the CiiMlirniR of O. AlvONO, 34- - -- Hon to pei'Mius or ani gucsct Conmhitc, Room 10, Spree l.els'
ltlock, Fort street. lw
regular uihiuhI Meeting ol the X luiiliiupl, of Knihi'i, Knun, Hu. mals. Adopted by leading horse mil- NOTICE.
Co. will hit Id Id at the world," etc. Right you arc, Mr. and Voice. Men who from infancy wnii, lake notice: ium!, club and livery siables, etc., hi
(Joinpiiny's njllcc, corner of Quel n and Advertiser man, for what chance are trained to think deeply and anx- That tint umlcislciied, Assignee of the the United Slates ami elsewhere. Wc NOTICE.
Kduihuiglntieet ,pn FRIDAY, rho1.r,th woii'd you have in Fiance or Russia iously in social problems buried, as Kslatti orO. AKONO, Imnkiupl, of ICti.
I. in, Komi, Hawaii, tins moparnlory to
sue prepared to piove. this Maicuicut by HAVING in bought out Mr. W. II.
the "Honolulu Cairingu
iinl., ut I2::il) o'clock iioiiii to be Tried by a jury of jniirnwn it weio, overlaid by a mass of testimonials mid lefercnces lo plnnteis day sold the Tuhiti
S. F. C1RAJIAM, however well meaning, is hoi final account and dividend, tub ami liverymen in this Kingdom. Manufactory," at 12:1 Knit street, I am I1IAVK this Works lo ilie Tahiti
Secielarv. countrymen, as you have here? Or mittul his account us such AhMgnce and Apply to prepared to continue tho above business Lemonade Works Company, and request
Honolulu, Nov. 12, 18M. 40J 3t what chance would a poor native dangerous as a power. tiled the same. hefoie. Hon H. li. Dole, HAWAIIAN UUSIX1S AOKNC'Y umlcrtho oM iinine of Honolulu Car. an Immediate settlement with me of ull
liavo in your country, to be died by A second legislative chamber is a Associate Justice ol the Siipiemn Com I, tinge Miinufiictoiv, and being an old outstanding accounts. All bills due by
a jury of his countrymen? l'cihaps check to haity legislation, to :tt hi (Jhinriljcn-'-, to whom he will at IU cxpei ienoed cariiugo builder I tolli-i- l thu late business will bo paid by
ANNUAL MEETING. that thick' veil of selfishness, vthich it maintains a healthy su-

o'clock a. m.. on MONDAY, thu Inland Views. the natiomign of my nd Iricnds and the
of November, 18bil, apply fortibettleinenl public in general, and with my thorough Honolulu, Oct. ill, 18811 HUMm
rpiIK annual nteoting of tlio slock. appears to cover your eyes lo Mich pervision and ciiticism of its coad- ol mid lie count and lor u assortment of Photographs knowledge of thu biislniiis uml with e.
1 holders of Wilder' Hieninship Co. a depth at present, will enable you jutor and lival, the other house. fiouiull liability as such Assignee, and and Stereccopio View.-- , of the j'.erieni ed workmen and using only the
(L'd), will lie held tit their nlrleo in this to seo the point; such things' it Properly managed, it should contri- for mi oider to make a Una! divldeirl. most attractive scenery, buildings, elo, best material 1 guarantee general sails-factio- NOTICE of REMOVAL.
dry, MONDAY, November 18, U89, at And t li ut uny peisou inteiestid may in these islands, for bale at Please call and sec rue hclmc
would seem arc possible with certain bute hugely towards keeping thu pi lees. going elsewhere. Uiiggugo Rxpress Onlee
0 o'clock A. M,
people. Just allow mo to lay along monarch out of tiiclional politics, then and there appear anil contest the
S. 11. ROSE, game. J. F. 1IACKFKLD, HAWAIIAN 1UJSINESS AOKNCY. (Signed): has lemnved to the old Maud, No.
Htrretsry. your path for your observation and and so promote honesty, intelligent Assignee Estate O. AUong, Coiner Foil and Merchant slicets. GIDEON WEST. 81 King street, directly opposite the one
Honolulu, Nov. 14, 1889. 401 Ot digestion, one small (ruth ; neither legislation, and general harmony. Honolulu, Nov. Ill, 186U. 401 4t 2iOS tf Honolulu, Ul)l tf recently occupied. U7U lin

vfflllffafrWWj ' "
W '
mriTri"7W!' ',.raf"- -

UAtLtf MtUMMtf UON(dLUlr.i Ii. I 1.. WOVi-JMUtt-

M. 1B8II.
j&gSssgif $?fc&&2ihj& W&&irl'lirtfll

KfftTu aa?w" Unit

'PlHU iiiilM, & fitMfM. HBtfi
ImiliM' riii U ihUimIM
timm MOKIOAHi UUrflrYiAHUfclt hTULijttm
Pftmwwurtw nennk W. MtfllW.
MfcsMafcW&w OPINION 0 - tTHE mm,
PtfVrt o? . V?t Wpnsnuf Mseptitlfm snfi
&?" nnr rftflfintly In f.ninninntl nf tlio
tiM. JJ
mi Hftai.d.ritaauHiMl '
OOl'HtlOMK. In ft loltnr lo tlie Annnpolk olty
Tiiuni: will lio a danoo ut Mm Ailnii council, expressog Ills thanks for (ho
TIlUnSUAV, NOV. It, 1P89.
11 all tomiglil for nienibciH only. .
measles is reported to
A c'ASU of
In response to an invitation from

Coghlan and ollicors of Hie IT,
al L. A. Kinibeily, Cap!.
complimentary resolutions adopted
by the board in recognition of his ew Fre Tontine Policy
have hrok'cn out nl Oallu College. S. Flagship Mohican, a large num- services at Samoa and says : "These
ber of Honolulu's prominent society resolutions, coming froi.. my fellow-citize- OK THE
Nov ID-- Aim
of the city of my nativity,
bk Annie Inlmon. Ktnorsou, 1:1
A NOTtri: to the iieditor of 0, people .went on hoard yesterday
shall be ever cherished by me as a
iliiyn from New civile, X S V
1 --
Ahong, bankrupt, appear.s elsewhere. afternoon to attend a reception and
Till hand will give a conceit on
dance. As Hie invitid guestn ar- valued token of their appreciation
of my cffoits lo do simply my duty
Equitable Life Assurance Societv
the II t el grounds to inoirnw night. rived at tlie lauding Ihey were re-
Simr ICiuihi from Kl'niica and llaunlcl
Kehr Mllle Mnnli from ICtuiat as ah olllccr ol the nation and as a OK TIIK I'NITKD STATICS
ccing in a very cm dial iikiiiiut by
Mint' I:t1tml finm rcpcuken citizen of this municipality." Aiu-eiicn- n

Tin: Kin.iu leaves it 2 o'clock twoolllcers, conducted on hoayl lie paper.


allernoon foi Maui ami Ha- steam launches and conveyed to the
The presence, in Baltiniorejycster-da-

OElAHTURES. waii. llagship. The gang way leading to
of Commander Dennis W. Mul-la- n,
(in MW
Xnv 1 1
(lie vessel was decorated witli bunt
Stmr Wiilinniinlii for Wal.ilua and Wm- - Tin: Australia is due l'. S. Navy, recalls the great
ing, and here tlie ollicors of the ves-
siti'ii lit u in
with dates to tin; 8lh insl. from Hun sel gave a hcaily welcome to all. Sainoan disaster! in which the Ame- lOU,
1 8JK-S- 1 Troni the Nr.w Yoiik Timk, .Tunc U2, 1S8!).
Schr Mary for Hnunlci Trenton and
The guests passed on to Admiral rican
Frnneii-co- . r men-of-wa-

Slnir Kiialii for Wnlanae, Watulna anil Hie Eber, Adlcr and Olga
Knolan at 0 a in Klnibcrly and Cap;. Coghlan, who The Kquitablc Life Assurance Society has adopted a new form of
Tin: Reaver, Saloon will receive received on tlie main deck, assisted of the German licet, were lost, with Notice is hereby given that Hie first policy which, like a bank draft, is a simple promise to pay without condi-
fresh lio.en oysdeiaon the Australia many lives. Commander Mullan, blcniihd election (under Clinntcr Ah tions on the bade.
VESSELS LEAVING by Mrs. Stephen Hand, Mrs. AW G. who Statute Laws or 1883) will be held
liamutm and Mrs. I). P. Mcucfee, is a nativo of Annapolis, was
Hliiir Klnau for Ullo anil way pons nt the only American olllcer who saved On MONDAY, Dec. 1889.
'J p in Thk.ui: wan a large demand wives of
ollleers of the Mohican.
his ship, the Nipsic. Maryland has u)
From theOuiCAUO Invp.stkiatoii.
SMiir U It for Walauae, Wiilnhui
for ticket for a ride on tlie lailway When the liti.i.i.Tix representative cause to feci proud of such a per-
anil Koolan at !i a in on Saluiday. first stepped on the main deck he At (he ltd I Toner.
on the part of one of her Always on the alcrl, and ever anxious to give tlie public tlio most
Sehr iCaulKcanuli for Koliala imagined himself in fairy land, so formance For tlio puipow of Fleeting a Chief advantageous contract in life insurance, the Equitable Life Assurauce So-
Tin: annual meeting of the I'nion beautifully was Hie ship decorated. sons, and similar achievements on K iginerr and two Assistant F.njjhiccr.s ciety of New York has, in the past, made many advances on old methods
Feed Company will he held at The main deck was covered in with sea and land have been appropri- for the said File Department.
p. in. ately recognised by the ollicial ac- and has been the means to liberalize life assurance in a greater degree
II ifM S Koplegle, A 0 Clarke, from a Hags of all nations. Kings ran the Bay Foils will be 0,1011 ut (J e. m. and perhaps, than any oilier organization. It. is not at all surprising, there-
. tion of her legislature. At Samoa c'oe ul t) i'. m
Am. flovciiiniont unices Ihruugh-ou- l whole length of the sides and here Commander Mullan not only showed fore, that this great company now conies before the people with a new
U S S Mohican, Hear Ailm Kimhorlv, the kingdom will ho ched on and there were palm leaves. In the the qualities of a superior seaman I1F.NRY SMITH, contract, tlie like of which has not before been known In life insurance.
from (jallao center of the deck was a raised and a courageous man, but for 403 til Secretary II. V. I).
U S S Alert, (ireeu, from yamna Sntuiday, the King's hirthday.
stand occupied by Mr. Merger and
U S H Nlp-l- e. I.t Lyon, tiom
is Hie Hawaiian siring band. months his conduct of affairs at
Tin: Australia's eaigo All
U.S.S IroipioK KHmp, irom San Fran-
expected to ho ii heavy one, as she around this temporary structure Apia had, previous
to the disaster, G RAN D-- :-
CONCERT From the ICkntucky
Hlelunond, Ky., June '23, ISS'J.J J

Kwd l)l lila, Olcon, from I'ort Town- - will hring a large quantity of holiday were stands of arms, and it was prevented the German ollieials from
msihI gratifying their evident desire to The Equitable Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more to
goods. tastily decorated with Hags, palms appropriate the entire control create and maintain confidence in life assurance than any other company.
Am brgt W Irwin. McCulloch. front
San Franel'eo
and bananas trees, presenting quite
of the Hawaiian Opera House, Consequently its business is larger than thai of any of its couipotUoru.
Am likt H (i Wilder, from San
('oksktc, ladies' under weui, and an imposing appearance. Just be- island. With only the little Nipsic, Furthermore, it has now taken a step which practically sweeps every ob-
liosieiy arc heing sold at n, sacriliee hind the by the much stronger
ut Sachs' clearance sale, 101 .Foil stand was an immense palm surroundedwar vessels of an unfiiendly nation, Saturday Mvoniinj, Xov. KItli, jection of the chnracter referred lo out of the way. The result, undoubt-
Haw bk V II Godfrey, Dabcl, from San lice, and on the branches were edly, will be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked coulhlence
Fiancisen street. he insisted that American rights
Am lil; Matilda, from Howard, liurraiu" perched three parrots. The effect in life assurance, will examine tlie new policy offered by the Equitable,
should be respected, and succeeded PROFESSOR
lnlel Ni:xr Monday, the 18th,thenn-nuu- l of this was extremely unique. The in carrying his point. It is to be and assure their lives forthwith.
Am lik Annie Johnson. Kniermii, from meeting of Wilder's .Steamship front of the poop deck was decor expected that he will receive some
Assisted by Leading Local Amateurs
Newcastle. Company will he held at theollicu at ated with bunting, evergreens and substantial reward from the Navy and the Itoyul Hawaiian Hand.
!) a. in. tlowers, and in the center where Baltimore Sun, Au- TFrom the Boston Post.
PASSENGERS. ovary visitor could see it, the word Department. EfflrThc box plan for the sale of seats
Tin: holiday goods displayed at "Aloha" in gold letters. A magni- gust 2. will open at Mr. L. .1. Levey's office, This company has done more than any other to simplify the asstirauca
From Kauai, per stmr Kaala, Nov 14 Monday, Nov. 1Mb,- at !l o'clock a. i.
the store of T. H. Davies fc Co., ficent bouquet of roses sent to Ad- :!!).-
tf contract, and lo maintain public confidence in life assurance.
.loim wiueoek. Queen street, arc alliacting much miral Kiinberly by friends occupied
For Sail FrancUcn, per hark Forest AUCTION-:-SAL- E
Queen, Nov 111 J MeCanille. attention. a conspicious place.
Fious Koolan, tier stmr 0 Jt Ri0inp.
Nov 13 Dr C T JJodgcrs, Mrs Slew at t, Tin: llonul of Health in our Hy Dancing look place on tlie main TAX APPEALS IFrom the Pvcinc UNimuwnrrr.n, San Francisco, July 1, 18S9.J
.1 T Silva, ami 2(1 deck. AuUmi'ity column calls for tendeis deck, the programme containing For tlio Island of Oahu. The Equitable has already established a reputation for world-wid- e
Finm Newcastle, per hark Annie for the delivery of cattle at Ka- - twelve numbers. Capl. Coghlan liberal dealings with its policy-holde- and for its prompt settlement of all

.loliuou, Nov i:j Philip Hay and Win lanpapa, Molokai. and his olliccrs made all present feel rpiIE ComU of Thy Appeal, for the legitimate claims against it, and this new policy cannot fail to enhance its
A Hay. quite at home, while Lieutenants X Island of Oahu, ill bold sittings
From Ilnmakiia, per stmr IwalanI, Tm: sale of furniture at Hie resi- liittcnliouse and Merriam ot the al the following limes and places, if reputation for enterprise and progressiveness in dealing witli the subject
Nov (J von Meugersen. Hon I'.iul
dence of 1. Q. Tewkshury, by Mr. Admiral's staff did all in their power there arc nuy appeals lo he heard : of life assurance.
Neumann, C'lias Creigliton, llev M C
llaiiis, ami 22 deck. Morgan, was well attended and good to give enjoyment to the guests. A For Ihe Honolulu DiMrict, in the Cfif- - For full particulars call on
prices were realized. very bountilul collation was served Court ltoom of the Police .Iiislire of
Honolulu, nt. 1 o'clock r. ji., on MOX.
SHIPPING NOTES. WmciiT & Son, King street, have during the afternoon. Dancing was DAY, the 13th day of November, 1SS1. ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,
The hiigantiuchurllue. will leave Hlln three second-han- d carriages, three indulged in until live o'clock at For the Jwa and Wnianae District, 50 lm General Agent for Hawaiian the Islands.
on hatiirilny foi San Francisco. buggies and ii sulky for sale. This which time the visitors began to Sim1 Mill, Kohala, Hawaii. at the Bwa Court Ilou.e, at ! o'clock
The hark' Fore, t Queen ".ailed ycter-ila- y is a good oppoi tiinily for bargains. leave, hut not before assuring the a. m ,on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day
lor fan FranuNco with 7,21!) bags olliccrs of the ship of tlie delightful of November, 18S1).
sugar, ISO bag-- , coffee, anil '.II barrels
molasses. The shippers were: U
".,121 hags sugar; Then II
llack-leld&C- o,
Mit. W. J. lliodie, auctioneer, an-
nounces elsewheie that he will
time they had enjoyed.
those present were His Majesty Hie
Among Ily order or Mil JOHN HIND, Manager
of the Star Mill Co., I will sell at
For llic Waialua District, al tlie Wala.
Ina Court House, al ti o'clock a.m., on 6a Ti811S Read This !
Oavies & Co, MM bags sugar, :I0 bags the Star Mill, Kohala, at public auc- King, attended by Col. (!. V. Alac-farian- e, THUKSDAY, the 2Iri day ol November,
eotfee, and 111 bbls niolas-is- ; Castle iV; tion at Kapaau, on Friday, Novem- Chamberlain, and Mr. J. Public Auction at Kapaau, IfcBf).

Cooke, 2(2 bags sugar; t! llrewer & Co, ber '22i. For the Koolauloa District, at Makan
:t,:t8-- hags sugar. Total tonnage, 47t!
W. Robertson,
Hon. S. Cleghorn, His Honor On FRIDAY, November 22nd, (Jourt lions", at 8 o clock a. m., on m:r: to notify the oen'khal public that by the next
Tin: ladies will give a sociable at Chief A.

ioii, domestic value. S4M,fi,"iO. DAY, the 22nd day of November, 1SSD. STEAMER "AUSTRALIA" DUE HERE FRIDAY,
The steamer C K UMinp brouglil 2182 tlio vestry of the Central Union Justice Judd, His Ex. S. M.
For the Koolaupoko District, at the
bags paddy. .'IfiO hags lice, r0 tuikeys, Church, commencing at 7 :H0 o'clock. Damon, Minister of Finance, His Ex. At 2 r. m. the following Kancobu Court limine, at!) o'clrck a. m.,
100 bags rice bran, 10 eases oranges, There will ho :i literal y and musical L. A. Thurston, Minister of Attor- In-
and 2!) packages .sundries. entertainment. terior, His Ex. C. W. Ashford, Cane DL.iiI5;: on SATUKDAY, the 23rd day of Nov
ember, lbfc!). , 99
The American Iron bark Annie Jolin-Ko-
Captain I. G Emerson, arrived Nov
llltli, 43 days from Newcastle. N S W,
and Mrs. Ashford,
Pkusons going to PcailKiveron Hon. J. L. Stevens, U. S. Minister XAII1E
LAND, It. 1M517; IMacrci,
more or less.
W. F03TKK,
Police Justice of Honolulu, Oahu.
Dated Honolulu, Nov. 12, 18tt).
with 1G18 tons of coal to ship's account. the excursion trains Saturday will Resident, and Miss Stevens, Mons. KAl'AAU LAXD, It I. L'8 17 ; lfi
please bear in mind that they aie to G. B. d'Angladc, French Commis- 402 lOt
Captain Emerson thinks that it is pro- acre?, more or less.
bable that he will leave in a few days return on the same train, staying at sioner, Viscount Torii, Acting Japa- Portion of KAHUHWAI LAXD; 1J. WILL RECEIVE


for San Francisco, and tlieie dispose JIalawa only a few minutes. ISC."; '2 05 acres more or leas. UP-TOW- N
ot his coal. The Annie Johnson hail nese Consul, Mr. Justice and Mrs.
for the most part favorable weather. Tiikui: will certainly be a very Bickerton, Mons. Cognet, Hawaiian
Horses, Wagons, Cane
ffi-6- 0 : CASES : OF : GOODS
Passed off Apia on the 15th day out, good house ut the S.mvlel conceit on Consul at Tahiti, Mr. II. W. Sever- Book & Stationery Store,
anil crossed the equator in longitude 108 Mrs. Complete Assortment of
ileg V, nine days ago. Saturday evening, judging from the ance, U. S. Consul-Genera- l,
number of seats sold. The box plan and Miss Severance, Hon. Chas. II. Agricultural Implements,
is still open at Mr. L. .1. Levey's Bisiiop, Hon. Win. G. and Mrs. Iron Hooting, and
' ' OFFICIAL RECEPTIOH. oilicc. Irwin, Hon. W. K. and Mrs. Allen, NEW NOVELTIES IN
Gen. K. B. and Mrs. Marshall, Hon. 1 26X48 Mill Willi EBEiUB BalQwmsGollec
II Ih ainjely
nt Tahiti.
UecelvoH the Hawaiian
Tkjkkts for the free ride on the J. S. Walker, Mrs. Alex. Mackin-
Ouliu Kailway on Saturday, the tosh, Marshal and Mrs. Sopcr, Mr.
King's birthday, aie now being dis- and Mrs. W. P. Dougherty, Mrs.
1 Pair lioilcra 0x20,
1 Double Kfl'ect, (i and 7 ft. Pan?,
GOODS, DRY -:- -

Mons. J C. Cognet, Hawaiian

tributed by Mr. Prank B. Auerhach, Booth, Miss Booth, Mrs. Quinan,
-- OK-

Consul at Papeete, Tahiti, had au-

dience of the King at Iolani Palace
at the oilice of .1. K. Brown A Co., Mrs. Moseley, Major and Mrs.
Merchant street. They will also he Gulick, Mrs. A. Fuller, Mr. and
1 Vacuum
Pan, 0 ft., with Wake
ted'P FERNS 5 Fancy Goods, Holiday Goods, t
thia morning and addressed His distiihuted between the 3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,
Majesty as follows : hours of 10 a. m. and p. in. Mrs. Schacfer, Mr. and Mrs. Lainc,
Under Hie commission of His Ex- Capt. A. C. Clarke and olliccrs of Together with the usual assort. A limited number of each of Toys of Every Description, n
cellency Hie Minister of Foreign Af- Tin: interest in billiard ciicles i.s II. B. M. S. Espicgle, Captains and nienlof THHKE SIZES
fairs of your kingdom dated August
mil 1880, I have had the igreat
honor to he called to the functions
centeied in the contest which is to ollicer.s of the U. S. ships Iroquois Clarifiers, CleaningPans, Coolers
take place at the Pantheon Billiaid Alert and Nipsic, Dr. J. S. and
Parlors evening between McGrew, Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, Mr. Etc. Etc., Etc. Etc.
Have : Just : Been : Received, Boots and Shoes, Etc, &fc
r - of Consul in the Society Islands, at
Papeete, Island of Tahiti, French
Establishment in Oeeaniea, in the
Bowen and Howe. The
experts Messrs. and Mrs. G. W. Smith, Mr. and
well-know- n

former will Mrs. J. O. Carter, Mrs. Scott, Mr.

endeavor to play one thousand points and Mrs. W. Poster, and others.
to the hitter's seven hundred.
And other Machinery usually
well appointed mill.
found in a
!?" Make your purchases eatlj
you desire to hcnd presents abroad.
J place of lion. J. K. Summer. CSTThe above Muchincry will be sold
in lots to Miil purchasers.
Since thai period, Your Majesty, COMEDIANS ARRIVED.
1 have taken a lively interest in the

affairs, politics and subjects of the

Hawaiian Kingdom, Hie extent of
jump for the public on S:tmday
is every probability of a freo
The Hay Brothers, comedians,
have arrived by the bark Annie 401 Wm. Jno.
balloon ascension and paiachute
Auctioneer. 100 lw
Thos. O. THRUM,
Corner Hotel & Forfc
v .lohnson from Australia, and pro-
afternoon, as tlio subscription list
Oct-19-- 89
which is increasitnr vear bv year. I pose to give two performances in
which is being circulated is filling
have applied myself to the study of up. It is not yet decided at what
the Hawaiian Opera House. These FOR SALE CHEAP Dr. M. E. (iKOSSIMAN,
regular steam communication be-
tween this beautiful country of the
timegit will take place, but arrange-meat- s
gentlemen have had man' engage-
will he niaihi whereby tlie ments in support of the greatest SBecoml.hanil Cut.
IiaiN"X"lH1 LARGEST -:-
r 'N Sandwich Islands, called with so public will bo notified one hour stars that have visited the Colonics.
ahead, Just newly paiuteil; and
Will iclurn on the Australia due Nov.
ember 1Mb and rosumu practice at his
-- or-
much reason "The Paradise of the In the press notices seen it is observ- !t Top UiiL'tfieH and .1 Pliat class Sulky, Hlaclc Spaninh Lace Flouncing, from yard upward.
Pacific," and the Society Islands, former olllce, 03 Hotel slice'-- :i8K til
ed that their names are among those allot uhtch arc In, f;ood order. Apply lllack Chunlilly Lnco Flouncing, from $2 yard upward.
wh'ch are without boastfulncss Tiik steamer Kaala arrived this
equally a true Paradise. The suc- morning fioni Kauai pomowhat un- singled out for special praise in re- lo W. W. WHJOHT&SOX, MEETING NOTICE. Ecru, Cieam it White Oriental Flouncing, from fiOelH yard upward.
0 Ml

expected, .She brought Air. Job i viewing plays by large companies, 401 lw
Extra Heavy (new hlylo) Oriental Flouncing, fioni Jpl.Sft yard upwaid.
cess of this scheme only depends Willcoek, engineer at the LihueMill. "'heir specialty is a sketch entitle Kliitf Mruvt.
meeting of the
upon Your Majesty should you
it to be Your Majesty's duty
llobascomoto bco about a bet of "Our Guv'nors," in which about a

Burnt of Tiuntccs of the Queen's

Hospital will beheld on THURSDAY,
Dress IMets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.
rew boileis, the old ouch having dozen characters are represented. Full iiHsortinenl of all hhaden of Oashniore, Moirce, Satin k Grnn
to take it into consideration. given out. An order has been placed This is capable of being varied on the 12lh December, 1839, al the rooms (Jiain Ribbon. Vclet Rugu in all huch juut received.
I have for a long time, Your Maj- SKY Terrier Pup of the Chamber nf Commerce, at 10
esty, bought for a favorable occa-
with the Honolulu lion Works for a every repetition with new songs and
to nuiiie of A o'clock A. ii. Amendment to the By-lan- Rest variety in Cambric, Swim it Nainnook Enibroidcrica at
sion to visit you to present to you
my very humble respects and com-
pliments; toiday Your Majesty that
now Eel, and they will ho finished in jokes. Krom their experience in
four or live weeks. Another instance drama and opera boirffe, the Hay
of how invaluable the lion Works aie. Bros, give assurance of a sparkling
entertainment. Particulars of their
Fanny. A reward will he
j;lven to auy person
n la l' paid pun to
&L i.lillii:,
re-ti- n

Honolulu, Nov.
11, 18S!I. 402 til
33. 3ET--

Department under the management of MISS
Ac CO.
I have the honor to be presented Yi:kti:iiday ovening a reception 401 :u At Davies & Co. CLA RK.
was given lo Colonel It. II. llrooks, opening will appear later.

olllcially permit me to say to you

to Major-Gcnor- Car-naha- n,
that I am proud to represent your
aide-de-cam- p

Hag at Tahiti, and I profit by this
circumstance to assure Your Majesty
nf my humble and modest services
V, It. Knights of Pythias of
the Woild. at Mystic Lodgo No. 2 K.
lie Yat was lined $.10 and sent-
of P. Col. Brooks was well received enced lo three hours' imprisonment COLD Headed (June, with the name
undersigned have
a co
thisdny formed
partnership under the firm
name and blyle of "Kj;an & Ounn," for
& CO.,
and in responso lo the toast "Our at hard labor for having opium un Uul.," "Dr. K. A. Luiidy. Hauta Cruz
on it, 'lliu Under will
the carrying on of a general mcrchan 101) FOHT STKKKT. HONOLULU.
v? to contribute to the extent of my Oiiest" iniido n very interesting lawfully in possession. Wong Kill please engraved iciuiu (lie same to Anderson &
dibc business,
power as your Consul In Tahiti, to speech. .1..I. EG AN.
the greatest glory of Your Majesty,
the prosperity of your beautiful
Mr. F. Horn, the
Members of Mystic and Oaiu Lodges
was bcivcil by for the same offense was fined
cateicr. witli one hour's imprisonment.
woll-knov- n
Luudy's dental ofllco and receive a suit
able reward. 402 Ut

Honolulu, October
21, 1BW. mi at
v Kahele and Oliva were lined tlie A FULL ASSORTMENT OF
country and the protection of all and several visiting brethren wero usual amount for drunkenness. WANTED
your subjects. present. FOIt SALE
His Majesty was attended on this
occasion by Mr. J. W. Hobeitson,
I 'at Hyan, remanded for assault
It will ho seen in thoolHcinl notice and battery, was lined 20 with costs. COTTAGE
or four looms
in or nut of
Colgate & Co.'s Minted Purlins & Toilet Soaps,
of the Palace reception on Saturday, town.' KiUr.ily of man and AHLAOIC AHuddle
J3br good
THIS Photographic Goods of All Kinds.
- ,.
that the (Jucen will also receivo with wife no children, "K." this traveler, tingle footer,
His Majesty. The wives and fa mi Drill Co. A Honolulu Hides, at olllce. ' Address , 401 lw sneiul and gentle. Ap. - &?
AUCTION SALES lies of ollieials and cili.cus will thus 7:1)0.
havo an opportunity of joining in Honolulu Comtnandery No. '1 Iv. TO LET
Zj&- - - ply at this olllce
mattf B UHAC H-

' IIV J. J MOIKJAN. paying their respects, and ollering T., at 7:0. WAllKANTED GENUINE it IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT.
congratulations to His Majesty on Danilen'a Photo. J. J.
At 10 u. m., rcRiilar cash sale, his birthday. An opportunity is Union Sociable at vestry of Central HOUSE containing ee,ht 1?ATHER lmi for Kale by npeelal
Church, at7:rfi. rponia on King Klreet A permission nl his studio, Foil sired,
when will bo offered a large assort-
ment of dry goods, groceries, cloth-
also gjven citizens of paying their
lcspcots toThoir Majesties, after the 'PHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPER $20 per month. Apply lo
near Kuwiduliao Church. Rent photographs of tlie lato Father Dauiieu
taken shortly before III death. Also, a
Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
ing and furniture, also a plme'tnn, l.itu eiileitaiumcnts at the Palace. X. "The Dallv Hulletlii." ut) cenlH Ihliiis. OERTZ, aeries of Bcieutillo photos ol interest to
two seat carriage and a buggy. Morning dress will ho observed, per month. 10: lw Fortbtrett. the medical faculty. iiSS tf Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

&',; i "'


. -
otnk .
chas. Hustace. King Street
JT-O're- SA.'J-i3D-3 !
FOE -j-S-
ARRIVED ! Tlie Tlioi'oiigliui'cd Stiillioii
TA1IL12: I will sell nl tho vciy lowest prices,
nll my
Arrivo at Honolulu:
Australia November 15
Loavo Honolulu:
leaving the Kingdom to locate
Austialin .
November 1G
November 22
Kits Tongues iv Sound", Kits Salmon Rolliei, Mackerel, Smoked Reef, Block
Codfish, Hums iv Bacon, CIioch', Libhy's Completed l'ig's Poet, Smoked
lu Cnllfoinia, offcis for salo thcPio-porl- y
owned hy him. Said Pioprity
ennolatq of his present lesldoneo at
Clocks, -:- - Watches, il
Alameda December II Hciiings (Icintiui S.uiMjti"", I.iintli Tongues, Ihuied Chicken, llniwn, Fiesli Kailolnnl Park know n as "GicciilUhl,,
lil'lTAUH, lt..lM.
aiatf Apples, Yi llttw Turnip", I'ol lines Onions, Table Flints, R.iiHiiii, Diied Apii-col- s,

Pi lines, Dncd IVnt.lii's Cil. JnuiH iv .lcllicH in glnis, licncli I'ciiH v this Propel ty must he examined -to bo
appioolated. '1 he lloii'o is ncailj- new
Violins, Curios, Etc. Will stand at on vice al
s Saitiint'o, Top OV.ui Ituttei, Wliilncy'H liiiltci in 1 and 2 lb and well built and of the het mnteilal. If I cinnnl 'ell Ihein hcfnie Drreiubrr Per "Eskdale"
iustmlii fail Service tins Dessic.ilcd (eoaiitit,M)iites,
The Stables niccoiniiiodloii,aiy1iniidy
and ample loom for the storage of s, car-ilage-
1, 10, lliry will be sold nt miction.
12.'l days fioni Liverpool.
feed, etc., in addition tn that It :tS7 tin A. Kit AFT.
Condensed Milk. Plum Puddinsr, Gelatine, Almonds, Walnuts, dais Table his been the home of sneli horses as
Pi lines, Golden (Inle, Kxli a Family I'lour, Japan Tea, Comet Tea, Mnple "Angle A.," ".lohnnv Goldsmith," rX' XI 31
S.MUp, Cition Peel, l'eailino, Rapnlio, Stur of the Kitchen Soap, Cnvior, Hum "Queen Knplolanl," ""Mink," and
FOB SAX FRANCISCO, S.iuxiges, Vienna Sausages, N Z. Mullet, Curiied Fowl, Clnms, Chocolate, otbers that v ill long bo remembered by
tho public of Honolulu. Also, the
mnmi RhCOHU 2:22g, SneinniLiilo, Sept. 5.
Tho new and fine Al steel steamship Coco.itheta, Ridges' Food, Gianuni, Farina, Musliiootn Catsup.
Duvet's Oho Oil Sauces, Salad Dressing,
Household Furniture In enld house.
The Land has a frontage on the main DRY GOODS! 1887.
PKDiaitnK: Marin was sired hy
"Zealandia." And a Complete Assortment of Choice Goods at LowcBt Prices ncnu? of tho Pnik of '.ViO ftet and a
depth of 200 feet. AKo,
coarPANY Quiun'H Patchcn, ho hy Oeo. ,JI. Pa.
clien, dr.; Marin's dam hv Kmlgrant, lu
hy Billy McCracken; Hilly McOrackiu
Of tlie Oceanic Steamship Company, will Large, Varied A. Stlectcd Stock.
be due at Honolulu from Sjdtiey
and Auckland on n iboiit
November 16, 1889.
H. E. WMNTYRE "&" BR7, About 10 Acre of Land, foiniPilva
pirtofthe Limilllo Estate, and lying
between tho ptoperty of w. II. Ralley
and .las. Umnpbell, Eiq. Alo, FANCY GOODS,
by Mi Crankeu's Rlaik Hawk, 707, (the
siro of Lady Doolty, and of tho dam ol
Overman, 3:19U) McOrnckcn's Black
Hawk, 707, by Vermont Uhick Hnwk.fl;
IMPORTERS AND DKA1.KRS IN 2ud dam by Marshnll'a Illsck Uawk, he
And will leave for the nliove port with A Ileautlfnl Rulhllng Lot of about !IV. by Knston'a Black Hawk, 'the dam of
Aeics joining the tine lesldi'iiee of Cecil Dressing Catus, Quinn's Patchen by Stockbildge Ohiol,
malls nnd passengers on or aliout that
For freight or passage, having SU.
Groceries, Provisions and Feed, ,
l'.iown, Esq. AKo, Mlrrois,
Wicker Ware, Etc.
he by Vermont Black Hawk, 5.
R. T. Oarroll of San Francisco, ihe
PER10R ACCOMMODATIONS, apply About 20 Lots in Knplolanl former owuer of Marin, vouches, that
to EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. Alo, out of Ihirty.slx marea served hy this
WM, G. IEWIN horse during his last seasun in Oaih"
& CO., Agents.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe
All thntPlcec ot Land
coiner Pensaeola and Kinau
sticets, now occupied by CliasSA.
with fmpioe-nient- s,

GROCERIES, fornin, thlity.flve piovtd with foal.

For Sydney and Auckland Ficah Calliornia Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended te Bioun, Esq. Also, jly.2IW,
and Goodb delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island outers eoli. Shaiea in Waliiianalo .Sugar Co., OF THE LATEST FASHIONS
cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post, Ollice ftox 145. Telephone No. U2 nov.4 85 A full line
Mutual Telephone Co. and Knplolanl

The new and line Al steel steamship

telephone 240.' --
iWESr- -- P. O. Ho 297
1'inK Asoei.ltiol).
Pine Top Ruggv, 1 Road Cart, 1 !185
mniir. iinnh.nj
wuuuij umi
mill Rlnoowflpo I J.Hopp&Go.,
" Mariposa," LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, Phaeton, 1 SulKv, bonble and .Single
Haincss, Roof, RUN, Riidles, Saddles,
and . i complete nutilt foi breaking and
Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will
be due at Honolulu from San
HONOLULU, 11. I., tialuing hordes. Anderson &Lundy, A. large aasoilment.
74 King st. 74 King st
Francisco on or about Por paitlculais and piice apply
11. AtSNKW. .. Xentists. BOOTS, SHOES & LEGGINGS,
November 23, 1889. JttT- - O IV ICK -- -J Or, Pun. OrtKiiui'.Li. Jl'Jl 2meod Importois of
And will have prompt dipatch with By each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California Artificial Teeth from one to au enlite
mails and passengers for the above ports. set inserted on gold, silver, allumtnuiu Huchllorj' Rattan & Recti Furniture.
For Height or passage, hiving SU Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala. Fruits, Notice! Notice! and rubber bases. Crown and Rrldge
1'KRIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applj Work n specialty. To persons v eating AND
rubber plates which aie a constant
rpilE undersigned Deputy Assessor & source of irritation to the mouth and Pianos & Furniture "N

:J7 W5I. Q. IfiWIN & CO.. Aeeuts

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods
JL Collector of Taxes for the District
nl Lahaina, Island of Maui, heieby
throat, we would recommend our Pro.
phylactli: Melal Plate. All opciatious
Oarrlngc Inmps, Moved with Care.
gives notice to the ta pajcra ot the per f mined in accordance with the latest
SUBSCRIBE ;oruiaii
Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh liuc of
At l"mi
Meats Sfc Untried l'roxpi't od FruitN,
Lewis Co.'a Maltese Rrand Sugar Cured Hams & Racon,
said district that he wilt meet tlicm at
ihe time and places below specilled for
the purpose, of uceiving their taes
improvements in dental science. Teeth
Extracted without pain hy the use of
Nitrous Oxide Qas.
Sugar &
Hlce. Matting and Carpets Laid,
New Breakfast Cereals, Gieani Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,
A.D. 18S0: tSTOIlice at Old Tregloan Residence
Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6th, 1380, at Ka- - Hotel street. Feb 20 89 FilterpreQB
Oregon Rurhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. hakuloi.
THURSDAY, Nov. 7th, 18S9, at Hono.
ap-l- G Satisfaction Guaranteed. 87 kohau. W.W. Wright & Son J
-- ANt

FRIDAY, Nov. 8th, 1SS0, at Kaana.

pali. 79 & 81 Bell Telo. Other Varieties. Fine Upholstering & Bedding
rpiIE "ELELE" is now beimr published WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13th, 1SS0, al
X iti both Native and EngliMi on Olowalu. King St. No. 381.
A Bpeciailty.
trial for a period ol six months. This
lias greatly increased the expenses. To
meet this, friends have ahcady added
And all other days during the month of
Nopinbcr and of December, to Hie lnih
(The Rose Premises )
All orders for wheel vehicles of every
largely to our subscription lists, and its da', at his oltlce in ihe Court House at descilplinu filled with promptness. apr.10.8S
publication in English n ill lie con- Lahainn, Maui.
s mechanics emploj ed.
tinued permanently, if a few hundred D. TAYLOR, Pi rsl-ol-
Latest Novelties.
more subscribers can be obtained. The Deputy Assessor & Collector of Taxes,
"ELELE" is a District of lAhaina.Maui. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty
Thoroughly Independent Newspaper
Devoted to the interest of all the people
! fjihiinii, Maui, Oct. 2, 1S89. 395 .'lw
TltAtl (,'AltN, OII.MIM'.SHF.H, FLAGS ! Contiueutal and Colonial

The "Dail" Bulletin Weekl" Siimmarv "

Plantation Wagons, Mule Carts, & Ox
of Hawaii, without regard to Cliques,
Tax Collector's Notice, 1889. Hawaiian, AGENCY.
Faction or Political 'attic. The Made to order, nlteicd or repaired.
"ELELE" Is always Ihitfit, Sfnilltng-an- Kuglish, 30 Hue de Diiukerquo, - . Paris.
Spicy i Head it!
JBSrCall at the Elele Publishing Co, rpilE uiidei signed Deputy Assessor Carriage Painting, Trimming, Amciican and
No. 03 Kiug slicet, for a sample copy.
JL and C'ollectoi of TaNt" foi the Dls-Itl- et
i.i c.. i:ic,, mo. Porluguesc
ESySubacriptions icceived at the rate Will be Tssucd on Xovrmbcr l'JIli of Island of Maul, II. I.. Executes Indents for every description
of $2 no for the six months. Mutual In i oliy gies notice that he will be at
Our HORSESHOEING Department of Preuch, Belgian,
the follow lug pi lies on the dates gi on, Swiss, German, and English Goods, at
Telephone No. !!(14 tf
foi tlie piupoMS of collecting tnes:
TUESDAY', Nov. 12th, 18S0, atMakena
lid Is undei the management of R.
oct.l5J Ciiyfoid. 3m ERFUMERY ! the best Manufacturers' Lowest Pi icea.
Commission, Two and a Half per cent.
All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed
32 Columns of Intprestlug News." The Best Paper tn Send Abroad.
ttll, 1880, nt Wid- - to Clients. Original Invoices foi warded

Engineer & Contractor,

MONDAY, No . IStli, 1880, at Waikapu WRIGHT BROS., CEDENT !
when requested.
Remittances, through a Loudon or l

TUESDAY, Xo. 23th, 18S!l,at Kalmliii

THOMAS & HENRY, Paria Banker, payable on delivery of
Is prepared to design and contract for Shipping documents; or, diiecl to the
all classes of Sugar Extraction Machi On all othci days during the month fori Street, next Lucas' manager.
nery. Irrigating Machinery, Rvaporat of November and Deeembei (Sund.ns
SALT I The Agency Rcprcsonts, Buys, and
ws ing Apparatus, Vacuum, Engines
ot all kinds and for all purposes, Water
Wheels, "Water Conduits, (both pipes
excepted) fiom 0 a. in. to 4 p. in. daily
and on Satuidajs fiom 0 a. in. to 12
noon at his olllee at Wailuku.
Ml Rock,
Sells, for Home and Colonial Kinue.

and fluraesj, Steam Boilcis of various All amounts oei S10 must be pa'd in Liverpool and
kinds, Railroad Mntciiul and Rolling U.S. gold coin, or in Hawaiian ?20 Cei -- Uiggin'd Dairy. Piece Goods, Cashmeies, Cumin Ira,
Mock, Etc., Etc. tillcates of Deposit. Carriage Builders, Silks, Velvets, Lawns,,

Oils! 'oil
Taxes icm.iinlugunpnid nftoi Deooni-lie- r Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,
1)1 FFUSIOX MACIIIXF.RY, 15th will be -- ubject to an additional Ship's Blacksinilliing, Drays, Carts ! Millinery, Laces, Gloves,
In all its blanches a specialty. ohaigo of 10 per lent. Wayon Buihliag as specially.
Fringes, Parasols, Uabordashery,
.Im. II. STELL1XG, Gold and Silver Lace,
i'lantntions supplied with Chemical and liolled A Raw Llnteed, Castor. Flannels, Feathers, Peails,
Antlytical Appainlus of the very lust
description to order.
" IXuioiwI Itlot'U," IN'ow. an Sz UT Kiiifi: Wvcl. Oeputv Assessor Colleitoi of Taxes
DKlilct of Wailuku, Isl md ot Every desciiptiou of work in tlie 1, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and
China-ware- ,
Maul. above lines perloimed in a llrsl-chu- Clocks, Watches,
t& Close attention paid to all orders
and satisfaction to the purchaser gua.
ranteed. P. O. P,o 1130. Fort street, &&3W Wailuku, Maui, II. I., Xo. 1, W),
Mr, i'w
maunti and txrt tiled at bhoil notice.
Paints & Zinc I Jewellry, Fancy GoodB.
Musical IusUnineuts,
Fans, Kccleilastical and
Honolulu. sept-C891- y am City
f Til
vfltrfiTT "litwnr In n I' l IV
to B3T" Orders from the other islands
solicited. Will be pleased to see all Flower; Pots, OpttcalGoode, Mirrors, Toys.
Perfumery, Wines, Ac,
TheCrandall Notice to Tax Payers, 1889. our old customers as well as new ones
Mutual Telephone No S75
apr.10.89 Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,
f Oilman's Stores, Books Artlatlo
Furniture, Stationery,
Ohromo . Machinery, &c., fcc.
rpilE undei signed Deputy Assessoi :ov H

Type Writer! I. and Collector of Taxes for the

District ot Makawao, IMand of Maul,
Pioneer Shirt Factory HOLLOW WARE,
iOSSqSlilterlBm Honolulu Library
heieby gives notice to the tax payeiw of
the said dlstiict, that he will meet them
at tho time and places below (.perilled
for ihe puipoe of iccehing their taxes
104 Fort St., Upstairs. Saucepans,
tj 'tfrj-l Vj.i'A.i.'
DUf .a ii.7 '!(.",ii
j"i Vriisi -l.'m
; JT
MJI foi A. D. 188U:
The undersigned bc's to inform the Frypnns, Klc, Eto.
AN8 !
SATURDAY, Nov. Mill. 1SS9. nl Iluelo public of thesu Islands that hu Is making Reading Room Association.
MONDAY. Dec. 2d, 1880, at Pauwela
TULSDAY", Dec. Slid, 1880. at Pala
HliIt'tH ly 3VIen8iii'4Miiout S
EDNESDAY, loo. Ith, 1880, at .fas. Directions fortelf.meaBurement will
Audeisou's, Jlnkawao be given on application. Cm mealed &. Plain.
Cor. Hotel Jk Alnkvu Streets.
Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! THURSDAY, Deo. fith, 18E0. at D. El- -
tlliuge'ri, niua
1 1
rt l Dee. (ith. 1S8'. at J. Iv. Ka- -
1 A
White Shirts, Ovorslilrtsfi Night Gowns
A lit guarantee by makliig a sampla TIN WARE ! Opon every Day and Kveuing, ';
makol.t, Kula. Shirt to every order.
Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, And mi all other ilnjs timing the Iiland order solicited Bell Telephone 410 In all varieties.
mnntli of Nov ember mid of December lo Tho Library consists at the piesVnt
Cbange-o- f Type in 6 Seconds ! WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, the lfith at his olllco nt the (hove
Ram h, Makawao, Maul.
Mly A. III. BIF.I.MW. time of over Five Thousand Volumes.'
The Reading Room Is mipplled with
Writing in Plain Sight!
House Keeping Goods,
All amounts over 910 must ho paid In
V. S. gold coin oi $.20 Hawaiian Ueiii-lleat-
of Deposits,


Fence Wire ! about ilfty of the lwidjiig newspaper
and pmlodlculs.
A Pailor Is provided for conversation
Simple and Durable ! 411 d games.
PLUMBING, TIM, COPPER AMD Taxes lemalnlng unpaid after Deo.
lutli will beihaiged 10 jici cent. l. ulili-tiona-
Annealed, ,
Galvanized llarhed,
Terms of membership, ilfty cents a
month, payable eiuarterly In advauce.
tV Call and sec sample machine at
the 993 Sheet Iron Work. Wm. P. FKN'NRLL,
Deputy Assessor & Colleitoi of Taxes General Shipping Ayency
Patent Steel Hnrhed No foimallty requiied in joining cxespt
signing the roll. .
I General
Agents for Hawaiian ltd mils.
for Makawao.
Makawao. Nov. 1st, 18S!. !i90 2w AND BEASTEADS of IRON, Stjaiigern fiom foreign coiintileaaiid
visitors fiom the other Islands aio wel-


Pacific Hardware Co., L'd, AhsijieH Notlco lo
PnrcelrtChief Office lor Hawaiian
come to the rooms at all times aBgueots.
Thla Association having no regular
means of suppoi t 'except the dues of
Cr'- - 28 FENCE WIKE, members, It Is expected that resldeuta
o Merchant Street, Honolulu. of Honolulu who deslio to avail them-
FORT r. JIOJVOJL.TJJr.T. llllANCIt omiK' selves of its pilvllegea, aud nil who feid
au interest hi maintaining uu luatltutlou
Residence! Cottage No. 1, Hawaiian fplIK undersigned, asblgnee in bank.
Wailuku, Maui.. ..W. II. Duiiils. of thla klud, will put down thofr names
Hnti'l, 01 at the rcsidinro of ihe pupil FITJX LINKS OP I iiiptry of tho esiam of Menks and become legulnr contributors.
72 lm Dickson, ol Hnnoliilii, Oaliu, heieby
elves ikiiImi to all I In: cmlitnis who
Pain, Wist Maul. ..(leu. llcininauu
aliiliulinua, Hawaii. ..W. .1. Rrndle. Califoriiia Groceries, A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pres.,
PAINTS, OIL, VARNISHES, have piovcd thtir olaiuis auainsl Hid HII11. Hawaii.. Holiness WlllfoiiL'. W. M. SCOTT,
said liiukriipl elate, that ho Iiuh nub ICealla, Kiiuitl O. K. Paiiehild. ' If. A, PARMKLEK, SecroUry.
mltlLiI to the Hun .lustiee fiestnu his Kilauea, Kami! Kiluueu Mime. Of all vaiietiee, always in stock. A, L.BMlTII.TiettMinor,
. . --1IVKN by Kclh Ollut nt IVpentinc. Etc, Etc. linalai count with said e.t'ite, and has llauslel, Kauai I. (.'. I.nng. Also, O.T.RODGKRS, M.D., '
FTTW VJT No. 27 A lake i Mieet, or lllid the arrouut in the (illlco of f lu Walmea, Kauai Chairman Hall and T.lhraiy
at the residence of I he pupils, lucnid.
AdRNTs roit tiu: ('Ink of the Suprniiu Cnurt, piepaia C. Ii. HofijnaulA Co.
""w lug lo Hgrtmcnt. Chnrgih moderate lily to Hi ii pn)iiu'ul tn oiedllnrs of n ivoioa, ivauni ,.1;. Hlreh
K(17 1m
Revere Rubber Co,, Boston. llrm and lluai dividiud. And Unit on (loods puii'hasdl mill ulilppiil to ami Hay, Feed & Flour O I,USO IIAWAITANO.
THURSDAY, Novum bn lit, 1890, ut 10 iroin iiny oi aniive puns, ami an parts
o'clock a. m , he will npplv to mill .lus persons who waut to coninmni
FOR SALE M. QUALITIRS OP the lot it senium nt ot his fti counts iih
of the woild.
flonils rn i'lv I rriin filtriiuil
ALL with the Poittuiiose, tither
such usignce, and for a disihaigit from til Custom House and loinnrdtd lo lies, for business, or for procuring workmen
Wilt ox A. Wlilio I'arlor ecrvauts orauy other holps, wi flmj t
ANEW with ulght stops Suitable
RiiDUor & Wire Bouiia Hose. his liability uudir hiiIiI tinst.
filiation pu Uliinil sIciiuilis
ficgr-ltte- s
fiiniUheil on applloMion to
ihe most protllablo way to advertise q
for Eohool or church. A fine liibtrn-went- . tho Luso Jawaiiatio, tlio new organ o(
Apply at 1)7 Punchbowl sireet.
opposite N. , Mission Institute B73 tf 5 i
iwi mmmmmmmmt W
gj&" CM
mid exniuino our Nnw
Aiig-3-8- 8
Asuiunte of Ihn Hunkiupl Estate of
Menzles Dlcksou ,T. K. nilOWN& Co., Theo,H.Davies&Co., the PortUKiiese colony, wuioU is pub.
lUhed ou Hotel strict, and only charuci
llnntijuln, Mov, 1, 1889, 393 Offtaw .170 tf 89 Merchant utreet. ON0LULU. fiMonble ratci for ftilvertlsBrafcnu,

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