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4.7 Getting Started Guide

Invensys – SimSci-Esscor

February 21, 2012

Invensys, SimSci-Esscor, Foxboro, I/A Series, FSIM Plus, DYNSIM, TRISIM Plus, Foxboro Control Software, FCS
and FoxView are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.

All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 1998-2011 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Software License and Copyright Information

Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you should read and
understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.

1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations and usage rights to the
software described in this documentation. If any portion of those license provisions is violated, Invensys
Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for
your system or its operation.

2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are specifically permitted
to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software
media provided to you by Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Purpose ................................................................................... 1
2. Getting More Information ...................................................... 2
3. Glossary .................................................................................. 3
4. Configuration Assumptions .................................................. 7
5. Getting Started ....................................................................... 8
5.1 Booting the Simulator Computers ......................................................... 8
5.2 Starting the Dynsim/FSIM Plus Application on the PC ........................... 9
5.3 Anatomy of the Main Screen ............................................................... 10
5.4 Identifying the Different Parts of the Toolbar ....................................... 12
5.5 Identifying the Instance Tree, Types Tree and Monitor Pane ............... 17
5.6 Configuring a New Simulation ............................................................. 19
5.7 Starting the Simulation........................................................................ 21
5.8 Building Models .................................................................................. 21
6. Building a Simple Flowsheet............................................... 22
6.1 Renaming a Flowsheet ....................................................................... 23
6.2 Define the Units of Measure (UOM) .................................................... 23
6.3 Select Components and Define Component Slate............................... 25
6.4 Creating Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder ................. 26
6.5 Parameterizing Model Objects using the Object Viewer ...................... 32
6.6 Running the New Flowsheet ............................................................... 39
6.7 Other Elements of the Graphical Model Builder ................................... 41
6.8 Configuring KeyPoints ........................................................................ 44
6.9 Adding the New Points to the Running Model ..................................... 47
7. Building a Simple Tieback Model........................................ 49
7.1 Creating a New Flowsheet .................................................................. 50
7.2 Creating Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder ................. 50
7.3 Connecting Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder ............. 53
7.4 Parameterizing Model Objects using the Object Viewer ...................... 56
7.5 Other Elements of the Graphical Model Builder ................................... 59
7.6 Running the New Flowsheet ............................................................... 62
8. Snapshots ............................................................................. 63
8.1 Loading the Pre-built Flowsheet .......................................................... 63
8.2 Creating Backtracks ........................................................................... 63
8.3 Restoring Backtracks.......................................................................... 64
8.4 Creating an Initial Condition ................................................................ 65
8.5 Restoring an Initial Condition .............................................................. 65
9. Cross Referencing ............................................................... 66
9.1 Loading Controls ................................................................................ 66
9.2 Creating a Cross Reference Database ................................................ 67
9.3 Editing the Cross Reference Table ..................................................... 69
9.4 Adding Cross Referenced Points to the Model .................................... 71
9.5 Running the Complete Model.............................................................. 71
Table of Contents

9.6 Overriding I/O Points .......................................................................... 72

10. Scenarios .............................................................................. 73
10.1 Generating the FSIM Scenario File ..................................................... 73
10.2 Recording a Scenario ......................................................................... 74
10.3 Replaying a Scenario.......................................................................... 76
11. SimSyncEngine .................................................................... 77
11.1 SimSyncEngine Configuration ............................................................ 77
12. FSIM AIM*Historian .............................................................. 78
12.1 Getting Started on FAIM Features ...................................................... 78
12.2 Configuring a FAIM Instance............................................................... 78
12.3 Configuring a FAIM Historian Instance ................................................ 81
12.4 Viewing FAIM Historical Trend Data in the I/A Series Software ........... 83
13. Shutting Down ...................................................................... 85
13.1 Stopping the Simulation ...................................................................... 85
13.2 Terminating the GUI ........................................................................... 85
13.3 Shutting Down the FSIM Plus Station ................................................. 85

1. Purpose

This Getting Started Guide offers a hands-on introduction to Dynsim® and FSIM Plus® software.
As you work through the tutorials in this guide, you will see how easy it is to build models of
your process and connect them to your I/A Series® controls.

FSIM Plus software is a uniquely comprehensive I/A Series control system checkout and
simulation tool. FSIM Plus software functions as a perfect double to an I/A Series Control
Processor, enabling faster control system commissioning, superior system design quality, reliable
operator training, and cost-effective system retrofits. The FSIM engine that replaces the Control
Processor is coupled with a ‘lite’ version of the Dynsim process-modeling package. The
instrument and control signals that link the two pieces together are managed with the cross-
reference database utility that is built into the Dynsim Graphical User Interface. This guide
contains an overview of the I/A Series control system as it relates to the FSIM Plus process-
modeling package, including common procedures such as loading and saving controls, typical
simulation use cases, and features in the Dynsim Graphical User Interface environment that relate
to FSIM Plus software.

If you have not installed Dynsim and FSIM Plus software on your computer, install the software
using the FSIM Plus Installation Guide prior to reviewing this document.

First time users of FSIM Plus software should perform all the tutorials in the specified order to
become familiar with the available tools that will prepare you to construct your own control
checkout or simulation project.

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Getting More Information

2. Getting More Information

The FSIM Plus Installation, Getting Started, and User guides are available on the product installation CD. When
FSIM Plus software is installed, it refreshes the guides installed with Dynsim software to match the installation

FSIM Plus and Dynsim documentation can be accessed through a variety of means:

• Through the Graphical User Interface, from the Help pull-down menu
• In PDF format where the software is installed
• From the IOM website Support tab:

Additional SimSci-EsscorTM specific documentation and downloadable software is available at the SimSci-Esscor
Electronic Software Download website:

FSIM Plus Getting Started Guide -2-


3. Glossary
AI Analog Input
AIM*API AIM* Product Line Application Programming Interface
AIM*Historian™ Automatic Industrial Monitoring - Advanced Technology-
Client/server application that collects, organizes, and stores historical
AMS Alarm Management System
AO Analog Output
AP Application Processor
API Application Programming interface
AST Alarm Server Task
ATS Address Translation Station
AW Application Workstation
Backtrack A snapshot in time of the simulator process model, I/A Series
controls, historian, and alarms. By default, It occurs automatically,
every 60 seconds while the simulation is running.
BPC Basic Processing Cycle
CAD Current Alarm Display
Control database I/A Series control system database that is processed by the control
software. This database consists of compounds and blocks, and is
configured using the I/A Series control system database
Configurator, such as the ICC, IACC, or FCS
Checkpoint File The control database that resides on the host workstation, which is
downloaded to the FCP270/ZCP270 or FSIM station
CIO Control & Input/Output
COMEX Communication Exchange, which is the I/A Series communication
layer between AWs and CPs. It differs from TCPIP.
Configurator ICC / FCS / IACC
CP Control Processor. The Control Processor performs any mix of
integrated first-level automation functions such as continuous,
sequential, or discreet logic functions
CP Database A working copy of the Configurator database that contains the
current state of the controls (i.e., a block in automatic, actuator
demand, motor status)
CSA Compound Summary Access. A search and find utility and the
“doorway” to the Configurator that runs on the I/A Series system,
guarantees compound name uniqueness throughout the system. CSA
updates with block names for each configured compound. The CSA
utility displays the list of active compounds and returns the
associated letterbug to the Configurator.

Day-0 Describes machine configuration when building a machine for the

first time using System Definition (SysDef) and I/A Series
installation software
Day-1 Describes modifying the machine configuration to add or subtract
peripheral devices, Control Processors, etc.
dbvu dbvu I/A Series utility - is a database view utility providing a
detailed look at the checkpoint database file for the selected station. It
is currently not supported by FSIM Plus software

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DI Digital Input
DO Digital Output
DSS Dynamic Simulation Suite (Infrastructure for the simulator)
ECB Equipment Control Block
FAIM An FSIM engine emulating the AIM* Historian
FBM Fieldbus Module
FCP Field Control Processor
FDSI Field Device Systems Integrator
GMT Greenwich Meridian Time; an international time standard
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMI Human Machine Interface
I/A Series Intelligent Automation Series
IACC I/A Series Configuration Component
IC Initial Condition; a snapshot in time of the simulator process model,
I/A Series controls, historian, and alarms. Press the IC Save button in
the Dynsim Graphical User Interface to save an IC.
ICC Integrated Control Configurator
ICC Database Static Database
ICC Driver Task Uses a library to interpret commands from a user-specified input file.
A set of useful scripts to generate reports, load/save controls, or
modify controls in the ICC using API calls
FCS Foxboro Control Software
I/O Input/Output –The physical communication to and from the Control
System and plant thermocouples, pressure transmitters, actuators, etc.
that control plant operation
IPC Inter-Process Communications; the Foxboro® communications layer
for applications
IPC Connection When two applications in different stations require a permanent
connection between them, an IPC connection is formed. The number
of IPC connections is fixed base on station type except on
workstations where it is an OS configurable parameter. For change-
driven data access via OM open lists, the OM uses one IPC
connection on each station (sink and source) regardless of how many
applications open lists on the sink station.
Letterbug Alphanumeric string that the user defines to identify a station in an
I/A Series control system
LoadAll ICC Driver Task (iccdrvr) command used to load controls to the ICC
via an API call
MESH The network between every I/A Series workstation
MTK Master Time Keeper
Nodebus Legacy I/A Series network for use with CP40/CP60, etc. associated
with I/A Series V7.x software that makes use of DNBI and DNBT
modules that has been replaced with the MESH network for I/A
Series V8.x software and FCP270/ZCP270 modules
OM Object Manager; a proprietary, Foxboro OS extension that supports
data access to I/A Series objects

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OM List An OM List is a set of points for which an application wants to

receive change-driven data access. These data points can consist of
CIO objects, AO objects, and OM objects that can reside locally or in
remote stations. OM lists are opened by user applications using
FoxAPI or by Foxboro applications using OM API. When a operator
on a workstation brings up a new display, the connected data points
on this display are requested from the station containing these points
via an OM list. When the AIM* Historian asks for data collection
points, it also uses an OM list. When a CP block has peer-to-peer
block connections, it uses an OM list. While an OM list is open, it
exists in the station that has requested the data (sink side) and a
subset of the list exists in the station that contains the remote data
(source side).
OM Objects The flat named shared objects created and managed by OM Services,
including shared objects of the following types: variable, alias,
process, device, letter bug, and socket.
OM Scanner An OM process that monitors the database of a station and sends data
on an exception bases (change-driven) to other stations that have
requested the data.
OM Server An OM process that services all OM message requests, including
change-driven data updates, get/set requests, object location requests,
Peer-to-Peer The control block mechanism that uses OM lists to refresh its block
Connection inputs with data from a remote station. That data connects CIO, OM,
or AO objects. For most control strategies, peer-to-peer connections
exist between CIO objects. The block that requests data is referred to
as the sink of the block connections and the block that has the
requested data are referred to as the source of the block connection.
A block connection is normally local to another block that exists in
the same CP. However, the full path name defined for a block
parameter can connect to a CIO object that is in another CP. This
remote type of connection is referred to as a peer-to-peer block
Pdef/Olist Files that define all possible block types, their configurable
parameters, and their associated default values for a given release of
I/A Series software.
RAM Random Access Memory

ROM Read only memory

SaveAll ICC Driver Task (iccdrvr) command used to save controls from the
ICC via an API call
SimSyncEngine A DSS engine to manage time for simulation
Simulation SimExec. Controls time, synchronizes engines, sends data between
Executive engines in a simulator
SMDH System Management Display Handler, the user interface for
equipment status and change actions
Snapshot An Initial Condition or Backtrack that contains a picture of the state
of a simulation engine at a specific point in time. For the FSIM
engine, it is a picture of the Control Processor (CP) database memory

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SOE Sequence of Events

Station (Control The ‘virtual’ controller (not FSIM Virtual Controller) which runs as
Station) one or two CP modules. For example, the station may exist on both
fault-tolerant modules, but the station itself is considered a single
The Configurator sends blocks and compounds, together with their
configurable parameter values, to the memory in the control station.
Strategy FCS specific term describing one or more interconnected I/A Series
blocks and I/O variables that enable the connection of the strategy to
other elements. It can include other strategies connected to blocks or
other embedded strategies via their I//O variables.
SysDef System Definition
ZCP Z-Module Control Processor
UFBM Universal FBM

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Configuration Assumptions

4. Configuration Assumptions
The following configuration assumptions should be assessed prior to loading the control
configuration. If the assumption is not true for your system or if you need more information
regarding the assumption, then refer to the ‘FSIM Plus Control Configuration Utilities section of
the FSIM Plus User Guide.

Configuration Reference
Does the control FSIM Plus software contains a large virtual CP. As a result,
configuration include a common BPC must be determined prior to loading the
SaveAlls from multiple controls and a comp_catalog file must be built to
Control Processors compensate.
running at different

Do you have unique ECB FSIM Plus software contains a large virtual CP. As a result,
names across all of the duplicate names cannot be loaded into the virtual CP. If you
SaveAlls? have duplicate ECB names across your SaveAlls, they must
be modified before loading them into the FSIM station.

Do you have alarm In the simulation environment, only valid alarm device
devices assigned in your names are allowed. If the control configuration includes
control configuration? names that are not present in the simulation environment, the
alarms must be rerouted. A device mapping utility is
available on each FSIM station. Refer to the FSIM Plus User
Guide for more information.

Is your FSIM Plus license One FSIM station can hold up to 6 fully loaded CP270s
size large enough for the
controls set?

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Getting Started

5. Getting Started

Install the FSIM Plus software prior to following this tutorial. Refer to the FSIM Plus Installation
Guide for details.

In this tutorial, we will power up the hardware and log on to the system. Once logged on, we’ll
start the FSIM Plus application and user interface, create a new simulation, and then modify the

This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The FSIM station, the Graphical User Interface (GUI computer), and AW are powered
• The name of the FSIM station is ESSSCP. Substitute the name of your specific FSIM
station (letterbug) whenever you see ESSSCP in the text and in the illustrations.

5.1 Booting the Simulator Computers

The simulation computers should be fully booted and the applications should start in the order
specified below. Applications are typically divided into four groups:

• Application Workstation (AW) processes, examples include FoxView™ software and

• Simulation Executive computer (typically runs the GUI and a Dynsim-L engine)
• FSIM Plus processes, including cio_cp, dbinstl, FBMEmulator, etc
• Other Engines (examples might include TRISIM®, OPC Gateway, or EXCEL)

Power up the Application Workstation (AW). Allow the FoxView Initial Display to appear before

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Getting Started

Power up the PC that runs the Simulation Executive. Allow the services to start (typically, a few
minutes and evidenced with an hour glass).
Power up the FSIM station. Allow processes to start up to five minutes. Look for the FSIM Plus
Services to popup. If the sizing information was not found the reason is that either the USB
security key was not inserted while the computer was starting up or the Rainbow USB Superpro
driver was not installed.

If other simulation engines exist, such as TRISIM, ABSIM, or HYSYS, and these engines reside
on separate PCs; these PCs should be booted after the Simulation Executive computer has been
5.2 Starting the Dynsim/FSIM Plus Application on the PC

1. Click the Start button on the lower left hand corner of the screen
2. Select All ProgramsSIMSCI from the display menu
3. Select DSS4x Dynamic Simulation Suite Dynsim 4.5. The below
figure appears.

4. Enter simsci in the User name and Password field

5. Select the required session
Note: A session defines the current user interface environment, menus, toolbars, and
window layout (size and location). When the GUI is terminated, the current user
interface configuration is automatically saved as the Last Session. Each time the GUI is
started, an option is given to continue the previous (last) session or load the parameters
associated with the Home Session.

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Getting Started

6. Click Login. The simulation environment is displayed as shown below.

5.3 Anatomy of the Main Screen

The Title Bar, displayed along the top of the main screen includes the username and current
operating environment. The Menu Bar located immediately below the Title Bar contains pull-
down menus to configure and control the simulation.

The next row includes the Tool Bar, made up of shortcut buttons providing quick access to
frequently used tasks. These tasks are also available through the Menu Bar pull-down menus. The
Menu Bar and Tool Bar content depend on the selected operating environment.

A series of three rectangular panes are given below the Tool Bar, which includes the
Simulation Status pane, the Snapshot pane, and the Malfunctions pane.

The Simulation Status pane indicates whether the simulation is in Run or Freeze mode, how long
the simulation has been running, freezing, run toggle buttons, and simulation speed control.

The Snapshot pane includes current snapshot status, snapshot save button along with shortcuts to
display the IC and Backtrack summary list.

The Malfunctions pane lists active malfunctions and provides buttons for displaying the
Malfunction Summary and defining a new malfunction. Invoke Malfunctions through the
Malfunction Summary or by selecting a model and choosing the New Malfunction icon.

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Getting Started

Change to the Instructor environment to see the TPM pane. Select View / Change
Toolbars / Instructor. The TPM pane lists active TPMs and provides access to initiate a
new TPM session and to display the TPM Summary list.

Return to the Engineer environment. Select View / Change Toolbars / Engineer.

The vertical pane at the left of the screen is a multipurpose panel arranged in three layers:
Instances, Types, and Monitor. The contents of each layer appear by clicking on the
corresponding tab at the bottom of the pane. In the illustration below, the pane displays an
Instances Tree listing all simulations databases currently open. Brown indicates an unloaded
simulation and Green indicates a simulation loaded in to memory. Select the Types pane to
display the Types Tree, listing the available model libraries. The Monitor pane displays model
parameters and points.

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Getting Started

The large rectangular area to the right of the vertical pane is a general-purpose area used for
displaying requested information and graphic images. In the illustration below, a flowsheet
graphic and the Message Monitor is displayed.

The Command Line at the bottom of the screen performs selected command-line operations in
lieu of pulling down a menu or clicking a toolbar button. The text to the right of the command
area indicates the most-recent-performed operation.

5.4 Identifying the Different Parts of the Toolbar

The appearance of the standard toolbars depends on the user interface environment:
Administrator, Engineer, or Instructor. Each mode may have buttons not available in other mode.
An abbreviated toolbar is also available.

The toolbars hold shortcut buttons for executing frequently used tasks. These tasks can also be
accessed from the pull-down Edit, Run, and Tools menus. Only the Engineer toolbar is
discussed below.

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Getting Started

Engineer Toolbar

The toolbar buttons perform the tasks described below. In some cases, a keyboard shortcut is
available to perform the same function as a toolbar button. The engineer-environment toolbar
buttons are shown above.

Create New Simulation

Click this button to create a new simulation with a default engine and flowsheet. It brings up
popup windows for guidance.

Open Simulation

Click this button to open an existing simulation. It brings up a popup window in which the user
can browse for SIM4ME (s4m) files.

Save the Simulation

Click this button to save the simulation in an s4m file. You can also use the <Ctrl> <s> key
combination to save the simulation.

Print Current Flowsheet

Click this button to print the active flowsheet or trend.

Cut the Current Selection

Click this button to cut (remove) the currently selected object from the canvas and place it on the
clipboard. The <Ctrl> <x> key combination will also cut the current selection. Use the Paste
button to paste the object from the clipboard to the same or another canvas.

Copy the Current Selection

Click this button to copy the currently selected object to the clipboard. Copying does not remove
the object from the canvas. You can also use the <Ctrl> <c> key combination to save the
current selection. Use the Paste button to paste the object from the clipboard to the same or
another canvas.

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Getting Started

Paste the Current Selection

Click this button to paste the contents of the clipboard to the selected location. The
<Ctrl> <v> key combination can also be used to paste the current selection.

Delete the Current Selection

Click this button to delete (remove) the currently selected object. The object is not placed on the
clipboard. It is permanently removed from the canvas.

View the Current Selection

Click this button to display the currently selected item. If the selected item is a flowsheet in the
Instances Tree, the graphic for that flowsheet is displayed. If the currently selected item is an
object, the Object Editor/Viewer, listing the object’s parameters, is displayed. You cannot display
items shown at the Simulation (SIM) level in the Instances Tree.

Edit the Current Selection

The operation of this button depends on what is selected when the button is clicked.

If a SIM is selected in the Instances Tree, a Simulation Configuration dialog box is

displayed. From this box, you can Add, Edit, and Delete the Engine and Flowsheet

Also, if you have selected a flowsheet in the Instances Tree, a Flowsheet Configuration
dialog box appears from which you can change the Flowsheet Name and assign a different engine
to the Flowsheet.

If an object is selected in the Instances Tree or on a canvas, the Object Editor/Viewer

listing the object’s parameters is displayed.

Unit of Measure

Click this button to list the basic Units of Measurement (UOM) slates that have been defined for
this installation. The user can create new UOM slates from existing UOM slates, for example, the
units of pressure are changed from kPa to psia.

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Getting Started

Components and Thermodynamics

Click this button to bring up the Components and Thermodynamics window. This window allows
you to define component slates and construct customized thermodynamic method slates.
Note that only models in the Base Equipment Library use component and method slates.

Start Engines in Freeze mode

Click this button to start the simulation and its corresponding engine(s). The simulation engine is
started in Freeze mode. Click the Resume button to switch the simulation to Run mode.

Stop Simulation

Click this button to shutdown the simulation engine.

Load Entire Model from Database

Click this button to load the entire simulation configuration from the database into the engine
memory. This action is commonly known as Load Full. Load Full provides a mode to make
model configuration changes on the fly while the simulation is running.

Load Model Changes from Database

Click this button to load only the changes to the model configuration that have been made since
the last load into the database. This action is commonly known as Load Incremental. Load
Incremental is much faster than Load Full for large models.

Load the Cross Reference from the Database

Click this button to load the cross reference data from the database into the engine.

Home Flowsheet

Clicking this button opens a flowsheet of a simulation. The user is first expected to define a home
flowsheet before performing this action.


Click this button to search for objects in the database.

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Getting Started


Click this button to allow real-time plotting of point values against time.

Data Historian

Click this button to display the Data Historian.

View/Edit the Cross Reference Table

Click this button to display the Cross Reference Table editor.

Scenario Summary Table

Click this button to display the Scenario Summary table.

Show Message Monitor

Click this button to display the Message Monitor window. The Message Monitor displays
selected messages, including error messages.

Icon Palette

Click this button to display the Icon Palette from which the user can drag and drop equipment
models and other objects onto the flow sheet.

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Getting Started

5.5 Identifying the Instance Tree, Types Tree and Monitor Pane

The Instances Tree

The Instances Tree displays the content of the database and the hierarchical structure of entries in
the database. To display the Instances Tree, you must have at least one simulation open and you
must select the Instances tab at the bottom of the multipurpose pane on the left side of the
main screen.

The illustration shown below indicates a sample Instances Tree that has been expanded down to
the parameter level. To see the complete text associated with parameters, the pane has been
expanded to the right.

Note that green entries in the Instances Tree identify components of the currently running
simulation. Brown entries identify simulations that are open for editing, but are not currently

All simulations that are currently open are displayed in the Instances Tree. This feature allows
you to cut and paste from one simulation to another. Appearance in the Instances Tree does not
imply that a given simulation is currently running or not running.

At the model level, each entry is associated with an icon representing the model class (type of
model). Resting the cursor on an icon for a few seconds pops up a ToolTip that displays the
model class (type).

Each simulation that is open is represented by a SIM line in the Instances Tree. Until the tree is
expanded, the display will include only a series of SIM lines.

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Getting Started

To expand an entry at any level of the hierarchy, click the expansion control icon to the left of
that level. The entries in the next lower level are displayed. To collapse an expanded branch, click
the expansion control icon again.

In addition to using the Types tree, point references can now be easily created on the flowsheet
with the drag & drop support. Just drag the parameter node of interest from the Instance Tree and
drop it on the flowsheet at the desired location to create a point reference.

The Types Tree

The Types Tree displays the available model libraries. Models from these libraries are used to
build and modify simulations. The Types Tree is accessible only in the Engineer environment.

To display the Types Tree, you must click the Types tab at the bottom of the multipurpose pane
at the left side of the main screen.

To expand a library into its constituent parts, click the expansion control icon to the left of the
library name. The library entries are displayed. To collapse an expanded library, click the
expansion control icon again.

The illustration below shows a sample Types Tree with two libraries expanded. Note that some of
the models shown below do not exist in every application, but are industry specific.

The Monitor Pane

The Monitor feature provides the following functionality:

• Display selected data for individual points (name, value, description, unit of measure)
• Create, Save, Delete, and Display point groups
• Monitor the current value of points
• Change the current value of points

To invoke the Monitor feature, click the Monitor tab at the bottom of the leftmost pane on the
main screen.

Point groups can also be viewed by choosing Point Viewer from the Tools pull-down

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Getting Started

5.6 Configuring a New Simulation

Simulations are arranged in a hierarchical order. The top level of the hierarchy is SIM4ME. In
descending order, the levels below SIM4ME are Simulation, Flowsheet, Object, and Parameter.
Thus, SIM4ME can have one or more Simulations. A Simulation is composed of one or more
Flowsheets. A Flowsheet includes one or more Objects, such as pumps, valves, etc. Each Object
has one or more Parameters.

Create a new Simulation in the database.

1. On the main window, click the File menu, select New and then select Custom
Simulation. The Simulation Configuration window appears

2. Enter FirstSim in the Simulation Name: field and entering the name or
moving the mouse pointer to the Simulation Name: field will automatically
generate a default Simulation File name
3. Click Create
4. In the Engines frame, click the Add… button to display the New Engine dialog box

5. Choose DynSim-L from the Engine Type: drop-down list

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Getting Started

6. Set focus on the Engine Name: field and enter a name – DynSimL1 for example
7. Click Create
8. In the Engines frame, click the Add button to display the New Engine dialog box
9. Set focus on the Engine Host field and enter the name of your FSIM station and
press Enter
10. Choose FSIM from the Engine Type drop-down list
11. Set focus on the Engine Name field and enter a name – FSIM1 for example

12. Click Create

13. Repeat the procedure to add the SimSyncEngine

14. In the Flowsheets frame, click the Add button, to display the New Flowsheet
dialog box

15. Set focus on the Flowsheet Name field and enter a name – FS1 for example
16. Click Create
17. At the top of the Instances Tree, on the left-hand side, under FirstSim, the node
flow sheet is created with the name FS1.
18. Click Close

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Getting Started

5.7 Starting the Simulation

1. Click the Start button, loading the simulation and its corresponding engine details
into the server’s memory
2. When loading a simulation that contains an FSIM engine, you are presented with the
Simulation Options dialog. There are two simulation load options. select
Enable Cross Referencing and Auto disable erroneous rows.
De-select all checkboxes, since this simulation does not contain a valid checkpoint file
and cross referencing does not exist.
• Enable Cross Referencing
Anytime you wish to communicate between any two points in two different
simulation engines, you will need to enable cross referencing. In this
example, we will be communicating between the Dynsim-L engine and the
FSIM engine.
• Auto disable erroneous rows
If cross referencing fails, you may choose to disable the cross referencing
points that fail automatically

3. Click the Resume button to switch the simulation to Run mode. Notice the
Simulation Time advancing and the RUNNING indication.

4. Freeze the simulation by clicking the Run menu on the main window and selecting
the Freeze option. Notice the FROZEN indication.

5.8 Building Models

Proceed to one of the following three sections: Building a Simple Flowsheet with
Flow Network Components (power applications), Building a Simple Flowsheet
with Base Equipment Models (all other applications), or Building a Simple
Tieback Model (simple applications).

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

6. Building a Simple Flowsheet

In this tutorial, construction and operation of the simple flowsheet is explained below. Creation
of the model objects such as pumps, tanks, and valves, parameterizing these objects with specific
physical characteristics, connecting the objects to form an integrated flowsheet and operating the
flowsheet is described. Also, building of custom indicators and widgets to allow the user to
interact with the flowsheet is explained.

The Dynsim interface has been designed to incorporate many of the elements found in the PRO/II
GUI, and like a PRO/II simulation, the user can follow a series of steps to setup a given
simulation. These steps are as follows:

• Define the Units of Measure (UOM)

• Select components and define component slates
• Define a Thermodynamic method and other default methods
• Lay down and define the models and controls
• Connect the units using appropriate streams
• Run the simulation and monitor the dynamic behavior of the process

Complete the Getting Started tutorial if you have not completed it earlier. This tutorial
has conceptual information that you need to understand before performing this tutorial.

This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed.
• The Simulation FirstSim exists in the database and is the current Simulation open.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

6.1 Renaming a Flowsheet

In this section, the flowsheet under the FirstSim Simulation is renamed.

1. On the Instances tab, click the FS FS1 entry under FirstSim, select the Edit
menu, and then select Edit. The Flowsheet Configuration window appears
and the Simulation Name should be FirstSim.

2. Position the pointer in the Flowsheet Name field and type Tank Level
3. Select the appropriate Engine name from the Engine Name drop-down lists – for
example, DynSimL1
4. Click OK
5. Select Yes in order to rename the flowsheet,. The Tank Level Control
flowsheet is now visible in the tree.

6.2 Define the Units of Measure (UOM)

The UOM icon is denoted using a ruler icon. There are a number of predefined UOM lists.
However, a user can define a custom UOM list. For any particular class the user can define
custom units of measure or simply go with the default units of measure. For this particular
example, SI UOM list is used.

Click and the New Slate button, which will open New UOM Slate dialog
Type EngSI as new UOM slate name, select SI as new UOM base, and click OK.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Highlight the Pressure parameter, and double-click kPa. It opens to Change

Unit-of-Measure window for customizing UOM.

Select Custom radio button, select the pressure UOM as kPag, and then click the
Change button. Notice that check marks appear on the UOMs changed.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

6.3 Select Components and Define Component Slate

This selection is to define the components to be used in the simulation. The user is allowed to
define multiple component slates with Dynsim software because it needs to be ensured that the
computational problem is defined as efficiently as possible.

1. Click on the component icon. Notice that both components and thermodynamics
are defined in this window. The first tab is titled Library and allows the user to
add any of the pure components from the different libraries.

2. The user can enter a component by typing the full name, the alias, or the chemical
formula in the Add Library Component cell and clicking on Add button.
Under the Add Library Component section, type in Water and select Add.
Observe the name WATER under selected components section.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

3. Under the Add Library Component section, type Air and select Add.

6.4 Creating Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder

In this section, creation of model objects in the new flowsheet is explained. Following objects are
created: two sources, a sink, a drum (configured to act as a tank), three valves, a pump, and a

Start the Graphical Model Builder

1. Select Flowsheet Tank Level Control in the Instances Tree

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and select View or press
(Ctrl+K). The Tank Level Control flowsheet is displayed.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

The graphic opens in Model Editing mode, it can be seen in the upper right corner of
the Tank Level Control window and is thus ready for the addition of model

Notice the Lasso Select Button in the Tank Level Control window toolbar. The
ability to lasso objects is available only in the Graphic Editing or Model Editing modes.

Create Source Objects from the Types Tree

1. Switch from the Instances Tree to the Types Tree.

Click the Types tab at the bottom of the left pane of the main
2. Expand the Base Equipment library and select
3. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to
create a Source object
4. Select Enter in the New Name window and name the new
object. The new Source object SRC1 appears in the graphic.

5. Repeat these steps to create SRC2

Create a Sink Object from the Types Tree

1. Select Sink object in the Base Equipment library

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to create a Sink object

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

3. Select Enter Name field, and click OK. The new Sink object SNK1 appears in
the graphic.

Create a Drum Object from the Types Tree

1. Select Drum, in the Base Equipment library

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to create a Drum object
3. Enter the Name as TTL1 and click OK to see the Configure Drum TTL1 window
popup. The new Drum object TTL1 appears in the graphic.
Create Valve Objects from the Types Tree

1. Select the Valve object, in the Base Equipment library

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to create a Valve.
3. Enter the Name as VTL1. The new valve object, VTL1, appears in the graphic


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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Repeat these steps to create VTL2 and VENT. Place the objects on the graphic as shown

Create a Pump from the Types Tree

1. Select Pump in the Base Equipment library

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to create a Pump object
3. Enter the Name as PTL1. The new Pump object PTL1 appears in the graphic

Create an Electrical Motor from the Types Tree

1. Expand the Electrical library and select Motor

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window to create a Motor object

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

3. Enter the Name as MTL1. The new Electrical Motor object MTL1 appears in the
graphic. Align the objects as shown below.

Connect Objects with Process Streams

To create a network, the objects must be connected with Process or Mechanical Streams. The
majority of the connections transfers mass, and is therefore processed streams. The pump and
motor transfer power and is therefore a mechanical stream.

1. Select Process Stream in the Base Equipment library. Notice the

graphic displays green lines. These lines indicate the available locations to begin a
process stream.

2. Click once the right hand side of the SRC1 object and again on the left hand side of
the VTL1 object.

3. Click once the right hand side of the VTL1 object and again on the left hand side of
the TTL1 object.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

4. Continue connecting the process streams so they appear as listed in the table below.
Stream From Object To Object
S2 VTL1 TTL1 (left hand side)
S3 TTL1 (right hand side) PTL1
S7 VENT TTL1 (top)

Connect Objects with Mechanical Streams

1. Select Mechanical Stream in the Base Equipment library. Notice the

graphic displays green lines. These lines indicate the available locations to begin a
mechanical stream.

2. Connect PTL1 to MTL1

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

3. When completed, the flowsheet should resemble the figure below.

Saving the Flowsheet Graphic

While new model objects are automatically saved in the database upon creating them (entering
name), the location of the objects on the graphic is not saved until the user does so manually.
This allows you to arrange the graphics in a pleasing manner.

1. Save the graphic by clicking the File menu and selecting Save on the main

Note: If you want to arrange the model objects in the approximate locations as shown in the
first diagram of this tutorial, it helps you to visualize the flowsheet, and facilitates the process
of connecting the objects.

6.5 Parameterizing Model Objects using the Object Viewer

After all the objects are created, it is parameterized. For example, set boundary pressures, valve
stroke times, pump and motor speeds, etc.

Edit Source SRC1 Using the Data Entry Window (DEW)

1. In the Tank Level Control window, right-click the SRC1 and select Data

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

2. In the SRC1 DEW popup under the Basic tab, modify the parameters listed below
and click OK
Pressure 300 KPag
Temperature 395 K
Water 1 kg-mol
Relative Elevation 10 m
Note: Prior to adjusting the parameters, the Basic tab displayed a red X and critical parameters
were colored red. After modifying the parameters, the colors changed to green and the Basic
tab changed to a blue check .
Navigate to the Thermo tab. Notice the yellow box. Yellow indicates a parameter that has a
default value and may require a change. For this application, the default selection is

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Edit SRC2 Using the DEW

1. In the Tank Level Control window, right-click SRC2 and select Data
2. In the SRC2 DEW popup, under the Basic tab, modify the parameters listed below
and click OK
Pressure 102.32 kPa
Temperature 395 K
Air 1 kg-mol
Relative Elevation 5m

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Edit SNK1 Using the DEW

1. In the Tank Level Control window, right-click the SNK1 and select Data
2. In the SNK1 DEW popup, under the Basic tab, modify the parameters listed below and
click OK
Pressure 102.32 kPa
Relative Elevation 0m

Edit TTL1 Using the DEW

1. In the Tank Level Control window, right-click TTL1 and select Data Entry
2. In the TTL1 DEW popup, under the Basic tab, modify the parameters listed below and
click OK
Length 10 m
Relative Elevation 5m

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Edit VENT Using the DEW

1. In the Tank Level Control window, right-click VENT and select Data Entry
2. In the VENT DEW popup, under the Basic tab, modify the parameter listed below and
click OK
Valve Cv: 2000 Cv

Note: VTL1 and VTL2 have Valve Cv values of 100. The default value is sufficient for our

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Creating References from the Types Tree

The flowsheet is ready to run; Observe, some of the dynamic values on the graphic while the
flowsheet is running.

1. Expand the References library and select Flow Rate Indicator

2. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window near VTL1 to create a Flow
Rate Indicator
3. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a flow object. In the
Enter Name field, type S1 and press Enter. The new Flow Rate Indicator
for S1 appears in the graphic. The indicator initially appears with an UNKNOWN status.
This is cleared as soon as the model is loaded into the database.

4. Repeat for S3 and S6 (the flow leaving TTL1 and the flow leaving SRC2).
5. Select Point in the References library
6. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window near PTL1 to create a Point
7. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a point. In the Enter
Name field, type PTL1.SPEED and click OK. The new Point reference for
PTL1.SPEED appears in the graphic.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

8. Right-click PTL1.SPEED point reference and select Draw Attributes.

9. Change the Width to 100 and the Name Width to 0.

10. Select Point in the References library

11. Click anywhere in the Tank Level Control window near VTL1 to create a Point
12. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a point. In the Enter
Name field, type VTL1.L and click OK. The new Point reference for VTL1.L appears
in the graphic.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

13. Right-click VTL1.L reference and select Draw Attributes

14. Change the Width to 130, the Name Width to 0, and the Units-of-Measure to percent.
15. Repeat for VTL2 and VENT.

16 Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

6.6 Running the New Flowsheet

After creating the model objects, model connections, and graphics in the database, the flowsheet
created is operated

Loading the Model Configuration from the Database

1. On the main window, click the Run menu, select Engineering Actions, and
then select Load Full Model. When the initialization is complete the motor and
valves change from black to red.

2. Run the simulation by clicking the Run menu on the main window and select
3. In the Tank Level Control window, double-click the VTL1 object. The Operate
Valve window for VTL1 is displayed.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

4. Open the valve by moving the Command slider to 100

5. Click OK. Notice VTL1 opening, S1 flow rate changing, and TTL1 filling.
6. Double-click the MTL1 object. The Operate Motor window for MTL1 is
7. MTL1 is currently stopped. Click the START button to start the motor.
8. Click OK. Notice the speed of PTL1 increasing.
9. In the Tank Level Control window, double-click the VTL2 object. The Operate
Valve window for VTL2 is displayed.
10. Open the valve by moving the Command slider to 50
11. Click OK. Notice VTL2 opening and S3 flow rate changing.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

6.7 Other Elements of the Graphical Model Builder

Suppose that for control system purposes MTL1 can be operated locally or remotely. Create a
point to model local/remote switch status, two buttons to allow the user to switch the status, two
indicators to display the status, and a text label.

Adding a Point

Add a point to model local/remote switch status.

1. Expand the Points library and select State Integer (at the bottom of the expanded
2. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere above the motor to add the
State Integer
3. Enter the Name as MTL1_REMOTE. The new Point MTL1_REMOTE appears in the

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

Adding Button Widgets

Add buttons to allow the user to set the local/remote status of MTL1_REMOTE.

1. Expand the Widgets library and select Button

2. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere above the motor to add a
Button. The new Button appears in the graphic.
3. Right-click NEAR the button to bring up the context menu. Choose Draw
Attributes. The Draw Attributes window for a button is displayed.

4. Enter MTL1_REMOTE in the Point Name field and enter 1 in the Point Value
field (pressing the button will set MTL1_REMOTE to 1)
6. Enter REMOTE in the Button Label field
7. Click OK
8. Select Button in the Widgets library
9. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere to the right of the REMOTE
button to add a Button. The new Button appears in the graphic.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

10. Right-click near the button to bring up the context menu. Select Draw Attributes.
The Draw Attributes window for a button is displayed.
11. Enter MTL1_REMOTE in the Point Name field and enter 0 in the Point Value
field (pressing the button will set MTL1_REMOTE to 0)
13. Enter LOCAL in the Button Label field
14. Click OK

15. In the Tank Level Control window toolbar, click Lasso Select Button
16. Draw a window around both the REMOTE and LOCAL buttons. Both buttons should be

17. On the main window, click the Draw menu, select Align and then Align
Vertical Middle. Notice that the buttons are now aligned vertically.

Adding Indicator Widgets

Add indicators to view the local/remote status of MTL1_REMOTE.

1. Select Indicator in the Widgets library

2. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere
above the REMOTE button to add an Indicator. The
new Indicator appears in the graphic.
3. Right-click the indicator to bring up the context menu.
Select Draw Attributes. The Draw Attributes
window for an indicator is displayed.
4. Place the mouse pointer in the Width field and type 72
5. Place the mouse pointer in the Point Name field and
6. Place the mouse pointer in the Point Value field and
type 1
7. Enter REMOTE in the Display Text field
8. Select green in the Text Color field
9. Click OK
10. Select Indicator in the Widgets library
11. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere above the LOCAL button to
add an Indicator. The new Indicator appears in the graphic.
12. Right-click on the indicator to bring up the context menu. Choose Draw
Attributes. The Draw Attributes window for an indicator displays.
13. Enter 72 in the Width field and enter MTL1_REMOTE in the Point Name field
15. Enter 0 in the Point Value field and enter LOCAL in the Display Text field

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

17. Select red in the Text Color field

18. Click OK

19. In the Tank Level Control window toolbar, click Lasso Select Button
20. Draw a window around both the indicators. Both the indicators should be selected

21. On the main window, click the Draw menu, select Align and then Align
Vertical Middle. The indicators are now aligned vertically.

Adding Text Primitives

As our last task, let’s add a label above the REMOTE/LOCAL buttons and indicators.

1. Expand the Primitives library and select Single Line Text

2. In the Tank Level Control window, click anywhere above the REMOTE and
LOCAL buttons and indicators and draw a rectangle to add a Single Line Text.
3. In the orange field, type MTL1 Remote/Local Control and press Enter
4. Depending on how long the rectangle is made, some of the text may not be visible. The
text object is already selected. Scale the text by dragging one of the right end handles to
a new position, and releasing the mouse button.

5. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

6.8 Configuring KeyPoints

Key points can be added to the simulation to aid in determining the status of the simulator. These
KeyPoints display in the IC and Backtrack summary page and, in Instructor Mode, along the top
pane of the GUI.

1. Expand the Points library and select Dynamic Float. Click on the Tank Level
Control flowsheet. When prompted, type in TTL1_L.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

2. Right-click on the TTL1_L and select Edit

3. In the Description field, type in Tank Level, change the Units Type to Leng
and set the Internal Units to m.
4. Repeat these steps and create a total of five points, populated as shown below.

Point Name Description Units Type Internal Units

TTL1_L Tank Level Leng m
VTL1_L VTL1 Lift Frac percent
S1_W Inlet Flow MassRate kg/sec
S2_W Outlet Flow MassRate kg/sec
MTL1_SPEED Motor Speed Rotation rpm

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

5. Expand the Utilities library and select Miscellaneous Equation. Click on

the Tank Level Control flowsheet.

6. Type in the name KEYPOINTS

7. Right-click on KEYPOINTS and select Edit (not Data Entry).

8. Set the OUT size to 5

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

9. Populate the KEYPOINTS as shown below, specifying the Assignment and Equation

Note: After loading the new points and object into memory (next section), the user can change to
Instructor mode to see the KEYPOINTS display in the GUI. A sample is shown below.
The KEYPOINTS also appear in the Snapshot Summary table.

6.9 Adding the New Points to the Running Model

The new points have been added in the database but are not yet present in the running model -
which is why neither indicator is displaying yet.

1. On the main window, click the Run menu, select Engineering Actions,
and then select Load Full Model.
2. When initialization is complete the LOCAL indicator displays.

3. Run the simulation by clicking the Run menu on the main window and selecting
4. Click the REMOTE and LOCAL buttons to switch the indicators between REMOTE and
LOCAL control.

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Building a Simple Flowsheet

5. When finished, freeze the simulation. On the main window, click the Run menu
and select Freeze.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

7. Building a Simple Tieback Model

In this tutorial, construction and operation of the simple tieback model is explained below.
Model objects such as latch and lead/lag blocks is created, parameterize these objects with model-
specific physical quantities, connect the objects to form an integrated flowsheet, and operate the
flowsheet. Also, custom indicators and widgets are built to allow the user to interact with the

If you have not already done so, complete the Getting Started tutorial. That tutorial has
conceptual information that you need to understand before performing this tutorial.

This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed.

• The Simulation FirstSim exists in the database and is the current Simulation open.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

7.1 Creating a New Flowsheet

In this section, a new flowsheet under the FirstSim Simulation is created.

1. On the instances tab, select SIM FirstSim. In the main menu, select Edit and then
Edit from the pull-down menu. The Simulation Configuration window
2. In the Flowsheets frame, select the Add button. The New Flowsheet window
appears. The Simulation Name should be FirstSim.

3. Position the cursor in the Flowsheet Name field and type Motor Tieback.
4. Select the appropriate Engine name from the Engine Name drop-down lists – for
example, DynSimL1.
5. Click Create
6. In the Simulation Configuration window, click Close
7. In the Instances tree, collapse and expand the simulation FirstSim. The
Flowsheet Motor Tieback is now visible.

7.2 Creating Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder

In this section, creation of model objects in the new flowsheet is explained. Create one latch
block and three lead/lag blocks.

Start the Graphical Model Builder

1. Select the flowsheet Motor Tieback in the Instances tree.

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and select View or use(Ctrl+K).
The Motor Tieback flowsheet displays.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

3. The graphic opens in Model Editing mode, as can be seen in the upper right corner of the
Motor Tieback window and is thus ready for the addition of model objects.

4. Notice the Lasso Select Button in the Motor Tieback window toolbar. The
ability to lasso objects is available only in the Graphic Editing or Model Editing modes.

Create a Latch Block from the Types Tree

1. Switch from the Instances to the Types tree. Click the Types tab at the bottom
of the left pane of the main window.

2. Expand the Controls library and select Latch

3. Click anywhere in the Motor Tieback window to create a Latch object.
4. You are immediately prompted to name the new object. Type M100 in the Enter
Name field and press Enter. The new Latch object M100 appears in the graphic.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Create a Lead/Lag Transfer Function from the Types Tree

1. Select Lead/Lag Transfer Function in the Controls library.

2. Click anywhere in the Motor Tieback window to create a Lead/Lag Transfer
Function object.
3. You are immediately prompted to name the new object Type M100_AMPS in the Enter
Name field and press Enter. The new Lead/Lag Transfer Function object
M100_AMPS appears in the graphic.

Create Two Lead/Lag Transfer Functions by Copying and Pasting

1. In the Motor Tieback window, select the M100_AMPS object by clicking on it.

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and select Copy

3. On the main window, click the Edit menu and select Paste
4. The Copy To window displays, prompting you a default copy name: COPY_
M100_AMPS, since you are not permitted to use duplicate names. In the Enter Name
field, type M100_FLOW.

5. Click OK. The new Lead/Lag Transfer Function object M100_FLOW appears
in the graphic.
6. Notice the M100_FLOW object is selected. Move the object by clicking and dragging it
to a new location below M100_AMPS, and releasing the mouse button.
7. Create a third Lead/Lag Transfer Function by repeating steps 1-6 above. Enter
the function Name as M100_PRES.
8. Notice the M100_PRES object is selected. Move the object by clicking and dragging it
to a new location below M100_FLOW, and releasing the mouse button.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Aligning and Distributing the Lead/Lag Transfer Function Blocks

1. On the Motor Tieback window toolbar, Click Lasso Select button

2. Draw a window around all three Lead/Lag Transfer Function blocks. All three
blocks should be selected.

3. On the main window, click the Draw menu, select Align and then Align Left.
Notice that the blocks are now aligned.

4. On the main window, click the Draw menu, select Distribute and
Distribute Vertical Middle. Notice that the blocks are now evenly spaced.

7.3 Connecting Model Objects using the Graphical Model Builder

A collection of independent model objects is available. The next step is to connect the objects to
form an integrated flowsheet.

Connect a Lead/Lag Block to the Latch Block using a Connector

Linking of M100 block output to the M100_AMPS block input is explained.

1. Expand the Connectors library and select Connector

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

2. Connect M100_AMPS to M100 by clicking on the M100 image. While holding the
mouse button down, drag the other end to the M100_AMPS image. Release the mouse
button. The Parameter Assignment window is displayed.

3. In the Parameter Assignment window, expand Inputs under M100_AMPS (on

the left) and select IN. Expand Outputs under M100 (on the right) and select OUT.
4. Click OK. The M100_AMPS.IN parameter is connected to the M100.OUT parameter.

Improve Appearance by Graphically Manipulating Connections

The connection between the latch block and lead/lag block may not be esthetically pleasing.
Graphically, the connection (or connecting line) between the latch block and lead/lag block
consists of three parts: a port on the latch block, a port on the lead/lag block, and a connector
between the ports. At the end of the connector there is a dot and the name of the parameter
associated with the port. In this case, the latch parameter is OUT and the lead/lag parameter is IN.
The connector initially has 3 segments that can be arranged in an "S" or "U" shape. More
segments can be added to a connector using the context menu.

1. In the Motor Tieback window, select M100 and drag it around the screen. As you
drag it, the connector adjusts its shape. The ports (if visible) stay with the latch block and
lead/lag block.
2. Position M100 so that there is a jog or an S-shaped bend in the connector. Allow plenty
of room between M100 and M100_AMPS.
3. Select the connector.having five filled handles on it. The three interior handles can only
be dragged perpendicular to the line segment they sit on. The endpoint handles can be
moved in any direction. The endpoints may not be visible if they are on top of the latch
or lead/lag image. Experiment with each line segment of the connector by dragging its

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

handle around until the connector endpoints are visible (and the parameters OUT and IN
are clear of their respective latch and lead/lag images).
4. Once the parameters OUT and IN are moved away from their respective latch and
lead/lag images, the ports become visible. Select the port on M100. It should have a
filled handle at each end. Drag the port handle on the latch image to the middle bottom
of the latch image. Drag the other port handle (parameter OUT) to a point below the latch

5. If the port is "L" shaped its appearence would not look good. Double-click the port to
"flip" so that it goes straight down from the M100 latch image.

Connect a Lead/Lag Block to the Latch Block using a Connector

Link the M100 block output to the M100_FLOW block input.

1. Select Connector in the Connectors library

2. Connect M100_FLOW to M100 by clicking the M100 image, dragging the other end to
the M100_FLOW image, and releasing the mouse button.
3. In the Parameter Assignment window, expand Inputs under M100_FLOW (on
the left) and select IN. Expand Outputs under M100 (on the right) and select OUT.
4. Click OK. The M100_FLOW.IN parameter is connected to the M100.OUT parameter.
5. Adjust the connection appearance as desired

Connect a Lead/Lag Block to the Latch Block using a Connector

Linking of M100 block output to the M100_PRES block input is explained.

1. Select Connector in the Connectors library

2. Connect M100_PRES to M100 by clicking the M100 image, dragging the other end to
the M100_PRES image, and releasing the mouse button.
3. In the Parameter Assignment window, expand Inputs under M100_PRES (on
the left) and select IN. Expand Outputs under M100 (on the right) and select OUT.
4. Click OK The M100_PRES.IN parameter is connected to the M100.OUT parameter
6. Adjust the connection appearance as required

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Saving the Flowsheet Graphic

While new model objects are automatically saved in the database upon creation (by entering
name and description), the location of the objects on the graphic is not saved until the user does
so manually (this allows the user to arrange the graphics in an esthetically pleasing manner).

1. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

7.4 Parameterizing Model Objects using the Object Viewer

We will parameterize the lead/lag objects already created by setting final values, time constants,

Edit Lead/Lag Block M100_AMPS using the Object Viewer

The steady-state current is set to 20 amps, minimum current to 0 amps, the time constant to 2
seconds, and the transient current maximum to 100 amps.

1. In the Motor Tieback window, select M100_AMPS

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and from the pull-down menu, select
Edit. The M100_AMPS object viewer/editoris displayed.

3. Set the steady-state current by clicking the Assignment column next to K_IN. Type
20 and press Enter.
4. Set the minimum current by clicking the Assignment column next to LO_OUT. Type
0 and press Enter.
5. Set the time constant by clicking the Assignment column next to KLAG. Type 2 and
press Enter.
6. Set the transient current maximum by clicking in the Assignment column next to
KLEAD. Type 10 and press Enter.
7. In the M100_AMPS window, click OK

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Edit Lead/Lag Block M100_FLOW using the Object Viewer

The steady-state flow is set to 80 pps, the minimum flow to 0 pps, and the time constant to 3

1. In the Motor Tieback window, select M100_FLOW

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and from the pull-down menu, select
3. The M100_FLOW object viewer/editor is displayed. Click the Show Descriptions
button to view the description fields.
4. Set the steady-state flow by clicking in the Assignment column next to K_IN. Type
80 and press Enter.
5. Set the minimum flow by clicking in the Assignment column next to LO_OUT. Type
0 and press Enter.
6. Set the time constant by clicking in the Assignment column next to KLAG. Type 3
and press Enter.
7. In the M100_FLOW window, click OK

Edit Lead/Lag Block M100_PRES using the Object Viewer

The steady-state pressure is set to 40 psig, the minimum pressure to 0 psig, and the time constant
to 1 second.

1. In the Motor Tieback window, select M100_PRES

2. On the main window, click the Edit menu and select Edit
3. The M100_PRES object viewer/editor displays. Click the Show Descriptions
button to view the description fields.
4. Set the steady-state flow by clicking the Assignment column next to K_IN. Type 40
and press Enter.
5. Set the minimum flow by clicking the Assignment column next to LO_OUT. Type 0
and press Enter.
6. Set the time constant by clicking the Assignment column next to KLAG. Type 1 and
press Enter.
7. In the M100_PRES window, click OK

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Adding References from the Types Tree

We have a flowsheet that is ready to run; however, we observe some of the dynamic values on the
graphic while the flowsheet is running.

1. Expand the References library and select Point

2. Create a new Point reference in the Motor Tieback window by clicking
3. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a point. Enter
M100_AMPS.OUT in the Enter Name field and press Enter. The new Point
reference for M100_AMPS.OUT appears in the graphic. Ignore the appearance.
4. Select Point in the References library
5. Create a new Point reference in the Motor Tieback window by clicking
6. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a point. Enter
M100_FLOW.OUT in the orange Enter Name field and press Enter. The new
Point reference for M100_FLOW.OUT appears in the graphic. Ignore the appearance.
7. Select Point in the References library
8. Create a new Point reference in the Motor Tieback window by clicking near
9. You are immediately prompted and required to enter the name of a point. Enter
M100_PRES.OUT in the orange Enter Name field and press Enter. The new
Point reference for M100_PRES.OUT appears in the graphic. Ignore the appearance.

10. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Improve Appearance of Point References

The point references for the lead/lag outputs are unreadable. The point name runs into the point
value field. .

1. Right-click the first point reference (M100_AMPS.OUT) to bring up the context menu.
Select Draw Attributes. The Draw Attributes window is displayed.

2. Here the width of the point name is adjusted. In the Name Width field, type 80.
3. Click OK
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the other two point references

5. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

7.5 Other Elements of the Graphical Model Builder

During development (while constructing and connecting the model objects), you must set and
reset M100. Two buttons are added to allow you to toggle the latch, two indicators to display
latch status, and a text label.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

Adding Button Widgets

Add buttons to allow you to set and reset the latch block.

1. Expand the Widgets library and select Button

2. In the Motor Tieback window, click anywhere above the latch to add a Button.
The new Button appears in the graphic.
3. Right-click near the button to bring up the context menu. Select Draw Attributes.
The Draw Attributes window for a button is displayed.
4. Enter M100.LATCH in the Point Name field and type 1 in the Point Value field
(pressing the button will set M100.LATCH to 1).
6. Enter SET in the Button Label field
7. Click OK
8. Select Button in the Widgets library
9. In the Motor Tieback window, click anywhere above the latch to add a Button.
The new Button appears in the graphic.
10. Right-click near the button to bring up the context menu. Choose Draw Attributes.
The Draw Attributes window for a button is displayed.
11. Enter M100.LATCH in the Point Name field and enter 0 in the Point Value field
(pressing the button will set M100.LATCH to 0).
13. Enter RESET in the Button Label field
14. Click OK

15. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

Adding Indicator Widgets

Add the indicators to view the set/reset status of M100.

1. Select Indicator in the Widgets library

2. In the Motor Tieback window, click anywhere above the SET button to add an
Indicator. The new Indicator appears in the graphic.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

3. Right-click the indicator to bring up the context menu. Select Draw Attributes. The
Draw Attributes window for an indicator is displayed.

4. Enter 72 in the Width field and 20 in the Height field

5. Enter M100.LATCH in the Point Name field and enter 1 in the Point Value
7. Enter SET in the Display Text field
8. Select green in the Text Color field
9. Click OK
10. Select Indicator in the Widgets library
11. In the Motor Tieback window, click anywhere above the RESET button to add an
Indicator. The new Indicator appears in the graphic.
12. Right-click the indicator to bring up the context menu. Select Draw Attributes.
The Draw Attributes window for an indicator is displayed.
13. Enter 72 in the Width field
14. Enter M100.LATCH in the Point Name field and enter 0 in the Point Value
16. Enter RESET in the Display Text field select red in the Text Color field
18. Click OK.

Adding Text Primitives

Add a label above the SET/RESET buttons.

1. Expand the Primitives library and select Single Line Text

2. In the Model Tieback window, click anywhere above the SET/RESET buttons and
draw a rectangle to add a Single Line Text.
3. In the orange field, type M100 Set/Reset Control and press Enter
4. Depending on how long you initially made the rectangle; some of the text may not be
visible. The text object is selected. Scale the text by dragging one of the right end
handles to a new position, and releasing the mouse button.

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Building a Simple Tieback Model

5. Save the graphic. On the main window, click the File menu and select Save.

7.6 Running the New Flowsheet

Model objects, model connections, and graphics were created in the database. In this section, the
flowsheet that have been created is operated.

Loading the Model Configuration from the Database

1. On the main window, click the Run menu, select Engineering Actions
from the pull-down menu, and select Load Full Model. When the initialization is
complete, the point reference values change from UNKNOWN to 0.0.

2. Run/un-freeze the simulation by clicking the Run menu on the main window and
selecting Resume from the pull-down menu.
3. In the Model Tieback window, click the SET button. Notice point references
(M100_AMPS.OUT, M100_FLOW.OUT, M100_PRES.OUT) changing.

4. Once the point references have reached steady state, click the RESET button. Notice
point references (M100_AMPS.OUT, M100_FLOW.OUT, M100_PRES.OUT)

5. Once the point references have reached zero, freeze the simulation. On the main
window, click the Run menu and select Freeze from the pull-down menu.

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8. Snapshots

In this tutorial, saving, restoring, and managing snapshots (i.e. backtracks and initial conditions)
is explained. Backtracks and initial conditions are both "snapshots" of a simulation at a specific

Backtrack files are automatically saved at regular intervals while the simulation is running.
Conceptually, the backtrack file structure resembles a ring with N slots around the periphery.
Each backtrack file occupies one slot in the ring. When slot N has been filled the next file is
written to the first slot, replacing the existingdata.

Initial Conditions are saved by the user and given unique names. Initial Conditions can be
"protected" to prevent them from being accidentally overwritten by the user.

The current tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed

• No Simulations are running or open

8.1 Loading the Pre-built Flowsheet

For this tutorial, a pre-built flowsheet is provided that is ready to load.

1. On the main window, click the File menu and select Open. The Open window
2. Browse to the C:\Program Files\SIMSCI\FSIM\User. Select the
Simple_Flowsheet_FSBase.s4m and click Open. The Tank Level Control
flowsheet is displayed

3. Click the Start button, loading the simulation and its corresponding engine
details into the server’s memory. This simulation contains only a Dynsim-L engine.

4. The simulation is loaded and placed in the FROZEN state. Click the Resume
button in the main simulation window to switch the simulation to Resume mode. Notice
the Simulation Time advancing and the RUNNING indication.

8.2 Creating Backtracks

Explore the creation of backtracks and the backtrack list.

1. On the main window, click Backtrack Summary icon. The Snapshot

Summary window is displayed.

2. Resume running the simulation by clicking the Resume icon

3. Backtracks are automatically saved every minute as the simulation runs. The date and
time of the computer's file system appears with each backtrack.

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4. Position the Snapshot Summary window so the Tank Level Control window
is visible
5. Open valve VTL1 while the model is running. In the Tank Level Control
window, double-click the VTL1 object. The Operate Valve window for VTL1 is
displayed. Open the valve by moving the Command slider to 100.

6. Click OK
7. Observe the Snapshot Summary window. Run the model until four new backtracks
are saved (about four minutes of simulation time). At this point, tank TTL1 should be
about half full.

8. Freeze the simulation by clicking the Freeze icon

8.3 Restoring Backtracks

In the following procedure, backtracks recorded at various time points during the filling of tank
TTL1 are restored.

1. In the Snapshot Summary window, select the backtrack from approximately one
minute ago. Note the row heading BKT, which denotes "backtrack". Also observe that
once a backtrack is selected the Restore button is enabled.
2. Click Restore. The Restore Backtrack window appears.
3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to restore the selected backtrack. Tank TTL1 should
be less than half full.
4. In the Snapshot Summary window, select and restore the backtrack for
approximately two minutes ago. Tank TTL1 should be about one-quarter full.

5. Fill the tank by running the simulation. Click the Resume icon.

6. Freeze the simulation when the tank is almost full. Click the Freeze icon.
7. Close the Snapshot Summary window

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8.4 Creating an Initial Condition

Explore the creation of an initial condition and the initial condition list.

1. On the main window, click the IC Summary icon

2. Save the initial condition with tank TTL1 almost full. In the Snapshot Summary
window, click Save. The Save Initial Conditions window appears.
3. Enter 2 in the IC Number field
4. Enter Tank Almost Full in the IC Description field
5. Click Save
6. A new initial condition is added to the Snapshot Summary table. Note the row
heading U-IC. The U denotes "unprotected" and IC denotes "initial condition".
Unprotected initial conditions can be freely overwritten. Protected initial conditions
require user confirmation to overwrite.

8.5 Restoring an Initial Condition

In the following procedure, a pre-saved initial condition is restored.

1. In the Snapshot Summary table, select initial condition number 1 named Tank
2. Click Restore. The Restore IC window appears.
3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to restore the selected initial condition and set the
time to zero. Tank TTL1 should be completely empty. Both the supply and tank level
control valves should be closed.
4. Close the Snapshot Summary window

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Cross Referencing

9. Cross Referencing
In this tutorial, load a simple control configuration, create a cross-reference database for the
configuration, insert entries into the cross-reference database, and override I/O points through the

If you have not done it, complete the Building a Simple Flowsheet tutorial before

This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed

• The First Sim simulation is loaded and the Tank Level Control flowsheet is
• The Enable Cross Referencing was selected when the simulation was loaded

9.1 Loading Controls

In this section, invoke the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) and load the control
configuration needed to control the flowsheet constructed in the Building a Simple
Flowsheet tutorial.

Note: For details on IACC operation or FCS, refer to the FSIM Plus User Guide.

Note: When loading actual DCS controls, refer the FSIM Plus User Guide for a checklist
detailing specific controls compilation or device mapping steps.

The control configuration consists of one compound containing nine blocks: an AIN, two
AOUTs, two CINs, two COUTs, a PIDX, and a CALCA block.

Whenever you deploy, download or modify controls using any Configurator (ICC / IACC / FCS),
the simulation should be in a frozen state. Once the modifications are complete, run the
simulation (long enough to allow all new blocks to execute), manually perform a checkpoint, and
then save the simulation file. This process will ensure that you have a valid FSIM Plus
checkpoint to restore controls in the event the FSIM station is rebooted or initialized.

After loading control SaveAlls or modifying the control configuration, either exit the ICC or
perform a CHECKPOINT through the ICC. This creates the file that is used to restore the virtual
control process memory whenever the FSIM station is rebooted.

1. Open a DOS Command Prompt from the Start -> All Programs ->
Accessories menu.
2. In the DOS window type the following commands ending each line by hitting the enter
> D:
> sh [note that your prompt will change to a dollar sign]
$ cd opt/fox/ciocfg/api
$ load_all <FSIM station name> opt/esscor/demo_controls

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Cross Referencing

Note: Replace <FSIM station name> with the six character FSIM station letterbug
3. After the compounds load and the dollar sign prompt returns, run the simulation for a few
seconds to allow the new controls to be recognized.
4. In order to create a proper checkpoint file, the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC)
must be invoked. In the FoxView interface, select the Change Env button. Select
5. Click the Config button on the main menu bar on the AW. From the drop-down menu,
select Control_Cfg, and then select CIO_Config.
6. The ICC window is displayed with the Compound Selection window inside the ICC
window. Click the Vol button at the bottom of the Compound Selection window.
7. The Compound Selection window is replaced with the Select Station Type
to Edit window. Select Edit Station.
8. The Select Station Type to Edit window is replaced with the Select a
Control Processor to Configure window. Select the name (letterbug) of the
FSIM station.
9. In the ICC window, click CHECKPOINT.
10. When the hourglass goes away click EXIT to exit the ICC.

9.2 Creating a Cross Reference Database

In order for the simulation model to communicate with the control configuration I/O and vice
versa, a cross-reference database is generated.

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Cross Referencing

Cross Reference List Generation

1. On the Instructor Station Computer, in the main window (Dynsim GUI), click the Tools
menu and select Update XREF with FSIM/TRISIM I/O. The Cross Reference
Update display is opened.

2. Select Process Analog points and Process Digital points. If you have
any PLB blocks in your controls, select Process PLB Ladder Logic Select
Replace all existing xrefs in database. Select Set blank model
variables to defaults.
4. Click Update. This step extracts the analog and digital I/O points from the I/A Series
control configuration.
5. The Cross Reference Update display pops up. Click OK

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Cross Referencing

9.3 Editing the Cross Reference Table

The automatically generated cross-reference database contains all control I/O points associated
with an FBM that represents wires to the field. I/O that stimulates other applications, such as
external devices or PLCs are not captured automatically. The next step is to edit the cross-
reference table and add the process model variables.
1. On the main window, click the Tools menu and select Cross Reference
Table or the View/Edit X-Ref icon. The XRef Editor is displayed.
In the Cross Reference Filter popup, select OK.

Analog I/O

Here the analog portion of the cross-reference table by associating I/A Series block parameters
with model object parameters (also called model variables) is completed

Block Type Description

TNK_LVL AIN Tank Level
LVL_CTRL_DMD AOUT Tank Level Control Valve Demand
DISCH_DMD AOUT Pump Discharge Valve Demand

Row 1. Leave the To Symbol as DEMO:TNK_LVL.POINT and edit the From Symbol
to be TTL1.L.
Row 2. Edit the To Symbol to be VTL1.OP. Since the value of
DEMO:LVL_CTRL_DMD.OUT ranges from 0 to 100 and the value of VTL1.OP
ranges from 0 to 1, a conversion factor must be used. This is assigned using the
Equation field. In this example, we cut DEMO:LVL_CTRL_DMD.OUT from the
From Symbol field and paste it in the Equation field. Add a multiplier of
0.01. The final equation should read DEMO:LVL_CTRL_DMD.OUT * 0.01.
Row 3. Edit the To Symbol field to read VTL2.OP. Again, move the From Symbol
DEMO:DISCH_DMD.OUT to the Equation field adding a multiplier of 0.01.

Note: When using the Cross Reference Equation field, the Symbol name must begin with a
letter (i.e., “D”). If the Symbol name begins with a number (i.e., “1”), place quotes
around the Symbol, as shown below.
Digital I/O

Complete the digital portion of the cross-reference table by associating I/A Series block
parameters with model object parameters (also called model variables).

The digital blocks within compound DEMO are used for motor control.

Block Type Description

REMOTE_IND CIN Remote/Local Status
RUNNING_IND CIN Motor Running/Stopped Status
M_STRT_CMD COUT Motor Start Command

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Cross Referencing

M_STOP_CMD COUT Motor Stop Command

Row 1. Leave the To Symbol as DEMO:REMOTE_IND.FBCIN. Edit the From Symbol

to be MTL1_REMOTE, and press Enter.
Row 2. Leave the To Symbol as DEMO:RUNNING_IND.FBCIN. Edit the From
Symbol to be MTL1.POS, and press Enter.
Row 3. Leave the From Symbol as DEMO:M_STRT_CMD.COUT. Edit the To Symbol
to be MTL1.CL, and press Enter.
Row 4. Leave the From Symbol as DEMO:M_STOP_CMD.COUT. Edit the To Symbol
to be MTL1.OP, and press Enter.

Filtering and Formatting I/O Points

The XRef Editor includes a powerful filtering tool that allows the user to select rows based
on the contents of any column. We filter for all points that are associated with writing to MTL1
parameters and mark them with a special color.

1. In the XRef Editor window toolbar, click the Filter button. The Cross
Reference Filter window is displayed.
2. Filter the cross-reference table by occurrence of MTL1 in the To Symbol column.
Mark the checkbox next to the To Symbol. In the adjacent field, type *MTL1*. The
asterisks are wild cards.
3. Click OK
4. The XRef Editor should display only two rows in the digital portion of the table and
no rows in the analog portion of the table.
5. Select both rows of the digital table. Click on the row number indicator for the top row (it
highlights yellow). Hold down Shift key and click the row number indicator for the
bottom row (both rows highlight yellow).
6. In the XRef Editor window toolbar, click the Format button. The Cross
Reference Format window is displayed.

7. In the Background Color field, select orange – or a color of your choice. Note that
formatting does not affect the cross referencing function – it is for esthetics and
organization only.
8. Click OK

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Cross Referencing

9. In the XRef Editor window toolbar, click the Filter button. The Cross
Reference Filter window is displayed.
10. Unmark the checkbox next to the To Symbol and click OK. All Control Points should
now be displayed.
11. Close the XRef Editor by clicking the Close button

9.4 Adding Cross Referenced Points to the Model

The cross-reference table has been created in the database but is not yet present in the running
model. When changes are made to the cross-reference table, they must be loaded into the
simulation in order for them to take effect.

1. On the main window, click the Run menu, select Engineering Actions,
and select Load Cross Reference

2. Run the simulation. On the main window, click the Run menu and select Resume

9.5 Running the Complete Model

Now that the cross-reference database has been created, tied off to the model objects, and loaded
into the simulation, we can operate the flowsheet. The tank level control valve is already
controlling level in the tank. We step through starting the pump (motor) and opening the
discharge valve. The CALC block, MOTOR_CTRL, has two optional inputs that can be linked to
display buttons or toggled by hand. BI03 acts as a Start command and BI04 acts as a Stop

1. On the Tank Level Control flowsheet graphic, place the pump in Remote
2. Through the FoxView interface on the AW, view the Demo graphic. Select

3. When in REMOTE, the pump is started through the Foxboro controls. Start the motor by
pressing the START button, through Fox Select the Demo graphic.
4. Set the Discharge valve position to 50% using the Demo graphic.
5. Run the simulation until the tank level stabilizes and save a snapshot

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Cross Referencing

9.6 Overriding I/O Points

In the procedure below, we override the current value of the tank level with a false value and
watch the control system respond accordingly.

1. On the main window, click the Tools menu and select Cross Reference
2. Click the row containing the VTL1.OP command in the To Symbol
3. In the XRef Editor window toolbar, click the Override button. The Cross
Reference Override window is displayed.

4. Set the Mature Value to 1 using the spin button

5. Click the Activate button. The demand to VTL1 increases to correct the supposed
error in tank level.
6. Click the Deactivate button to cease override. The demand to VTL1 decreases.

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10. Scenarios

In this tutorial, we learn to generate and run a scenario that contains commands from the Dynsim
and FSIM engines.

Scenarios are programmed sequence of actions, such as setting parameters, triggering

malfunctions or executing a Trainee Performance Monitoring (TPM) exercise used to perform
repetitive set of commands. Running a scenario exercise causes individual operator actions, such
as opening a valve or starting a motor, to occur automatically with no intervention from the user.

Refer to the Dynamic Simulation Suite User Guide for complete details on the scenario
functionality, as it relates to the GUI and the Dynsim engine.

If you have not done it, complete the Cross Referencing tutorial before proceeding.

• This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed
• The Simple_Flowsheet_FSBase simulation is loaded and the Tank Level
Control flowsheet is active
• The DEMO controls are loaded
• The Enable Cross Referencing is selected when the simulation is loaded

10.1 Generating the FSIM Scenario File

A controls specific FSIM scenario file is required to capture actions from the AW. For
convenience, a sample file based on the DEMO controls set has been included with the
installation and resides in the default directory:
C:\SIMSCI\DSS4x\Simulations\<your simulation>\fsim.sce

A sample configuration of the FSIM scenario file is shown below.


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This file is made up of rows, separated by commas that include:

• Controls specific <compound>:<block>.<parameter>
• Tolerance
• Auto/Manual (optional)
• Remote/Local (optional)

The scenario records an action of the variable if the absolute value of the change is greater than
that of the tolerance.

The FSIM scenario file name and location can be modified in the Engine Configuration window.

10.2 Recording a Scenario

1. Click the Scenario icon present in the GUI or press F12.

2. In the Scenario Summary, select the Start Recording button.

3. In flowsheet FS1, open VTL2 50%.

4. Select the Remote button.

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5. From the FoxSelect interface, navigate to the Disp/fsim_demo/demo display.

6. Change the set point to 6 feet.

7. Start the motor using the START command.
8. Allow the tank level to reach 6 feet.

9. In the Scenario Manager Table, select the Stop Recording button .

10. In the Save Recording popup, select Yes.

11. In the Record Scenario popup, change the name and description, if desired, and select

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12. In the detail display of the scenario, remove any undesired lines and save the file.

10.3 Replaying a Scenario

1. Click the Scenario icon present in the GUI or press F12.
2. In the Scenario Manager Table, highlight the desired scenario.

3. Select Run.
4. The highlighted scenario color will change to green indicating it is running and the
current step will be displayed in the status column.

5. When the scenario is finished, a popup appears telling the user the scenario is complete.

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11. SimSyncEngine
The SimSyncEngine controls the time, trending, and alarms on the any I/A Series workstation.
With the FoxView or InTouch®/ FCS InTouch Application interface, I/A Series trends do not
flatline when the simulation is frozen, trending ramp rates do not vary if the simulation speed
increases or decreases, and the alarms are historized: the alarm state is saved in the snapshot.

SimSyncEngine provides the connection to the Dynsim Simulation Executive to control

simulation time (freeze/run), save and restore snapshots (tags, trends, alarms), and coordinate data
transfer (cross referencing between engines).

Simulation time, controlled through the Dynsim Simulation Executive, includes freeze, run, fast
and slow time, and snapshot save and restore.

11.1 SimSyncEngine Configuration

1. In the Dynsim GUI, click the File menu, and select New and select Engines and
Flowsheets… The Simulation Configuration window appears.

2. In the Engines frame, click the Add button to display the New Engine dialog box

3. Set focus on the Engine Host field, enter the name of your FSIM-CP, and press
4. Choose SimSyncEngine from the Engine Type drop-down list
5. Set focus on the Engine Name field, enter a name, and click Create
6. Repeat this step for every FSIM and AW station. The DSS Host file requires
modification on remote systems. Refer to the FSIM Plus Installation Guide for details.
7. Click Close to exit the Simulation Configuration window.
8. Continue the next section, FSIM AIM* Historian, before starting the simulation.

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FSIM AIM* Historian

12. FSIM AIM*Historian

FSIM Plus software provides support for the emulation of the I/A Series AIM*Historian package
within the simulation environment with the FSIM AIM*Historian package, or FAIM for short.

FAIM is different to AIM in that the data it stores is time synchronized with the simulation and
data in FAIM is stored and recovered from snapshots.

12.1 Getting Started on FAIM Features

In this tutorial, we learn how to configure FAIM to store historical data and how to access that
data from within the I/A Series environment.

If you have not done it, complete the Cross Referencing tutorial before proceeding.

This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

• The Dynsim user interface is displayed

• The Simple_Flowsheet_FSBase simulation is loaded and the Tank Level
Control flowsheet is active
• The DEMO controls are loaded
• The Enable Cross Referencing is selected when the simulation is loaded and the
cross reference list is populated with the points from the Cross Referencing tutorial.

12.2 Configuring a FAIM Instance

FAIM runs as engine within the simulation environment, with each engine representing a named
AIM*Historian instance, e.g. hist01.

To emulate an AIM*Historian instance it is therefore necessary to add an instance of the FAIM

engine to the simulation.

Add a FAIM engine to the simulation

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FSIM AIM* Historian

1. In the Dynsim GUI, click the File menu, and select New and then select Engines
and Flowsheets… The Simulation Configuration window appears.

2. In the Engines frame, click the Add button to display the New Engine dialog box

3. Set focus on the Engine Host field and enter the name of your FSIM station and press
4. Select FAIM from the Engine Type drop-down list
5. Set focus on the Engine Name field and enter a name – FAIM for example
6. Click Create to create the FAIM engine
7. In the Simulation Configuration window select the newly added FAIM engine
and click the Edit button.

FSIM Plus Getting Started Guide - 79 -

FSIM AIM* Historian

8. The Engine Configuration window will be displayed

9. Each FAIM Historian instance requires a unique historian logical name, and this name
must match the name of the historian in configuration file that is loaded into the FAIM
engine. For the purposes of this tutorial enter hist99 as the Historian Logical
10. Click OK to close the Engine Configuration window.
11. Click Close to exit the Simulation Configuration window.

After adding the FAIM engine we can load the simulation to start the FAIM engine.

12. Click the Start button in the Dynsim GUI to load the simulation including the
newly added FAIM engine.
13. As there is no configuration for the FAIM Historian instance we have just created a
message is displayed

14. Before proceeding further, download the configuration into the FAIM historian instance.

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FSIM AIM* Historian

12.3 Configuring a FAIM Historian Instance

FAIM uses AIM batch files for its configuration. These batch files can be generated from
existing AIM*Historian instances through use of the AIM histsave or histcsave utilities. Users of
the legacy I/A Series historian can generate an AIM batch file from their historian through use of
the leg2fh utility.

For convenience, a sample historian configuration based on the DEMO controls set has been
included with the installation and resides in the default directory

• D:\opt\faim\examples\hist99.inp

The configuration batch files are downloaded into FAIM via the FAIMBatch utility.

Let’s download the sample configuration now.

1. Click the Start button on the lower left hand corner of the screen.
2. Select All Programs from the displayed menu.
3. Select SIMSCI from the displayed menu on the right,.
4. Select FSIM Utilities.
5. Click FAIM Batch.
6. FAIM Batch utility appears on the screen.

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FSIM AIM* Historian

7. Click Get File Name and Start Batch Configuration to display the Open dialog

8. Browse to your simulation directory and select the example hist99 file.
9. Click Open to read configuration file and download it into FAIM. FAIMBatch should
show status information as it processes the file before displaying Session is
committed, meaning the configuration download was successful.

10. Click the Exit button in FAIMBatch to close it.

FAIM will only read instance configuration changes when it is first started ,or when it is
explicitly told

11. Click the Load Full Model button on the toolbar of the Dynsim GUI to get FAIM to
use the newly download configuration.

12. Click the Resume button to switch the simulation to Run mode. FAIM collects the
data as defined in its configuration batch file.

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FSIM AIM* Historian

12.4 Viewing FAIM Historical Trend Data in the I/A Series Software

FAIM provides the same I/A Series interface applications as the AIM*Historian and legacy
historian so that historical data can be viewed in applications such as FoxView software. To
enable data to be viewed in I/A Series applications a version of AIM*API and associated FAIM
processes must be started. These processes are started from the FAIM control panel applet.

To start the FAIM processes

1. From the Windows® Start menu open the Windows Control Panel
2. In the Control Panel navigate to the icon FAIM Options. Double-click this icon to
display the FAIM Options dialog.

3. In the FAIM Options dialog click the Start FAIM button to start the FAIM version
of AIM*API and legacy trend server processes.
4. To prevent you from having to manually start these processes every time you reboot you
I/A Series Application Workstation, select the option to start FAIM processes
at boot.
5. Click Close to dismiss the FAIM Options dialog.
6. The FAIM processes may take a few minutes to start.

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FSIM AIM* Historian

After the FAIM processes are running and has been recording data, view some data as a historical
trend in the FoxView interface

1. From the FoxSelect select the DEMO compound and double-click the LVL_CTRL
(PIDX) block to display its detailed display in the FoxView interface.

2. Click the TREND button in the FoxView interface to display a default trend for the
LVL_CTRL block. A trend overlay is displayed showing data obtained from FAIM.

3. Run and modify the process model to see the trend change.
a. Select Run
b. Select Remote
c. Start the motor, from the FoxView interface, navigate to Disp/fsim_demo/Demo .
d. View the Tank fill and view the AW trend.
e. Close and re-open the trend.

Note: Since the SimSyncEngine was not added to this simulation example, an increase in
simulation speed will increase the ramp rate in the I/A Series trend. Additionally, if
the simulation is frozen, I/A Series trends will flatline. The time displayed in the
Alarm Manager and through the FoxView interface matches the wall clock time.

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Shutting Down

13. Shutting Down

In this tutorial, stopping the simulation and terminating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is

13.1 Stopping the Simulation

Clicking the Stop Simulation button disconnects and terminates the currently connected
simulation. A dialog box is displayed to ask you to confirm this action.

13.2 Terminating the GUI

Terminating the GUI exits the user interface. By default the server is shutdown to exit. To
terminate the GUI, click Exit from the File menu.

13.3 Shutting Down the FSIM Plus Station

Shut down the computer using the normal Windows shutdown command.

FSIM Plus Getting Started Guide - 85 -

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