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Simone Galbersanini (1), Matteo Galimberti (1), GianAntonio Magnani (1),

Giorgio Mazzola (2), Paolo Rocco (1)

(1) Politecnico di Milano,

Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione,
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
(2) Pietro Carnaghi S.p.A.
Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 7, 20020 Villa Cortese (MI) - Italy

Abstract: Mechatronic models of complex mechanical systems allow to study the

contribution of each component to the overall system performance. Reliable simulators
can be assembled, that can be used to test alternative choices made at component level. In
this paper reference is made to a complex transmission chain used to actuate the work-
table of a large size machine tool. A linear model is first derived and a simple procedure
is proposed to quantify the contribution of each compliant element to the first vibration
modes of the transmission. Then a detailed simulator of the transmission chain, assembled
in the Dymola environment, is described and its remarkable ability in reproducing the
experimental data is demonstrated. Copyright © 2006 IFAC

Keywords: Modal analysis, modelling, simulation, virtual prototyping,

1. INTRODUCTION transmission chain might well induce low frequency

resonant modes. In a mechatronic setting of the
Mathematical multi-domain models, where control problem, the performance can be maximized
mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and control either by optimizing the design of the controller or by
components can be easily integrated, are powerful reconsidering the mechanical design of the
tools for the design of mechatronic systems. A transmission, selecting those components that are
particularly important output of these tools is the mainly responsible for the first resonance.
prediction of the effect of design choices made at
component level on system performance (Hewit, The problem is however that, with the complex
1996), (Coelingh, et al., 2002), (Reinhart and mechanical structures of the transmission chains used
Weissenberger, 1999), (Van Amerongen, 2003) to actuate the axis of large size machine tools, it is
System performance of a mechanical system, such as neither immediate to figure out what degree of
a machine tool, a robot, or a production machine, is freedom, among the several ones in the transmission,
generally quantified in terms of the regularity of the is responsible for the first resonances, nor easy to
motion of the load and specifically in terms of the assemble a simulation model, accounting for the
amount of the overall vibrations of the mechanical complex interactions between elements of the
structure, in closed loop with a motion controller. transmission chain. Moreover, including in the model
The limiting factors of these performance are nonlinear effects such as friction and backlash in the
associated to the first vibration modes of the machine couplings seem to be essential to reproduce
(Goodwin et al., 1999), (Middleton, et al., 1999), experimental results, particularly when they show
(Ferretti, et al., 2003). While distributed flexibility of asymmetric behaviour of the system in different
the bodies is not generally a critical issue in this directions of motion.
respect, concentrated compliances in the

The present paper addresses all the above issues. study, which concerns the dynamic behaviour of a
Reference is made to the transmission of the first transmission, the attention is primarily focused on the
axis of a large size machine tool. The axis moves a parameters related to inertia, stiffness and damping
work-table where large objects (like parts of of the axis.
aircrafts) are machined using the other axes, not
considered in the present paper. The transmission 2.1 Overall structure of the transmission
chain from the motor to the work-table is
characterized by seven degrees of freedom, while The transmission, used to transmit the rotary motion
three additional degrees of freedom are introduced from the motor to the work-table is sketched in Fig.
by the compliant interaction with the ground of the 1.
box containing the entire reductor.

The single components of the transmission chain

have been carefully modelled. The model parameters
(in particular the stiffness constants) have been
expressed in terms of the physical and geometrical
data, by means of relationships that can be used in
the design of new machines. A linear model of the
transmission has been assembled in this way. Fine
tuning of the most uncertain parameters allow to
reproduce with remarkable accuracy the frequency
response experimentally evaluated on the real

A modal analysis has then been performed on the Fig. 1. Sketch of the transmission
linear model: by studying the eigenvectors of the
state matrix of the system it is possible to quantify The rotation axis of the tool machine is composed of
the contribution of each compliant element of the three transmissions in series: the motor shaft is
transmission to the first resonant modes of the connected to a belt which drives a coupling between
mechanical system. A straightforward graphical a worm gear and a worm wheel. The worm wheel is
visualization of these results, based on the in turn connected to a pinion, which is in gear with
representation of the normalized elongations of the the plat wheel, responsible for the rotation of the
different elements in each vibration mode, is table.
proposed as an effective tool to inspect the vibration The entire reduction gear is enclosed in a box
behaviour of the machine. mounted on slide ways and is pressed against the plat
wheel of the work-table, so as to obtain the recovery
Finally, in order to match as closely as possible the of the backlash between the teeth of the last stage of
experimental time responses, a detailed simulation reduction.
model of the transmission has been assembled in
Dymola, a multi-domain software environment First of all a linear model of the transmission has
featuring the modelling language Modelica been realized, with the main goal to identify, through
(Mattsson, et al., 1998). Several physical phenomena modal analysis, the compliant elements responsible
not considered in the linear model used for modal for the dynamic behaviour of the transmission. For
analysis have been added, like the brushless motor this, the number of the degrees of freedom accounted
together with drive electronics, discontinuous friction for has been progressively increased, in an effort to
and backlash. Excellent reproduction of both motor obtain from the model a frequency response
and load velocities has been achieved, including an matching as closely as possible the experimental
asymmetric behaviour of the load motion at varying data. A total number of ten degrees of freedom have
direction of motion. been identified in this way: seven of them are
The validated simulation model lends itself to be rotational and account for the torsional compliances
used as a virtual prototype (Ferretti, et al., 2004) of induced by the belt, by the transmission shaft and by
the machine, suitable to test in a safe and flexible the coupling between gears. The remaining three
way alternatives, both in the mechanical and in the degrees of freedom are translational and have been
control designs. introduced in order to include the effects of axial
vibrations of the worm gear and of the entire
reduction box in the longitudinal and transversal
2.2 Components and their models
In order to assemble a model of a real machine tool,
it is necessary to make the simplifications needed to The model of the transmission has been derived
identify the degrees of freedom that effectively composing the dynamic equations of the single
contribute to the exchange of the mechanical actions. elements. Fig. 2 shows, as an example, the coupling
Moreover the physical parameters must be between the motor and the driving pulley, whose
determined up to the desired level of detail. In this

equations are easily derived as a two-mass compliant n12· τ12
q3 Ft · R 3
q2 τ23 τ23
K23 K7
Jm τm τm,1 τm,1 J1 τ12 Fa
D23 J3

Driven Pulley

Worm Gear
J2 y7
qm q1

Driving Pulley Fig. 4. Coupling between the driven pulley and the
worm gear
Fig. 2. Motor and driving pulley coupling

F 12 q& m (s) q& (s)

q1 F 12 G vm (s) =
G mt (s) = l (8)
τ (s) q& m (s)
Kc q2
where q& m and q& l are the motor and the table
velocities, respectively, while τ is the torque applied
R1 R2 by the motor.
These transfer functions allow to study the system
F 12 behaviour in closed loop with the position/velocity
F 12
Driving Pulley Driven Pulley controller.

Fig. 3. Modelling of a belt drive

Fig.3 shows a sketch of the belt drive. The equations
One of the most crucial aspects in the dynamic
used to model the torque acting on the driving pulley
analysis of a transmission is the identification of the
are the following ones:
elements that are responsible for the limitations of
performance in the control of the machine. This
τ 12 = K12 ( q1 − n12 ⋅ q 2 ) (1) performance limitation is generally associated to the
first natural frequencies of the mechanical system.
K12 = 2 ⋅ K c ⋅ R 12 (2)
In order to identify these critical elements in the
⎛R ⎞ (3) transmission, a methodology, based on the modal
n12 = ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ R1 ⎠ analysis of the linear model developed in Section 2,
has been applied. The methodology consists in
where K12 is the linear stiffness of the belt, while R1 computing and visualizing the elongations of the
and R2 are the radii of the driving and the driven elastic elements of the model, based on the analysis
pulleys, respectively. of the modes associated to each natural frequency.
More specifically, computing the differences
The coupling between the worm gear and the worm between two consecutive elements of the
wheel is particularly interesting. It has been modelled eigenvectors of the system, the elongation of each
considering separately torsional stiffness and linear elastic element, connecting the bodies whose degrees
stiffness of the worm gear. In this way it is possible of freedom are expressed by the said couple of
to account for the fact that the contact force, which is elements of the eigenvectors, can be computed.
responsible for the transmission of motion, can be Suitable normalizations of these elongations allow an
decomposed both along the longitudinal direction effective comparison of the contribution of each
(Fa) and along the circumferential direction (Ft). compliant element to the vibration mode.
In this way, the oscillatory motion of the components
is excited in both its degrees of freedom, the 3.1 Graphical analysis of the models
translational (y7) and the rotational (q3) ones (Fig. 4).
In order to visualize how each compliant element
A linear elastic model has been assembled contributes to the vibration behavior of the
composing the equations of the various elements. transmission, a representation based on histograms
This model has been used for modal analysis, as has been adopted. Out of the ten vibration modes of
detailed in Section 3, and to define the mechanical the system, Fig. 5 shows just the first four.
transfer functions of the system, Gvm e Gmt:

corresponds to a torsional compliance ∆θ8 of the


Tooth of Rim
gear wheel
∆ϑm1 ∆ϑ12 ∆ϑ23 ∆ϑ34 ∆ ϑ45 ∆ ϑ56 ∆ϑ7 ∆ϑ8 ∆ϑ9 ∆ϑ8

Fig. 5. Graphical analysis of vibration modes.

∆L 8 Tooth of λ y8
Each subplot represents the vibration mode Pinion
associated to the corresponding frequency. Within
each subplot, the height of each bar is related to the
elongation of each elastic element in the i_th K8
Initial position
vibration mode. The sign of each bar is of minor
Final position
importance, as it merely indicates whether the
relevant elastic element is in compression (+) or in
traction (−). Fig. 6. Kinematic influence of box translation
In the first subplot in Fig. 5, the rigid motion (0 Hz
∆L8 ⋅ tan ( λ )
frequency) is shown: all the inertial elements are in ∆θ8 = ⋅ n tot (9)
motion with the same velocity as the motor. All the R6
elongations of the generalized springs are actually
almost zero and all the components of the Table 1 clarifies the meaning of the symbols used in
transmission are moving in phase. eq. (9).

On the other hand the analysis of the first vibration Table 1 Quantities used in expression (9)
mode (7.59 Hz) shows that the main contribution is
related to the term ∆θ 8 , introduced by the spring λ Pressure angle of tooth
ntot Total ratio of gearing
connecting the ground to the box of the reductor. R6 Rim gear wheel pitch radius
This first natural frequency can be therefore mainly ∆L Linear displacement
ascribed to the longitudinal motion of the reductor
∆θ Angular displacement
(y8), excited by the radial component of the force
generated by the gear coupling between the pinion
and the plat wheel of the work-table. This
information is of course of utmost importance for
mechanical designers, since it allows to identify the
components of the transmission chain directly
While being essential for modal analysis and in
responsible for the loss of dynamic performance of
particular for the analysis developed in Section 3, the
the machine tool. Direct intervention on these
linear model is not fully adequate to represent
components might therefore prove to be extremely
complex behaviours of the transmissions, clearly
beneficial in order to enhance system performance.
related to nonlinear effects. A detailed simulation
model of the transmission has then been assembled in
In a similar way the subplots related to the second
the Dymola environment. Dymola, supporting the
and to the third vibration modes can be interpreted.
object-oriented modelling language Modelica, allows
In particular it is worth noting the influence of the
to assemble the simulation in a quite natural way,
rigidity of the hub connecting the helicoidal wheel to
thanks to the acausal paradigm implied by the
the pinion in the second resonance (49.57 Hz). In the
connection of modules through physical interfaces.
last subplot (related to the frequency at 145.77 Hz),
While available libraries of Modelica models can be
the effect of the deformation of the belt is evident.
exploited, new modules can be added as well, and
progressive complications of the model can be
Finally it must be stressed that, in order to compare
included, in order to match as closely as possible the
heterogeneous elongations, it is necessary to attribute
experimental data gathered on the real machine. For
to each linear compliance a corresponding rotational
example, the model of the brushless motor, together
effect, through careful geometrical considerations
with its drive, has been introduced, as well as the
and accounting for the various reduction ratios.
friction and the backlash in the couplings. Fig. 7
As an example, Fig. 6 concerns the elongation of the
shows the top level view of the Dymola simulator of
ground spring ∆L8, pressing the reductor box, which
the transmission.

Fig. 7. Top level view of the simulator
sophisticated models are also available, accounting
Modelling static and Coulomb friction is for micro displacements at velocities close to zero.
particularly important in order to reproduce However the classical modelling proved to be
experimental data. Friction has been modelled with adequate to introduce the nonlinear effects
the classical discontinuous model represented in necessary to interpret the experimental data, and no
Fig. 8 further complications on friction modelling has
been pursued in this work.
τc The validation of the model has been carried out
q& comparing experimental results, gathered on the
machine thanks to some utilities provided by the
τc CN, to the outputs of the simulator.
D τpd
Both time responses and frequency responses have
been compared. Reference will be made to the
Fig. 8 . Model of Friction speed control loop (Fig. 11). As it is common in
industrial motion control, the speed loop is closed
on the motor side, the speed measurements being
actually numerical differentiations of position
measurements obtained with an encoder. A PI
(Proportional Integral) regulator is used, whose
tuning is here inessential, as the goal of the analysis
is just the validation of the model.

Speed Motor
Setpoint Speed
Speed Current Process
Control (PI) Control (PI) [Gvm (s)]

Fig. 9. Bearing Friction Block in Modelica

Fig. 11. PI Speed control system

First of all the closed loop frequency response has

been experimentally identified. For this a white
noise has been used as the reference signal of the
loop. The utility of the CN computes the amplitude
and phase of the frequency response. These have
been compared to the same quantities evaluated on
the liner model described in Section 2. As it can be
seen from Fig. 12, the analytic curve nicely
approximates the experimental curve up to 300 Hz,
Fig. 10. Stop Block in Modelica exhibiting a very good matching of the
antiresonance and resonance in the amplitude Bode
In the Dymola environment this non linear effect diagram, located at frequencies 120 Hz and 150 Hz,
can be modelled using the “Bearing Friction” (Fig. respectively.
9) and the “Stop” (Fig. 10) blocks, for rotational
and translational joints, respectively. More

the dynamic model of the mechanical system is
available. Performance limitations are indeed
related to the first vibration modes of the system,
generally associated to some compliant elements in
the transmission chains from the motor to the
actuated axis. While the identification of the
resonance frequencies is relatively easy, thanks to
the utilities provided by the commercial CNs,
deriving models of the transmission chain suitable
to reproduce the experimental data and selecting
the components of the transmission that are mainly
Fig. 12. Comparison of experimental and simulated responsible for the first resonant modes are difficult
frequency responses. tasks. This paper has addressed these issues,
detailing the model of a complex transmission used
As far as time domain comparisons are concerned, in a machine tool and proposing a method, based
the response of the system to a velocity pulse of 1 s on modal analysis, to quantify the contribution of
has been reproduced: starting from rest, the each compliant element of the transmission to each
velocity setpoint is first given a negative step and, vibration mode. The resulting simulator is a useful
after 1 s, the setpoint is set back to zero. The full tool to test new design choices obtained as
Modelica model has been used to compare the outcomes of the proposed modal analysis.
output of the simulator with the experiments.
Fig. 13 shows the comparison, the upper plot ACKNOWLEDGMENT
concerning motor velocity, the lower plot load
velocity. As it can be seen, the matching between Assistance in the experiments from Mr. Francesco
simulated and experimental data is excellent. Biffi of Siemens S.p.A. is acknowledged.
Notice that the load velocity exhibits an
asymmetric behaviour, as the dynamics after the
two steps in the setpoint are quite different. This REFERENCES
behaviour has been captured by the simulation
Coelingh, E., T. De Vries and R. Koster (2002).
model thanks to the introduction of the nonlinear
Assessment of mechatronic system
effects induced by friction.
performance at an early design stage,
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 7,
Ferretti, G., G. Magnani and P. Rocco (2003). Load
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lower plot: load velocity). Mattsson, S.E., H.Elmqvist and M. Otter (1998).
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Fig. 13 suggests that the PI controller of the speed A.R. Woodyatt (1999). Performance
loop is tuned for an excessively large bandwidth, as limitations in the feedback control of a class of
the control of the motor velocity is almost perfect resonant systems. IEEE Conference on
(exhibiting an extremely fast dynamics) while the Decision and Control, pp. 1845–1850.
load oscillates with a frequency corresponding to Reinhart, G. and M. Weissenberger (1999),
the first antiresonance (couple of conjugate zeros) Multibody simulation of machine tools as
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6. CONCLUSIONS IEEE/ASME International Conference on
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Atlanta,
High performance control of machine tools can be pp.605-610.
achieved provided that a reasonable knowledge of Van Amerongen, J (2003), Mechatronic design,
Mechatronics, 13, pp. 1045-1066.


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