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(04 Task Performance 1)


“The Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization’’

The Positive and Negative Effects of

I. Summary, Introduction and Background

According to Oji & Ozoiko (2011), globalization has accelerated over recent years. Everyone's
favourite catchphrase has emerged, journalists, actors, and musicians alike. Economists, politicians,
environmentalists, attorneys, and even scientists are all involved. Globalization is an inescapable process
that cannot be stopped. Encompasses almost every aspect of modern life. This method, relatively
unfettered flows of oil are mostly to blame. Products, ideas, cultural values, capital, services, and
information. People are shifting to a more linked global economy than ever before.

Globalization has led to increased production for businesses to meet global demand. Increased
production means more natural resources are used and this can be used up before they are regenerated
leading to a negative impact on the environment. With that, environmental damage is the first one to
consider as one of the negative effects of globalization. Furthermore, even with lots of positive effects,
the damage to environment will still make an impact and will show how this will take an effect to whole
world. As globalization keeps on developing, multiple countries will experience such blending but will
surely be makeshift to system that will trigger these negative effects to take part to every country. With
globalization as one of the root causes of environmental damage, this will affect the overall system to
which it can make the environment have a phenomenon crisis.

As a result of increased competition brought on by globalization, firms with the best pricing win.
Pricing fluctuates due to competition; for example, a country like the United States must frequently
lower its prices to compete with China's prices for the same product. China can provide outrageously
low pricing because its production costs are lower than those in the United States. Reduced price will
have a significant impact on profitability in the United States, maybe resulting in layoffs. Price changes
may be linked to globalization because each time a country competes on the value of its products; it is
introduced to new markets. And if one country produces many low-cost goods, another must raise its
value to compete with its neighbors.

Globalization is a double-edged sword when it comes to jobs. It allows people in underdeveloped

nations to work in manufacturing at a lesser cost, hence creating jobs. Because salaries and
manufacturing employment are lower in India and China, many enterprises are establishing themselves
there, resulting in less opportunity in developed nations. Globalization may benefit individuals, but
when the labor issue becomes a problem, the country's worth begins to deteriorate. Globalization, in a
nutshell, is the migration of jobs from one country to another. This might be a good or negative thing
depending on where you are in the world.

In terms of international trade, the less developed countries have faced a first negative reaction from
the developed countries: forced opening of markets in poor countries for developed-
country products, as well as a blockade of access to developed-country markets for poor- country
products, primarily agricultural and textile products. For example, in order to gain a competitive
advantage over their rivals. According to Conelia, N Japanese corporations have used lower pricing in
certain circumstances, leading to a rise in protectionist economic policy measures in the nations
impacted. Furthermore, the industrialized nations provided significant subsidies to agricultural laborers,
making it hard for developing countries to compete on the global market. Following the liberalization of
trade and the removal of protectionist barriers, a number of businesses, mostly small ones, have
experienced severe financial difficulties, resulting in a reduction in the number of jobs and an increase in
the prices of manufactured goods, which consumers could no longer afford. The rise in inflation made it
hard for these nations to achieve true economic development; exports had to be reorganized, with a
focus on semi-prepared items or even raw materials, and trade and payment balances were often in
A segment of the services sector has been overlooked (construction, shipping), affecting emerging
nations that may have been more productive in these areas. It has become imperative to amend and
alter international trade agreements, as well as to devise reforms that can be implemented successfully
in the nations that are subject to them, once they have been adapted to the circumstances of those
countries. The occurrence of technological advancement and inventions, both for the advantage of
producers and for the benefit of consumers, necessitated the resolution of some intellectual property
challenges. It has been pursued in order to safeguard such rights as well as to guarantee that the nations
in which such ideas originated get enough benefits.
Globalization is seen as a threat mostly in developing nations, who are threatened by the rich
industrialized countries' economic dominance. Traditional values seem to be vanishing through time
as a result of this process. One example is city growth, which results in a large decline in the
number of people living in rural areas as the degree of urbanization rises. To combat this issue of
tradition extinction, agriculture receives a lot of attention, especially in European nations, where the
government actively participates in subventions for this sector, both to benefit from these activities
and to prevent the extinction of traditional rural life. From another perspective, the advancement of
agriculture necessitates, in light of the current globalization circumstances, a greater focus on

II. Research Question

 In what way do the positive and negative impacts of globalization affect people and environment?
III. Why is it important to answer the research question?

According to Josephson (2021), there are pros and cons of globalization. Some praises globalization for
opening borders and connecting cultures and politics. Others blame it for disrupting local economies and
eliminating jobs. The fact is that globalization has been around since ancient times, and it is fully
integrated into different aspects of modern life. As a consumer, your clothing, foods and electronic
gadgets are often produced by multinational companies located around the world. In addition, as an
investor, a financial advisor could help you diversify your portfolio with emerging market funds and
other foreign investments.
Let us look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. These are the advantages of
Globalization: (1) Globalization Broadens Access to Goods and Services. It’s hard to argue with the point
that globalization makes more goods and services available to more people, often at lower prices. If you
have disposable income and you’re buying a product that comes from abroad, you’re benefiting from
globalization to some extent. Business owners also benefit by having access to a bigger market for their
goods and services; (2) Globalization can lift people out of poverty. The argument that globalization has
lifted people in developing countries out of poverty is somewhat controversial because opinions differ as
to the quantity and quality of the jobs created by globalization; (3) Globalization increases cultural
awareness. Globalization’s defenders say it has increased cross-cultural understanding and sharing. A
globalized society boosts the rate at which people are exposed to the culture, attitudes and values of
people in other countries. That exposure can inspire artists, strengthen ties between nations and
dampen xenophobia; (4) Information and technology spread more easily with globalization. Art and
culture aren’t the only things that spread easily in a globalized society. The same goes for information
and technology. As example, see the rise of mobile banking in Kenya or the practice of micro-lending.
Civil society groups can look to other countries for inspiration and good ideas can spread more easily.
This concept paper regarding the facts of “The Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization” is worth
writing because it gives clear information from accurate resources about realizing the negative effects
that could harm the people and the environment aside from focusing only from its positive impacts.

IV. A description of how the researchers plan to answer the research question

By planning to answer the formulated question related to the topic about “The Positive and Negative
Effects of Globalization”, as researchers, we were thoroughly comprehend the question as the first step.
After examined the question and comprehend what is being asked, we began gathering information
through google research
We used to check first to see if the websites we are going to visit are accurate and with legitimacy. We
make sure to gather information for both positive and negative sides. Even after decided which side to
be agree with, having the facts for the opposing side will be useful. Finally, we make proper citations
from all the publishing information as our references, which include the author, publisher, title and web
address. Hence, this should be included in our project to prevent the issue of plagiarism.


Cornelia, N. (n.d.). Positive and negative effects of globalization. Academia.Edu.

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