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Patricia Mae G.


10 – Produnce

Reflectuon Paper

#1: Electromagnetic Spectrum

In the first lesson, I have learned that the Electromagnetic Spectrum is the range of frequencies of
electromagnetic radiation, their respective wavelengths and photons energies.

I've been taught that the radiations are arranged from the highest wavelengths to the lowest. The
energy associated with EM radiation is directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to
its wavelength. Thus, EM waves with shorter wavelengths have more energy. They also travel at the
constant speed value of 3.0 × 10⁸m/s. I also learned how to solve for the frequency with a given
wavelength and vice versa. I also got to know some of the scientists who investigated and analyzed EM

At the end of the lesson, I was able to understand what Electromagnetic Spectrum is all about.
Overall, the lesson was fun and easy to understand.

#2: Applications of EM Waves

Through this lesson, I now have a better understanding of the various uses for each EM wave.

I was able to know that Radiowaves are utilized for communication. Microwaves are used for heating
foods and also for communication. Infrared are anything that is warm, like us humans. It's also used to
create hehe-sensitive and night vision cameras. Visible Light helps us see things around us and also
applied in the process of photosynthesis. Ultraviolet are implemented to sterilize and disinfect medical
instruments. X-rays and Gamma Rays are for medical imaging and treatments.

In summary, I learned that every part of the electromagnetic spectrum has a variety applications in
our everyday lives, and many of which include technology. This topic was really beneficial because I
learned a lot about how some of the device I use on a daily basis function.

#3: Effects on the Environment

In this lesson, I discovered where EM waves originated from as well as   how they impact the

I've learned that vibration of charged particles results in an emission of energy known as
electromagnetic radiation.

I found out that there are two forms of radiation; non ionizing and ionizing. Non Ionizing radiation
includes the spectrum of radiowaves, microwaves, infrared and visible lights. Overexposure to this sort
of radiation can be harmful since it can lead to eye and skin conditions but is not strong enough to
directly harm or ionize atoms or molecules. On the other hand, Ionizing radiation encompasses the
spectrum of ultraviolet, x-rays, gammarays. This type of radiation is really dangerous due to its low
frequency and has the sufficient amount of energy to ionize atoms.
Therefore, the EM waves can be very helpful to the environment because of its many uses but also
has negative effects depending on how they are used. This lesson helped me realize to be more
responsible so that I won't suffer the consequences.

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