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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Palapag, Northern Samar
School Year: 2022-2023


Semester/quarter 2 Date: January 23, 2023

Learning Area: English 7 Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Grade @ Section: G-7 Tulips Teacher: Margie R. Daguman

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Define the different reference books;
2. Enumerate the different books commonly used; and
3. Use the different reference books for references


 TOPIC: General Reference

 REFERENCE/S: English 7 Learners Material, pages 233-234
 MATERIALS: Different kinds of reference books
 VALUES: Appreciating and Valuing the different reference books

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
 Greetings:
Good Afternoon Class! Good afternoon Ma’am!
How are you today? (Varied answers)

 Prayer:
Before we start our lesson for today let us pray first.
Let us all stand up and let us pray. The students will repeat the prayer
after the teacher
Please be seated.

As a reminder kindly turned off your cellular phone

or put it in a silent mode. Yes, ma’am.

 Checking of Attendance:
Class say present as I call your name. Yes Ma’am

(students will say present as the

teacher call their name)
B. Review
So, class from your previous lesson you have learned about clause.
Class what is clause again? Ma’am clause is a group of words with
a subject and a verb. And it has two
distinctions the independent and
dependent clause.

Okay, very good class!

C. Motivation
Class, did you use books as a reference for your research when you
have an assignment or projects? Yes Ma’am!

What books have you already used?

(Answers varied from students)
Class do you find it useful?

Okay very good! It is good that you develop the skills of using Yes Ma’am.
different books for your study and research purposes?

D. Presentation of the Lesson

Our lesson for today is about the Reference books, but before we
start let’s find out what you already knew about our lesson.

Class get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following:
Choose the correct answer inside the box.


1. This book contains the antonyms and synonyms of a word.

2. This is a book of maps.
3. This book contains the current events.
4. This book contains a place name s with some information
about them.
5. This book is published annually to meet the need for
current information.
6. This book gives brief information on the subjects and
7. This book contains alphabetically ordered words, with
explanation and meaning.

1. Thesaurus
2. Atlas
3. Almanac
4. Gazetteer
5. Yearbook
6. Encyclopedia
7. Dictionary
( varied answers)
Class who got a perfect answer?


Okay! Class let’s move on to our lesson the general references.

Class take note that general references or reference books contain
brief informative articles or ideas on various subjects. Class we
have to remember that we need to use books for study and
research purposes.

Let’s have the first reference which is the Dictionary, Of course!

I guess, all of you are familiar with dictionary, right? Yes, Ma’am!

A dictionary contains alphabetically ordered words, with

explanations of their meanings, often with information about
spelling, syllabication, pronunciation, parts of speech, sometimes
the origin, synonyms and antonyms of the word.

Class do you have questions regarding dictionary? None, Ma’am!

Okay let’s move on to the next one the Thesaurus. Class a

thesaurus contains synonym and antonyms of a word.
What is antonyms class? Ma’am antonyms are words that have
opposite meaning.
Okay! Very good!
How about synonyms? Ma’am synonyms are words that have
the same meaning.
Very good!
Any questions class?
None, Ma’am.
Now, let’s move on to the next book, the Encyclopedia.
Class any idea about what is encyclopedia?
Ma’am encyclopedia has information
on many subjects or many aspects of
one subject, and it is also arranged
Okay! Very good class! Encyclopedia is a book wherein it gives a alphabetically.
brief information on the subject and people.

Class do you have questions about encyclopedia?

None, Ma’am!
Let’s move on to the next book if you don’t have question. So, the
next book is the Atlas. Atlas is the book of maps.
What do you think this book contains?
Ma’am it contains information about
the population, industries, climates
Okay very good! Thank you! Atlas contains vast information about and many other things of a certain
the cities of the world. area.

How about the Gazetteer?

Does anyone of you know what it is?
No, Ma’am!
Class, Gazetteer contains an alphabetical list of place names with
some information include the exact location of each place
indicating whether it’s a town a country, a river or a mountain and
a brief history description.

Class do you have questions about gazetteer?

None Ma’am!
Okay if you don’t have any question let’s move on to almanac. An
almanac is full of information on current events. They also contain
social, political and commercial statistics, sports records, recent
laws and their important facts.

Class do you understand what almanac is?

Yes, Ma’am!
Next is the Yearbook, class are you familiar with the yearbook?
Varied answers
Okay very good! So, class yearbook is a book of facts that is
published annually to meet the need for current information.

Class, any questions about the book of references? None, Ma’am!

D.3- ABSTRACTION Ma’am general reference refers to

So, class general reference, refers to what? reference books that contains brief
informative articles or ideas on
various subjects.

Very good! (Students will cite the different

So, what books are included in the reference books? reference books)

Okay class what is dictionary? Ma’am dictionary contains the

meaning of a word.

Okay very good! How about the Thesaurus? Ma’am Thesaurus contains the
synonyms and antonyms of the

How about the encyclopedia? Ma’am encyclopedia gives brief

information on the subjects and
Ma’am atlas is a book of maps, and it
Very good! The next one is atlas, what is atlas again class? contains vast information about the
cities of the world.

Very good! It seems that you’re really listening attentively during

our discussions. Ma’am Gazetteer.
What book that contains an alphabetical list of place names with
some information about them.

Very good! Ma’am almanac contains full

What is almanac? information on current events.

Very good! Ma’am yearbook is a book of facts

How about the yearbook? that is published annually to meet the
need for current information.

Okay very good class!


Write and give the definition of each reference books that we have
studied. Write your answer on a ½ sheet of paper.

1. Dictionary
2. Thesaurus
3. Encyclopedia
4. Atlas
5. Gazetteer
6. Almanac
7. Yearbook

Study the questions given below. Write on your paper
what reference book/books would you find the answer to each of
the following questions.

1. What are the three synonyms of the word interloper?

2. Who were the notable authors during the Apprenticeship in
the Philippines?
3. Where is the biggest City in the Philippines located? What is
its population and what industries are found in that city?
4. Why is Vigan in Ilocos Sur considered one of the seven
wonder of the cities in the world?
5. What are the excellent achievements of President Noynoy
6. What are the scenic places and wonders found in Palawan?
7. How will those eager individuals from different countries
travel to Mars?
8. Who are the creators of Google?
9. How many gold medals did the Philippines get in the 28th
Sea Games 2015 held in Singapore?
10. Who is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg?

Class are you done? Yes, Ma’am!

Exchange your paper with your seatmate and let us check your

1. Thesaurus/Dictionary
2. Almanac/Encyclopedia
3. Atlas
4. Atlas
5. Encyclopedia
6. Gazetteer/Atlas
7. Almanac
8. Encyclopedia
9. Almanac
10. Encyclopedia

Class by next meeting bring a piece of red construction
paper and a scissors for our activity next meeting.
Yes, Ma’am!
Any question, class?
None, Ma’am!
If you don’t have any questions then goodbye class!

Goodbye Ma’am.

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