The Importance of Voice Classification

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The importance of voice classification

The human voice is different in type and nature. Due to the

difference of gender, length, width and thickness of vocal cords

and the size of resonator, and even the difference of body shape,

fat, thin, tall and short, the singer forms personalized and colorful

sound characteristics. According to the overall requirements and

training of singing emplacement, we classify the sounds - that is,

divide the parts. For example, the treble is beautiful and bright, the

middle note is full and round, and the bass is deep and thick. The

type and nature of a person's voice are determined by the

physiological conditions of singing, it does not depend on people's

interest and will. The division of voice part is an important and

decisive factor in vocal music teaching. Efforts should be made to

explore the potential and characteristics of the singer's voice,

according to the singer's different voice conditions, including

range, timbre, tone quality, voice horn size and flexibility,

respectively develop the corresponding training objectives, plans

and effective teaching methods. Only by respecting objective laws

can we achieve normal development and progress on the basis of

our own voice conditions.

Voice division, that is, the need for auditory sensitivity and

scientific methods of training, but also need medical means of

detection, in a word reflects the comprehensive determination and

analysis of voice division.

1. vocal range

Range is the distance between the lowest and highest notes in a

singer's field. People who have not experienced training

generally have only one more octave, and those who have been

trained can reach about two octaves. In general, the soprano

range is c1-c3, and the mezzo-soprano range is A to a2. In vocal

music history, there are very few all-powerful singers, such as

the famous soprano Callas in the 20th century. She has a wide

vocal range, which can not only sing the role of light coloratura

soprano, such as La Traviata, but also sing the strong dramatic

soprano, such as Aida, who is extremely challenging for the

soprano, and she is competent for the classic role of Carmen in

the mezzo-soprano. Callas's singing achievements can be called

a miracle in the history of vocal music. Developing vocal range

is the basic condition for improving singing ability and artistic

expression. The commonly used vocal range of the singer is the

one that can best play the vocal characteristics, and is one of the

bases for determining the voice part.

2. Timbre

Timbre refers to the color of the sound, which is characterized by

bright, dark and soft in singing. Psychology has proved that vision
and hearing are interrelated, influence and induce each other in the

cerebral cortex. Therefore, musicians seek the expression function

of auditory color from the expression function of visual color.

According to the rules of sound color, the treble is generally bright,

the middle note is full, and the low note is generous. Different

sounds satisfy people's different aesthetic needs. Callas has the

singing ability and skill to handle different voice types, but she is

still a soprano in terms of her sensuality.


From the perspective of voice area conversion technology training,

each part of the human voice forms different voice exchange areas

due to the difference in tone quality and range. Voice change in

singing is actually a natural physiological phenomenon caused by

voice function transformation. Passaggio is the critical point to

realize the transformation of singing vocal function (that is, the

function state transition switching point), which is manifested as

the temporary disorder of vocal physiological function caused by

the function transformation, forming the sound "bumps",

contributing to the objective mutation of timbre, so that the timbre

is not unified.

Due to the complex physiological conditions, there are obvious and

vague differences in the passaggio response of the singers. Some

soprano voice areas are easily connected, as in a voice part, there

are also differences in the passaggio of each person, such as the

passaggio of the big voice, often appears one or two notes in

advance of the small voice. In a word, the recognition of

passsaggio need rich teaching experience and inner auditory


4. The help of medical examination

Physiologically, different voice types reflect different

characteristics such as vocal cord texture, length, width, thickness,

throat structure, body weight, neck length and so on. The vocal

cords of the mezzo singers are generally long and thick, the throat

cavity is large, and the head and neck are long. Tenors tend to be

stocky and have short necks... These typical physiological features

of singing are one of the comprehensive analysis bases for the

determination of vocal parts. Of course, just as everything has a

relative meaning, not all singers have vocal chords whose

characteristics correspond to their physiological state. This

increases the difficulty of singing training and vocal division.

5.Training of the middle voice area

In singing reality, some male and female tenor with broad voices

have similar colors to male and female alto voices. Some male and

female alto voices are blessed with a wide vocal range and strong

treble ability. For complex situations need a period of

understanding and careful observation, listening process, do not

rush to conclusions. At this time, vocal music teaching needs to be

gradual, pay attention to the training of the middle vocal area,

carefully observe the singer's common vocal range and its ability to

develop to both high and low, see the essence through the

phenomenon, respect objective facts, and let nature take its course.

Sloppy work, inaccurate judgment, can only cause voice damage.

Synthesizing the above five aspects, the identification of voice part

is a very careful and meticulous work.

If I were a teacher, I would find that her body is nervous when she

sings high notes, and even her pitch is not correct. I would suggest

starting with the middle register. Because whether it's a soprano or

a mezzo-soprano, training in the mezzo area is very important. For

singing is the same as building a high-rise. Only when the

foundation is laid firmly can a building be built high and not fall


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