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The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique on Students’

Writing Recount Text

(A Quasi-Experimental Study of the First Grade Students at

SMA Al-Hasra Depok)

NIM. 1111014000028



MIRYANTI (NIM: 1111014000028). The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique

on Students’ Writing Recount Text; A Quasi-Experimental Study of the First
Grade Students at SMA Al-Hasra Depok in Academic Year of 2015/2016. Skripsi
of Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’
Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.
Key words: Clustering Technique, Recount Text, SMA Al-Hasra Depok.
The purpose of this study is to find out the empirical evidence concerning whether
clustering technique is effective or not for the students to learn writing recount
text. Clustering technique is used to make the students easier in expressing their
ideas into some related parts because it helps them to give a clear picture about the
ideas that related to the topic. The researcher was interested in conducting a
research by applying the clustering technique on students’ writing ability through
the material of recount text. The method used in this research was a quantitative
method and the research design was a quasi-experiment. The sample of this
research was the first grade students of SMA Al-Hasra Depok. They were class
X.2 as the experimental class, and X.1 as the controlled class. Each class consisted
of 20 students. For sampling technique, the researcher used purposive sampling.
The instrument used in this research was a written test and the analytic writing
rubric was used to score the student’s writing on the pre and post-test. The result
of calculation showed that in the significance degree of 5% and 1%, the value of t-
test (to) > t-table (tt), (2.02 < 2.92 > 2.71). Based on the result, it showed that there
was a significant difference between students’ achievement in writing recount text
which was taught using clustering technique and without using clustering
technique. It means that clustering technique is effective for the first grade
students at SMA Al-Hasra Depok to learn writing recount text.


MIRYANTI (NIM: 1111014000028). Efektifitas Penggunaan Teknik Clustering

Terhadap Tulisan Siswa dalam Teks Recount. Studi Quasi-Eksperimen di Kelas
Satu SMA Al-Hasra Depok Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.
Kata Kunci: Teknik Clustering, Teks Recount, SMA Al-Hasra.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bukti empiris tentang apakah
teknik clustering efektif atau tidak untuk siswa dalam belajar menulis teks
recount. Teknik clustering digunakan untuk mempermudah siswa dalam
menyatakan ide-ide mereka kedalam beberapa bagian yang saling berhubungan
karena teknik clustering membantu siswa untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas
tentang ide-ide yang berhubungan dengan topic. Penulis tertarik untuk melakukan
penelitian dengan menerapkan teknik clustering dalam peningkatan kemampuan
siswa dalam menulis teks recount. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah kuantitatif dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quas-eksperimen.
Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu SMA Al-Hara Depok. Mereka
dari kelas X.2 sebagai kelas eksperimen, sedangkan kelas X.1 sebagai kelas
kontrol. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 20 murid. Pada teknik sampel, peneliti
menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah bentuk tes
tulis dan menggunakan penilaian penulisan analitik untuk menilai hasil tulisan
siswa/siswi pada pre-tes dan pos-tes. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa
dalam taraf signifikansi 5% dan 1%, hasil t-test (to) > t-table (tt) (2.02 < 2.92 >
2.71). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan
signifikan antara hasil tulisan siswa dalam teks recount baik dengan menggunakan
teknik clustering atau tidak menggunakan teknik clustering. Dengan demikian
dapat disimpulakan bahwa teknik clustering efektif digunakan untuk siswa kelas
satu di SMA Al-Hasra Depok dalam menulis teks recount.


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise be to Allah who gives the researcher guidance and everything.
Peace and blessing be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his families, his relatives,
and his followers, may we always be in straight way until the end of the world.
In this opportunity the researcher would like to thank Allah, for the
strength in completing this “Skripsi” entitled The Effectiveness of Clustering
Technique On Students’ Writing Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study
of the First Grade Students at SMA Al-Hasra Depok) as one of the requirements
in fulfilling the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-I) in English Language
Education. This “Skripsi” cannot be completed without the help and prayers from
others especially from her beloved parents; Bapak Miskam and Ibu Seniwati, who
always gave supports, prayers, guidance, spirit, motivation to finish her study in
writing this “Skripsi”.
The researcher also would like to address her great honor and attitude to
her advisors, Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl. Ed. and Neneng Sunengsih, M.
Pd., for all of the help, valuable advice, suggestion and guidence in giving
consultations to finish this ”Skripsi”.
Concerning the process of writing this ”Skripsi”, the researcher is also
grateful to every person who participates and gives motivatation and support. Her
deepest gratitude also goes to those who have helped her in finishing this
”Skripsi”, they are:
1. All inspiring lecturers especially those of Department of English Education
who have taught the researcher useful knowledge and skills.
2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Departement and Zahril
Anasy, M.Hum., as the secretary of English Education Department.
3. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers Trainins, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta.

4. Drs. Wilmar, the Headmaster of SMA Al-Hasra Depok for giving permission
to the researcher to do research.
5. Rismayanti Rangkuti, S.Pd., the English teacher in Al-Hasra, thanks for all of
the help and knowledge during teaching practice in SMA Al-Hasra Depok.
6. Her best friends; Suci Romadhona, Rismalia Nur Febriani, Nurul Fatmawati,
Rosya Kurniati, Utul Azkiya, Fawzia Firdausya, Eka Fitriani, Imam Achmad.
D, and all her friends at Islamic State University os Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta especially other A class members for sharing their knowledge,
happiness, care, time, help, support, and friendship.
7. Everyone whose name cannnot be mentioned one by one for the contribution
to the researcher in finishing this ”Skripsi”.

May Allah, the Almighty bless them all, so be it.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this ”Skripsi” is still far from being
perfect. She welcomes all suggestions and critiques from the reader for this
”Skripsi” to make it better.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Jakarta, October 5th 2015

The researcher


COVER ........................................................................................................ i

PAGE OF APPROVAL .............................................................................. ii

THE ENDORSEMENT SHEET................................................................ iii

SERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................ iv

ABSTARCT ................................................................................................. v

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xv

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................. 1
B. Identification of Problem ............................................ 4
C. Limitation of Problem ................................................. 4
D. Formulation of Problem ............................................... 4
E. Purpose of the Study .................................................... 5
F. Significance of the Study ............................................. 5
CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................. 6
A. Writing ......................................................................... 6
1. The Definition of Writing ...................................... 6
2. The Purpose of Writing .......................................... 7
a. To Inform ......................................................... 8

b. To Explain ........................................................ 8
c. To Persuade ...................................................... 9
d. To Amuse ......................................................... 9
3. The Process of Writing........................................... 9
B. Recount Text ................................................................ 11
1. Definition of Recount Text .................................... 11
2. The Purpose of Recount Text................................. 12
3. Types of Recount Text ........................................... 13
a. Personal Recount .............................................. 13
b. Procedural Recount .......................................... 13
c. Factual Recount ................................................ 14
d. Biographical Recount ....................................... 14
4. The Structure of Recount Text ............................... 14
a. Orientation........................................................ 15
b. Series of Events ................................................ 15
c. Reorientation .................................................... 15
5. The Language Features of Recount Text ............... 16
a. Proper Nouns .................................................... 16
b. Descriptive Words ............................................ 17
c. The Use of Past Tense ...................................... 17
d. Sequence Maker ............................................... 17
C. Clustering Technique ................................................... 17
1. Definition of Technique ......................................... 17
2. Definition of Clustering ......................................... 18
3. Steps of Using Clustering ...................................... 20
4. Teaching Recount Text Using Clustering Technique
................................................................................ 23
D. Previous Study ............................................................. 24
E. Thinking Framework .................................................... 25
F. Theoretical Hypothesis................................................. 26

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................. 27
A. Research Design ........................................................... 27
B. Place and Time of the Research ................................... 27
C. The Population and Sampling Technique of the Research
...................................................................................... 27
1. Research Population ............................................... 27
2. Sampling Technique............................................... 28
D. Instrument of the Research........................................... 28
E. Technique of Data Collecting ..................................... 32
F. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................ 33
1. Normality Test ....................................................... 33
2. Homogeneity Test .................................................. 33
3. Hypothesis Test ...................................................... 34
G. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................... 36

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION ....................................... 37

A. Data Description........................................................... 37
1. The Score of Experimental Class’ Pre-test and Post-test
................................................................................ 37
2. The Score of Controlled Class’ Pre-test and Post-test
................................................................................ 38
B. Data Analysis ............................................................... 38
1. Results of Pre-test of Experimental and Controlled Class
................................................................................ 38
2. Results of Post-test of Experimental and Controlled Class
................................................................................ 40
3. Normality Test ....................................................... 41
4. Homogeneity Test .................................................. 43
5. Hypothesis Test ...................................................... 44
C. Data Interpretation ....................................................... 48

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................. 49

A. Conclusion ................................................................... 49
B. Suggestion .................................................................... 49
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 51

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 54


Table 2.1 : The Example of Recount Text ........................................... 16

Table 3.1 : Analytic Score in Writing .................................................. 29
Table 3.2 : The Example of Normality Test in SPSS 22...................... 33
Table 3.3 : The Example of Homogeneity Test in SPSS 22 ................ 34
Table 4.1 : Table of Data Description of Pre-test Results of Experimental
Class ................................................................................... 39
Table 4.2 : Table of Data Description of Pre-test Results of Controlled Class
............................................................................................ 39
Table 4.3 : Table of Data Description of Post-test Results of Experimental
Class ................................................................................... 40
Table 4.4 : Table of Data Description of Post-test Results of Controlled
Class ................................................................................... 41
Table 4.5 : Normality Pre-test Results between Experimental and Controlled
Class ................................................................................... 42
Table 4.6 : Normality Post-test Results between Experimental and
Controlled Class ................................................................. 42
Table 4.7 : Homogeneity Pre-test Results between Experimental and
Controlled Class ................................................................. 43
Table 4.8 : Homogeneity Post-test Results between Experimental and
Controlled Class ................................................................. 43
Table 4.9 : The Comparison Score between Students in Experimental Class
and Students in Controlled Class ....................................... 44


Figure 2.1 : Example of Clustering ........................................................ 20

Figure 2.2 : The Circle of Main Topic (beginning stage) ....................... 21
Figure 2.3 : Grouping Ideas (second stage) ............................................ 21
Figure 2.4 : Circles the Ideas (third stage).............................................. 22
Figure 2.5 : Finishing the Clustering (last stage) ................................... 23


Appendix 1 : Table of the Students’ Score in Experimental Class ........... 54

Appendix 2 : Table of the Students’ Score in Controlled Class ............... 55
Appendix 3 : Syllabus ............................................................................... 56
Appendix 4 : Lesson Plans ........................................................................ 58
Appendix 5 : The Students’ works ........................................................... 81
Appendix 6 : Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ....................................... 91
Appendix 7 : Surat Keterangan Pelaksanaan Penelitian ........................... 92
Appendix 8 : Tabel Distribusi Probabilitas t-students .............................. 93


A. Background of the Study

Learning English is not as easy as it seems, because there are four skills that
should be learned such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Not only
should those skills be learned, but also the structure of sentence or grammar.
Those four skills cannot be gained easily; students must practice it regularly,
especially in learning writing because writing is the most difficult skill from those
skills; the students should know about range of vocabulary, the use of it,
grammatical structure, and so on. In other words teaching writing is important
because it could train students to explore their mind and ability in English from
which they have learned with their teacher.
Writing is a productive skill because when writing something it means they
have made a language product from their mind to be expressed or poured in paper.
In writing, although the students only need to express their ideas into a paper, it is
not easy to make a good writing because it needs many requirements. From the
explanation above, it could be concluded that writing is a process of pouring an
idea, thought, concept for producing a text based on what the people want to
Traditionally, writing can be done by using pencil, pen, marker, and paper, but
now it also can be done by using technology such as cell phone, laptop, computer,
and so on. Even though writing could be done by those media, the most important
part in writing is the process of pouring idea, thought, and concept into a language
structure. In writing, everyone is being asked to write something that they wanted
to. Of course it needs their ability to write it. The writing ability of everyone is
different from each other, not all people could write as easily as others.
Sometimes they need more time to write the idea that they want to and they also
need some courage to write them down.


Writing is one of the important skills to be mastered by the students, because

it can express their ideas, feeling and emotional. In Indonesia, English becomes
one of the languages that should be learned in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
education. The example from Secondary is senior high school. Moreover, English
also becomes a foreign language tested in UN, National Examination. As stated in
school based on curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP),
students of secondary schools are expected to develop their English in all
language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. It means that
writing becomes one of skills that also should be learned, such as on Competency
Standard- Standard Kompetensi (SK) and Basic Competency- Kompetensi Dasar
(KD), the first year students of Senior High School are expected to be able to
express meaningful ideas in term of functional text and simple short essay in the
form of recount, narrative, and procedure to interact with people in their nearest
environment.1 It means the senior high students need to learn how to produce
good recount writing. Here, there should be a good relation in English teaching
and learning to develop students’ skill in writing English.
Based on the researcher’s experience especially for students who are in senior
high school; it seems so difficult for some of them to express their idea on paper.
Their difficulties in writing are how to generate and organize their ideas into
writing; they are confused to start writing.
But again based on the researcher’s experience as a teacher during doing
(Integrated Teaching Practice Program) PPKT in SMA AL-HASRA Depok, some
of the first year students think that writing is a boring and difficult lesson because
sometimes the students do not know how to write good sentences, and it makes
them unenthusiastic in writing especially in writing recount text. Moreover, in
writing recount text, changing present form into past form is one of the difficult
things to do. Also they are unable to make good writing because they are
sometimes confused about how to make well-structured writing. A recount text
usually retells the past events and the students must use tenses that have the

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar
SMA/MA, (Jakarta: 2006), p. 128

function to tell story in past form in their writing. They have to choose the correct
tenses and they also should know range of vocabulary. Here, the English teacher
also seldom gives writing exercise to the students, because the English teacher
pays more attention in reading. So, the students do not get enough exercise for
writing. In addition, the researcher chose recount text because it is usually
presented in senior high school, it also includes in the purpose of English learning
in senior high school.
Beside those things, basic freedom “freedom to say what they think and feel,
freedom to choose and err, freedom from interruption, and freedom from fear”2 is
a thing that the students should have because writing is not as easy as it seems to
be. Based on the researcher’s experience by interviewing her students during
(Integrated Teaching Practice Program) PPKT, they are seldom given writing
recount text exercise by their teacher in school. Even though they are asked to
write something, the teacher does not use any technique that can help them write
Here, the researcher uses clustering technique to make the students easier in
making draft for their writing. Because in clustering technique, students could
organize their idea by using lines, boxes, arrows and so on to show the relation of
their ideas and details of a writing topic.3 By organizing their ideas into an
interesting shape it is hoped that students could be more interested in writing
recount text. Moreover, there is no right or wrong in clustering technique, because
it only shows how ideas and details relate to one another that to be expressed into
the paper. Through clustering exercise, it is hoped that it can help students to have
more courage and confidence in writing.
Based on the introduction above, the researcher is interested in observing the
effectiveness of clustering technique on students’ skill in recount writing, because
clustering technique does not need too many requirements in writing, it also gives
a clear picture to the students about a topic related to each other, and it is hoped
can be applied quite easily especially for the first year students in senior high in
William F. Irmscher, Ways of Writing, (United States of America: McGraw-Hill: 1969),
p. 2
John Langan, English Skills seventh edition¸(New York: McGraw-Hill:2001), p.22

writing recount text; they just need to share their words about their past
experience that related to the topic into some shapes. For that reasons, the
researcher chooses “The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique on Students’
Writing Recount Text of the First Grade at SMA AL-HASRA Depok” as the
title of this “Skripsi”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Some reasons that can be identified from the background of the study above
and in relation to the students’ difficulties in writing are:
a. Students confuse how to start writing, students difficult in generating and
organizing their idea into writing.
b. Students feel bored in learning writing for its difficulties.
c. Students less of vocabulary whether in writing recount text, they have to
remember and change the verbs into the past form.
d. Teachers did not give more writing exercise to the students moreover using
technique in teaching writing.
e. Students lack of confidence in writing recount text.

C. Limitation of the Study

Based on the identification of the problems that have been mentioned, the
limitation of the problem is the researcher only focuses on using of clustering
technique on students’ writing recount text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the introduction above, the questions can be stated, as following:
“Is clustering technique effective for students to learn writing recount text?”

E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is giving empirical evidence that clustering technique
is effective for the first grade students’ writing recount text of SMA Al-Hasra

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful for:

1. The students
For the students, this study will be able to develop their understanding
more about recount text. Also the students can be more enthusiastic,
confident and creative in writing their ideas, thought, and concept about
recount text by using clustering technique exercise.

2. The English teachers

For the English teachers, it is hoped that he/she will get a successful
teaching learning process in writing recount text and enrich their
knowledge and creativity in teaching writing, especially in teaching
recount text by using clustering technique. Hopefully teachers can apply it
into their teaching technique in writing effectively.

3. The researcher
For the researcher, it can give more knowledge in teaching writing
recount text especially.

This part talks about the topic-related matters which focus on writing skill.
There are some parts in this chapter, they are: the definitions of writing, the
purpose of writing, the process of writing, definition of recount text, the purpose
of recount text, types of recount text, the structure of recount text, the language
features of recount text, the definition of technique, the definition of clustering,
steps of using clustering, and teaching recount text by using clustering technique.

A. Writing
1. The Definition of Writing
In learning English language, writing becomes one of the important skills
beside listening, reading, and speaking. But from those skills, writing is the most
difficult skill in the language skill.1 It also can be said that writing is the most
difficult skill because in writing, the students should know more on the language
itself, the vocabulary, the grammatical structure, and the characteristics of good
writing. Moreover, they should use appropriate language to make the readers
understand about what they write about. In other words, the students should study
harder in learning how to write well.
As explained before, learning to write is not as easy as learning the other
skills; reading, listening, and speaking. Writing is a productive skill that only can
be mastered by the students who have good knowledge in learning the language.
Therefore, before students make a good writing, they should have courage and
idea to write them down. Even they are still as Senior High Schools’ students that
do not have much experience in writing, it does not mean they could not write
anything at all. Writing is not a simple skill in English Language, therefore the
students must learn it in order to accomplish their learning goals as written in the

Jack C. Richards, Language Teaching Matrix, (New York: Cambridge University Press,
1990), p.100


Competency Standard- Standard Kompetensi (SK) and Basic Competency-

Kompetensi Dasar (KD). Richards said that only few people can master writing
either in a first or second language because learning to write is the most difficult
tasks.2 His opinion could support the argument above that writing is the most
difficult skill in the language skills.
Raymond defined that writing is more than a medium of communication. 3 It
means that writing is not only the media to communicate to each other but also as
a means of ideas and emotional expression. In writing, the students also could
deliver all of their feeling to the readers, sharing many things or tell about
anything to make the readers feel it without seeing each others. Here the students
must construct their own views on a topic that will be shared to the readers.
Writing is also a way of finding out what people know and what people need
to learn.4 It means that writing could be one of the media in sharing information to
each other. Writing also could be a message for giving more details about
From the definitions above it can be concluded that writing is a way to
communicate without seeing each other directly from facial expressions or body
language. But other people could know what information that wanted to be shared
by the students. Here, the students can build up a relation to the readers by
delivering a massage into a written form which comes during writing process. It
means that the students try to engage their writing to the readers.

2. The Purpose of Writing

There are many readers who have different knowledge from the students.
Here, the students’ reason is important in writing, because it can determine the
purpose of writing. When the students write, they should think about the purpose
of the writing itself because their writing is not only read by the students
themselves but also other readers to know what actually for the writing is

James C Raymond. Writing is Unnatural Act. (New York: The Murray Printing
Company, 1980), p. 2.

composed. According to Miller, to make the written keep on the track and clear to
whom it is written, writing should have some purposes5:

a. To Inform
In writing, the students not only pour their ideas into writing, but they
must also have clear message to inform it to the reader. The students usually
have more knowledge about a thing that they want to share to readers. Here
the writing is not based on the students’ experience but published sources
which usually do in most frequently in university courses.6
One of the purposes in writing is to inform the readers about events or
anything that occurs and exists surrounding people and to give the evidence
about its fact. The information which is given should be accurate, clear,
concise, and objective. The students can give the information through kind
form, such as newspapers, nonfiction books, text books; guidebooks, etc.7
b. To Explain
Writing does not only give the information to the readers but also how to
deliver or explain it well to make the readers understand about the writing.
Moreover, not all the readers understand easily or have same knowledge about
what the students write.8 Here, the students need to build a bridge in
developing the readers understanding by explaining the content of their
In addition, the students also have to ensure that the readers can figure out
about the complex topic they made. So, explanation in writing is important to
make sure that the readers probably understand or not about the writing, then
the students can engage it in meaningful communication in their writing.

Robert Keith Miller, Motives for Writing, fifth edition, (New York: McGraw Hill,
2006), p. 5.
George Braine and Claire May, Writing from Sources: A Guide for ESL Students,
(California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1995), p. 141.
David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1991), p.
Miller, op. cit., p. 173.

c. To Persuade
Persuasion is fundamental to everyday life, because it can attempt to get
someone to do something what the people want.9 Through writing, the
students can accuse or defend and affect the reader’s minds, because writing
persuades the readers to engage with their thoughts or actions. The examples
of persuasive writing are recipes, maps, instructions on food and tools,
telephone directories; ballot papers, etc.10
d. To Amuse
In this world, there must be a joke in daily lives. Some people make a joke
to amuse other people with their joking because everyone needs entertainment
to release their stress. Same as writing, the students may give an entertainment
to refresh reader’s mind by using humor so the written is appealing the readers
to read.
Here, the students’ primary object is to make the readers enjoy themselves
by trying to laugh with rather than at, for instance making a joke. But, the
students also need being good-humored in joking for not making the readers
become offended.11 In making a joke, the students should not write satirical
things such as gender, religion, ethnicity, racial identity, social class, etc. that
can make the readers offended.

It can be concluded that writing has several purposes to make the reader
interested in it. Writing can inform the readers about something that contains the
factual information yet the information that they needed, explain the information
itself to make the information more understandable, persuade readers to affect the
reader’s minds and the last amuse the readers by using humor.

3. The Process of Writing

Mostly, every successful person passes their lives through difficult process to
be the best. Same as that thing, to make a good writing, there are many processes
Miller, op. cit., p. 451.
Nunan, loc. Cit.
Miller, op. cit., p. 570.

to make it the best according to the students. Sometimes, the students are worried
about using the wrong words or sentences in writing. But, from that worry the
students reread the paragraph to make sure that the readers could understand about
what they want to deliver. Langan stated that writing has some steps, they are
discovering a point by using prewriting, developing solid support for the point by
also using prewriting, organizing the material and making a first draft, the last is
revising and then editing carefully.12
In composing any kinds of writing, the students must follow every stage of
writing process to produce the idea clearly and effectively. The first stage is
prewriting, means the first step that the students should take before writing their
first draft.13 In prewriting stage, the students can arrange their ideas for the
writing. Not only do students arrange the ideas, but they can also choose their
topics to be written. The prewriting methods are designed to get started in
generating ideas, recalling facts and anecdotes and realizing patterns. 14 It means
that in prewriting stage, the students start their first writing process to gather the
ideas before beginning to compose a paragraph.
The second step is drafting, a stage of discovery and exploration.15 Here, the
students need to organize their prewriting become a good structure of writing.
When the students write the first draft, they are ready to give the details and
additional thoughts that did not exist since in prewriting stage.16 Beside
organizing their prewriting, the students also need to add more information about
their writing for making a good coherence. In drafting stage, the students write a
framework of ideas they have generated to make their writing is constructed

John Langan. English Skills, seventh edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2001), p.17
Donald Pharr and Santi Buscemin, Writing Today: contexts and options for the real
world-Brief Edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2005), p.25
Ibid, p. 40.
Betty Mattix Dietsh, Reasoning and Writing Well, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2006),
Langan. op. cit., p. 25.

The third stage is revising. This stage helps the students to build upon what
has already been done, in order to make it stronger.17 They need to recheck what
they have already written in the draft. Then the last stage after revising is editing.
This final stage means checking the writing for mistakes in grammar, punctuation,
usage, and spelling.18 In this stage the students have to refine some mistakes that
they have made.

B. Recount Text
1. Definition of Recount Text
Recount text is one of subjects that should be taught in Senior High School,
especially in first grade. That requirement is found in Competency Standard-
Standard Kompetensi (SK) and Basic Competency- Kompetensi Dasar (KD).
From its name, recount text is a kind of some genres in writing. There are some
experts who define recount text, two of them are the Andersons who in their book
said that “A recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order
in which they occurred.” It means that a recount text tells about something that
has happened in the past chronologically. Chronologically means that recount text
should contain of what happened, who was involved, when the events happened,
where the events took place and why and how the events could have happened.
In recount text, the students may write all past events not only retell about
factual or historical events but based on their personal experience.19 It means that
writing about past event; personal experience, factual or historical events, that has
happened is called by recount text. The students must have their own past stories
about their lives, such as their holiday, terrible moment, and happy moment. They
could write them all into paper called recount. As mentioned above, recount text is

Ibid, p. 26.
Ibid, p. 30.
Maureen Hyland, Writing Text Types: A Practical Journal, (Western Australia: R.I.C.
Publications, 2009), p. iii.

used to retell about an event that has occurred in the past. Therefore, recount is
always written in the past form or past tense.20
Recount is one of the written text types which consist of grammar of speech.21
In writing a recount, the students should be aware about some crucial things such
as, the grammatical structure; past tenses, that should be used. The students also
need to be concerned about the sequence of events, common action verb and
connections in the recount.
From some definitions above, it can be concluded that recount is a kind of text
type which retell about past events chronologically. Those past events can be
about factual events or historical events or the students’ or personal experience
that is usually learned in senior high school in Indonesia. Recount text uses past
tense to retell the events, so the students also need to pay more attention to its
crucial things; grammatical structure, e.g. mastering the forms of regular and
irregular verbs and language for not making misunderstanding and
miscommunication to the readers.

2. The Purpose of Recount Text

Basically, a recount is written to retell past events to the readers. Here, the
readers are expected to know the description of the past events chronologically.
According to Andersons, the purpose of recount text is to give detail explanation;
what and when, about the past events to the readers.22 It means that, the purpose
of recount text is not only retelling the past events to the readers but it is also
describing the past events chronologically that has happened to the readers.
Recounts also has purpose to inform, entertain, or reflect the readers about the
past events.23 It is in line with Hyland where the purpose of recount text is “to

Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2003), p. 104.
Peter Knap & Megan Walkins, Genre, Text, Grammar Technologies for teaching and
assessing writing, (Sydney: University of South Wales, 2005), p. 228.
Mark and Kathy Andersons, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: Macmilan, 1998),
p. 24.
Engaging in and Exploring Recount Writing, (Government of South Australia, 2012),
p. 1.

reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequence.” 24 From that

purpose, recount is not only retelling about the past events, but it is also informing
the readers about some information that happened and included in the story. It
usually can be found in the factual or historical events such as the news about
criminals that happened like in the newspaper or magazine. Here, recount also can
entertain the readers by amusing them through the text that has written. The
students could help the readers in imagining an experience by using descriptive
words and phrases to bring the readers into the story with the students.

3. Types of Recount text

Recount text has four types according to Stubbs in her book Targeting Text.
Those types are personal recount, procedural recount, factual recount, and
biographical recount. Here is the explanation of those four types of recount text:25

a. Personal Recount
A personal recount retells an activity that the students have experienced. The
forms of this recount are letters, diary entries, journals, anecdotes and
postcards. Facts and information are important, but personal responses and
comments are also appropriate, particularly in the re-orientation part. The
sequence of events should be selected to add or omit interest and humor.
Personal recount is usually written in the first person (I, we), and often aim to
entertain as well as inform.
b. Procedural Recount
A procedural recount records the steps taken in completing a task or
procedure. This recount can be found in information books, television, and
books that explain how things were made. The use of technical terms, an
accurate time sequence and first person (I or we) give credibility to the
information provided.

Hyland, op. cit., p. 20.
Sue Stubbs, Targeting Text: Recount, Information Report, Explanation, (Sydney: Blake
Education, 2000), p. 8.

c. Factual Recount
A factual recount is concerned with recalling events accurately and evaluated
their significance. In factual recount, the text could be represented as everyday
task such as a school accident report to a formal, science experiment, traffic
report, sport report. Factual recount emphasizes on the using of language that
is accurate, factual and detailed, so the readers could gain a complete picture
of the events, experience or achievement. This recount is usually written in
third person using pronouns he, she and they. It may be written in the passive
d. Biographical Recount
A biographical recount tells the story of a person’s life using a third person
narrator (he, she, and they). First person narration (I, we) could be used in
autobiography. In this recount, it is usually factually accurate and records
specific names, times, places, and events.

4. The Structure of Recount Text

In writing, the students do not only pour their idea that they wanted but they
have to think about the content of their writing. The content should be clear
written in order to make the readers easy to understand about the plot of story and
information that the students wanted to give. To make the writing become easily
understood for the readers, there must be structure of the writing.
In writing good recount text, there are also some schematic structures to make
the text coherence to each paragraph. It is not easy to make each paragraph have
coherences to each other because in every schematic structure there should have a
main idea. The schematic structure of recount text consists of three parts. Those
parts are orientation, sequence of event and re-orientation or conclusion. Here, are
the further explanations about schematic structure in recount text:26

Ibid., p. 9.

a. Orientation
Orientation provides the setting and introduces the participants with 5 W
formula (who, what, when, where, and why) about the text. It told the reader
who was involved, what happened, where this event took place, and when it
happened to make sense of the text. For example an orientation for a recount
of a climb of Mount Everest, the students should tell the reasons for the climb
and an explanation of the climatic conditions.27
b. Series of Events
The readers understanding of the topic is the most important thing, because it
means the readers could get what the students write about. In recount text,
events should be added carefully to add the readers understanding of the topic.
Series of events tell what happened in sequence. It gives more information
about the story and give the specific details of what, who, where, and when.
This part also tells how the characters of the story react to the complication.
The events can be told to use conjunctions or connectives; first, next, then,
finally, and so on.
c. Reorientation
Reorientation is a conclusion of the events. It usually summaries the result and
offers personal opinion or comment of the recount text, but it is just optional.
Reorientation generally refers to some of the information in the orientation

The following text is the example of Schematic structure of personal recount


John Barwick, Targeting Text: Recount, Procedure, Exposition; Upper Level, (Sydney:
Blake Education, 1999), p. 5.
Ibid, p. 6.
Andersons, op. cit., p. 25.

Table 2.1
The Example of Recount Text

Orientation We are having a great holiday here on the Gold

Coast. Yesterday we went to Movie World.

When we got up in the morning it looked like

rain. After a while the clouds disappeared and it
became a sunny day. We then decided to go to
Movie World.
Sequence of The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon.
Events Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that
I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile,
Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.

About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain

but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all
the other rides followed by the studio tour.
Reorientation It was a top day. See you when we get back.



5. The Language Features of Recount Text

A recount text usually has three main sections or schematic structures. As
mentioned before, those parts consist of orientation, series of events and
reorientation. Besides schematic structures of recount text, the students also
should know about the language features that used in recount text. The language
features that used in recount text are:30

a. Proper Nouns
Proper nouns are used to identify the characters who involved in the recount

Ibid, p. 24.

b. Descriptive Words
Descriptive words are used to give detail about who, what, when, where and
how in the recount text. So, those words could help the readers imagining the
past events.
c. The use of Past Tense
As mentioned before, recount text is a text that retells the past events;
someone experience. So, the students must use the past tense in writing the
events. The tenses consist of simple past tense, past continuous tense, past
perfect tense, and perfect continuous tense.
d. Sequence Maker
Sequence maker means words that show the order of the events (for example,
first, next, then). Those words are used to link separate events or paragraph
into a cohesive whole text.

C. Clustering Technique
1. Definition of Technique
In teaching learning process, the term technique is commonly used. The
implementation of technique usually takes place in a classroom. Furthermore,
technique must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an
approach as well.31 But sometimes, it is often misunderstood with two other
terms; approach and method. Therefore, it is important to the students to know the
differences of those terms.
Edward Anthony in 1963 identified those three levels of conceptualization and
organization, which he termed approach, method, and technique.32 An approach is
a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and
learning.33 It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught. It can be seen
that approach is the basic concept behind the method of representing teaching and

Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language
Teaching, in Edward Anthony, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 19.

learning of language with certain theoretical. While method is an overall plan for
the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all
of which is based upon, the selected approach.34 It means that method is a
procedure or steps and the way that will be used by teachers in the achievement of
learning objectives.
As mentioned before, a technique is implementation-that which classroom
procedures are described because it actually takes place in a classroom. It is a
particular tricks, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate
objective.35 So, it can be concluded that, clustering is one of techniques in
teaching writing because clustering technique is a teachers’ strategy which is
applied in the classroom.

2. Definition of Clustering
Before starting to write, the students should prepare it first such as, have a
picture and structure in his/her mind that will be poured into the writing. But
sometimes, it is quite difficult to make them run well as Miller stated, “When we
write, we loop back and forth over our own mental tracks, rethinking, rearranging,
restarting, and researching”.36 Finding a topic should be done before write
something, but again it is not easy because we must decide a subject that will be
included in the story or not. Moreover, inspiration does not always occur enough
for the students to depend on it. To make inspiration come to the students’ minds;
they should develop other ways to get idea. It is better to do prewriting first before
writing because for many students, getting started is the hardest part.37 As
mentioned before, prewriting is the first step in writing process.
One of the techniques that can be used in prewriting process is clustering
technique. Based on the three basic approaches to learning; aural, verbal or visual,

Miller, op. cit., p. 7.
Jean Wyrick, Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, eight edition, (Boston:
Wadsworth, 2011), p. 3.

clustering includes in visual learners.38 It means that the students are easier in
processing language and information by seeing the information in graphic form.
As Langan said that clustering also known as diagramming or mapping, is
another strategy that can be used to generate material for a paper.39 Diagramming
or mapping means that clustering technique can be used to generate material for
paper. Clustering also called “Mapping and webbing, it is an effective way to
gather the information for an essay”.40 It is said an effective way because in
clustering, the students make some words related to their writing topic and it
could be gathered one to another that would make good ideas in their writing.
Cooper and Axelrod viewed that clustering is a strategy in connecting and
showing possible relationship among facts and ideas.41 It means that the students
could write all their ideas which have connection one to others.
According to Clouse “Clustering lets the writers see at a glance how ideas
relate to one another”.42 It means that clustering technique helps the students to
have a visual view of their ideas that related to the topic. Langan also said that in
clustering, the students could use lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to show
relationship among the ideas and details that occur to them.43 From those
definitions, clustering is also called creative writing, because the students could
pour all their idea about one topic that will be written into some related words to
the topic using a visual scheme or chart. From those charts, it might help the
students in understanding the relationship among the parts of broad topic and
developing subtopics.
From the definitions above, it can be said that clustering technique is one of
ways in prewriting to help the students in expressing many ideas by making some

Donald Pharr and Santi Buscemin, Writing Today: contexts and options for the real
world-Brief Edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2005), p. 30.
John Langan, College Writing Skills, sixth edition, (New York: McGraw Hill Higer
Education, 2003), p. 27.
Santi V. Buscemi, A Reader for Developing Writers, fifth edition, (New York: McGraw
Hill, 2002), p. 14.
Charles R. Cooper., and Rise B. Axelrod, Guide to Writing, ninth edition, (New York:
St. Martin’s Inc, 2001), p. 563.
Barbara Fine Clouse, A Troubleshooting Guide for Writers, fourth edition, (New York:
McGraw Hill,2005), p. 24.
John Langan. English Skills, seventh edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2001, p. 22.

boxes in writing some related subjects. Clustering also should be done before
starting an overall written. By doing clustering technique, the students do not have
to be worried about the grammar or the other rules such as punctuation and etc.,
because they only have to write some subjects related to the topic. After that, the
students may try and omit several clusters before making it into the writing.
It can be concluded, by using clustering technique the students are hoped can
easily start writing in generating their ideas that have written. The figure below is
the example of clustering:

Figure 2.1 Example of Clustering44

3. Steps of Using Clustering

As mentioned before, clustering technique is helpful for the students who like
to do their thinking in a visual way. In this technique, the students could use lines,
boxes, arrows, and circles to show relationships among the ideas and details to
occur to them. Here are the steps of clustering:45

a. Take a sheet of paper and write the main topic in the middle of a page and
draw a circle around it.

Langan, op. cit., p. 28.
Clouse, op. cit., pp. 24 – 26.

Campus life

Figure 2.2 the Circle of Main Topic (beginning stage)46

b. Write ideas relating to that topic around, circle them, and connect them to the
central circle.

Figure 2.3 Grouping Ideas (Second stage)47

c. Write down facts, details, examples, or ideas related in any way to the main
parts of the topic and circle it.

d. Continue and repeat writing ideas and joining them to circle that seem


Figure 2.4 Circles the ideas (third stage)48

e. Keep writing until the ideas run out. Then, see if one particular circle is
enough to begin a draft, make cluster again to expand the branches or to omit
the irrelevant words with the topic. After that, the students can begin a first
draft in writing.


Figure 2.5 Finishing the Clustering (last stage)49

4. Teaching Recount Text Using Clustering Technique

The followings are some steps in teaching recount text using clustering
Step 1: The teacher explain about recount text, the kinds, schematic structures,
and linguistic features of recount text to students.
Step 2: Introduce the concept of clustering technique to the students. Tell them
what the definition of clustering technique is; the purposes, how it can work, and
it would help them in generate ideas before they start to write.
Step 3: The teacher gives an example to generate ideas by using clustering
technique on the whiteboard as a model. Put the topic in the center by using box
or other shapes and put keywords that related to the topic by using lines or arrows.
In this step, the teacher tells the students to not worry in generating ideas because


it is free for them to write or organize all their ideas as long as it is related to the
Step 4: Ask the students to write the first draft based on the design of clustering
technique samples that have been made on the whiteboard to know that students
have easy when started to write by using clustering technique.
Step 5: After the students are able to use clustering technique, give them a topic
about personal recount text that referred to their own experience. Then ask them
to make their own clustering and leads the students to make the clustering of the
topic given. Last, give the students an evaluation to check their ability in writing
recount text and to know their problem in writing.

D. Previous Study
Clustering technique has been tried and adopted in a wide spectrum of
educational contexts. The first previous study is taken from a journal research
which is conducted by Namik Kemal Sahbaz and Gozden Duran in The Efficiency
of Cluster Method in Improving the Creative Writing Skill of 6th Grade Students of
Primary School. Their finding suggests that clustering method in creative writing
studies, experiment group, was more successful than in control group. They used
test; pre-test and post-test, and compared according to the number of the words in
written text, actual and figurative usage words, the usage of proverb-idiom, slip in
spelling and the relation with the context.50
The second previous study is done by Ismatul Maula, a student in State
Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Her study is about The
Importance of Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing of Narrative Text at the
Tenth Grade of SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat. The focus in her study is to find out the
implementation of the clustering technique, the teaching preparation made by the
English teacher, and the instructional material used in writing of narrative text.
This study is categorized as an experimental research, because it is intended to

Namik Kemal Sahbaz and Gozden Duran in The Efficiency of Cluster Method in
Improving the Creative Writing Skill of 6th Grade Students of Primary School. (Academic
Journals: 2011), Educational Research and Reviews. Vol. 6, p. 702-709.

know the effectiveness of clustering technique at tenth grade of SMA PGRI 56

Ciputat. This research is also included in quantitative research because the
researcher used some numerical data which analyzed statistically. Her finding
shows that most of students who learned writing through clustering technique got
higher score than the students who learned without it.51
The third previous study is done by Sari Nur’aini a student in State Islamic
University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In her study The Effectiveness of Using
Clustering Technique towards Students’ Descriptive Writing, she used quasi-
experimental research which gave pre-test and post-test to the students in order to
know the significance results of the experimental and controlled class. The result
of this study is the use of clustering technique gives the positive effect to students’
descriptive writing.52

E. Thinking Framework
Based on the theoretical framework above, especially the previous study,
although their researches are different from the researcher’s – that will help
students in their writing recount text – but clustering technique still can be one of
the effective techniques in teaching writing. Based on the researcher’s experience,
clustering technique is not a new technique in teaching writing, but it has never
been taught during English class in junior and senior high schools. Clustering
technique can helps the students to make their first draft for the easy steps and no
much material to teach recount text.
Clustering technique can help the students for not being afraid to express all
their ideas into writing, because in clustering technique there is no right or wrong,
the thing that they have to do is just write. Then if their ideas are not related to the
topic, they might be omitted. In addition, sometimes students are afraid to write

Ismatul Maula, The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing of
Narrative at Tenth Grade of SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat, (Skripsi SI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, 2009), p. Ixiii–Ixiv, Unpublished.
Sari Nur’aini, The Effectiveness of Using Clustering Technique Towards Students’
Descriptive Writing at the Second Grade Students at MTs. Nurul Hidayah for Academic Year
2013-2014, (Skripsi SI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta,
2014), p. 42, Unpublished.

what comes into their mind because they are afraid of making mistakes and it can
affect their scores in writing recount text. It can be concluded that the researcher
chooses clustering technique to help them have more courage and confidence in
writing recount text.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis
The researcher needs to propose hypothesis of the research. There are two
kinds of hypothesis, they are:

1) Null Hypothesis (H0):

The null hypothesis stated that there is no significant difference between
students’ achievement in writing recount text using clustering technique and
without using clustering technique. It means that clustering technique is not
effective to be used in teaching writing recount text if the null hypothesis is
2) Alternative Hypothesis (H1):
The alternative hypothesis stated that there is significant difference between
students’ achievement in writing recount text using clustering technique and
without using clustering technique. It means that clustering technique is
effective to be used in teaching writing recount text if the alternative
hypothesis is accepted.

A. Research Design
This research used quantitative method. It called quantitative method because
it is related to the calculation and analysis of numerical data. The researcher used
quasi-experimental research design to identify the effectiveness of using
clustering technique on students‟ writing recount text. Here, the researcher gave
pre-test and post-test in two classes; experimental and controlled class. Pre-test
was used to get the beginning score from the experimental and controlled class
before treatment. Post-test was used to measure the score after treatment. Then the
result was compared after and before the treatment to get the effectiveness of
clustering technique.
There was a different treatment between experimental and controlled class. In
experimental class, the researcher gave a treatment by using clustering technique
for training students in writing recount text, whereas the students in controlled
class were taught without using clustering technique.

B. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted in the first grade of the first semester at SMA Al-
Hasra Depok which is located on Jl. Raya Parung km 24, Bojongsari, Depok.
This research was carried out only for a month in August 2015. This research was
held in six meetings each class; pre-test, treatment in four times, and post-test.

C. The Population and Sampling Technique of the Research

1. Research Population
The population of the study consisted of all Tenth Grade students of the first
year in SMA Al-Hasra Depok. There were four classes, X.1, X.2, X.3, and X.4 in
SMA Al-Hasra Depok. The total of the tenth grade students was about 120


2. Sampling Technique
The samples of this research were; class X.1 as the experimental class and X.2
as the controlled class. In this study, the researcher used Purposive Sampling.
According to McMillan, “purposeful sampling (sometimes called purposive,
judgment, or judgmental sampling), the researcher selects particular elements
from the population that will be informative about the topic of interest”.1 It means
that the researcher took the sample from the judgment that was representative of
the population or includes subjects with needed characteristics. In this study, the
researcher took the sample by interviewing the English teacher in order to know
which classes that have the same ability in English lesson, had same facilities, on
the same level and by asking permission to her to conduct the research in two
different classes.

D. Instrument of the Research

The instrument that the researcher used was test; pre-test and post-test. The
pre-test was given before the treatment and the post-test was given after the
treatment. Here, the researcher gave the instruction of the tests based on Basic
Competency-Kompetensi Dasar (KD) that the first year students of Senior High
School are expected to be able to express meaningful ideas in term of functional
text and simple short essay in the form of recount, narrative, and procedure to
interact with people in their nearest environment.
The given topic was about recount story, such as “My holiday”. The students
were asked to write their personal experience about their holiday in three short
paragraphs. Then for the scoring, the researcher used analytic score that was
created by Jacobs, et al.‟s to make the scoring of students‟ writing becomes more

James H. McMillan, Sally Schumacher, Research in Education Evidence-Based Inquiry
6 Edition, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2006), p.126.
Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2002), p.116.

Table 3.1
Analytic Score in Writing

Scale Quality Description
30-27 Excellent to Knowledgeable – substantive –
very good thorough – development of thesis –
relevant to assigned topic
26-22 Good to Some knowledge of subject –
average adequate range – limited
development of thesis – mostly
relevant to topic, but lacks detail
21-17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject –
little substance – inadequate
development of topic
16-13 Very poor Does not show knowledge of
subject – non-substantive – not
pertinent – or not enough to
20-18 Excellent to Fluent expression – ideas clearly
very good stated/supported – succinct – well-
organized – logical sequencing –
17-14 Good to Somewhat choppy – loosely
average organized but main idea stand out
– limited support – logical but
incomplete sequencing
13-10 Fair to poor Non-fluent – ideas confused or
disconnected – lacks logical
sequencing and development
9-7 Very poor Does not communicate – no

organization – or not enough to

20-18 Excellent to Sophisticated range – effective
very good word/idiom choice and usage –
word form mastery – appropriate
17-14 Good to Adequate range – frequent errors
average of word/idiom form, choice, usage
but meaning not obscured
13-10 Fair to poor Limited range – frequent errors of
word/idiom form, choice, usage –
meaning confused or obscured
9-7 Very poor Essentially translation – little
knowledge of English vocabulary,
idioms, word form – or not enough
to evaluate
25-22 Excellent to Effective complex constructions –
very good few errors of agreement, tense,
number, word order/function,
articles, pronouns, prepositions
21-18 Good to Effective but simple constructions
average – minor problems in complex
constructions – several errors of
Language use
agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns,
prepositions but meaning seldom
17-11 Fair to poor Major problems in simple/complex
constructions – frequent errors of
negation, agreement, tense,

number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions,
and/or fragments, run-ons,
deletions – meaning confused or
10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentence
construction rules – dominated by
errors – does not communicate – or
not enough to evaluate
5 Excellent to Demonstrates mastery of
very good conventions – few errors of
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing
4 Good to Occasional errors of spelling,
average punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing, but meaning not
3 Fair to poor Frequent errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing – poor handwriting –
meaning confused or obscured
2 Very poor No mastery conventions –
dominant by errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing – handwriting
illegible – or not enough to

From the analytical score table above, here is the formula to get the students‟
writing recount text total score:

TOTAL SCORE = Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use +


E. Technique of Data Collecting

To collect the data, the researcher used a written test as the primary
instrument. There are two types of tests; pretest and posttest. The pre-test was
given in experimental and control class to know how far the students‟ recount
writing ability before receiving treatment. The post-test was given to know their
writing ability after the treatment. The pre-test and post-test included in these

1. The study conducted on August 3rd 2015. The researcher asked the
information from the English teacher to know the circumstances of learning
English and teaching recount writing.
2. The researcher gave pre-test in control class on August 5th and in experiment
class on August 7th 2015.
3. On August 10th until 26th 2015, the researcher conducted the certain treatment
in the experimental class by giving the explanation about clustering technique,
the characteristics of recount text, and by asking them to write recount text by
using clustering technique; whereas in the control class did not use clustering
4. The researcher administered post-test in control class On August 28th 2015,
and in experimental class on August 31st 2015. The researcher asked the
students to write a recount text with the same topic in pre-test, „Holiday‟.
5. After getting the whole data, the researcher calculated the result of the
students‟ score in pre-test and post-test by using the some formulations.

So, at the end of the study, the researcher could see how far their ability and
confidence were increased in writing recount text through clustering technique.
By the time, the students slowly could understand about language and writing
structure so they could start writing correctly because the writing competence
cannot be reached at one moment, but it takes a lot of time to process it.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used ttest formula through SPSS (Special
Package of the Social Sciences) version 22 software. The t-test is one of a number
of hypothesis tests. Before calculated t-test, the researcher did normality and
homogeneity tests first.

1. Normality Test
Normality test is performed to show whether the data from the sample is
normal or not, the sample is taken from experimental and controlled group, both
post-test and pre-test group. If the normality of the data is more than the level of
significance a (0.05), scores are normally distributed. The normality test is
performed using Kolmogrov Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk.

This is the example of the data using SPSS:

Table 3.2
The example of Normality Test in SPSS 22

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Kelas Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Pretest Experiment .170 20 .134 .907 20 .055

Control .174 20 .115 .908 20 .059

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

2. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is performed to show whether the data from the two groups,
experimental and controlled class, have the same variant in order that the
hypothesis can be tested by t-test or not. Here is the result of homogeneity test of
the data:

Table 3.3
The example of Homogeneity Test in SPSS 22

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.140 1 38 .711

3. Hypothesis Test
After getting the data from pre-test and post-test from experimental and
control class, the researcher needs to find out the differences score using
Clustering technique. Here, the two classes are compared to the independent
variable, the experimental class is X variable and the controlled class is Y
variable. The researcher used statistical calculation of the t-test with significant
degree 5% and 1%. The formula of ttest is expressed as follows:3

Mx = mean of variable X
My = mean of variable Y
SE = standard error

But before calculate the data using t-test formula; the researcher analyzed the
students‟ writing recount text score by using several processes as follows:

1. Determining Mean of Variable X:

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,
2008), p.324.

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:

4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Y:

The last procedure is determining df (degree of freedom) with formula:

( )
M = the average of students score
SD = standard deviation
SE = standard errors
X = experimental class
Y = control class
Nx = number of students of Experiment class

Ny = number of students of Control class

Df = degree of freedom

G. Statistical Hypothesis
The statistical hypothesis of this study can be seen as:
to > tt, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted
to < tt, Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected

And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is
rejected. It means that the rates of the mean score of the experimental group
are higher than the controlled group. The using of clustering technique is
effective on students‟ writing recount text.
2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is
accepted. It means that the rates of the mean score of the experimental group
are same as or lower than the controlled group. The using of clustering
technique is not effective on students‟ writing recount text.

This chapter presents the data description which consists of the score of pre-
test and post-test from the experimental class and the control class. Moreover, the
discussion of the research finding is also explained here.

A. Data Description
The research was conducted in SMA Al-Hasra Depok on August 2015. The
researcher took two classes that consist of experimental and controlled class.
Those classes were from the first grade and each class consisted of 20 students, so
there were 40 students. The material that was taught is recount text. The
researcher gave pre-test in the first meeting and post-test in the last meeting to
both classes (experimental and controlled classes) to know the students’
achievement after the using of clustering technique on their writing recount text
and without using clustering technique.
1. The Score of Experimental Class’ Pre-test and Post-test
The data of experimental class were collected from the result of the students’
score of pre-test and post-test in class X.2. For the complete score, it can be seen
in the APPENDIX 1.
Based on the result of pre-test in experimental class, the highest score and the
lowest score in the experimental class those consist of 20 students. In pre-test, the
highest score was 73 obtained only by one student and the lowest score in pre-test
was 35 obtained by one student. The mean score of the pretest was 49.75. From
that data, it could be seen that most of the experimental students’ writing ability in
writing recount text was still very low.
In post-test, the mean score of post-test was improved and it was 66.
Moreover, the mean of gained score was 16.25. The highest score of post-test was
80 obtained by two students and the lowest score in post-test was 43 obtained only
by one student.


2. The Score of Controlled Class’ Pre-test and Post-test

The data of controlled class were collected from the result of the students’
score of pre-test and post-test in class X.1. For the complete score, it can be seen
in the APPENDIX 2.
Based on the result of pre-test in controlled class, it can be showed that the
highest score and the lowest score in the controlled class which consisted of 20
students. In pre-test score, the highest score was 65 obtained by two students and
the lowest score was 38 obtained by three students. The mean score of pre-test
was 49.95. From that data, it could be seen that most of the controlled students’
writing ability in writing recount text was also still very low.
In post-test, the mean score of post-test was improved and it was 58.35 and the
mean of gained score was 8.4. The highest score of post-test was 79 obtained only
by one student and the lowest score in post-test was 38 obtained by three students.
Moreover, there were two students whom the pre-test score is higher than post-test
score. From the data description above, it could be concluded that there was still
positive improvement of the students’ achievement in learning writing recount
text although was not taught using clustering technique.

B. Data Analysis
1. Results of Pre-test of Experimental and Controlled Class
Here is the result of pre-test of experimental and controlled class based on
SPSS 22. The results were gained from the steps as follows: Analyze >
Description Statistic > Frequencies. Then put pretest into variables > Click
Statistic > Checklist the entire menu > Click OK. The table above shows the pre-
test result of experimental class:

Table 4.1
Table of Data Description of Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

The table above shows that the total students of experimental class, X.2,
consisted of 20 students. Mean score (49.75) of pretest in experimental class was
gained from the total or sum score (995) divided with the number of the students
(20). Median score was 48.50. Mode score from the table was 40. The mode is
defined as the element that appears most frequently in a given set of elements.
Range score was 38. The highest score of the pre-test in experimental class was 73
and the lowest was 35.
The results of pre-test score in controlled class of this research are presented in
the table 4.2:

Table 4.2
Table of Data Description of Pre-test Result of Controlled Class

The table above shows the pre-test data of class X.1 as the controlled class
was 20 with sum 999. Mean score was 49.95. Median and mode scores from the
data were 51.00 and 38. The highest score was 65 and the lowest score was 38.

2. Results of Post-test of Experimental and Controlled Class

The results of post-test of experimental and controlled class based on SPSS 22
were gained from the steps: Analyze > Description Statistic > Frequencies. Then
put posttest into variables > Statistic > Checklist the entire menu > Click OK. The
table above shows the pre-test result of experimental class

Table 4.3
Table of Data Description of Post-test Result of Experimental Class


N Valid 20

Missing 20
Mean 66.00
Median 65.50
Mode 78
Range 37
Minimum 43
Maximum 80
Sum 1320

a. Multiple modes exist. The

smallest value is shown

The table above shows that the data of class X.2 as the experimental class was
20 students. The total score of this class was 1320. The mean score of the data
was 66.00, and then the median data was 65.50. After the treatment, the highest
score in post-test of experimental class was 80 and the lowest score was 43.
The results of post-test score in controlled class of this research are presented
in the table 4.4:

Table 4.4
Table of Data Description of Post-test Result of Controlled Class


N Valid 20

Missing 20
Mean 58.35
Median 62.00
Mode 38
Range 41
Minimum 38
Maximum 79
Sum 1167

From the table above, the data of class X.1 as the controlled class was 20
students. The total score of this class was 1167 where it was lower than the
experimental class. The mean score was 58.35 and the median score was 41. The
highest score in post-test of controlled class was 79 and the lowest score was 38.

3. Normality Test
The result of normality test on both experimental and controlled class’ pre-test
and post-test was gained from Lilliefors test using SPSS 22. The test is determined
if the distribution of the data from the sample is normal. If the normality is more
than the level of significance α (0.05), scores will be normally distributed. The
steps are: Click Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore Fill variable on
dependent list and fill another variable on factor box Click Plots > checklist
Normality Plots with Tests > Continue > Ok.
The following was the results of normality test of the experimental and
controlled class’ pre-test:

Table 4.5
Normality Pre-test Results between Experimental and Controlled Class

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Kelas Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pretest Experiment .170 20 .134 .907 20 .055

Control .174 20 .115 .908 20 .059

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The result of the normality test above showed that the significance of the
experimental class were 0.134 and 0.055. The controlled were 0.115 and 0.059. It
means that the significance of both experimental and controlled class was higher
than (>) the degree of significance 5% (α = 0.05). Therefore, it could be
concluded that the data of both experimental and the controlled class’ pre-test was
normally distributed.
The following was the results of normality test of the experimental and
controlled class’ post-test:
Table 4.6
Normality Post-test Results between Experimental and Controlled Class

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Kelas Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Posttest Experiment .155 20 .200 .918 20 .092

Control .167 20 .146 .944 20 .281

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The result of the normality test above showed that the significance of the
experimental class were 0.200 and 0.092. The controlled class were 0.146 and
0.281. It means that the significance of both the experimental and controlled class
was higher than (>) the degree of significance 5% (α = 0.05). In addition, it could

be proved that the data of both the experimental and controlled class’ post-test
was normally distributed.

4. Homogeneity Test
After doing the normality test, the researcher continued to use
homogeneity test. Homogeneity test is used to test whether the data from the two
groups have the same variant in order the hypotheses can be tested using t-test. In
calculating homogeneity test, the researcher used Levene Statistic Test from SPSS
22. The steps are: Click Analyze > Compare means > One Way Anova > Fill
variable on dependent list and fill another variable on factor box > Click option >
Checklist Homogeneity of variance test > Continue > Ok. The following tables
contained the result of homogeneity from pre-test score between experimental and
controlled class.

Table 4.7
Homogeneity Pre-test Results between Experimental and Controlled Class

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.140 1 38 .711

Table 4.8
Homogeneity Post-test Results between Experimental and Controlled Class

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.313 1 38 .579

From the result of the Levene Statistic Test above, it could be seen that the
significance of the data from experimental and control’s pre-test score was 0.711
and the post-test was 0.579. It means the significance of the data was higher than

the significance degree (α = 0.05). The result of homogeneity test showed that
pre-test and post-test between experimental and controlled class had homogeny
distribution and can be tested using t-test.

e. Hypothesis Test
After doing the normality and homogeneity test, the researcher continued to
do hypothesis testing. Here, the researcher used comparative technique or
independent sample t-test to test the hypothesis. This was the crucial calculation to
answer the problem formulation of this research. The independent t-test was used
to see the significant difference in the post-test score of the experimental and the
controlled class after the given treatment.
After getting the data which are the result of students’ writing recount text
both of two classes, the researcher analyzed them by using statistic calculation of
the t-test formula as follows:
Table 4.9
The Comparison Score between Students in Experimental Class and
Students in Controlled Class

No X Y x = X-Mx y = Y - My x2 y2
1 10 4 -6.25 -4.4 39.06 19.36
2 19 5 2.75 -3.4 7.56 11.56
3 14 8 -2.25 -0.4 5.06 0.16
4 38 16 21.75 7.6 473.06 57.76
5 8 7 -8.25 -1.4 68.06 1.96
6 29 10 12.75 1.6 162.56 2.56
7 15 7 -1.25 -1.4 1.56 1.96
8 5 8 -11.25 -0.4 126.56 0.16
9 17 -3 0.75 -11.4 0.56 129.96
10 20 -2 3.75 -10.4 14.06 108.16
11 19 0 2.75 -8.4 7.56 70.56
12 27 12 10.75 3.6 115.56 12.96
13 30 16 13.75 7.6 189.06 57.76
14 12 12 -4.25 3.6 18.06 12.96
15 13 7 -3.25 -1.4 10.56 1.96
16 7 7 -9.25 -1.4 85.56 1.96

No X Y x = X-Mx y = Y - My x2 y2
17 9 5 -7.25 -3.4 52.56 11.56
18 14 14 -2.25 5.6 5.06 31.36
19 10 14 -6.25 5.6 39.06 31.36
20 9 21 -7.25 12.6 52.56 158.76
n=20 325 168 0 0 1473.75 724.8
Mean 16.25 8.4

X = the difference of the experimental class’ post and pre-test
Y = the difference of the controlled class’ post and pre-test
X2 = the degree of the difference of the experimental class’ post and pre-test
Y2 = the degree of the difference of the controlled class’ post and pre-test

After that, the researcher calculated the gained score by using t-test formula.
The formulation as followed:

1. Determining mean of Variable X:

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:

√ √ √

4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

√ √ √

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:

√ √

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:

√ √

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Y:

√( ) ( )

8. Determining with the formula:

Based on the calculation above, it showed that the result of the t-test from the
experimental and controlled class is 2.92.
After that, the researcher should find the degree of freedom. It is used to find
out the value of the t-test score in the t-table. To get the value of the t-test from the
t-table, the researcher used the value of the significant of 5% and 1%. The
procedure to get the degree of freedom is as follow:

( )
( )

Based on the calculation above, the degree of freedom (df) is 38 and the
critical value of the df 38 by using the degree of significance 5% is 2.02.
Moreover, the critical value of the df 38 by using the degree of significance 1% is
2.71 and the to is 2.92. It can be said that the result of the comparison between to
and ttable were 2.02 < 2.92 > 2.71. It means that there is a significant difference
between the score of pre-test and post-test.

The statistical hypothesis of this research could be seen as follows:

Ho : there is no significant difference between students’ achievement in writing

recount text using clustering technique and without using clustering
technique. It means that clustering technique is not effective to be used in
writing recount text.
H1 : there is significant difference between students’ achievement in writing
recount text using clustering technique and without using clustering
technique. It means that clustering technique is effective to be used in
writing recount text.
The assumption of this hypothesis is as follows:
1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is
rejected, it means that there is significant difference between students’
achievement in writing recount text using clustering technique and without
using clustering technique. The using of clustering technique is effective on
students’ writing recount text.
2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is
accepted. It means that there is no significant difference between students’
achievement in writing recount text using clustering technique and without
using clustering technique. The using of clustering technique is not effective
on students’ writing recount text.
Based on the description of the calculation above, it can be inferred that:
a) The value of ttable in the significance 1% is 2.71 and 5% is 2.02
b) The value of to is 2.92

c) So the result is 2.02 < 2.92 > 2.71. It means that to (t observation) is higher
than tt (t table).

Thus, it can be summarized that to tt (2.02 < 2.92 > 2.71) it means that the
null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The
research found empirical evidence that clustering technique is effective for the
students to learn writing recount text because there is a significant difference
students’ writing recount score after implementing clustering technique.

C. Data Interpretation
The discussion of this research is based on the research question, which was to
know the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of clustering technique on
students to learn writing recount text on the first grade at SMA Al-Hasra Depok.
Based on the post-test result was known that the students’ writing ability in
writing recount text showed the differences in both experimental and controlled
class. The mean of pre-test score in experimental class is 49.75. The mean of pre-
test score in controlled class is 49.95. Then, comparing with the mean of post-test
in experimental class is 66 and in controlled class is 58.35.
There were 20 students in each class (experimental and controlled class).
Therefore, degree of freedom (df) is (20+20) – 2 = 38. The critical value with df
38 of significance 5% is 2.02 and significance 1% is 2.71. The to is 2.92, it means
that to = 2.92 is higher that the degree of significance 1% and 5%, 2.02 < 2.92 >
2.71. Therefore, to is higher that tt which the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and
alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
From those results, it can be interpreted that post-test score of the
experimental class and controlled class increased better than the pre-test.
Although the mean of post-test score from both class increased, the experimental
class has more improvement than controlled class. Thus, it can be concluded that
clustering technique is an effective way to be used in learning writing recount text
for the first grade students at SMA Al-Hasra Depok.

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the
result of t-test formula to test the hypothesis of the research is supported the
effectiveness of clustering technique for students to learn writing recount text. The
researcher found mean score at post-test in experimental class (66.00) is higher
than post-test in controlled class (58.35). Students’ post-test score in experimental
class is ∑X = 1320 higher than in controlled class ∑X = 1167. After calculated the
whole formula, the researcher got the result that to = 2.92 and ttable from the
significance 5% and 1% are 2.02 and 2.71. It means that is 2.02 < 2.92 > 2.71.
The researcher can concluded that Null Hypothesis is rejected because to > ttable.. It
means that the answer of research problem was proven. There was a significant
difference in students’ achievement in writing recount text which was taught using
clustering technique.
From the previous description finally the researcher concluded that using
clustering technique is effective for the first grade students at SMA Al-Hasra
Depok to learn writing recount text. It can be seen from the research findings that
the students show their improvement significantly in writing recount text.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher suggests that the teacher should
be more creative in teaching recount writing to the students. One of the ways is by
using clustering technique. It should be done because the students can be more
interested and have more courage in pouring their ideas into writing. Moreover, in
clustering technique there is no right or wrong; the students only need to write all
their ideas that related to the topic, then they could omit their ideas if it not
appropriate. The teacher also should be more creative in providing the topic which
can make the students interested in writing activity.


The students also have to memorize more about irregular and regular verbs
because there were quite much the past forms that were used unsuitable from the
result of their recount writing. On the other hand, the students need more practice
outside the classroom to make them more creative in expanding their ideas using
clustering technique.

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world-Brief Edition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

Clouse, Barbara Fine. A Troubleshooting Guide for Writers. Fourth Edition. New
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Dietsh, Betty Mattix. Reasoning and Writing Well. New York: McGraw Hill,

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writing.html, 2012.

Hyland, Ken. Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,



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Irmscher, William F. Ways of Writing. United States of America: McGraw-Hill:


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2014. Unpulbished.

Table of the students’ scores in Experimental class (X)

Students Posttest Pretest Gained

1 62 52 10
2 65 46 19
3 78 64 14
4 80 42 38
5 43 35 8
6 70 41 29
7 65 50 15
8 43 38 5
9 69 52 17
10 60 40 20
11 61 42 19
12 78 51 27
13 70 40 30
14 61 49 12
15 78 65 13
16 80 73 7
17 80 71 9
18 54 40 14
19 66 56 10
20 57 48 9
∑ 1320 995 325
Mean 66 49.75 16.25

In pre-test, the highest score was 73 obtained only by one student and the
lowest score in pre-test was 35 obtained by one student. The mean score of the
pretest was 49.75.
In post-test, the mean score of post-test was improved and it was 66.
Moreover, the mean gained score was 16.25. The highest score of post-test was 80
obtained by two students and the lowest score in post-test was 43 obtained only by
one student.


Table of the students’ scores in controlled class (Y)

Students Post-test Pre-test Gained

1 60 56 4
2 55 50 5
3 62 54 8
4 68 52 16
5 50 43 7
6 68 58 10
7 64 57 7
8 62 54 8
9 38 41 -3
10 38 40 -2
11 38 38 0
12 52 40 12
13 76 60 16
14 50 38 12
15 45 38 7
16 72 65 7
17 63 58 5
18 79 65 14
19 64 50 14
20 63 42 21
∑ 1167 999 168
Mean 58.35 49.95 8.4

In pre-test score, the highest score was 65 obtained by two students and the
lowest score was 38 obtained by three students. The mean score of pre-test was
In post-test, the mean score of post-test was improved and it was 58.35 and the
mean gained score was 8.4. The highest score of post-test was 79 obtained only by
one student and the lowest score in post-test was 38 obtained by three students.



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X (Sepuluh)
Semester : 1 (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian Bentuk Contoh
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Kompetensi Instrumen Instrumen
Mengungkapkan 1. Teks Essai 1. Mendengarkan dan  Menjelaskan Tes Essay Complete the 1. Buku
makna dan berbentuk memperhatikan definisi dari teks Tulis story paket
langkah-langkah Recount penjelasan guru Recount yang
retorika tentang teks recount relevan
secara akurat, 2. Ciri  Mengidentifikasi
lancar dan kebahasaan 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan 2. Cerita
berterima dengan Teks Essai generic structure dari komunikatif teks Recount
menggunakan berbentuk teks recount recount dalam
ragam bahasa Recount 2 x 45 bahasa
tulis dalam 3. Menyebutkan  Menyebutkan menit Inggris
Write a
konteks 3. Tujuan language features langkah retorika story based
kehidupan komunikatif yang ada didalam dan ciri 3. Internet
on the
sehari-hari dalam teks recount text kebahasaan teks gopic given
teks berbentuk: Recount recount
recount, 4. Memberikan contoh
narrative, dan 4. Langkah recount text
procedure retorika

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian Bentuk Contoh
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Kompetensi Instrumen Instrumen
5. Membuat draft teks  Membangun
recount dengan pemahaman
melakukan chain siswa tentang teks
writing Recount sehngga
mereka mampu
6. Siswa menulis memproduksi
sebuah teks recount sebuah teks
sederhana sederhana yang
berdasarkan draft berbentuk
yang sudah dibuat. Recount

7. Memberikan tugas
individu tentang
recount text dengan
topic yang berbeda



Nama Sekolah : SMA Al-Hasra Depok

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1 (Kelas Eksperimen)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran : Recount
Pertemuan Ke : 1 (Satu)

A. Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan

B. Kompetensi Dasar
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative,
dan procedure

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

a. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks recount
c. Menulis teks berbentuk recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
a. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam
menulis teks recount
c. Peserta didik mampu menyusun ide dalam menulis teks recount
d. Peserta didik mampu membuat karangan berbentuk teks recount
menggunakan teknik Clustering
E. Materi Pembelajaran
Recount Text
What is recount text?
A recount is a type of written text that retelling a story, action or activity
especially relateded to experiences.

What are the purposes?

The purposes of recount text are to inform, entertain, and reflect.
Examples of recount text:
 Diary journal
 Personal letter
 Historical recount, etc

What are the characteristics of recount text?

a. Orientation : Provides the reader with background information
needed to understand the text, e.g. who, when, where
b. Sequences of events : Series of events typically ordered in chronological
c. Re-orientation : A summary statement/an evaluative comment/a
return to the starting point

The language feature of recount text

1. Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
2. Using linking verb
3. Using action verb
4. Using past tense

F. Media pembelajaran
1. Media : Cerita mengenai recount text dari buku paket siswa
2. Alat : Spido dan papan tulis
3. Sumber : Internet dan buku paket

G. Metode pembelajaran
 Individu
 Tanya jawab

H. Tahapan pembelajaran
Kegiatan awal (10-15 menit)
 Guru membuka pertemuan dengan mengucapkan salam dan
memeriksa kehadiran siswa
 Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dan motivasi sebelum
memulai pelajaran
 Guru menjelaskan kegiatan pembelajaran, recount text, yang
akan diberikan kepada peserta didik

Kegiatan Inti
Elaborasi (60-70 menit)
 Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru mengenai
definisi, tujuan, karateristik, dan language feature dari teks
 Guru memberikan contoh teks recount kepada peserta didik
untuk dipelajari
 Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik mengenai teks recount
yang diberikan
 Guru bersama dengan peserta didik menganalisa pola paragraf
dan struktur kebahasaan teks recount
 Guru memperkenalkan teknik Clustering dan menjelaskannya
kepada peserta didik
 Peserta didik diminta untuk membuat suatu karangan recount
teks secara individu
 Peserta didik diberikan topik ‘Personal recount’ untuk
membuat paragraf recount sesuai dengan pola yang sudah
diajarkan dengan mengunnakan teknik clustering
 Peserta didik menyusun teks recount

Penutup dan konfirmasi (10 menit)

 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk
bertanya mengenai materi yang telah diberikan sebelum
kegiatan belajar mengajar berakhir
 Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah dipelajari
 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama Kegiatan Belajar
 Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah untuk melanjutkan
karangan mereka sebagai latihan

I. Penilaian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

1. Memajami struktur Lisan Tanya Jawab
dan ciri
kebahasaan yang
ada dalam reount
2. Menyusun ide Teks tertulis Essay
untuk menyusun
paragraf recount
3. Menulis teks esai
dalm bentuk

Format kriteria penilaian

Scoring Description
Scale Quality
Knowledgeable – substantive
Excellent to – thorough – development of
30-27 thesis – relevant to assigned
very good
Some knowledge of subject –
adequate range – limited
Good to development of thesis –
average mostly relevant to topic, but
Content lacks detail
Limited knowledge of subject
21-17 Fair to poor – little substance – inadequate
development of topic
Does not show knowledge of
subject – non-substantive – not
16-13 Very poor pertinent – or not enough to
Fluent expression – ideas
Excellent to clearly stated/supported –
20-18 succinct – well-organized –
very good
logical sequencing – cohesive
Somewhat choppy – loosely
Good to organized but main idea stand
17-14 out – limited support – logical
Organizati average
but incomplete sequencing
Non-fluent – ideas confused or
13-10 Fair to poor disconnected – lacks logical
sequencing and development
Does not communicate – no
9-7 Very poor organization – or not enough
to evaluate
Excellent to Sophisticated range – effective
Vocabulary 20-18
very good word/idiom choice and usage
– word form mastery –
appropriate register
Adequate range – frequent
Good to errors of word/idiom form,
17-14 choice, usage but meaning not
Limited range – frequent
errors of word/idiom form,
13-10 Fair to poor choice, usage – meaning
confused or obscured
Essentially translation – little
knowledge of English
9-7 Very poor vocabulary, idioms, word form
– or not enough to evaluate
Effective complex
constructions – few errors of
Excellent to agreement, tense, number,
very good word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions
Effective but simple
constructions – minor
problems in complex
Good to constructions – several errors
21-18 of agreement, tense, number,
word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions but
meaning seldom obscured
use Major problems in
simple/complex constructions
– frequent errors of negation,
agreement, tense, number,
17-11 Fair to poor word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions, and/or
fragments, run-ons, deletions –
meaning confused or obscured
Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction rules –
10-5 Very poor dominated by errors – does not
communicate – or not enough
to evaluate
Demonstrates mastery of
Excellent to
Mechanics 5 conventions – few errors of
very good
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing
Occasional errors of spelling,
Good to punctuation, capitalization,
4 paragraphing, but meaning not
Frequent errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
3 Fair to poor paragraphing – poor
handwriting – meaning
confused or obscured
No mastery conventions –
dominant by errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
2 Very poor paragraphing – handwriting
illegible – or not enough to
Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use + Mechanics =

Depok, 10 Agustus 2015

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris, Peneliti,

Rismayanti Rangkuti Miryanti

NUPTK. 1859761662300052 NIM. 1111014000028

Nama Sekolah : SMA Al-Hasra Depok

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1 (Kelas Eksperimen)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran : Recount
Pertemuan Ke : 2 (Dua)

A. Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan

B. Kompetensi Dasar
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative,
dan procedure

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

a. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks recount
c. Menulis teks berbentuk recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
a. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam
menulis teks recount
c. Peserta didik mampu merubah kata kedalam bentuk past tense dalam
membuat kalimat
d. Peserta didik mampu menyusun ide dalam menulis teks recount
menggunakan teknik Clustering

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Recount Text
What is recount text?
A recount is a type of written text that retelling a story, action or activity
especially relateded to experiences.
What are the purposes?
The purposes of recount text are to inform, entertain, and reflect.
Examples of recount text:
 Diary journal
 Personal letter
 Historical recount, etc

What are the characteristics of recount text?

a. Orientation : Provides the reader with background information
needed to understand the text, e.g. who, when, where
b. Sequences of events : Series of events typically ordered in chronological
c. Re-orientation : A summary statement/an evaluative comment/a
return to the starting point

The language feature of recount text

1. Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
2. Using linking verb
3. Using action verb
4. Using past tense
Contoh penggunaan Teknik Clustering:

My Last Family
grandma’ Holiday,
s house August


moment Took a bath

Laugh 1st day Slippery

Brother and Kitchen

his friends Cried

Terrible day
I would like to tell you about my terrible day on last holiday. It was
happened on August 2013. At that time, I went to my grandma’s house with my
family by car, actually it is my aunt’s. My grandma’s is located in Pacitan, East
Java. I was very happy because I didn’t get any traffic on the road, so it didn’t
take much time. But my happiness turned into sadness for having some terrible
accidents on my first day in my grandma’s.
It happened on my first day. I woke up earlier to see the beautiful scenery
in the morning. I had an idea to walk arround my grandma’s but before that I
would like to take a bath first, so I decided to have a shower. My grandma’s
bathroom and kitchen are separated from the house. The bath room is located
outside the house actually. So, I had to walk through the kitchen first. When I
passed the kitchen, I saw everything was black for it’s smoke from the traditional
stove and the smell was very so disgusting, so I decided to run from them. But
unfortunately, the floor was so slippery then I fell right in front of the bathroom.
I didn’t realize that my brother and his friends were outside too. They
were looking at me and laughed out loud. I was very embarrassed. I cried and I
ran to my bed room. And I swear for not doing that stupid thing again. What a
terrible day it was!

F. Media pembelajaran
1. Media : Cerita mengenai recount text
2. Alat : Spido dan papan tulis
3. Sumber : Internet dan buku paket

G. Metode pembelajaran
 Individu dan berpasangan
 Tanya jawab

H. Tahapan pembelajaran
Kegiatan awal (10-15 menit)
 Guru membuka pertemuan dengan mengucapkan salam dan
memeriksa kehadiran siswa
 Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dan motivasi sebelum
memulai pelajaran
 Guru menjelaskan kegiatan pembelajaran, recount text, yang
akan diberikan kepada peserta didik
Kegiatan Inti
Elaborasi (60-70 menit)
 Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru mengenai
definisi, tujuan, karateristik, dan language feature dari teks
 Peserta didik dibagi menjadi berpasang-pasangan
 Guru memberikan soal mengenai beberapa kalimat yang harus
dirubah kedalam bentuk past tense secara berpasangan
 Peserta didik mengerjakan soal tersebut secara berpasangan
 Peserta didik diminta untuk duduk seperti semula (tidak
 Guru menjelaskan kembali tentang teknik clustering
 Guru membuat sebuah contoh pola clustering dan menyusun
sebuah cerita dipapan tulis dengan topik ‘Terrible day’
 Peserta didik memperhatikan contoh yang diberikan
 Peserta didik diminta untuk membuat suatu pola karangan
recount dengan topik ‘Personal recount’ menggunakan teknik
clustering secara individu
 Peserta didik menyusun bagan karangan dengan teknik

Penutup dan konfirmasi (10 menit)

 Guru mengumpulkan hasil kerja peseerta didik untuk dijadikan
bahan karangan dipertemuan selanjutnya
 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk
bertanya mengenai materi yang telah diberikan sebelum
kegiatan belajar mengajar berakhir
 Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah dipelajari
 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama Kegiatan Belajar

I. Penilaian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

1. Memajami struktur Lisan Tanya Jawab
dan ciri
kebahasaan yang
ada dalam reount
2. Menyusun ide Teks tertulis Essay
untuk menyusun
paragraf recount
3. Menulis teks esai
dalm bentuk

Format kriteria penilaian

Scoring Description
Scale Quality
Knowledgeable – substantive
Excellent to – thorough – development of
30-27 thesis – relevant to assigned
very good
Some knowledge of subject –
adequate range – limited
Good to development of thesis –
average mostly relevant to topic, but
Content lacks detail
Limited knowledge of subject
21-17 Fair to poor – little substance – inadequate
development of topic
Does not show knowledge of
subject – non-substantive – not
16-13 Very poor pertinent – or not enough to
Fluent expression – ideas
Excellent to clearly stated/supported –
20-18 succinct – well-organized –
very good
logical sequencing – cohesive
Somewhat choppy – loosely
Good to organized but main idea stand
17-14 out – limited support – logical
Organizati average
but incomplete sequencing
Non-fluent – ideas confused or
13-10 Fair to poor disconnected – lacks logical
sequencing and development
Does not communicate – no
9-7 Very poor organization – or not enough
to evaluate
Sophisticated range – effective
Excellent to
Vocabulary 20-18 word/idiom choice and usage
very good
– word form mastery –
appropriate register
Adequate range – frequent
Good to errors of word/idiom form,
17-14 choice, usage but meaning not
Limited range – frequent
errors of word/idiom form,
13-10 Fair to poor choice, usage – meaning
confused or obscured
Essentially translation – little
knowledge of English
9-7 Very poor vocabulary, idioms, word form
– or not enough to evaluate
Effective complex
constructions – few errors of
Excellent to agreement, tense, number,
very good word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions
Effective but simple
constructions – minor
problems in complex
Good to constructions – several errors
21-18 of agreement, tense, number,
word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions but
meaning seldom obscured
use Major problems in
simple/complex constructions
– frequent errors of negation,
agreement, tense, number,
17-11 Fair to poor word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions, and/or
fragments, run-ons, deletions –
meaning confused or obscured
Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction rules –
10-5 Very poor dominated by errors – does not
communicate – or not enough
to evaluate
Demonstrates mastery of
Excellent to conventions – few errors of
Mechanics 5 spelling, punctuation,
very good
capitalization, paragraphing
Occasional errors of spelling,
Good to punctuation, capitalization,
4 paragraphing, but meaning not
Frequent errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
3 Fair to poor paragraphing – poor
handwriting – meaning
confused or obscured
No mastery conventions –
dominant by errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
2 Very poor paragraphing – handwriting
illegible – or not enough to
Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use + Mechanics =

Depok, 14 Agustus 2015

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris, Peneliti,

Rismayanti Rangkuti Miryanti

NUPTK. 1859761662300052 NIM. 1111014000028

Nama Sekolah : SMA Al-Hasra Depok

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1 (Kelas control)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran : Recount
Pertemuan Ke : 1 (Satu)

A. Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan

B. Kompetensi Dasar
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative,
dan procedure

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

a. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks recount
c. Menulis teks berbentuk recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
a. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam
menulis teks recount
c. Peserta didik mampu menulis teks berbentuk recount

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Recount Text
What is recount text?
A recount is a type of written text that retelling a story, action or activity
especially relateded to experiences.

What are the purposes?

The purposes of recount text are to inform, entertain, and reflect.
Examples of recount text:
 Diary journal
 Personal letter
 Historical recount, etc

What are the characteristics of recount text?

a. Orientation : Provides the reader with background information
needed to understand the text, e.g. who, when, where
b. Sequences of events : Series of events typically ordered in chronological
c. Re-orientation : A summary statement/an evaluative comment/a
return to the starting point

F. Media pembelajaran
1. Media : Cerita mengenai recount text dari buku paket siswa
2. Alat : Spidol dan papan tulis
3. Sumber : Internet dan buku paket English Alive, senior high school
grade 1, Mulyono, 2011, Yudhistira

G. Metode pembelajaran
 Individu
 Tanya jawab

H. Tahapan pembelajaran
Kegiatan awal (10-15 menit)
 Guru membuka pertemuan dengan mengucapkan salam dan
memeriksa kehadiran siswa
 Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dan motivasi sebelum
memulai pelajaran
 Guru menjelaskan kegiatan pembelajaran, recount text, yang
akan diberikan kepada peserta didik
Kegiatan Inti
Elaborasi (60-70 menit)
 Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru mengenai
definisi, tujuan, karateristik, dan language feature dari teks
 Guru memberikan contoh teks recount kepada peserta didik
untuk dipelajari
 Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik mengenai teks recount
yang diberikan
 Guru bersama dengan peserta didik menganalisa pola paragraf
dan struktur kebahasaan teks recount
 Peserta didik diberikan topik ‘Personal recount’ untuk
membuat paragraf recount sesuai dengan pola yang sudah
diajarkan secara individu.
 Peserta didik menyusun teks recount
 Membuat draft teks recount secara mandiri

Penutup dan konfirmasi (10 menit)

 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk
bertanya mengenai materi yang telah diberikan sebelum
kegiatan belajar mengajar berakhir
 Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah dipelajari
 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama Kegiatan Belajar
 Guru memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

I. Penilaian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

1. Memajami struktur Lisan Tanya Jawab
dan ciri
kebahasaan yang
ada dalam reount
2. Menulis teks esai Teks tertulis Essay
dalm bentuk

Format kriteria penilaian

Scoring Description
Scale Quality
Knowledgeable – substantive
Excellent to – thorough – development of
30-27 thesis – relevant to assigned
very good
Some knowledge of subject –
Content adequate range – limited
Good to development of thesis –
average mostly relevant to topic, but
lacks detail
21-17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject
– little substance – inadequate
development of topic
Does not show knowledge of
subject – non-substantive – not
16-13 Very poor pertinent – or not enough to
Fluent expression – ideas
Excellent to clearly stated/supported –
20-18 succinct – well-organized –
very good
logical sequencing – cohesive
Somewhat choppy – loosely
Good to organized but main idea stand
17-14 out – limited support – logical
Organizati average
but incomplete sequencing
Non-fluent – ideas confused or
13-10 Fair to poor disconnected – lacks logical
sequencing and development
Does not communicate – no
9-7 Very poor organization – or not enough
to evaluate
Sophisticated range – effective
Excellent to word/idiom choice and usage
20-18 – word form mastery –
very good
appropriate register
Adequate range – frequent
Good to errors of word/idiom form,
17-14 choice, usage but meaning not
Vocabulary Limited range – frequent
errors of word/idiom form,
13-10 Fair to poor choice, usage – meaning
confused or obscured
Essentially translation – little
knowledge of English
9-7 Very poor vocabulary, idioms, word form
– or not enough to evaluate
Effective complex
constructions – few errors of
Excellent to agreement, tense, number,
Language 25-22
very good word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions
21-18 Good to Effective but simple
average constructions – minor
problems in complex
constructions – several errors
of agreement, tense, number,
word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions but
meaning seldom obscured
Major problems in
simple/complex constructions
– frequent errors of negation,
agreement, tense, number,
17-11 Fair to poor word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions, and/or
fragments, run-ons, deletions –
meaning confused or obscured
Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction rules –
10-5 Very poor dominated by errors – does not
communicate – or not enough
to evaluate
Demonstrates mastery of
Excellent to conventions – few errors of
5 spelling, punctuation,
very good
capitalization, paragraphing
Occasional errors of spelling,
Good to punctuation, capitalization,
4 paragraphing, but meaning not
Frequent errors of spelling,
Mechanics punctuation, capitalization,
3 Fair to poor paragraphing – poor
handwriting – meaning
confused or obscured
No mastery conventions –
dominant by errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
2 Very poor paragraphing – handwriting
illegible – or not enough to
Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use + Mechanics =
Depok, 7 Agustus 2015

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris, Peneliti,

Rismayanti Rangkuti Miryanti

NUPTK. 1859761662300052 NIM. 1111014000028

Nama Sekolah : SMA Al-Hasra Depok

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1 (Kelas control)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran : Recount
Pertemuan Ke : 2 (Dua)

A. Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan

B. Kompetensi Dasar
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative,
dan procedure

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

a. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks recount
b. Memahami struktur paragraf dan ciri kebahasaan yang ada dalam teks
c. Memahami isi dan makna dari paragraf recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
a. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks recount
b. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam
menulis teks recount
c. Peserta didik mampu mengaplikasikan jenis tenses yang tepat (past tense)
dalam menulis teks recount
d. Peserta didik mampu mengisi pertanyaan berdasarkan teks recount

E. Materi Pembelajaran

How Could I Hide My Face?

One afternoon a month ago, I was very
hungry. As I didn’t cook anything for lunch, I
decided to go to a café about a hundred meters
from my boarding house.
I changed my trousers and shirt then left for
the café by myself because my roommate hadn’t
come yet from the school. As soon as I got to the
café, I ordered the meal with fresh vegetable
soup that seemed very delicious in the hot day,
and also a glass of ice tea.
When they were served, I eagerly ate up
the meal and soup and drank the tea. I was
satisfied and it was the time to pay. I grabbed my
trousers’ pocket and I was shocked. My hand
didn’t feel any wallet there. I felt so embarrassed
that I didn’t dare to see the faces of the
Sequence of events
customers. My body stayed still on the chair and
began sweating.
I tried to control myself in front of the
people. I collected my courage to come to the
cashier to say something. Feeling uneasy, I told
her that I left my wallet in the other trousers at
the boarding house and promised to take it and
come back soon. Some customers looked at me. I
thought I must hide my face. She nodded and
said it was not a matter. Finally, I ran to the
house and got back with the money. I gave it to
her and came out of the café.
What a relief! Such embarrassing moment
must not happen again to me.

1. Why did she have an embarrassing moment?
2. What did the cashier do to her?
3. Write three chronological events about the story above!

A recount is a type of written text that retelling a story, action or

activity especially relateded to experiences.

The generic structures of recount are:

1. Orientation : Provides the reader with background
information needed to understand the text, e.g. who, when, where
2. Sequences of events : Series of events typically ordered in
chronological order
3. Re-orientation : A summary statement/an evaluative
comment/a return to the starting point

The common grammatical patterns of a recount include:

a. Use of past tense, e.g. I didn’t cook
b. Use of sequence makers or enumerators, e.g. As soon as I got to the
c. Use of adjectives, e.g. I felt so embarrassed

F. Media pembelajaran
1. Media : Cerita mengenai recount text dari buku paket siswa
2. Alat : Spidol dan papan tulis
3. Sumber : Internet dan buku paket

G. Metode pembelajaran
 Individu
 Tanya jawab

H. Tahapan pembelajaran
Kegiatan awal (10-15 menit)
 Guru membuka pertemuan dengan mengucapkan salam dan
memeriksa kehadiran siswa
 Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dan motivasi sebelum
memulai pelajaran
 Guru menjelaskan kegiatan pembelajaran, recount text, yang
akan diberikan kepada peserta didik

Kegiatan Inti
Elaborasi (60-70 menit)
 Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru mengenai
definisi, tujuan, karateristik, dan language feature dari teks
 Guru memberikan contoh teks recount kepada peserta didik
untuk dipelajari
 Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik mengenai teks recount
yang diberikan
 Guru bersama dengan peserta didik menganalisa pola paragraf
dan struktur kebahasaan teks recount
 Guru memberikan soal yang berhubungan dengan cerita
recount dengan cara mendikte siswa
 Peserta didik diminta untuk menjawab soal tersebut secara

Penutup dan konfirmasi (10 menit)

 Peserta didik diminta untuk mengumpulkan tugas yang telah
 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk
bertanya mengenai materi yang telah diberikan sebelum
kegiatan belajar mengajar berakhir
 Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah dipelajari
 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama Kegiatan Belajar

I. Penilaian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

1. Memajami Lisan Tanya Jawab
struktur dan ciri
kebahasaan yang
ada dalam reount
2. Mengisi soal Tulis Mengisi soal essay
yang behubungan
dengan cerita
recount yang
telah diberi

Format kriteria penilaian

1. Why did she have an embarrassing moment? Explain it briefly! Bobot

Nilai: 15
2. What did the cashier do to her? Explain it briefly! Bobot nilai: 10
3. Write three chronological events about the story above! Explain it! Bobot
nilai: 25

Jumlah jawaban benar:

Bobot nilai diambil dari soal cerita

15 + 10 + 25 = 50 x 2 = 100
Mengetahui, Depok, 12 Agustus 2015
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris, Peneliti,

Rismayanti Rangkuti Miryanti

NUPTK. 1859761662300052 NIM. 1111014000028

Pre-test of Experimental Class

Post-test of Experimental Class
Pre-test of Experimental Class
Post-test of Experimental Class
Pre-test of Controlled Class
Post-test of Controlled Class
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Post-test of Controlled Class

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