Project Inglês

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• The statue of Zeus is among
History of the the 7 wonders of the world.
• The Temple of Zeus was
built in 466 BC.

• Statue of Zeus in Olympia

was a giant seated figure,
about 13 meters high.
What is special about this
• There was a legend that when Zeus frowned,
all Olympus trembled. When the statue was
built, the rivalry between Athens and Sparta
for hegemony in the Mediterranean and
mainland Greece plunged the Greeks into a
succession of wars. The fighting, however,
did not harm the cultural and artistic
achievements of the time. On the contrary,
the fifth century B.C. became known as the
golden century in Greek history because of
the extraordinary flourishing of architecture,
sculpture, and other arts.
Your destruction:
• In 391 AD, Roman Emperor
Theodosius I banned
participation in pagan cults
and closed the temples. The
shrine at Olympia fell into

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