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Project: proposed Residential Building for ..

Subject: agreement for Architectural Design services.

Enclosed are two copies of our agreement outlining the scope of work & professional fees in greater detail, with
reference to the above please note the following, viz:,

1. Our scope of work comprises of architectural design services which would be pertaining only to civil
works, electrical drawings, plumbing layouts....etc.
2. We would be charging---------------6%------------------------fees on total cost of work.
3. As regards the sanction from local authorities, you would be get this done either through architect /
engineer, as per the site location.

We would really appreciate it, if you could go through the attached copies& return one copy duly signed so that we
enter into a mutual agreement, which will be formalised.

With best of our services at all times,

Regards & best wishes,

Anand Pandurangi




Mr. Is proposing to do a new building at—

Proposal by

The design is submitted by ANAND PANDURANGI & ASSOCIATES. Which has its office at
3rd Floor KCCI building JC Nagar ,opposite Nehru stadium hubli,580029




This proposal is for the complete architectural work, this includes all detailed civil drawings necessary for execution

Doors/windows, electrical drawings, plumbing layouts, flooring, painting, waterproofing, railing, structural
drawings....etc for which architects services are required. All this cost constitutes total cost of the project. The fees
will be worked on this cost.

Scope of services

Design stage

Prepare detailed design brief/concept design

ANP will obtain from the client all the information pertaining to the proposed works the functional requirements of the
building and prepare a concept plan of the proposed interiors for the client’s approval.

Preliminary design

ANP will modify the conceptual designs incorporating client required changes and prepare preliminary
design drawings.

Pre construction works

Statutory permissions

ANP will furnish the necessary information in terms of drawings, required for obtaining the permission.
Further to which the client /architect will appoint the required agency to obtain the permissions
required for the project. All permissions required are to be obtained by the clients. ANP will be
responsible for permissions required. In any approvals for the plans that have been mutually agreed
upon by the clients are to be obtained then it is the client’s responsibility to obtain them.

As per new guidelines HDMC will take quite sometime to sanction permission to start work.

ANP will be made aware of all the legal issues that may be relevant to the execution of the design on the

ANP shall not be held responsible for delays and inconveniences caused due to stoppage of work by the
society, unless rules that we have been made aware of have been flaunted.

The client’s responsibility is to ensure that all the requisite permissions needed for the project have
been applied for. ANP will furnish the necessary information in terms of drawings, required for obtaining
the permission.

Design development

-ANP will with the approval of client identity, the materials to be used for the civil, carpentry, plumbing
and electrical works.

-ANP will detail the carpentry and civil works and develop the details and finalize. The look, feel and
texture of the space.

-ANP will identify vendors for materials to be bought out.

Award of contract

ANP will make a BOQ based on the quantum of works and the specifications as discussed with the
clients. At least three quotes will be invited from different contractors and the works will be awarded to
the most competitive bidder in consultation of with the client. The works shall be executed by the
appointed contractor or contractors.

A work order detailing the scope of works will be given to the contractors by the clients. ANP will
prepare the drafts for the same and forward it to the clients. Items added after this will be treated as
extra items for which a separate Bill will be submitted by the contractors.

Construction stage

Construction drawings

ANP will prepare detailed working drawings to enable the contractors to complete the work. ANP will
not however, be required to prepare bar bending schedules or shop drawings and this will be in the
Supervision during construction

ANP will carry out occasional supervision of works by means of periodic site visits as and when needed.
ANP will supervise the execution of works to see to it that the works are done as per vision and detail as
discussed and agreed upon between the clients and ANP. In case the clients observe some discrepancy
or want to change any aspect of materials or design or working detail, they should immediately contact
ANP and discuss the issue with ANP. Clients are advised not to deal directly with the contractors.

If the client requires full-time supervision of the works at site then with help of ANP a clerk of works or
local Engg will be appointed directly by the clients.

Thus we always prefer a known & well experienced ,qualified contractor for this work.

Quality control

ANP will reject works that are not up-to the satisfaction of them. Such rejected works will have to be
redone by the contractors at their own cost.

Any work rejected by ANP will not be accepted by the client as satisfactory.


Professional fees

That the client shall pay ANP professional fees at ........6%(six) on the total cost of works or a minimum of
Rs ........................./- ( .................................................................only) whichever is more. No fees are
charged for those items of work for which ANP’s services are not required. The fees shall remain firm for
the project completion time, as mutually decided by ANP and client, from the date of starting the work
at site.

No deductions shall be made from the remuneration of ANP on account of penalty liquidated damages,
part rates or other sums withheld from payment to the contractors.


In addition to the fees payable, the client shall reimburse the actual expenses for the following.

For extra copies of drawings (beyond normal 6 copies)

Any out of pocket expenses incurred during the process of obtaining sanctions from the authorities. (By
prior approval of the clients)

Any expenses incurred in procuring special samples for the project. (by prior approval of the clients)

Cost of presentation models, computer simulations, presentation drawings etc, prepared at the instance
of the client for purpose other than design and execution of the project.
Outstation visits in connection with the project for which ANP and/ or their consultants would be
required to go, then actual airfare or 2 nd AC train fare, local transportation, hotel accommodation and in
addition to this, out of pocket expenses up to Rs............/- per day based on actual would be paid.


As per the notification issued by the government of India Central Excise Department ANP will charge the
clients a service tax on the total value of professional fees and all reimbursable(like travel bills etc.) as
applicable as on date.

In case the payments are delayed for more than one month at a time, client shall pay ANP interest as
per the present prime lending rate as applicable.

Stages of payment

For the professional fees as calculated above, the stages of payment would be as follows.

Stages of work % of fees

(paid on completion of that particular stage)
1. Retainer Lump sum of Rs.....25000.................../- on
2. On approval of concept plans ........% of total fees
3. On submission of detailed layout, ........% of total fees
elevations, sections and preliminary
4. On starting of works ........% of total fees
5. On completion of 50% of civil works ........% of total fees
6. On completion of 50% carpentry work ........% of total fees
7. On completion of 75% of carpentry work ........% of total fees
8. On completion of 75% of all work except ........% of total fees
9. On completion of work ........% of total fees
Total 100%

Responsibility of the client

The client shall discharge all their obligations connected with the project and engagement of ANP will be
as follows.

1. To provide detailed requirements of the project.

2. To provide relevant details, existing services, and common outlets to which proposed services
can be connected.
3. To furnish specific conditions/ statutory stipulations/ codes of practice/ schedule of rates, etc.
desired to be followed.
4. To pay all the fees, levies, security deposits and expenses in respect of statutory sanctions.
5. To make payments to the contractors after certification of the bills and ANP’s bills within 15
6. To give immediate approvals and comments on drawings and relevant documents that affects
the progress of work on site.
7. To give effect to the professional advice of ANP and cause no changes in the drawings and
documents without the consent of ANP.

Execution of the assignment

ANP shall discharge all their duties as listed below.

1. ANP shall keep the clients informed about the progress of work.
2. ANP shall appoint specialized consultants where so required in consultation with the client,
if necessary.
3. ANP shall be responsible for the direction and integration of the consultants’ works. The
consultant however shall be fully responsible for the calculations, the detailed design and
periodic inspection and evaluation of the work entrusted on them. ANP shall, if requested
make available the design calculation.
4. ANP will advise the client on time schedule (bar chart/ PERT/CPM Network) prepared by the
contractor for the completion of work, if required.
5. ANP shall supply to the client, free of cost, up to six sets of drawings at different stages.
6. ANP shall not make deviations, alterations or omissions from the approved drawings,
involving financial implications without prior consent of the client.
7. Any professional services to be rendered by ANP at the instance of the client after the
agreed project completion period shall be compensated for mutually agreed terms.
8. ANP shall exercise all reasonable skills, care and diligence in the discharge of his duties and
shall exercise such general superintendence and inspections as may be necessary to ensure
that works are being executed in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

Time schedule

ANP shall, in consultation with the client, prepare a time schedule in respect of various
services to be rendered of client’s obligations. As per the discussions so far the time
schedule for the project seems to be ....18.....months .minimum.

General terms and conditions of engagement

1. That in accordance with the provisions of the copyright act, copyright on all drawings
and in the work executed from them will remain the property of ANP. Drawings and
specifications as instruments of service are the property of ANP and will not be used by
the client for any other work other than that which is specified in the agreement. These
drawings will not be given to any other party.
2. That in case the whole or any part of the works is postponed or curtailed and additional
services by ANP are necessary in connection with the resumption of such works, then
ANP shall be entitled to charge for such additional work. Mutually agreed by both
parties. That any major revision in the drawings and the details, once approved, are
required to be made by the client, shall be considered infractuous and shall be
compensated by clients as additional services rendered by ANP @ .........% of the fees
prescribed for the relevant stages.
3. That in case ANP performs partial services for any reason including the abandonment,
deferment, substitution or omission of any project and or works, or part thereof, or if
the services of the architect are terminated, the charges and payments in respect of the
services performed shall be in accordance to the stages of work completed.
4. That the client shall so far as the work under this agreement may require, furnish ANP
with the following information. A complete and accurate survey of the building site,
giving the grade and lines of the adjoining properties, the rights, restrictions, easements,
boundaries, and contours of the building site and full information as to the sewer, water
and electrical services.
5. That the agreement may be terminated by either party giving ONE MONTHS NOTICE to
the other.
6. All disputes or difference which may arise between the client and ANP under “
Conditions of Engagement and scale of charges” with regard to the meaning and
interpretation or matter or things done or to be done in pursuance hereof, such
disputes and differences shall be referred for arbitration to the Council of Architecture.
The arbitrator shall be appointed by the President, Council of Architecture. The
arbitration shall be conducted as per the provision of the Arbitration and Conciliation
act,1996. The decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding both on
ANP and the client. The decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding
both on id and the client.

For Ar. Anand Pandurangi

Present scene-
Basic planning & discussions & final approval by the client

Once agreed & signing off 15% of total fees to be paid so we start consulting our structural engineer

HDMC needs

Soil test report by a qualified lab- bvb college /or any

Detailed str. Drgs for submission to HDMC by a qualified (M.Tech) we have 3 consultants .

All floor plans/3D modeling for submission by architect

All relevant documents for submission to be provided by client.

& wait for the commencement certificate for further start of work on site

Necessary approval from HESCOM/any other govt agency for smooth functioning of work.

Appointment of contractor for execution as/drgs with his final Quote

Cost of work depends upon the specifications used we need to think on ..

All the agencies will be appointed In consultation with architect& client only….with quotes.

Trust the team u start working with.

All the drawings are copyright of the architect & don’t change without our knowledge unless we
mutually discuss to do so.

ANP works 100% with honesty & diligence & sincerity towards the end product.

Start on a good date for a Happy beginning

Thanking you,

Good day

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