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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IV / I
Tahun Ajaran : 2021 / 2022
Hari // Tanggal : Rabu, 21 juli 2022
Tema :1
Materi : a. mengenal beberapa greeting ( kata sapaan )
b. mengenal beberapa leave taking ( kata selamat tinggal )
c. the response of greeting and leave taking
d. examples
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 meahami ungkapan greeting dan perkenalann diri

A. Mengenal beberapa kata sapaan ( greeting )

Greeting ( kata sapaan )
1. Good morning : selamat pagi
2. Good evening : selamat sore
3. Good afternoon : selamat siang
4. Good night : selamat malam ( mau tidur )
5. Hello / Hi : hello / hai
6. How are you ; apa kabar
7. Nice to meet you : senang bertemu kamu

B. Mengenal beberapa kata sapaan ( leave taking )

1. Good bye : selamat tinggal
2. Bye bye : da da
3. See you : sampai jumpa
4. Take care : hati hati
5. So long : sampai jumpa
6. Sorry, I must go now : maaf , saya harus pergi
7. Sorry, I need to go : maaf , saya harus pergi

C. Response ( Tanggapan ) of greeting and leave taking


1. Good morning Good morning
2. Good evening Good evening
3. Good afternoon Good afternoon
4. Good night Good night, have a nice dream ( semoga mimpi
indah )
5. Hello hello
6. How are you ? I am fine, thanks ( baik )
7. Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too ( ssenang juga bertemu
8. See you See you too ( sampai jumpa juga )

9. Good bye Selamat tinggal

10. Take care You too ( kamu juga )
11. So long See you ( sampai jumpa )
12. Sorry , I need to go now Ok , take care ( hati hati )
13. Sorry , I must to go now It’s nice to see you ( senang jumpa kamu )

Keterangan :
a. You say “ good morning “ from 00.00 up 12.00
b. You say “ good afternoon “ from noon to before dusk
c. You say “ good evening “ from dusk to night when it gets dark
d. You say “ good night “ when you part company at night. For example when you want to go to bed
D. Example ( Contoh )
1. Ani : Good morrning, miss Nelly ( Selamat pagi )
Miss nnelly : good morning ( seamat pagi )

2. Teri : Hi, nel. How are you ? ( hai, Nel. Apakabar )

Neli : I am fine , thanks. And you ? ( baik , dan kamu ? )
Teri : fine too ( baik juga )

3. Dian : Sorry , Rin. I have a classs , I have to go . See you ( maaf Rin. Saya ada kelas, saya
harus pergi . sampai jumpa )
Rina : See you too ( sampai jumpa juga )

a. Exercise !
What would you say based on the following situation ?
1. You meet your friend , Sandy in the morning.
You would say , “ …
Sandy would reply , “ …

2. You meet your teacher at the mall in the afternoon .

You would say , “ …
Your teacher replies, “ …

3. You are talking to your friend but you want to leave now.
You would say, “ …
Your friend replies, “ …

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