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Project Title Disaster Risk Reduction FY 2018/2019

Project Area Enabling Action

Beneficiary Countries CM
Source of Funding Singapore
Approved Budget USD 57,706
Project Description This course will look at Singapore’s experience in disaster risk reduction
and the Government’s approach in formulating the adaptation measures
and building community resilience. The focus would not only discussing
the theory, but also on institutional development and capacity building to
implement plans. The topics will be covered the vulnerability assessment
through economic risk analysis, catastrophe assessment and financial
management, early warning systems, public health resilience through
pandemic preparedness, formulation and implementation of emergency
management and evacuation plans, strengthening policy and decision-
making processes in crisis situation, sustainable urban planning and
development and integration of disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation measure that enable to develop the policy.

Objective The course aims to build and enhance the capacity and capability of
CLMV countries in handling and managing crises and disasters,
strengthen cooperation on disaster management and emergency
response and encourage Governments to take an anticipatory approach
to handle both current and future challenges.
Implementation Status Implemented
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