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A. Starbucks Coffee's success story is attributed mainly to features of its organizational

culture, such as those mentioned in the material. Essentially, do you think adopting the
same corporate culture in your own work environment would likely achieve the same
results? Why or why not?

An organization can merge its culture with branding to achieve outstanding results by
using organizational culture as a potent engine of competitive advantage. A great brand is the
product of a positive company culture. Like the Starbucks company, my work environment will
likely achieve the same results if we adopt the same culture as their company.
Servant leadership is the most ideal type of leadership an organization would wish for.
The will to serve others first rather than the greed to control or achieve power over an
organization is what most organizations need. A servant leader who focuses on the needs of
others first before his own inspires his subordinates more. This is a type of leadership style that
will take the traditional power leadership model and turn it completely upside down. In the
Philippines, the study of Rayan, Wong, & Len (2015) on the “Influence of Servant Leadership
among Government Employees in the Province of Romblon, Philippines” revealed that servant
leadership has a positive and significant relationship to employee commitment to supervisor,
work engagement and job satisfaction. This goes to show that servant leadership style, if
practiced, will also have a positive effect in different offices in the country.
Additionally, a relationship-driven approach believes that building a strong, effective
teams require empathy in its members. This kind of leader favors a relationship-based approach
to decision-making over one that is based on authority or position. Humans need to establish
connections with one another, and this urge is present at work just as much as anywhere else.
Engagement and performance will suffer if employees don't have a connection to their bosses,
leaders, colleagues, and clients. It is important that a workplace have a positive connection
between internal and external members.
Have you ever completed a collaborative assignment for school? Everyone has
participated in collaborative projects. And I bet we are aware of how challenging it is to give and
get feedback on ideas. Without a mechanism in place, criticism may go unheard, and some
individuals may not even have the time to voice their concerns. The same is true for businesses
or at any organization. Effectively exchanging thoughts and duties among coworkers can
significantly increase engagement and productivity. It would be an enormous understatement to
merely remark that communication in the workplace is vital. A clear grasp of duties and
objectives may keep everyone on the same page in our fast-paced digital environment.
Every interpersonal contact requires effective communication. Workplace
communication is helpful in preventing conflicts and maintaining consensus as well as assigning
duties and goals to team members. The organization may become chaotic and confused if your
business goals and plan are not properly communicated, which could have disastrous effects in
the organization. Communicating with the staff regularly builds connections and is extremely
crucial for a happy and productive work environment. 
If a leader established a good relationship and maintains a healthy communication with
the staff, openness which is fundamental to effective leadership at any organization can also be
practiced. Being open implies disclosing information in a way that enables staff members to stay
informed and, more importantly, to feel heard. However, it also entails being open to varied
working methods, including various working styles, viewpoints, and perhaps most importantly
feedback. This denotes a readiness for change in the organization.
People who follow a leader are effective because they have the knowledge necessary to
carry out their responsibilities and have a clear understanding of the direction the organization
or campaign is taking. Additionally, it occurs when people take pleasure in and ownership of a
problem or group of people. It's about fostering trust and giving individuals the tools; they need
to make wise decisions. To effectively communicate, it's important to use human language and
demonstrate some empathy for the people you're speaking with.
Lastly, even though an environment may be diverse, it is not inclusive if it contains
people of many various genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and identities but only values
or privileges those viewpoints. A diverse and inclusive workplace is one in which everyone feels
equally included in and supported in all parts of the workplace, regardless of who they are or
what they do for the organization.

B. Oftentimes, organizational change is met with greater resistance than positive or

generous acceptance. Think of as many reasons why change management is difficult to
implement. Cite concrete examples or experiences you have met in your own workplace
and discuss the impediments to change.

"Resistance" and "tension" are the first words that come to me when I hear the phrase
"organizational transformation." Any organization that wants to survive and grow in today's fast-
paced, fiercely competitive environment must embrace organizational transformation. As per
observation, the issue is that many leaders find it difficult to completely engage and encourage
their workforce. They frequently act too quickly, focus too much on results, and lack appropriate
consultative attitude.
People can experience dread and anxiety when change is going to be enacted because
of the potential change that will occur. A certainty is one of the six requirements that all people
have. This is a need for protection and safety as well as for knowledge of how a change will
impact us. For us to be able to put our concerns to rest and believe that we will be secure and
okay despite the change, we require clarity and guarantees. Here, a basic aspect of our survival
instinct is at work. People use their emotional brain instead of their rational brain when they feel
threatened or frightened. To simply put it in context, we are not as logical and reasonable as we
like to believe.
Change is also difficult because of the mindset. The way people think are all different,
but it is undisputed that there are also people who happen to have the same beliefs and
principles and consequently stands on pressing issues in the same way. The mindset of the
people also often causes clash between ideas making implementation of change harder and
impossible. There is also a high disparity between the generation of teachers in our workplace.
The generation gap also causes failure in the implementation of new polices and change in our
Our school also value the external stakeholders. We are influenced by how the
community sees us and how we can further please the community to establish good linkage.
The parents and the community are a powerful driving factor on how we create policies and
programs in our school. Moreover, we also seek validation from private entities to drive more
donations for the school, we establish a good partnership between private agencies, the
members of the alumni and other non – government organizations.

C. Conduct at least (3) random interviews with school administrators, focusing on the
need to transition from purely F2F instruction to online, modular, or blended
instructional delivery platforms under a continuing health contagion. What were the
change issues that surfaced and how did they address them?

EDEN INZON – BOBIS, Principal I (Kilicao High School)

Under the continuing health contagion, transitioning from purely F2F instruction to
online, modular or blended instructional delivery platforms is inevitable. As a school head, this
should be implemented so that the basic education of the students can continue. It is
undeniable however that learning is best achieved in a F2F instruction but the health of
everyone involved in education is of primordial importance which should not be compromised by
fully implementing it. Students and teachers/administrators must adjust to a lot of changes such
as observing health protocols every day, reporting to school a lot earlier than usual to avoid
congestion of students outside the classrooms, preparing of SLM's to cater to those who could
not report school physically, etc. All these changes are addressed through careful planning and
preparation. Close coordination with internal and external stakeholders is observed because
involving everyone will ensure effective delivery of education.
JOCELYN P. CASTELO, Principal I (Lanigay High School)
“As to my opinion on the conduct of distance learning modality from the usual/ normal
face to face classes to the pandemic time approach which is the blended distance learning- in
our case printed modular distance learning modality and radio-based instructions. I understand
that this was proposed for the purpose of the continuity of education/learning. However, in a
third world country like the Philippines this kind of learning approach (distance learning -
whatever it is, online synchronous or asynchronous, etc.) is not a good platform. Why, we don't
have reliable network, our learners are not only poor but oppressed- they don't have gadgets to
use. Added to it is the lack of skill of some teachers on the use of the learning platforms and the
worst is the presence of non-readers and non-numerate learners. Likewise, the absence of
knowledgeable parents/guardians and or family members to supervise our learners at home.
Honestly speaking when we talk of quality learning/quality education if feel sad.
There were so many issues as to the mode of learning delivery the department asked us
to employ, the network, kind of learners we have, the families of our learners as well as their
learning condition at home and the so many requirements for us teachers- the preparation of
learning materials, WHLP, Individual learning plan etc. Teachers were given lots of concerns.
Materials are inadequate. All these were addressed by us in the field using our so called,

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