Fabm 212

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FABM 2121

1. Withdrawals are also known as "drawings".

A: True
2. Current assets are obligations expected to be settled after a year.
A: False
3. Entity principle separate business from personal transactions.
A: True
4. A mortgage payable is a noncurrent liability..
A: False
5. Services businesses offer products.
A: False
6. Property, plant, and equipment are not assets.
A: False
7. Accounting is just all about recording.
A: False
8. Report form is where assets are listed on the left side.
A: False
9. Liabilities are company's obligations.
A: True

10. The Statement of Financial Position has two forms.

A: True
11. Property, plant, and equipment are assets.
A: True
12. Any twelve-month period starting from any month other than 01 January
A: Fiscal Year
13. Meaning of GAAP
A: generally accepted accounting principles

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14. Prepaid rent is an asset
15. Land is a current asset..
16. The Calendar year ends on January 01.
17. Long-term liabilities are noncurrent.
A: True
18. Capital is another term for equity.
A: True
19. AICPA means
A: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
20. Long-term debts are noncurrent.
A: False
21. The Fiscal year always ends in December.
A: False
22. This is the type of business which offers services for a fee
A: Service Business
23. Noncurrent assets are kept principally for trading.
A: False
24. Accounting is the language of business.
A: True
25. Cash and cash equivalents are noncurrent assets..
A: True
26. CPA means Certified Public Accountant.
A: True
Current assets are expected to be used after 12 months.

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A: False
The language of business
A: Accounting
Two or more people join together to contribute money, property or industry for purposes of
dividing the profits (or loss) among themselves.
A: Partnership
Capital are claims by creditors against the company's assets.
A: False
Increase in assets is recorded as a Debit..
A: True
Also known as Time Period Concept
A: Periodicity
Branch of accounting solely for government purposes such as collecting of taxes, computing of
national income, fixing the gross national product target, ascertaining the balance of payments
position, etc..
A: Government Accounting
The law that manages Corporations
A: Corporate code
The Statement of Financial Position is commonly prepared at the year ended December 31..
A: False
There are common account titles between assets and liabilities..
A: True
Rent Expense, Wages Expense and Utilities Expense are nominal accounts.
What type of accounts are Interest Receivable and Fees Receivable?
Capital is equal to Asset minus Liability. Asset is equal to Liability minus Capital.

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Accounting is defined in part as the art of ____________, ___________, and ____________ in a
significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events.
Cash, building, and office supplies are examples of assets.
Capital is another term for equity.
This concept states that the activities of a business are recorded separately from the activities of
the stakeholders.
In this concept, accounts assume that the business will continue operating at a foreseeable
A: going concern concept
The income statement summarizes the profitability of the business over a specified period of
A: True
All of the following are included in the heading of an income statement except:
If revenue increases and cost of goods sold remains constant, gross profit also increases.
A: True
This is arrived at when the revenues and gains are greater than the expenses and losses,
indicating successful business operations during the period.
A: Net Income
The financial statement that reports the revenues and expenses for a period of time such as a
year or a month is the ___________.
Prepaid rent is an asset..
A: True

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Refers to the outflows of resources usually paid in cash or incurred on credit resulting from the
main operating activities of the business.
A: Expenses
This form of business organization has limited liability, meaning creditors cannot go after their
personal property in case of bankruptcy.
A; Corporation
A business organization where two or more persons join together to contribute money,
property or industry for purposes of dividing the profits (or loss) among themselves.
A: Partnership
Residual asset is the result of combining liabilities and equity.
A: False
Income from the sale of an equipment of a machine business is considered a gain.
A: False
Expense is one of the elements of the Statement of Financial Position.
A: False
As compared to the corporation, single proprietorship is easier to form because of its simplicity
in operation.
A; True
An asset is a present obligation arising out of past events.
A: False
Liabilities are present obligations arising from past events..
A: True
Income statement is another term for the Statement of Financial Position.
A: False
Credits always reduce account balances.
A: False
Losses from trading investments of a law firm are not considered expenses.
A: True

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The accounts in the report form of SFP are arranged in a single column wherein assets are listed
first, followed by the liabilities and owner's equity..
A: True
Type of business activities that generates profit from the conversion of raw materials to finished
products for sale.
A: Manufacturing
Transactions which are financial in nature, such as payment and purchases in cash.
Accounting records and statements are based on the most reliable data available so that they
will be as accurate and as useful as possible.
The following are known as Balance Sheet accounts except:
A cash withdrawal was made by the owner from the business for personal use.
Every time a business transaction occurs like purchase of supplies, payment of receivables,
granting credit, payment of utilities, etc., we assume that for every value received there is an
equivalent value parted with.
Which of the following is a current liability?
Debit entries with a larger number would always possess a debit balance.
A: True
This principle has two aspects, the quantifiability and stability of peso.
A: Stable monetary unit
Cash and cash equivalents are current assets.
A: True
Which of the following will cause owner's equity to decrease?
A: Net Loss

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Sole proprietorships mostly managed by their owners.
A: False
Revenues are also known as income.

The difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold.
Single proprietorship is concerned with the manufacture of goods into finished product.
A: False
Withdrawals decrease equity.
A: True
Accrual basis of accounting recognizes income regardless of when cash is received.
A: True
Which of the following names is NOT associated with the income statement?
A: Statement of Financial Position
Gains increase the income of the business.
A: True
Merchandising business are charging fees for rendered services.
A: False
Accounting is the system of measuring business activities of financial character.
SFP is also the Balance sheet.
Businesses usually have three activities: investing, financing, and recording.
Examples of real accounts are revenues, expenses, and drawing accounts.

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