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Computer Screen Background

OVERVIEW: Create a Scary scene for use as a computer screen background,

using images provided in the folder. You will be using one of the images on Canvas
as a background. Read all of these directions before beginning.

1. Look through the Building Images in the Online Classroom and decide which one
you would like to use as your background.

2. Download the image to your folder.

3. Pick out 2 pumpkins to add to your scary background.

4. Download the pumpkins to your folder.

5. Open Photoshop and open the image you chose for your background – AHS, MHS,
SHHS or Lamar.

6. Save the background as LastName_Project1.psd. You will use this to create your


1. Use one of the pictures - AHS, MHS, SHHS or Lamar - as your background image.
2. You need at least 2 Carved pumpkins in your background. You can use any
pumpkins you’d like but make sure there are at least 2 and they MUST be carved.
3. You may find images of ghost, goblins, skeletons, etc to use. DO NOT use real
4. All of your images must be properly sized for the location on your background.
5. You must use the various tools and layer styles we have studied and play around
with all the different filters, color modes, and opacity to make it look scary!
6. PLAY around!
7. Saved as: LastName_Project1.jpg and Upload to Online Classroom.
8. Be creative!!!!!

Time Needed: 1 Class Period

Possible Actual
Grading Rubric for Pumpkin Scene
Points Points
No REAL people & no names of people 5
NO FUZZY or Grainy images 5
Spelling 10
Multiple pumpkins (at least 2 carved) 10
Attention to detail, pride in work, EFFORT 20
Multiple styles, filter, color modes used 10
Styles and Filters used effectively – add to the scene 10
Scary or Silly factor 10
School appropriate – very little blood/gore 20
(This is to be spooky not gross!)
Final Grade 100

Digital Design and Media Production

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