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FS2 LEARNING EPISODE 19 Writing an Initial Action Research Action Plan

We said at the beginning that all teachers could make an Action Research. It is easy to do it. Let’s try doing it.
Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following the simple cycle. You will share your output with
your mentor for an opportunity to work together.

Topic you chose: (from the past episode) Difficulties in Remote Learning: The effects of internet connection
and distraction as a common problem in online class.

Episode number and Title: FS2 - EPISODE 15 (Utilizing Web-Conferencing Apps for Synchronous e-learning.)

Writing Action Research Prompts page: 174

Model A:

Action 1: Developing an Initial Research Action Plan

A. Observe/Notice
What problem concern have I noticed that affect teaching-learning?
Example response. The problem I have noticed is that there is a lot of competition in the classroom. The slow learners
are left behind.

 Write your own observed/noticed classroom problem here:

Online education faces a number of obstacles, including poor network services, a lack of power supply,
expensive expenses, a lack of direct teaching and learning, and low computer compliance and reading levels. Many
students lack the high bandwidth or robust internet connection required for online classes, and as a result, they fall
behind their virtual classmates: their weak displays make following the Course Management System difficult, and their
learning experience worsens as a result. Online courses take a lot of time and work to complete. Because the
challenges of using a technical medium appear overwhelming, many students fall behind and consider abandoning up.

B. Reflect
Think deeply of the problem and your observation. Why is this happening? Can the slow learners be helped? How will
it be done.
Example response: I think most of the activities are very competitive. There are always winners and losers. The smart
students overrule the poor students thus often they continue to be losers. With this situation, I believe that I should
modify my classroom strategy.

 Write your reflective response to the problem you stated:

While eLearning is advantageous, it does pose some concerns to learners at this time. Although practice is
challenging, students must grasp why it is necessary in order to reap the benefits of eLearning in the future. They will
gain confidence through attitude adjustment and technological literacy, which will help them excel in their courses
with a positive attitude. If they possessed a basic understanding of computer hardware, they would be able to
participate in online classes without any delays or obstacles. Understanding and sharing the benefits of eLearning
with peers may help students change their minds and better prepare for online classes.

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C. Plan for Action
Key questions:
- What will I do as a teacher to solve the problem?
Avoid anything that can interfere with your ability to study. You can enjoy yourself and communicate with others
using a variety of platforms. While this is difficult to practice, students must know that it is necessary if they are to
reap the benefits of eLearning in the future.

- How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to the identified problem.

Perhaps the most essential factor in motivating students is their perception of the course's relevance. Make sure
students understand the session's goals and organization, as well as your expectations for them. Maintaining student
interest and passion is essential.

- How long it will take to introduce the intervention?

Although the quantity of instructional intervention a student requires to progress varies, research recommends the
following ranges for high school students: It can take several weeks to plan an effective Intervention duration: at least
8–16 weeks.

- With whom shall I work?

We will collaborate with the Principal of Talipan National Highschool to ask permission to conduct our research action
at their school and of course we will collaborate with our Resource Teacher and to the Grade 7 students of the said
school, to gather their ideas, information, and experiences during their online class. They will assist us in resolving the
issue that they face in their online class.

- What materials do I need?

We will need laptop, internet and social media platform to gather information and get their opinion and experiences
during their online class.

- Are methods, participants data collection, time table considered in my Plan for Action?
Yes, our action plan also considered the methods, participants data collection, and time table to gather data and

Example Response: My plan is to introduce cooperative learning in the classroom. I create a mixed ability grouping
with fast, average and slow learners in their activities. I will rotate the leadership in the group, so that each one will
have a chance. The bright will assist or help the slow ones. I will try this out for eight weeks. I think I can work alone
with my students. I need only tables and chairs or if not available, arm chairs arranged in circles will be an alternative.

 Write your own Plan of Action Research based on the key questions. You give more details.

Our objective is to bring a solution to an online class that will have an impact on students' learning. It will utilize a
positive mindset to assist them in overcoming the challenges of eLearning. Perhaps the most essential factor in
motivating students is their perception of the course's relevance. Planning an effective Intervention duration can take
many weeks: at least 8–16 weeks. During their online lesson, we will collaborate with our resource teacher and grade
7 students at Talipan Nationa High School to collect their thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. During their online
lesson, we will need a laptop, internet, and social networking platform to acquire material and get their opinions and
experiences. The methodologies, participants' data collection, and timetable for gathering data and information were
all considered in our action plan.

D. References
Include at least 3 reading materials about the intervention that will be used.
1. Alvarez, A. V. (2020). The phenomenon of learning at a distance through emergency remote teaching amidst the
pandemic crisis.
2. Burgess, S. & Sievertsen, H. H. (2020, April 01). Schools, skills, and learning: The impact of COVID-19 on education.
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3. Rotas, E. E., & Cahapay, M. B. (2020). Difficulties in Remote Learning

E. Act (Implementation of the Action Research Plan)

Note: The implementation of the Plan will follow when time allows. A more detailed Research Action Plan
will be required. The McNiff and Whitehead (2014) of DepEd (2016) models may be used depending on the
advice of your mentor.

Model B. DepEd Template

Action Research Proposal

Name: Catalla, Mariel O.
Dano, Atha Lea Mae R.
Liwag, Prince Yvanne P.

Proposed Title: Difficulties in Remote Learning: the effects of internet connection and distraction as a common
problem in online class

I. Context and Rationale Study Background

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our educational landscape, compelling institutions to switch to online
classes in place of traditional face-to-face classes. The Covid-19 problem in the Philippines has impacted around 27
million students, 1 million instructors and non-teaching staff, as well as learners' families (Obana, J. 2020).
Transitioning to distant learning is the most viable option so far as the world continues to cope with the effects of this
infectious and deadly disease, which has destabilized economies and claimed many lives (Alipio, 2020; Baticulon,
Alberto, Baron, Mabulay, Rizada, Sy, Tiu, Clarion & Reyes, 2020). Not only in the Philippines, but around the world, the
current situation provides significant problems to educational institutions. Students have little choice but to attend
online lessons due to the limitations and community quarantine enforced on many regions, particularly in the country.
The Department of Studies (DepEd) and other institutions have introduced online distance learning to allow students
to continue their education. learning. The instructor serves as a facilitator in online distance learning, enlisting
learners' active participation through the use of various technologies accessed via the internet while they are
geographically separated during instruction (Llego, 2020). Before the implementation, DepEd received a barrage of
criticism, with some questioning if DepEd and other educational institutions are truly prepared for the current
scenario. Despite the complaints, these institutions were optimistic that Online Distance Learning will be successful in
the Philippines. The use of the internet is quickly rising, particularly for learning in the fields of education and
informatics. Some schools are permitted to begin classes before the commencement of public-school classes on
October 5, 2020, as long as they employ solely distance learning modalities. However, research suggests that e-
learning poses a number of difficulties for both students and teachers (Andersson, 2008; Islam, Beer & Slack, 2015;
Gilbert, 2015; Arinto, 2016; Gillet-Swan, 2017; Dubey & Piroska, 2019; Baticulon et al., 2020). Students in distance
education have a lot more freedom in terms of how and when they interact, but Sun and Rueda (2012) suggest that
their ability to govern their learning becomes crucial. Due to the lack of interaction in online classes, students are
more likely to be distracted by smartphones, pets, deliveries, and other things other than the continuing online lesson,
according to Amadora (2020). Because there is no face-to-face interaction, it is assumed that pupils will be
disinterested in the online class. Despite the fact that much study had been done on online distance learning before to
the epidemic, its usage in primary schools has yet to be thoroughly investigated due to the scarcity of resources. In
addition, there is a paucity of local literature on the topic of student concentration in online classes.

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II. Action Research Question AR Questions

Researchers should keep some research questions in mind when conducting study on a subject and reaching a goal.
We have the following study questions and sub-questions based on the statement problem of internet usage and
distraction during online class for learning:

Main question:
What are the challenges faced by students in online distance learning?

What are the effects of internet connection to students learning?
What is the distraction that learners may encounter during online class?
What are the things that teacher should consider in online class?
What are the effects of online class in students learning?
How internet connection problem and distraction can be solved?

III. Proposed innovation, Intervention Strategy Describe Innovation/Intervention/Strategy

The purpose of this research is to give an overview of the many problems that Grade 7 students at Talipan
National Hugh School confront in their online distance learning. During the pandemic, students are using online
distance learning to continue their education. This research aims to provide teachers, parents, educators, and other
stakeholders with information about the usage of online distance learning. This would assist them in making the
required adjustments and actions to improve the learning modality's implementation. Also, the Department of
Education and other educational institutions may find this study valuable in considering and reviewing the right
curriculum to employ in this type of learning modality in order to achieve a more worthwhile teaching learning
experience. We're also working with a group of students in upper secondary school to see if there's a link between
internet usage and academic improvement. We investigate, identify, and analyze how the internet might be used to
increase students' learning and establish a new open learning environment. Faculty and administrators must consider
several variables while developing and delivering distance education courses, curricula, and programs, including how
to overcome impediments to effective and efficient implementation of distance education courses, curricula, and
programs. Moore (2001) stated that in order to deliver online courses successfully, faculty must: allow student-to-
student interaction with minimal faculty intervention; engage students in regular assignments in order to monitor
progress and intervene as needed; and provide specialized attention to students with low academic achievement.

IV. Action Research Methods (Describe Action Research Methods

a. Participants/ Other sources of data
b. Data gathering methods
c. Data analysis Plan

A. The researchers chose to survey a group of grade 7 students from Talipan National High School about the
difficulties of online distance learning and the effects of internet connection problems and distraction on their
learning. There were 15 male and 16 female Grade 7 pupils that took part in the survey. Prior to their
participation, the participants were asked to give their informed consent. Students were told about the study's
goals and the scope of their participation before signing the informed consent form. They were also informed
about information confidentiality, anonymity, and their freedom to refuse to cooperate with the investigation.

B. A letter seeking permission to conduct the study by addressing to the Principal/Head of Talipan National
Highschool Pagbilao, Quezon, a letter containing the purpose and intended respondent for conducting the
study. The researchers will treat the respondent with respect for their confidentiality. In the time that they
approve to conduct the research, the researchers will proceed to gather data.

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C. In order to know the result of this study, the researchers will use various statistical treatments on the data of
this research. In this part the researchers will presented on how they gathered data and how they analyze the
data which is generated from the instrument that will use in this study. The Weighted Arithmetic Mean are the
statistical statements will be used in this study to analyze the gathered data.

IV. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Research Work Plan)

The purpose of this study is to bring a solution to an online class that has an impact on students' learning. It
will utilize a positive mindset to assist them in overcoming the challenges of eLearning. Perhaps the most essential
factor in motivating students is their perception of the course's relevance. Planning an effective Intervention duration
can take many weeks: at least 8–16 weeks. During their online lesson, we will collaborate with our resource teacher
and grade 7 students at Talipan National High School to collect their thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. During
their online lesson, we will need a laptop, internet, and social networking platform to acquire material and get their
opinions and experiences. The methodologies, participants' data collection, and timetable for gathering data and
information were all considered in our action plan. The purpose of this research is to give an overview of the many
problems that Grade 7 students at Talipan National Hugh School confront in their online distance learning. During the
pandemic, students are using online distance learning to continue their education. This research aims to provide
teachers, parents, educators, and other stakeholders with information about the usage of online distance learning.
Due to the lack of interaction in online classrooms, students are more likely to be distracted by smartphones, pets,
deliveries, and other things other than continuing their online lesson. Because there is no face-to-face interaction, it is
assumed that pupils will be disinterested in the online class. Despite the fact that much study had been done on
online distance learning before to the epidemic, its usage in primary schools has yet to be thoroughly investigated due
to the scarcity of resources. In addition, there is a paucity of local literature on the topic of student concentration in
online classes.

V. Cost Estimate (Write cost estimate)

The budget is a line item (tabular) representation of the expenses associated with the proposal project. Cost estimates
need to be as accurate as possible to cover the expenses proposed in the project.

Activity Item Quantity Unit Price Total Price
Preparation of materials for Bond Paper (Long) ½ ream 140 70
research and implementation Bond Paper (Short) ½ ream 140 70
of interventions
Data gathering Internet Data 1 month Internet 100 per week 400
Transportation Fee 3 Persons 60 x 5days 900

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization (Describe how the results will be shared)

A research strategy is a structured approach to finding information in order to perform a task effectively and
efficiently. The study approach, according to Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2000), explains the source of data
constraints and how they will be addressed. It also takes into account the constraints that researchers would face in
terms of data, time, location, and money. As a result, a clear research strategy is required to describe the sources of
research questions and to determine how to gather and analyze data based on the overall goal of answering the
research questions.

VIII. References (Write at least three refences)

1. Burgess, S. & Sievertsen, H. H. (2020, April 01). Schools, skills, and learning: The impact of COVID-19 on
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2. Alvarez, A. V. (2020). The phenomenon of learning at a distance through emergency remote teaching amidst the
pandemic crisis.
3. Rotas, E. E., & Cahapay, M. B. (2020). Difficulties in Remote Learning


What was your experience in writing the action research plan?

I have a lot of experience developing action research plans since it informs and reminds me that there are a lot of issues
that arise in education. Many factors can influence the teaching and learning process, resulting in poor and ineffective
knowledge acquisition that might obstruct students' learning progress. We, the researchers, recognize the importance
and worth of this action research plan since it is not just a stack of papers that exhausts every instructor, but it is an
important paper/document that should be paid attention to help solve the problems that arise in education. It's not easy
to conduct an action research study, especially when it comes to deciding what issue to focus on and what activities,
treatments, and strategies to use to address or modify the situation.

What knowledge, attitude and skills did you have that helped you accomplish it?

To do so, we used our knowledge, attitude, and skills, such as paying attention to every detail and knowing how to
conduct research on difficulties that arise during the teaching and learning process. Self-reflection is especially vital in
action research since it allows researchers to plan what changes can be made, put them into action, and then reflect
again. Action researchers not only investigate the lives of others, but they also consider their own roles as researchers
and practitioners. Communication, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, and confidence are some of the factors that aid
us in achieving our goals. Possessing an optimistic attitude and a desire to work help us in accomplishing it.

What do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher-researcher?

The skills in gathering and organizing information are still something I need to master and develop in myself in order to
be a successful teacher-researcher, because teachers as researchers collect vast volumes of data every day and quickly
analyze and make judgments based on it. Because using time effectively gives the person "choice" on spending or
managing activities at their own time and convenience, time management is defined as the planning and conscious
control of time spent on specific activities, with the goal of increasing effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

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Work on my Artifacts
Your artifact will be taken from your activity in preparing an action research plan in this episode. You will just expand the
answer that you have given and place in the template below.

My Initial Action Research Plan

Proposed Title: Difficulties in Remote Learning: the effects of internet connection and distraction as a common
problem in online class

I. My Identifies Problem:
- Internet connection problem
- Environment Distraction
- Lack of computer literacy

II. My Reflection about the Problem:

This would assist them in making the required adjustments and actions to improve the learning modality's
implementation. Also, the Department of Education and other educational institutions may find this study
valuable in considering and reviewing the right curriculum to employ in this type of learning modality in order
to achieve a more worthwhile teaching learning experience.

III. My plan of Action:

This study aims to introduce solution to online class that affects the students learning. I will use positive
attitude can help them overcome the problems of eLearning. The perceived relevance of the course is perhaps
the single most important contributor to motivation. It can take several weeks to plan an effective Intervention
duration: at least 8–16 weeks, we will collaborate with the principal/head, our resource teacher and grade 7
students at Talipan National High School to gather their ideas, information, and experiences during their online
class. We will need laptop, internet and social media platform to gather information and get their opinion and
experience during their online class. Our action plan also considered the methods, participants data collection,
and time table to gather data and information.

IV. References:
Burgess, S. & Sievertsen, H. H. (2020, April 01). Schools, skills, and learning: The impact of COVID-19 on
Alvarez, A. V. (2020). The phenomenon of learning at a distance through emergency remote teaching
amidst the pandemic crisis.
Rotas, E. E., & Cahapay, M. B. (2020). Difficulties in Remote Learning

Submitted by:
Name: Catalla, Mariel O. Degree Pursued: BTLED
Dano, Atha Lea Mae R.
Liwag, Prince Yvanne P.
Name of Institution: Maryhill College, Lucena City SY: 2021-2022

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