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egies Present continuous and present simple 2 (Lam doing and I do) = ‘We use continuous forms (tm waiting, t's raining etc} for actions and happenings that have started but not finished Some verbs (for example, know and like) are not normally used in thisway. We don'tsay'‘lam knowing, ‘they are king. Wesay'Ikniow: they lke! “The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous: like want need prefer know realise understand recognise believe suppose remember mean belong fit’ contain consist seem I'm hungry. Iwant somethingto eat. (not!'m wanting) Do you understand whst | mean? Anna doesn’t seem very happy right now, k means believe’ or ‘have an opinion, we do not use the continuous: © Ithink Mary is Canadian, but|'m not sure. (notl'm thinking) © What do you think of my idea? (-whatis your opinion?) ‘When think means consider, the continuousis possible: © I'm thinking about what happened |often think about it © Nickyis thinking of giving up herjob. (=sheis considering) i hear smell taste ‘look —_feel ‘We normally use the present simple (not continuous) with see/hear/smelltaste: © Doyousee that man over there? (not are you seeing) The room smells, Let's open 2 window. © This soup doesn't taste very zoos. You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: Youlook well today. or You're looking well today. Howdeyoufeel now? or Howare you feeling now? 00 but | usually feel tired in the morning. (not!'m usually feeling) GEE sorte You can say he’s being ..., you're being ... etc. to say how somebody is behaving now: I cenit understand why he's being so selfish, He ist usually lke that. {being selish = behaving selfishly now) © Thepathisicy. Don'tsip’ ‘Don'tworry. I'm being very careful” Compare: S) Heneverthinks about other people. He's very sesh heis selfish generally, not only now) I dont lke to takerriss. I'm a very careful person. ‘Weuse am/is/are being to say how a person is behow Itismot usually possiblein other situations: © Samisil. (notis being il) © Are you tired? (not are you being tired) joing something they can control) now. 8 exentconlinuousand Smplel-> Unita _have-> Unit17 Present lenses forthe uture-® Unit 19)

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