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lalie 73 1 11 1 1 146 the1 We use the when thereis only one of something: “ Haveyou ever crossed the equator? (there's only one equator Ourapertmentison the tenth floor Buenos Aves isthe capital of Argentina —_I'mgoing away atthe end of this month. Weuse the + superlative (best, oldest etc.) What's the longest riverin Europe? Compare the and a/an (see also Units 71-12) The sunisastar. (= oneof many tars) ‘The hotel where we stayed was very old hotel \Welive in an apartment on the tenth floor. What's the best way to lean a language? Wesay ‘the same’ ® Your sweateris the same colour as mine. {not issame colour) © ‘Ave these keys the same? No, they're different: Wesay: theworld the universe the sun themoon _theearth the sky the sea the ground the country (= not a town) Hove to look at the stars in the sky. {not in sky} Do you live ina town orin the country? The earth goes round the sun, and the moon goes round the earth, Wealso use Earth {without the) when we think oft as planetin space (like Mars, Jupiter etc) ©) Whichis the planet nearest Earth? ‘We say space (without the) when we mean ‘space in the universe. Compare: © Thereare millions ofstarsin space. (notin the space) © tried to park my car, but the space was too small Wesay: (goto) the cinema, the theatre © | goto the cinema a lot, but| haven't been to the theatre for ages. ‘TV /television {without the), but the radio © Iwwateh TVa lot, but | don't listen to the radio much, but Cen you turn off the television, please? (the television the internet ©The internet has changed the way we live, ‘We usually say breakfast/lunch/dinner (without the}: © What did you have for breakfast? © Werrad lunch ina very nice restaurant But we say'a big lunch, ‘a wonderful dinner, ‘an early breakfast etc © Wehada very nice lunch. (not Wehad very nice Lunch) We say: size 43, platform 5 etc. (without the) © Ourtrain eaves from platform 5. (not the platform 5) © Do you have these shoes in size 43? {not the size 43} Inthe same way, we say: room 126, page 29, vitamin A, section B etc, a/an-P Unit 71 a/anarcthe-> Unit 72 th and without the = Units 77-78

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