Ricucci Siqueira Biofilm JOE 2010

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Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis: Study of Prevalence and Association with

Clinical and Histopathologic Findings

Article  in  Journal of Endodontics · August 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2010.04.007 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Domenico Ricucci
Private practice, Cetraro, Italy


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Clinical Research

Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis: Study of Prevalence

and Association with Clinical and Histopathologic Findings
Domenico Ricucci, MD, DDS,* and José F. Siqueira, Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD†

Introduction: This study evaluated the prevalence of
bacterial biofilms in untreated and treated root canals
of teeth evincing apical periodontitis. The associations
I n their natural habitats, microorganisms almost invariably live as members of meta-
bolically integrated communities usually attached to surfaces to form biofilms (1).
The biofilm community lifestyle provides microorganisms with a series of advantages
of biofilms with clinical conditions, radiographic size, and skills that are not observed for individual cells living in a free-floating (planktonic)
and the histopathologic type of apical periodontitis state including establishment of a broader habitat range for growth; increased meta-
were also investigated. Methods: The material bolic diversity and efficiency; protection against competing microorganisms, host
comprised biopsy specimens from 106 (64 untreated defenses, antimicrobial agents, and environmental stress; and enhanced pathogenicity
and 42 treated) roots of teeth with apical periodontitis. (2). The study of microbial biofilms assumes a great importance in different sectors of
Specimens were obtained by apical surgery or extraction industrial, environmental, and medical microbiology. In medical microbiology, bio-
and were processed for histopathologic and histobacter- films have been increasingly studied and estimates indicate that biofilm infections
iologic techniques. Results: Bacteria were found in all comprise 65% to 80% of the human infections in the developed world (3). As for
but one specimen. Overall, intraradicular biofilm the oral cavity, caries, gingivitis, and marginal periodontitis are examples of diseases
arrangements were observed in the apical segment of caused by bacterial biofilms in the form of supragingival or subgingival dental plaque.
77% of the root canals (untreated canals: 80%; treated Mounting evidence indicates that apical periodontitis is also a biofilm-induced
canals: 74%). Biofilms were also seen covering the walls disease (4–6). In situ investigations using optical and/or electron microscopy have
of ramifications and isthmuses. Bacterial biofilms were allowed observations of bacteria colonizing the root canal system in primary or
visualized in 62% and 82% of the root canals of teeth persistent/secondary infections as sessile biofilms covering the dentinal walls (7–
with small and large radiographic lesions, respectively. 12). Apical ramifications, lateral canals, and isthmuses connecting main root canals
All canals with very large lesions harbored intraradicular have all been shown to harbor bacterial cells, which are also frequently organized in
biofilms. Biofilms were significantly associated with epi- biofilm-like structures (13–15). In addition, biofilms adhered to the apical root
thelialized lesions (cysts and epithelialized granulomas surface (extraradicular biofilms) have been reported and regarded as a possible
or abscesses) (p < 0.001). The overall prevalence of bio- cause of posttreatment apical periodontitis (16, 17).
films in cysts, abscesses, and granulomas was 95%, Although the concept of apical periodontitis as a biofilm-induced disease has been
83%, and 69.5%, respectively. No correlation was found built upon these observations, the prevalence of biofilms and their association with clin-
between biofilms and clinical symptoms or sinus tract ical and histopathologic findings have not yet been reported. Before this information
presence (p > 0.05). Extraradicular biofilms were becomes available, it may seem somewhat imprecise to generalize and categorize apical
observed in only 6% of the cases. Conclusions: The periodontitis as a biofilm-induced disease. The purpose of the present study was two-
overall findings are consistent with acceptable criteria fold: (1) evaluate the prevalence of intraradicular and extraradicular bacterial biofilms
to include apical periodontitis in the set of biofilm- in untreated and treated root canals of human teeth evincing apical periodontitis
induced diseases. Biofilm morphologic structure varied through a histobacteriologic approach and (2) look for associations of biofilms with
from case to case and no unique pattern for endodontic some clinical conditions, radiographic size, and the histopathologic type of apical pe-
infections was identified. Biofilms are more likely to be riodontitis lesions.
present in association with longstanding pathologic
processes, including large lesions and cysts. (J Endod Materials and Methods
2010;36:1277–1288) Clinical Specimens
The material for this study consisted of sequential biopsies of roots or root tips
Key Words together with surrounding apical periodontitis lesions. Specimens were part of the
Apical periodontitis, bacterial biofilm, endodontic infec-
histologic collection of one of the authors (DR). The material comprised 106 roots
tion, endodontic treatment
from 100 human teeth. Of these, 58 were teeth with untreated root canals (6 incisors,
3 canines, 18 premolars, and 31 molars) from 52 patients (25 females, 27 males) aged
18 to 75 years (mean, 42 years). In total, 64 roots from untreated teeth were available,
of which 59 were extracted with apical periodontitis lesions attached while in the other

From *Private Practice, Rome, Italy; and †Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Domenico Ricucci, Piazza Calvario, 7, 87022 Cetraro (CS), Italy. E-mail address: dricucci@libero.it.
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter
Copyright ª 2010 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010 Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis 1277
Clinical Research
five specimens lesions had to be removed separately. All untreated teeth

TABLE 1. Prevalence of Intraradicular Biofilms at the Apical Segment and Extraradicular Biofilms in Untreated and Root Canal–treated Teeth According to the Histopathologic Type of Apical Periodontitis and Clinical

Total (untreated + treated) (%)

had necrotic pulps and gross carious lesions and were extracted
because they were judged unrestorable or the patient did not agree
to save the tooth. Records were made of any symptoms that the patient
experienced or was experiencing in relation to the affected tooth. The

3/8 (37.5)
2/8 (25)
1/2 (50)
presence/absence of a sinus tract was also recorded. For 33 teeth,

6/106 (6)

0/10 (0)

0/3 (0)
0/7 (0)
2/52 (4)

1/21 (5)
0/3 (0)

6/69 (9)
conventional periapical radiographs were available before extraction,
and the largest diameter of the periradicular radiolucency was
measured. Teeth with periodontal pockets or longitudinal fractures

Extraradicular biofilm
or cracks involving the root were excluded from analysis. Some of
the examined teeth were included in previous studies (18, 19).
The 42 biopsies of roots/root tips from root canal-treated teeth
were from 42 patients, 24 (12 symptomatic and 12 asymptomatic) of
which took part in a recent publication (10) and were re-evaluated

Treated (%)

2/19 (10.5)
1/7 (14)

2/6 (33)
in this study for the presence of biofilms following the parameters es-

2/42 (5)

0/1 (0)
1/32 (3)

0/2 (0)

tablished herein (see later). All 42 cases were categorized as treatment
failures on the basis of clinical and/or radiographic follow-ups, after
a minimum recall period of 4 years for the asymptomatic cases and 1
year for the symptomatic ones. For 10 of the new cases, the quality of

Untreated (%)
previous endodontic treatment was judged as inadequate. Radiographs

2/8 (25)
1/2 (50)

1/2 (50)
were not available for four of the new 18 cases. All patients had given

4/64 (6)

0/6 (0)
1/20 (5)
0/10 (0)

0/3 (0)
0/14 (0)
0/1 (0)

4/50 (8)
consent for examination of their teeth.

Tissue Processing
Immediately after removal (by periradicular surgery or extrac-

Total (untreated + treated) (%)

tion), the biopsy specimen was immersed in 10% neutral-buffered
formalin for at least 48 hours. Demineralization was performed in an
aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of 22.5% (vol/vol) formic
acid and 10% (wt/vol) sodium citrate for 3 to 4 weeks, with the

7/8 (87.5)

7/8 (87.5)
10/10 (100)

2/2 (100)
3/3 (100)
82/106 (77)

6/7 (86)
35/52 (67)

17/21 (81)
2/3 (67)

57/69 (83)
endpoint being determined radiographically. All specimens were
washed in running tap water for 24 to 48 hours, dehydrated in
ascending grades of ethanol, cleared in xylene, infiltrated, and
embedded in paraffin (melting point, 56 C) according to standard
Intraradicular biofilm

procedures. To produce sections parallel to the long axis of the root

canal, special precautions were taken. Roots in multirooted teeth
were dissected free and processed separately. If curved, roots were
separated in two pieces, one encompassing the coronal two thirds
and the other including the apical one third. These two pieces were
Treated (%)

1/1 (100)

7/7 (100)
31/42 (74)

22/32 (69)

1/2 (50)
5/6 (83)
16/19 (84)
embedded separately, but only the apical segment was evaluated in
this study.

With the microtome set at 4 to 5 mm, meticulous longitudinal serial

sections were taken until each specimen was exhausted. For some spec-
imens, cross-cut sections were taken. Every fifth slide was stained with
hematoxylin-eosin for screening purposes and for assessment of
Untreated (%)

7/8 (87.5)
10/10 (100)

2/2 (100)
3/3 (100)

1/1 (100)
2/2 (100)

inflammation. A modified Brown and Brenn technique for staining

51/64 (80)

5/6 (83)
13/20 (65)

10/14 (71)

41/50 (82)

bacteria (20) was used for selected slides. The accuracy of the bacterial
staining method was tested using the protocol described by Ricucci and
Bergenholtz (21).

Evaluation Criteria
Granuloma, nonepithelialized

Slides were examined by two evaluators. Evaluations were per-

Abscess, nonepithelialized
Granuloma, epithelialized

formed separately, and whenever disagreement occurred, it was

Abscess, epithelialized

resolved by joint discussion. The following aspects were specifically

looked for in the examination: 1) the presence and location of bacteria
Cyst, pocket (bay)
Cyst, unclassified
Overall prevalence

in the apical segment of the root canal, including the main canal, lateral
canals, apical ramifications, and isthmuses (intraradicular infection) or
Sinus tract

within the body of the apical periodontitis lesion or adhered to the

Cyst, true
Lesion type

external apical root surface (extraradicular infection). The parameter

used for classification of bacterial community structures as biofilms fol-

lowed the biofilm definition given by Hall-Stoodley et al (22): ‘‘Micro-

bial biofilms are populations of microorganisms that are concentrated

1278 Ricucci and Siqueira Jr. JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010
Clinical Research
at an interface and typically surrounded by an extracellular polymeric Morphologic Description of Bacterial Colonization
substance matrix.’’ Also, according to these authors, aggregates or coag- Intraradicular bacterial biofilms were usually thick and composed
gregates of bacterial cells not apparently attached to the surface were of several layers of bacterial cells. At high magnification, three basic
classified as ‘‘flocs’’; and 2) the presence and distribution of acute bacterial cell morphologies could be recognized in most cases: cocci,
and chronic inflammatory cells and epithelium in the inflamed perira- rods, and filaments (Figs. 1a and b, 2c and d, 3c and d, 4d, and 5c and
dicular tissues; lesions were diagnosed histologically as follows: apical d). These morphotypes were often present together in varied propor-
abscess (epithelialized or nonepithelialized), granuloma (epithelialized tions in the same biofilm. However, a single morphotype appeared to
or nonepithelialized), or cyst (true, pocket, or unclassified; the latter dominate each biofilm (Figs. 1a and b, 2c and d, 3c, 4d, and 5c and d).
diagnosis was made when the lesion showed a cavity lined by epithe- In the biofilm structure, the proportion between bacterial cells and
lium, but the soft tissue did not remain attached to the root tip and extracellular matrix was highly variable. In some instances, bacterial
had to be removed separately). cells appeared so clumped that the extracellular component was virtu-
ally not visible (Figs. 2d and 5c and d). In other cases, the extracellular
Statistical Analysis matrix was abundant, and less bacterial cells were seen distributed in an
The Fisher exact test or the chi-square test was used to check for uneven pattern (Figs. 1a and b, 2c, 3c, and 4c and d). In many biofilms,
associations of intraradicular biofilms with the following parameters: cells were abundant in the deepest layers (Figs. 1a and 4c). In some
radiographic size of the apical periodontitis lesion (grouped as lesions other cases, however, they were prevalent in the most superficial layers.
#5 mm and >5 mm), histopathologic general type of apical periodon- In many specimens, multilayered biofilms covered uniformly the
titis (granuloma, cysts, and abscesses with no distinction of subtypes), root canal walls to a long extent. In some cases, opposite root canal
presence and absence of epithelial proliferation (irrespective of the walls covered by biofilms were faced with necrotic debris or inflamma-
lesion type), sinus tract, and symptoms. Every analysis took into consid- tory cells in the canal lumen (Figs. 3b and 5b). In teeth with severe
eration only untreated root canals, only treated canals, and all speci- caries destruction and longstanding pulp necrosis, the observation
mens together. The prevalence of biofilms in untreated and treated that the entire apical canal was filled by a dense biofilm was not
teeth was also compared by the chi-square test. uncommon. In some instances, however, although some areas of the
canal were completely covered by biofilms, others were apparently
free from bacterial colonization (Fig. 2g). This pattern was more
Results commonly observed in treated root canals but also seen in a few
Biofilm Overall Prevalence untreated specimens.
Bacteria were found in all specimens, except for one asymptomatic In some instances, bacterial colonization was restricted to the root
root canal–treated tooth in which disease emerged probably because of canal wall surface, and no deep dentinal invasion was observed. This
a foreign body reaction. This case was reported in a previous study was probably because of the reduced number and small diameter or
(10). Overall, bacterial arrangements as intraradicular biofilms were even the lack of dentinal tubules in certain regions of the apical root
observed in the apical segment of 82 of 106 (77%) root canals. Of these, segment (Figs. 1a and b, 2c and d, and 3c). However, when dentinal
51 of 64 (80%) were from untreated canals and 31 of 42 (74%) from tubules were present and abundant, they usually appeared colonized
treated canals (Table 1). This difference was not statistically significant by bacteria spreading from the biofilm and penetrating at varying depths
(c2, p = 0.6). (Fig. 6a and b).

Figure 1. Examples of intracanal biofilms with different bacterial cell morphologies. (a) The predominance of cocci. Note the high concentration of cells in contact
with the root canal wall (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 1,000). (b) Predominance of filamentous forms. Note the irregular distri-
bution of bacterial cells within the extracellular material (original magnification 1,000).

JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010 Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis 1279
Clinical Research

Figure 2. (a) Mandibular molar with the crown destroyed by a gross carious process and a radiolucency around the mesial root assessed as >5 mm. Several
exacerbations developed over the previous months, but the tooth was asymptomatic at the time of extraction. (b) Sections were taken on a mesiodistal plane. The
section passing through the apical third of the mesiobuccal canal. The lumen appears partly filled by large fuchsin-stained bodies, likely food remnants (large
vegetable cells). More apically the walls appeared covered by a dense bacterial biofilm (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 100).
(c) High magnification of the area of the root canal wall indicated by the left arrow in b. Rods are the prevailing bacterial morphotype at this level (original magni-
fication 1,000). (d) High magnification of the area of the root canal wall indicated by the right arrow in b. The high bacterial population density seems to obscure
the extracellular matrix. Note the polymorphonuclear neutrophils in contact with the biofilm surface (original magnification 1,000). (e) Cross-cut section taken
at the transition between the apical and the middle third of the mesial root. The low-magnification overview shows that the two mesial canals are connected by a wide
isthmus, clogged with bacteria (original magnification 8). (f) Detail of the isthmus. Its lumen is filled by a dense biofilm (original magnification 100). (g)
Magnification of the left canal in e. The majority of the root canal circumference is covered by a bacterial biofilm (original magnification 100).

One of the untreated teeth exhibited an unusual pattern of intraca- typical of actinomycotic colonies (Fig. 7c and d). Serial sections re-
nal bacterial colonization and deserves a more detailed description. It is vealed that this large colony was not contiguous with the root canal
a maxillary first premolar from a 58-year-old man. The patient reported walls. Actually, it was apparently free floating in the root canal lumen,
several pain episodes, and the tooth, judged nonrestorable because of enmeshed in the remainder of the canal content. This case has been as-
gross coronal destruction, was extracted. Sections passing through the sessed as showing a biofilm, not because of the unusual large floc sus-
buccal canal showed that the apical canal lumen was clogged with pended in the canal, which according to the definition criteria used
necrotic debris and bacteria (Fig. 7a). At the center of the main root herein cannot be strictly assessed as a biofilm, but rather because the
canal, a large bacterial floc composed of ramifying filamentous bacterial bacterial condensations present more apically were clearly adhered
cells was present and surrounded by a distinct layer of an amorphous to the root canal walls forming a biofilm-like structure (Fig. 7b).
material (Fig. 7b-d). Bacteria appeared particularly condensed in this Biofilms were also seen covering the walls of apical ramifications,
structure, and at the periphery they exhibited a starburst appearance lateral canals, and isthmuses in both untreated and treated canals. In

1280 Ricucci and Siqueira Jr. JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010
Clinical Research

Figure 3. Grossly carious single-rooted mandibular second molar extracted with the apical periodontitis lesion attached. The radiographic size of the lesion was
<5 mm (inset). The tooth was symptomatic. (a) The section passing approximately at the center of the foramen. The overview shows granulomatous tissue ingrowth
at the very apical canal (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 16). (b) Detail of the apical foramen region. A biofilm is present covering the
root canal walls, and a dense bacterial aggregate is evidenced more coronally. Empty spaces are shrinkage artefacts (original magnification 100). (c) Higher
magnification of the area demarcated by the rectangle in b. Bacterial filamentous forms prevail, and the extracellular component is abundant at this level (original
magnification 400). (d) Higher magnification of the bacterial aggregate indicated by the arrow in b. Different morphotypes are present. Note the concentration of
polymorphonuclear neutrophils in contact with the biofilm surface (original magnification 400).

some untreated canals, bacteria in the form of biofilms or flocs did not Association with Diverse Conditions
reach the apical foramen because vital inflamed tissue was observed Radiographs available for 71 specimens were used to check for an
occupying the very apical canal. In these cases, the front of infection association between intraradicular biofilms and the radiographic size of
was located some millimeters short of the foramen. apical periodontitis. Bacterial biofilms were visualized in 23 of 37
Small bacterial flocs and planktonic cells were found in virtually all (62%) root canals with small lesions (#5 mm), whereas in specimens
specimens including those negative for the presence of biofilms. Flocs with large lesions (>5 mm), biofilm structures were present in 28 of 34
and planktonic cells were usually observed in the lumen of the main (82%) (Table 2). Statistical analysis disclosed a p value very close to the
canal, ramifications, and isthmuses, either apparently floating or level of significance used (c2, p = 0.059). Specifically for untreated
more commonly enmeshed in the necrotic pulp tissue. canals, the prevalence of intraradicular biofilms was 59% and 87.5%

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Figure 4. (a) Maxillary second premolar with a periapical radiolucency whose diameter was measured >5 mm. The tooth was extracted in the presence of clinical
symptoms (pain and swelling). (b) The apical periodontitis lesion remained attached to the root tip. Section passing through the main wide apical foramen (Tay-
lor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 16). (c) Detail of the foramen area. A biofilm is present in the most apical canal, faced with inflammatory
tissue. Note the resorption of the canal walls (original magnification 100). The inset shows PMNs from the center of the lesion, one of which exhibits a cytoplasm
engulfed with several bacterial fragments (original magnification 1,000). (d) Higher magnification of the area from the cementum fragment indicated by the
arrow in c. Bacterial filamentous forms are dominant at this level. The biofilm is surrounded by PMNs (original magnification 400).

for specimens with small and large lesions, respectively. Biofilms in icance for the sample size evaluated (Fisher test, p = 0.4). When lesions
treated teeth were disclosed in 65% and 78% of the canals with small were grouped as granulomas (epithelialized or not), abscesses (epithe-
and large lesions, respectively. All five canals associated with lesions lialized or not), and cysts (true, pocket, and unclassified), intraradic-
larger than 10 mm harbored intraradicular biofilms (Table 2). ular biofilms were found significantly more frequently in cysts than in
Regarding the histopathologic diagnosis, intraradicular biofilms granulomas (Fisher test, p = 0.03). Actually, only one out of the 20
were significantly associated with epithelialized lesions (cysts and epi- (5%) cystic lesions was negative for the presence of intraradicular bio-
thelialized granulomas or abscesses) (Fisher test, p < 0.001). Of the 30 films. No other significant differences were observed for lesion types (p
lesions exhibiting epithelial proliferation, 28 (93%) were associated > 0.05). The overall prevalence of biofilms in granulomas was 41 of 59
with intraradicular biofilms. Although canals associated with epithelial- (69.5%), and in abscesses it was 20 of 24 (83%). In general, findings
ized or nonepithelialized granulomas exhibited intraradicular biofilms from separate analysis of untreated canals were similar to the overall
in 86% and 67%, respectively, this 20% difference did not reach signif- findings. Because cysts were not observed in association with root

1282 Ricucci and Siqueira Jr. JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010
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Figure 5. (a) Mandibular second premolar extracted after several pain episodes. The apical periodontitis lesion remained attached to the root tip at extraction.
The section passing approximately at the center of the root canal. The overview discloses a severely resorbed root apex. The canal appears filled with tissue, and
there are two bacterial masses on the opposite root canal walls (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 16). (b) Higher magnification of the
apical canal. The bacterial masses were biofilm structures. The canal lumen is filled with inflammatory cells (original magnification 100). (c and d) Higher
magnification of the left and right biofilm structures respectively. Both were apparently exclusively composed of the bacterial filamentous morphotype. A severe
inflammatory reaction surrounded these bacterial biofilms (original magnification 400).

canal–treated teeth, statistical analysis was not performed separately for ciated with an intraradicular biofilm. Two of these extraradicular bio-
data from treated canals. films showed areas of mineralization with a calculus-like appearance
Intraradicular biofilms were found in seven of the eight (87.5%) (Fig. 8).
specimens associated with a sinus tract and in 57 of 69 (83%) of the
symptomatic cases (Table 1). However, despite the high prevalence,
these values were not statistically significant when compared with cases Discussion
with no sinus tract (75/98, 76.5%) (Fisher test, p = 0.7) and no symp- Determination that a given human infectious disease is caused by
toms (25/37, 68%) (c2, 0.08). No significance was found for data from biofilms is not an easy task. Difficulties may be related to several
untreated canals and treated canals when examined separately (p > reasons, including the coexistence of biofilm and planktonic bacteria
0.05). in many infections, the absence of a definitive marker for bacteria form-
Extraradicular bacterial biofilms were observed in only six speci- ing biofilms, and the loss of the biofilm phenotype when subject to
mens (6%), four from untreated canals and two from treated canals. All sampling and culturing procedures (23). By taking such difficulties
these specimens were associated with clinical symptoms. Of the eight into account, Parsek and Singh (23) proposed the following criteria
cases with sinus tracts, extraradicular biofilms were detected in three to define infections caused by biofilms: (1) the infecting bacteria are
(37.5%). In all but one of the cases, the extraradicular biofilm was asso- adhered to or associated with a surface (‘‘associated with’’ implies

JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010 Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis 1283
Clinical Research

Figure 6. Maxillary lateral incisor with a large periapical radiolucency (>5 mm) (inset). (a and b) The section taken at the transition between the apical and the
middle third showing a bacterial biofilm covering the dentinal walls. The dentinal tubules subjacent to the biofilm are heavily invaded and colonized to varying
depths (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 100 and 400).

that aggregates/coaggregates do not need to be firmly attached); (2) matory cells in the very apical canal, in ramifications, and in isthmuses
direct examination of infected tissue shows bacteria forming clusters (criterion 5). Criterion 4 was not assessed in this study, but it is widely
or microcolonies encased in an extracellular matrix, which may be of known that intraradicular endodontic infections are not treatable by
bacterial or host origin; (3) the infection is generally confined to systemic antibiotics, even though most endodontic bacteria are suscep-
a particular site, and although dissemination may occur, it is a secondary tible to currently used antibiotics (25). The problem with using systemic
event; and (4) the infection is difficult or impossible to eradicate with antibiotics is related to the fact that endodontic infection occurs in an
antibiotics despite the fact that the responsible microorganisms are avascular space with restricted access to antibiotics, but the recognition
susceptible to killing in the planktonic state. The following criterion of endodontic infections as biofilm infections still strengthens the expla-
was further added by Hall-Stoodley and Stoodley (24): (5) ineffective nations for antibiotic ineffectiveness. As for criterion 6 proposed in this
host clearance evidenced by the location of bacterial colonies in study, effects of treatment on biofilms and how they influence the treat-
discrete areas in the host tissue associated with host inflammatory cells. ment outcome were not evaluated herein and await further investiga-
According to this last criterion, evidence of polymorphonuclear neutro- tions in a longitudinal experimental design. Nonetheless, the frequent
phils (PMNs) and macrophages surrounding bacterial aggregates/ observation of biofilms in treated canals with posttreatment disease
coaggregates in situ considerably increases the suspicion of biofilm may at least suggest that there is a potential for fulfillment of this crite-
involvement with disease causation. We propose the following sixth rion.
criterion: the elimination or significant disruption of the biofilm struc- The apical root canal can be regarded as a critical territory for
ture and ecology leads to remission of the disease process. pathogenetic and therapeutic reasons (26). This is because bacteria
Although there are recognized limitations to these criteria, it is located at the apical canal of teeth with apical periodontitis are in
assumed that they provide general characteristics that allow for consid- such a strategic position that they may be regarded as the most impor-
ering the role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of a certain human disease tant infective agents related to the disease pathogenesis. With this in
(24). The present findings showing biofilm structures in the great mind, the present study restricted the investigation of biofilm prevalence
majority of cases of primary (80%) and posttreatment (74%) apical pe- to the apical root canal system. The very high prevalence of intraradic-
riodontitis along with the observed morphological features of these bio- ular biofilms may be related to the fact that bacteria in the apical canal
films seem to fulfill four of the six criteria. Although adhesion and compose the advanced front of infection and then directly face an in-
strength of adhesion cannot be measured by the methods used in the flamed tissue area. Inflammatory exudate seeps into the apical canal
present study, the bacterial agreggates/coaggregates were observed to to create a fluid phase and provide bacteria with nutrients in the
at least be associated with the root canal dentin surface (criterion 1). form of glycoproteins and proteins. This may represent optimal condi-
Bacterial colonies were seen in the huge majority of the specimens en- tions for biofilm formation and help explain the many exuberant bio-
cased in an amorphous extracellular matrix whose origin was, however, films observed in the apical canal, especially in primary endodontic
not possible to determine (criterion 2). Endodontic biofilms were often infections in which the untreated root canal may afford more space
confined to the root canal, in a few cases extending to the external root for exudate seepage and stagnation into the canal.
surface, but dissemination through the lesion never occurred (criterion Overall, intraradicular biofilms were 20% more frequent in teeth
3). In the great majority of cases, biofilms were directly faced by inflam- with large radiographic lesions than in those with small lesions. All root

1284 Ricucci and Siqueira Jr. JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010
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Figure 7. (a) Untreated maxillary first premolar extracted with the apical periodontitis lesion attached to the root tip. The longitudinal section passing approx-
imately through the center of the buccal canal. Ingrowth of granulomatous tissue is evident at the apical foramen (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original
magnification 16). (b) Detail of the apical root canal showing the bacterial content. A large bacterial floc exhibiting a high bacterial density and surrounded by
amorphous material can be distinguished at the center of the canal lumen. Empty spaces are artifacts (original magnification 100). (c and d) Higher magni-
fication of the upper and the lower halves of the floc in b. A great amount of intertwining filaments radiating at the periphery and projecting into a distinct extra-
cellular surround is discernible. Note the totally different arrangement of the bacterial populations outside the floc (original magnification 400).

canals associated with very large lesions (>10 mm) were found to The present study revealed that intraradicular biofilms were signif-
harbor intraradicular biofilms. Large lesions have been associated icantly more frequent in root canals of teeth with epithelialized lesions
with complex intraradicular infections characterized by bacterial (cysts and epitheliazed granulomas or abscesses). Ninety-three percent
communities with increased species richness and high populational of the lesions exhibiting some level of epithelial proliferation were in
density (27, 28). Because it takes time for apical periodontitis to
develop and become radiographically visible, it is conceivable to
TABLE 2. Prevalence of Intraradicular Biofilms at the Apical Segment of
assume that large lesions represent a longstanding pathologic Untreated and Treated Canals of Teeth with Apical Periodontitis According to
process caused by an even ‘‘older’’ intraradicular infection. In the Lesion Size as Determined Radiographically
a longstanding infectious process, involved bacteria may have had
enough time and conditions to adapt to the environment and set Untreated Total (untreated
a mature and organized biofilm community. The fact that infected Lesion size (%) Treated + treated)
root canals of teeth with large lesions harbor a large number of cells #5 mm 10/17 (59) 13/20 (65) 23/37 (62)
and species almost always organized in biofilms may help explain the >5 mm 14/16 (87.5) 14/18 (78) 28/34 (82)
$10 mm* 2/2 (100) 3/3 (100) 5/5 (100)
long-held concept that the treatment outcome may be influenced by
the lesion size (29). *These specimens were also included in the group >5 mm.

JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010 Biofilms and Apical Periodontitis 1285
Clinical Research
association with root canals colonized by bacterial biofilms. As for the that extraradicular biofilms are usually maintained by intraradicular
lesion histopathologic type, intraradicular biofilms were significantly infection. All cases showing an extraradicular biofilm exhibited
more detected in cases diagnosed as cysts (95% as compared with clinical symptoms, and three of them were associated with sinus
69.5% in granulomas and 83% in abscesses). Because apical cysts tracts. In abscesses, individual bacterial cells were seen within the
develop as a result of epithelial proliferation in some granulomas inflamed periradicular tissue and commonly being phagocytosed by
(30), it is reasonable to assume that the older the apical periodontitis PMNs (Fig. 4a). These findings indicate that extraradicular infections
lesion, the greater the probability of it becoming a cyst. Similar to teeth in the form of biofilms or planktonic bacteria are not a common occur-
with large lesions, the age of the pathologic process may also help rence, are usually dependent on the intraradicular infection, and are
explain the higher prevalence of biofilms in association with cysts. more frequent in symptomatic teeth.
Extraradicular bacterial biofilms were found in only six speci- Similar to other studies, bacteria were also seen in the lumen of the
mens, and except for one case they were always associated with intra- main canal, ramifications, and isthmuses as flocs and planktonic cells,
radicular biofilms. This low prevalence of extraradicular biofilms is in either intermixed with necrotic pulp tissue or possibly suspended in
accordance with previous studies (10, 31). These findings also suggest a fluid phase. Bacterial flocs in clinical specimens may have originated

Figure 8. Maxillary premolar with clinically necrotic pulp and a sinus tract buccally. No periodontal pockets were disclosed at probing. The largest diameter of the
lesion on the radiograph was >5 mm (inset). (a and b) After extraction, calculus is observed covering exclusively the root apex. The apical periodontitis lesion did
not remain attached to the root tip and was removed separately. (c) The section taken on a mesiodistal plane not passing through the main foramen. The apical
external surface is covered by a bacterial biofilm (Taylor’s modified Brown and Brenn, original magnification 16). (d) Higher magnification of the area indicated
by the upper left arrow in c. Biofilm with high bacterial density (original magnification 400). (e) Higher magnification of the area indicated by the lower left arrow
in c. A dense biofilm with a prevalence of filamentous morphotypes. Note the area apparently free of bacterial cells, which may be likely a focus of calcification
(original magnification 1,000). (f) Higher magnification of the area from the external radicular profile indicated by the right arrow in c. The biofilm is miner-
alized with relatively few bacteria (original magnification 1,000).

1286 Ricucci and Siqueira Jr. JOE — Volume 36, Number 8, August 2010
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from the growth of cell aggregates in a fluid or they may have detached staining protocols are still valuable tools for studying bacterial coloni-
from biofilms (24). Flocs may exhibit many of the same characteristics zation of the root canal system.
as biofilms (22) and along with planktonic bacteria have been sug- In conclusion, the present study revealed a very high prevalence of
gested to play a role in the pathogenesis of acute clinical forms of apical bacterial biofilms in the apical root canals of both untreated and treated
periodontitis (5). teeth with apical periodontitis. The pattern of bacterial community
The ability of endodontic bacteria to organize themselves in bio- arrangement in the canal, which adhered to or at least was associated
film communities is of great therapeutic interest in endodontics. with the dentinal walls with cells encased in an extracellular amorphous
Although bacteria present as flocs and planktonic cells in the main matrix and often surrounded by inflammatory cells, is consistent with
root canal may be easily accessed and eliminated by instruments and acceptable criteria to include apical periodontitis in the set of
substances used during treatment, those organized in biofilms attached biofilm-induced disease. Biofilm morphologic structure varied from
to the canal walls or located into isthmuses and ramifications are defi- case to case, and no unique pattern for endodontic infections was deter-
nitely more difficult to reach. Many bacteria under the biofilm were seen mined. Bacterial biofilms are still more expected to be present in asso-
invading dentinal tubules (Fig. 6), which also pose a problem for disin- ciation with longstanding pathologic processes, including large lesions
fection. Some biofilm-covered walls of the main canal may remain and cysts.
untouched by instruments, which is especially true when the root canal
is irregular, flattened, or oval in cross-section (32–34) (Fig. 2e and f).
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