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Formacion de

tutores para
programas en linea.

Actividad de Investigación

Instituto Windsor

Ciclo 2021-2022

Grupo: 901

Alumno: Marcos Ulises

García Barrera

San Luis Acatlán, Gro.

Actividad Complementaria 1

One of the first steps of Instructional Design is an analysis of the needs of the learner for
whom the course is designed. These needs are not just linguistic but include aspects of
personality, their hope, fears and personal circumstances, among other things. This
requires an instructional designer to be empathetic towards the learners and consider what
the new course needs to be like to really help them progress. Below is an illustration of
“The Empathy framework” (Kouprie & Visser, 2009) which will guide you in trying to
identify with the new learners so as to be able to design the most suitable course for them.

Task Instructions
Use the Empathy Framework to describe the boys in the photograph below and
then explain what the Instructional Designer should take into account when
preparing an effective course of English for them.
These students seem to be bored so they seem to be immersed in their thoughts,
in their own worlds, they must be thinking of different possibilities of what they
could be doing instead of that "boring" place, and I get it because it also happened
to me. And that is why I believe that in order for teachers to have their full attention,
they should be able to captivate their curiosity, call them, make these activities
more interactive, so that the student doesn’t miss a second of what’s happening. .

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