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Full Version Specially For you As A Supporter & Contributor of Indian Cuisine

Work By Supriya @

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Full Version Specially For you As A Supporter & Contributor of Indian Cuisine

1. About

2. What Is Food Styling 3. The Three Factors of Food Styling 1. How 2. What 3. Where

4. Food Styling as a Career

5. Modern Indian Food Presentation Pictures

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To represent modern Indian cuisine to world as a pioneer cuisine & strong contender to be one of the top cuisines in the world is created with an intention in supporting great Indian cooking to reach a worldwide popularity; we plan to achieve this by developing new cooking techniques & positive eating habits through Indian cuisine. Our aim is to popularise Indian cuisine change the myth of "old fashioned curry" & "mouth firing spicy foods"

Our vision is to showcase finest Indian cuisine, recipes & best Indian chefs. We provide the best possible support for Indian chefs to achieve the best chefs jobs by featuring their culinary skills & gastronomique creativity to the world




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Food styling can be explained as a process of presenting food in Such a manner, so that it will provide an aesthetic appeal to the presenter & to whom its presented. Ones perception of food will not be same as other Even the colours we like may not be yours. So many points adds up to a great food presentation

There is a great saying we eat first with our eyes, its a very true statement a shabbily presented food will not
increase your appetite or tickle your taste buds. We can undoubtly compare a beautifully presented food with a welldressed lady or wonderful piece of painting After reading this article if you can gain some wisdom about presenting an excellent dish our vision is achieved in supporting fine Indian chefs please pass the knowledge you gained to your colleagues & juniors .help in leading a next generation Indian cuisine movement food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. The visual presentation of foods is often considered by chefs at many different stages of food preparation, from the manner of tying or sewing meats, to the type of cut used in chopping and slicing meats or vegetables, to the style of mould used in a baked dish.
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The food itself may be decorated as in elaborately iced cakes, topped with ornamental sometimes sculptural consumables, drizzled with sauces, sprinkled With seeds, powders, or other toppings or it may be accompanied by edible or inedible garnishes. The arrangement and overall styling of food upon bringing it to the plate is termed plating some common styles of plating include a 'classic' arrangement of the main item in the front of the plate with vegetables Or starches in the back, a 'stacked' arrangement of the various items, or the main item leaning or 'shingled' upon a vegetable bed or side item. Item location on the plate is often referenced as for the face of a clock, with six o'clock the position closest to the diner. A basic rule of thumb upon plating, and even in some cases prepping, is to make sure you have the 5 components to a dish; protein, traditionally at a 6 o'clock position, vegetable, at a 2 o'clock position, starch at an 11 o'clock position, sauce and garnish.

In Todays Modern World of Chefs This Clock Styles Are out Dated many dont follow a rule its an Abstract style, Line style or Pattern Style Its all The Creative freedom of Chef & His Choice how his Food will get its Fair Share of Appreciation .Some even serve Food Straight on the Cooking Pan

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The three factors those are significant in producing a fantastic food presentation. These factors has to complement each other, but even contrasting nature will result in excellent, You have noticed our colour selection in Cover page it is very contrasting .but it steels your concentration. Sometimes you need to play with contrasting colours when presenting complex dishes Cooking is the art and science of good eating. Also, it can be defined as the study of food and culture, with a particular focus on gourmet cuisine. One who is well versed in gastronomy is called a gastronome, while a gastronomist is one who unites theory and practice in the study of gastronomy.

Many food presentations is closely related to the people culture & their eating habits , Even Religions Have Greater influence how food is cooked & presented In Indian Cuisine The cultural Influence is food is very High and as Indian we have to preserve our Cultural Heritage. Being Modern in Cooking & Presentation skills is not to Copying The west but to present in Global standards while keeping our Authenticity.

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How - will define the material in which you are going to serve the food. It can be any kind of material metal, ceramic, wood... But to make sure it doesnt react with food ingredients Plates can come in any shape or sizes. You should be carefully select appropriate plates. Food placed in the plate should get 100% attention so the plate you select should act as a canvas for your food For dark colour food items try to choose white plate For light colour food items you can try colour or shaded plates For saucy dishes try deep plates with larger rims Keep one thing in mind whatever the plates are it has to be large enough to leave enough empty space. The plates can come in any size & shape you must select the appropriate one we will suggest strongly you should try same food in different plates to find the apt one.

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What The Food you are putting on the plate, The food you place on the plate should get the prime focus and your plate will support you to get the result. When you plan your food it should be balanced in colour, texture & flavour. These three factors in food are the first we experience through our senses. It has a big impact in presenting the food

Colours you can bring by combining or using natural ingredients alone. Spinach, tomato, turmeric, milk, squid ink, and so many ingredients People associate certain colours with certain flavors, and the color of food can influence the perceived flavor in anything from candy to wine. "Natural" foods such as oranges and salmon are sometimes also dyed to mask natural variations in color. Color variation in foods throughout the seasons and the effects of processing and storage often make color addition commercially advantageous to maintain the color expected or preferred by the consumer.
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Texture/Body/Mouth Feel is a product's physical and chemical interaction in the mouth, an aspect of food rheology. It is a concept used in many areas related to the testing and evaluating of foodstuffs, It is evaluated from initial perception on the palate, to first bite, through mastication to swallowing and aftertaste. Many will Relate Texture to a product's water activity, hard or crisp products having lower water activities and soft products having intermediate to high water activities. You can always have the liberty to provide external textures to your dish if it lacks Texture combinations. Eg: tuile, parmesan crisp, vegetable crisp, freeze dried fruits

Flavor We Chefs Call it Aroma- The sense Which Makes Us feel the food Appetising .If we Preserve the Flavor till it Gets to the Table We are Successful .In Indian Cuisine We have numerous Spices that Can influence Flavor in a Food. Use it wisely, some flavour can Stop us from eating the food where as some can Tempt us having More Your Liking of Flavor will not be your Guest, so act clever keep a common Flavor balance, if you are trying something new ask for opinion with your colleagues & Regular guest Before Putting the Dish on the Menu
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Flavor is the sensory impression of a food or other substance, and is determined mainly by the chemical senses of taste and smell. are also very important to the overall gestalt of flavor perception. The flavor of the food, as such, can be altered with natural or artificial flavorants, which affect this senses.Flavorant, is defined as a substance that gives another substance flavor, altering the characteristics of the solute, causing it to become sweet, sour, tangy, etc.

Of the three chemical senses, smell is the main determinant of a food item's flavor. While the taste of food is limited to sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory (umami) the basic tastes the smells of a food are potentially limitless. A food's flavor, therefore, can be easily altered by changing its smell while keeping its taste similar. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in artificially flavored jellies, soft drinks and candies, which, while made of bases with a similar taste, have dramatically different flavors due to the use of different scents or fragrances

It is the taste That makes You Feel Like Licking Your Finger After a Tasting Meal. If we Identify That Mixtures we can replicate the Delicious Umami Effect in to each Of Our Dishes. In Indian Food Knowingly Or Unknowingly we Use lot of Umami Rich Ingredients. Our Kind of Taste Enhancer "Chat masala is UMAMI rich. Thats why our Traditional Tandoor Chefs Dust Every Kebab Which Chat Masala & makes You Feel Want More.
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Where - the Most Important Factor that will determine how you food will be perceived. You would have come up with a fantastic presentation, excellent food, and great plate. Well! All of this will be worthless if the food you going to serve will be in a Multi coloured Discotheque or Dim light Pub. So this Factor is very much important even though we talked about this last. The Food Presentation is a cyclic process each factors is very Dependant .if you oversee one factor then the purpose is not served. Dont mind you can always re-look the process before you finalise your dishes.

We will strongly suggest when you do plating ,food trials or tasting do taste the food as a guest would do even if you pay for the cost that will be great so you understand the value you will get as a guest

Some points we can consider when talking about The Where Factor.
Color or Lighting of the Place Table Cloth Out Door or Indoor Theme of the Service Time Of Service

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Food Styling through Photography is a specialization of commercial photography, aimed at producing attractive photographs of food for use in advertisements, packaging, menus or cookbooks. Professional food photography is a collaborative effort, usually involving an art director, a photographer, a food stylist, a prop stylist and their assistants

Food stylist is to make the food look attractive in the finished photograph. The main difference between how a home cook or chef may present food and what a stylist does is the time and effort a stylist takes to carefully and artfully arrange the food. Also required is the visual know how, and ability to translate the perception of taste, aroma and appeal that one gets from an actual dish, to a two-dimensional photograph.

Food stylists have culinary training; some are professional chefs or have a background in home economics. In addition to knowledge of nutrition and cooking techniques, food stylists must also be resourceful shoppers. As creative professionals, they envision the finished photograph and style the food accordingly
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The process of food photography begins with the purchase of the food and ingredients. Because only the most visually perfect foodstuffs are acceptable and multiple backup or test items are usually needed, this is a very time-consuming process. The best-looking of the purchased items is selected and marked as the "hero", i.e., the item that will be featured in the photograph. During the setup and for test shoots, it is represented by a cardboard stand-in.

The actual photography takes place in a studio under controlled lighting conditions. The light, background and setting are carefully prepared so as to present the food in an as attractive way as possible without distracting from it. The color and texture of the background is selected so as to effectively complement that of the food and to assist with its lighting. In addition to choosing, preparing and composing plated food, food stylists use numerous techniques to make appear the food as attractive as possible. These may include: Creating steam with cool air nebulizers or a combination of chemicals that give off smoke that gives the appearance of steam; Spraying food with water or mixtures of water, corn syrup, or other liquids to keep food looking fresh;

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Making a mixture of solid shortening, corn syrup, and powdered sugar (essentially a very stiff frosting) that can be scooped to stimulate real ice cream; using a variety of browning agents (usually mixtures used to brown gravies or sometimes heat activated liquids used in commercial bakeries) to enhance the colour/brownness of cooked meats and poultry; using heavy cream instead of milk in bowls of cereal to prevent flakes from becoming soggy too quickly. The use of white glue is generally discouraged, and is not usually encountered. (as most cereal companies prohibit this practice). Blanching green vegetables to just bring up their bright colour, rather than cooking them completely. Other vegetables and foods may be cooked just to colour, so they do not brown or become wrinkled if they must stand under the camera for a while. Adding water to beverages so light will filter through better and add sparkle to the drink.

NB: For us Chefs Food styling can be used as a Restaurant, Menu, or self, Marketing Tool. Many Ideas can be used in our day to day operation provided you plan these Styling steps in advance.

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At we constantly update our skills & knowledge with a view of creating some Amazing Food Plates equally or Better than any stylised cuisine in the World. When we present our Great Indian Cuisine with a Modernist way it Take out automatically the Myth of Heavy & rich food Tag Indian Cuisine Had for Years This Food Presentation & Dishes are a Brief Idea for you to create your own plates. We concentrate mainly on Sustainable & Very economic ingredients when trying out new dishes. If You use high cost ingredients & Products you can get to above average presentation by the quality of item used. But what is the Creativity & innovation in it.Indian Cuisine always stand our Utilising your local ingredients & local produce so we deliberately focus on those ingredients that are very hand to all people around the world. This will help us in making Indian cuisine more popular & More nearer to every house hold All Dish presented in this book is being Developed in Our Home Kitchen-Our Culinary Workshop and Ingredients that most Indian House Uses. Our Creative Mind given us the Freedom to Present those dishes in High Standard Manner that most Fine dining Restaurants will do. Please Enjoy our Creations & do Write to us In Response
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Carrot Pudding, Saffron & Cardamom Ice Cream, Brown Coconut sand {Our Own Authentic Gajar Ka Halwa } On Its Variation unleash your Creativity start Doing Your own Plates keep this is presentation as a path
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Crispy Fried anchovies on Hook, Caramelised Sambar Onions, Gin & Cinnamon Cured chilly spiked country yolk Dip

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Wings In Traditional Travancore style, Cubes of Pan-fried Idli, Garlic cress & Mustard Flowers

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Lamb cutlets cooked on lava stone, Tender Lamb Buna , Mini Dakhai Paratha, Coconut Rice on Gold

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Sous-Vide Cooked Chicken Biriyani, Mint Raita & Garlic Pickle

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A Healthy Breakfast Steamed Idli, Dosa Pancake, Chilly & Coconut Chutney

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OUR NEXT PROJECT s Takes on Traditional Indian Cooking We challenge many cooking ideas, such as Why Deep frying Why not Shallow Frying, Why Shallow Frying why Not Roasting Has it affect the Dish any way in Texture , Aroma, Color & Authenticity

We will publish a chef Journey From Classic Indian Cuisine to Modern Indian Cuisine

Change is Inevitable whether you are part of it Or NOT

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Thanks For Choosing & Supporting Us Supriya.P CEO

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