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Part 1 – LAW 2.

Criminal (defines different crimes, its elements

and provide penalties)
Law – is a rule of conduct, just and obligatory,
3. Civil (body of laws that govern the different
promulgated by a legitimate authority for the common
relations of individuals, their property, defines
observance and benefit (Sanchez, Roman- Spanish
rights and obligations, and remedies in case of
CHARACTERISTICS OF LAW 4. Adjective or Remedial (laws which provide the
procedures on enforcing or maintaining rights,
1. Rule of Conduct – any action, things, dictate of or obtaining redress for their invasion)
reason if regulated or gathered become a
conglomeration of rules and regulations that {obligations and contracts are under civil law)
can create harmonious relations among people
REPUBLIC ACT. NO 386, enacted in June 1949, law
(You should have drivers license to be able to
2. Promulgated by a legitimate authority – Which contains 2,200 Articles and contained in six
Branches of government: Legislative, Executive books namely:
and Judiciary. Once law is enacted, the State
Book I – HUMAN RELATIONS (revised under the New
makes it known to those who are expected to
Family Code of 1988)
follow it.
3. Just and Obligatory – treatment should be Book II – SUCCESSION
equal, regardless of sex, creed, age, and status
in life. Obligatory means any duty binding Book III – PROPERTY
parties to perform their agreement. Book IV – OBLIGATIONS & CONTRACTS (from Art 1156
4. For the common observance and benefit – the to Art 1430)
application of law should not be titled or
favoring an individual but by the observance of Book V – TRUST
all and the benefits that may be derived from it. Book VI – SALES
1. CONSTITUTION – the fundamental law or the Obligation – Article 1156 defined Obligation as a
basic law of our land (1987 Constitution) juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.
2. LEGISLATIONS – laws enacted by the legislative
department (congress: Senate & House of Juridical – an adj which means relating to law
3. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS – implementing rules
and guidelines promulgated by the different 1. TO GIVE (real obligation) “promised to pay”
agencies of the executive department 2. TO DO (personal obligation) “agreed to sing”
(executive department: the one who executes 3. NOT TO DO (negative- personal obligation)
the laws which are enacted by the legislative “obliged not to fence”
4. JURISPRUDENCE- Supreme court decisions and
rulings. Ex. Eve promised Mario that she will repay her load of
5. CUSTOMS – old and good traditions (practices Php 10,000 tomorrow.
by elders)
1. PASSIVE SUBJECT – the one who has the
DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF OUR LAWS obligation to give, to do, or not to do
(obligor/debtor). EVE IS THE PASSIVE SUBJECT
1. Political (election laws, territorial laws, political
2. ACTIVE SUBJECT – the one who has the right to
rights, international laws of States, etc.)
demand (the oblige/creditor). MARIO IS THE
3. OBJECT OF PRESTATION – the subject matter. Crimes – RPC art 100 – Every person criminally
10,000 IS THE OBJECT liable for a felony is also civilly liable (Goes to
4. LEGAL OR JURIDICAL TIE – the efficient cause. prison and pays for damages)
CONTRACT OF LOAN is the legal tie between
Example: X raped and murder G, who was a manager
parties. It is the main criteria to determine if it
and only 33 years old.
exist, so the injured person can file a case in
court. What are the Criminal’s Scope of Civil Liability?
OBJECT OR PRESTATION of an OBLIGATION must a. Restitution or restoration – since G was dead, X
comply with REQUISITES. cannot restore the life so he must pay
b. Reparation for damaged caused – pay for
1. Must be licit (otherwise void) “the 10,000 must
damages, funeral, burial others.
be legal, lawful”
c. Indemnity for Consequential damages – Salary
2. Must be possible, physically and juridically
of the victim
(otherwise void) “Amy promised to build Mat a
5. QUASI-DELICTS/ TORTS – It is an act or
house in Pacific Ocean” – void
omission arising from fault or negligence which
3. Must be determinate or determinable
cause damage to another, there being no
(otherwise void)
proper contractual relations between parties.
- Determinate and not a Generic or
indeterminate (Has to be specific) Negligence – failure to observe diligence, that
4. Must have a pecuniary value. (Also known as: degree of care, precaution and vigilance, which the
- JURIDICAL TIE that binds parties or circumstance justly demand.
- The CAUSE why obligation exist
Degree of diligence:
1. Extra- ordinary – required of public
1. LAW: Must be expressly or impliedly set forth transportation
and not presumed. Ex: Payment of taxes on or 2. Ordinary – to act as a good father of a family
before April 15 3. Diligence agreed by the parties
2. CONTRACTS: Agreements between individuals
which must be complied with in good faith. The DIFFERENT KINDS OF QUASI-DELICTS
provisions or stipulations in the contract is the 1. Culpa Aquiliana (no existing contract): Example;
law between the parties. Randy broke the windshield of Ed’s car after
3. QUASI- CONTRACTS: carelessly throwing a baseball
a. NEGOTIORUM GESTIO (UNAUTHORIZED 2. Culpa Contractual: Ces sustained injuries when
MGT) – when a person voluntary manages the taxicab she was in turned turtle. (Turned
an abandoned property or business upside down); contract of carriage
belonging to another without the latter’s 3. Culpa Criminal: 18 pupils died after eating
consent. (Ex, when a bldg. is on fire and cassava cake in the cafeteria.
another person was able to put out the fire,
then the owner is obliged to repay that DUTIES OF A DEBTOR WHO PROMISES TO GIVE A
person or compensate if ever he or she was DETERMINATE THING
injured) (Eve obliged herself to give sue on her birthday, a sports
b. SOLUTIO INDEBETI (UNDUE PAYMENT) – car, Toyota 86, with plate number ASA 222.)
when a person unduly delivers mistake to
another person, who has no right to 1. TO PRESERVE THE THING DUE with diligence of
demand it. (Ex. When the bank mistakenly a good father of a family (ordinary care)
deposits more than the money you 2. TO DELIVER THE FRUITS OF THE THING
expected and you did not return it) [Fruits: Natural (grown naturally), Industrial
4. DELICTS – Obligation Ex Maleficio or Ex Delicto (with human intervention), Civil (product of a
Ex. Air conditioner in a car FORTUITOUS EVENTS
the obligation by NEGLIGENCE, FRAUD (tikas), 1. When expressly declared by law.
DELAY OR CONTRAVENTION of the tenor of the 2. When expressly stipulated in the contract.
obligation. 3. When the nature of obligation requires
assumption of risk.
What if the debtor promised to deliver and
4. When the obligor has promised to deliver the
indeterminate or generic thing?
same thing to two or more person who do not
What are his obligations? have the same interest.
5. When the obligor is guilty of DELAY, FRAUD,
Ex. May promised to give Ange a high-end smart phone
NEGLIGENCE, OR BREACH of terms of the
on her birthday. (The phone is generic since brand or
serial is not specified)
6. When the thing promised is a generic object
1. TO DELIVER THE THING which is neither because of the principle “GENUS NUNQUAM
superior nor of inferior PERUIT” or GENERIC NEVER PERISHES.
2. TO PAY FOR DAMAGES in case of breach
When an obligation consists of payment of interest or
installments, what does the law requires from the
of the terms of the obligation)
Delay or Mora – a failure to deliver the thing due within
Art. 1176 provides that “The receipt of the
the period promised. When it is committed by the
principal by the .. reservation with the respect to the
debtor, it is known as MORA SOLVENDI
interest, shall give rise to the presumption that the said
Ex: Bo promised to Gee an expensive watch on New interest has been paid.
Year’s Day. Gee demanded from Bo the delivery of the
The receipt of a later installment of a debt
watch but Bo never showed up.
without reservation as to prior installments, shall
GEN RULE: DELAY happens form the time the Creditor likewise raise the presumption that such installments
judicially (before a court) or extra-judicially demands the have been paid.
Ex: D is indebted to C P10,000 and an interest of P1000.
Except: 1. When the law or obligation expressly so Upon paying, P10,000, C issued a receipt stating “FULL
declare; 2 When from the nature and the circumstances PAYMENT OF LOAD”.
of the obl. 3 When the demand would be useless, as
- C cannot anymore collect the interest of 1k
when the obligor has rendered it beyond is power to
because the receipt states that there is a
full payment of the loan
What if the debtor fails to deliver or perform the
Ex: D buys a motorcycle from C thru installment at
obligation because of events or circumstances beyond
P3000/month. D failed to pay on January. At the end of
his control, is the debtor still liable?
February, D paid C, then C issued a receipt stating
Answer: It depends because there are exceptions “Payment for the month of February”



1. Acts of God or Force Majeure (Tsunami,

flooding, typhoon etc
2. Acts of Men (War, riot, coup, robbery etc.)
PART 2 - OBLIGATIONS - According to plurality of subject (ACTIVE
1. SIMPLE with only one debtor and one
- According to demandability (demandability creditor)
of the obligation) Ex. Ann obliged herself to give may, her
1. PURE – not subject to any conditions or 18-karat gold necklace.
period. 2. JOINT (when an obligation has two or more
Ex. Pio promised to lend his book to debtors, who are bound proportionately to
Josh. (DEMANDABLE AT ONCE) deliver or perform to two or more creditors)
2. CONDITIONAL – is subject to a condition Each of the obligation is separate and
(uncertain future event) distinct from that of the others.
Ex. Pau promised Jo to build a house if Ex. D and E promised to pay X and Y
Jo graduates cum laude. Php60,000 jointly.
Other examples of condition: Job Upon maturity, if X collects from D, D is only
promotion; winning a legal case in bound to pay Php15k only to X. (60k divided
court; passing an exam; marriage; by number of parties)
3. WITH A PERIOD- is a subject to a period means that D’s obligation to X is separate
(a certain date or future event) and distinct from 1) D’s obligation to Y; 2)
Ex. Pop promised Pat a Rolex watch E’s obligation X; 3) E’s obligation to Y.
with serial no. 1-A, if Pop’s dog, Aw-aw,
Words to express that obligation is JOINT:
Jointly, proportionately, pro rata, non-
Other examples: one’s birthday, fixed
comunada, non-comandante.
date, paying little by little, time to time,
or when money is available, or when 3. SOLIDARY (must be expressed in stipulation;
based on one’s ability or capacity to provided by law; or by nature of the
pay. obligation)
- According to parties liable: Words to express solidarity: CO-maker, joint
1. UNILATERAL and several, pro-indiviso, in solidum, using
2. RECIPROCAL the pronoun “I” instead “We”
- According to plurality of object Example: I promise to pay C and D, 50k on
1. SIMPLE ( Jan 1 of the following year, signed by X and
3. FACULTATIVE (with only one object Upon maturity, either X or Y, is bound to
agreed to be delivered, but the debtor pay either C and D, Ph50,000.
may substitute it with another.)
Note: The amount is payable at once to any creditor,
Ex. Don promised to give Joe his Apple
except if agreed to be payable on different dates.
laptop with serial no 1223. Before
Example: X and Y promised to pay C and D jointly and
delivery, Don has the option to
severally Php 50,000, half of an Jan 1 and half on June 1.
substitute the laptop with a Yamaha Jet
ski. - According to performance:
1. DIVISIBLE – the obligation is susceptible
In cases of losing the thing due and the debtor is at
or capable of partial performance or
delivery or its performance can be
- Loss of the laptop (Principal Object) – measured by number of days, or metric
debtor is liable for damages units.
- Loss of the Jet ski (Substitute) – debtor is Ex. 1) Dan promised to pay his loan to
not liable but still bound to deliver the Ina pf Php20,000 in four monthly
installments starting January to April 20 Ex. D promised to give C100 per day until C’s
AA. 23rd birthday.
2) Watts obliged to build Wep a 200sq
meter bungalow in one year for
demandable at once. (Same as PURE OBLIGATION)
2. INDIVISIBLE – Obligation is not
susceptible of partial performance. Obligations that are demandable at once
Ex 1) Dan promised to pay his loan to
ina of Php 20k on Feb 10 1. Pure obligation
2) Watts obliged to give Wep a FJ 2. Obligation which is subject to resolutory
Cruiser with plate No LM 25. condition
- According to Sanctions for breach 3. Obligation which is subject to resolutory period
1. With a penal cause (an accessory SUSPENSIVE OR RESOLUTORY CONDITIONS
contract which provides for penalty in
case of non-performance or non- Could either be:
delivery of the thing promised without a. POTESTATIVE – the condition depends upon the
just cause) will of the debtor or creditor;
Ex 1) Dan promised to pay his loan to Ex. D promised to pay C Php50K if C will vacate
Ina php 20k on Feb 10. In case of failure form his house.
to pay, Dan shall be liable to Ina an b. CASUAL – the condition depends upon a
additional P500 per day of delay chance, hazard or will of a third person; Ex. D
reckoned from Feb 10. promised to pay C Php50k if C can survive the
In case, the penal clause serves to replace the provision Amazon Jungle for 30 days.
for paying interest. In some cases, the clause may c. MIXED – the condition depends PARTLY on the
replace the delivery of fruits (civil and natural) will of the debtor or creditor AND partly on
chance and will of a third person
2. Without a penal cause – Simply without d. IMPOSSIBLE – the condition is contrary to law,
an agreement of penalty in case of good morals or public policy
1. SUSPENSIVE – the obligation is suspended until a. POTESTATIVE (dependent on the sole will of the
the fulfillment or happening of the condition. debtor)
Ex. D promised to give C, a ring if C graduates b. IMPOSSIBLE (contrary to law etc.)
from college.
2. RESOLUTORY – the obligation is extinguished = both obligation and condition are VOID. But if the
upon the fulfillment or happening of the obligation is pre-existing, the obligation remains VALID
condition. and the court may fix the period for paying the debt.
Ex. D promised to give C P100 per day until C c. POTESTATIVE (dependent on the sole will of the
graduates college. creditor)
= Both obligation and Condition are VALID
1. SUSPENSIVE – the obligation is suspended until e. POSITIVE suspensive condition (Ex. D promised
the happening or arrival of the period. C, Php 50k, if C gets married before Dec 31,
Ex. D promised to give C, a ring on C’s 23rd 2020) = If Jan 1, 2021, C remains single, then the
birthday. obligation is extinguished.
2. RESOLUTORY – the obligation is extinguished f. NEGATIVE suspensive condition (Ex. D promised
upon the happening of the period. to refund C’s entire school tuition if C is not
married at the end of 2020) = if on Jan. 1, 2021,
C is sill unmarried, then the obligation becomes WHEN RESCISSION IS A REMEDY IN RECIPROCAL
due and demandable. OBLIGATIONS:

RETROACTIVE EFFECT OF CONDITIONAL OBL. TO GIVE Remedy of 1. Specific performance + damages; or

1. When obl. With suspensive cond. Acquires Injured Party 2. Rescission + damages (only in case of
force: upon the happening of the event substantial breach)
2. When retroactive effect applies: If debtor
promises to deliver the same object to two
ALTERNATIVE… However, if the thing is already in the
creditors both subject to a suspensive
hands of a third person who is a buyer in good faith,
condition, the 1st creditor has a better right over
then the injured party can proceed to rescission.
the 2nd creditor even if his condition is not yet
fulfilled. Hence, the 1st creditor may institute an NOTE: Obligation of parties in case of RESCISSION:
action to preserve his right, such as: Return the objects they respectively received by virtue
1. Annotating a notice of pending litigation on of the contract. RESCISSION can either be JUDICIAL or
the title of the object; EXTRAJUDICIAL.
2. Filing an Adverse Claim with the Register of
Deeds/Assessor; OBLIGATIONS subject to a PERIOD (articles 1195-1998)
3. File a court action to stop delivery of the Example: D promised to pay C Php50k on Jan 1 of the
object to the 2nd creditor. following year.
3. In case delivery was made by the debtor to the 2nd 1. When a period is designated by the parties, it is
creditor: presumed to have been established for the
a. 2nd creditor acquires REAL RIGHT over the property if benefit of both;
he is in good faith; (Real right is one attaches to the 2. If no period is designated; when the period is
property, the person who attains possession of the dependent on the debtor’s will; or when debtor
property will have the right to use, right to mortgage.) pays when his means permit him to do so, then
the Creditor can go to Court so the latter may
(1st creditor remedy: File a claim for damages against fix the period.
the debtor) Ex. D promised to pay C Php 10k as soon as
b.If he is a buyer with bad faith, the 2nd
3. When debtor losses the benefit of a Period:
creditor acquires no legal right over the
a. When after entering a contract, debtor
property. Hence, the 1st creditor can
becomes insolvent (few assets left not
demand delivery of the thing in court.
enough to pay for his obligation), except
OBLIGATION AS TO PARTY/IES LIABLE when he gives guaranties or security for the
1. Unilateral – only one party is obliged to
b. When debtor does not furnish the
deliver/perform. (May promised to give Juan a
guaranties or security he promised;
c. When debtor has impaired the guaranties
2. Reciprocal (Bilateral) – both parties are either
or security by his own acts or thru
passive/active subject
fortuitous events, unless he immediately
Ex. Contract of Sale (Where there is a seller and
furnishes new ones;
a buyer)
d. When debtor violates any undertaking un
- The seller is obliged to deliver the object
consideration of the period; or
- The buyer is obliged to deliver the payment
e. When debtor attempts to abscond (escape
Hence both parties are obliged to deliver
or invade)
Obligations According to PLURALITY OF OBJECT: Note the other modes: Annulment (the parties annul the
obligation), rescission (consolation of the agreement or
1. SIMPLE (with only one subject)
contract) or fulfillment of resolutory condition (the
2. ALTERNATIVE (with two or more objects
condition of the obligation has already arrived)
promised but the delivery of any of the object
(extinguishment is the same as termination), death of a
shall extinguish the obligation)
debt in a personal obligation (to do), mutual desistance
Ex. Lea promised to give Fe on her graduation
either a Sony Tv, a HD stereo, or a cash of 50k. What is payment or performance?

If not agreed, the debtor has the right of choice. The PAYMENT is the delivery of money, while
moment the debtor communicates his choice to the PERFORMANCE is the delivery of the thing due or the
creditor, the obligation becomes a “Simple” one. services promised (not partial; not another thing).

By agreement, the creditor may have the right to NOTE: Substantial delivery is valid when it is not
choose. In the same token, communication of his choice attributed or the fault of the debtor. (ex. Wala na sa
to the debtor shall make the obligation “Simple”. market ang specific thing na iya dapat ihatag sa creditor)

The creditor can have the right of choice if agreed HOW SHOULD PAYMENT/PERFORMANCE BE MADE?
between them.
To be valid it must comply with the following:
Loss of the thing:
1. Must made by the debtor to the creditor:
Debtor’s fault: DEBTOR: by himself, his heirs, or assigns or
authorized agent or anyone interested in the
A) If one thing should be lost, the Creditor may choose
fulfillment of the obligation, or anyone as long
from the remaining objects plus indemnity for damages;
as the CREDITOR consents.
B) If all things were lost, the debtor is bound to pay the
Creditor the value of the object which disappeared last
plus damages; 1. The debtor, his heirs or assigns
2. 3rd person with his consent or person interested
Creditor’s fault:
3. 3rd person without his consent or person
A) If one thing should be lost, the debtor can without interest
choose to cancel the obligation and collect
Effects of Payment made by above-persons:
payment of damages from the creditor.
B) If all things were lost, the creditor pays debtor #2 – is entitled to subrogate the person of the creditor
the value of all the things plus payment of (includes: Principal, accessory like mortgage, guaranty
damages and penalty)

Note: If a thing is lost without the debtor’s fault Subrogate: to put in the place of another
(fortuitous event), the obligation shall be extinguished.
#3 – is entitled to reimbursed by the debtor only to the
PART 3 – EXTINGUISHMENT extent that he was benefitted

EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATIONS NOTE: Payment made by a 3rd person who doesn’t not
Articles 1232 to 1304 of the CIVIL CODE intend to be reimbursed by the debtor, extinguished
obligation and is deemed as a DONATION.
Reimbursed: Repay/Compensate
1. By payment or by performance
3. By the condonation or remission of debt AUTHORIZED, VALID?
4. By confusion or merger of rights 1. After payment, the third person acquires the
5. By compensation creditor’s rights
6. By novation
2. Creditors ratifies payment to 3rd person (ratifies 3. Cession: When debtor has several creditors, and
meaning approves, can be action or without he is insolvent or having financial difficulties.
action) Here, the debtor shall assign/transfer all of his
3. By creditor’s conduct, debtor has been led to properties to creditors, who shall sell them to
make the payment (creditor is in estoppel/ the public (There is no transfer of ownership).
something you cannot retract); creditor The proceeds of the sale shall be applied
instructed to debtor to make payment to proportionately to the creditors. Obligation of
another person but the person has not been the debtor are only extinguished to the extent of
authorized, so no one receives the payment. net proceeds of the sale.
Estoppel: refers to a legal principle that prevents
payment, the creditor refuses without just
someone from arguing something or asserting a right
cause (WJC) to accept it, the debtor shall be
that contradicts what they previously said
released from the responsibility by consignation
WHEN IS PAYMENT MADE TO A PERSON IN of the thing or sum due in court.
POSSESSION OF A CREDIT VALID? (he has the check, Applied also: 1) When creditor is absent
promissory note) unknown;
2)When he incapacitated to receive payment;
1. Payment by debtor must be made in good faith 3) When he refuses to issue a receipt WJC
2. Creditor must be in possession of the credit and 4) When 2 or more persons claim the right to
not merely the evidence of indebtedness. (after collect; and
the payment the debtor collects the docs 5) the title of the obligation has been loss
(promissory note), so that the obligation would


1. In the place designated by the parties WHEN IS THERE A LOSS:

2. If there is no express stipulation and the
1. When the object perishes (Physically)
undertaking is to deliver a determinate thing- at
2. When it goes out of commerce
the place where the thing might be at the
3. When it disappears in such a way that its
moment the obligation was constituted (where
existence is unknown or it cannot be recovered.
the thing is found)
3. In other case – in the place pf the domicile of WHEN IS THERE IS IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE:
the debtor
1. Physical impossibility
PRINCIPLES IN PAYMENT: 2. Legal impossibility

1. Application of payment: several debts with the GEN RULE: Loss of the thing due to extinguishes an
same debtor and creditor. Payment is applied to obligation
the account which is:
1. Debtor’s choice
2. Creditor’s choice with debtor’s consent; 1. WHEN DEBTOR IS AT FAULT
3. If neither party exercised the option, then - Guilty of DELAY, NEGLIGENCE, FRAUD, and
the court will apply the payment to the BREACH
2. Dation in payment (Dacion en pago) is the MADE BY THE PARTIES OR PROVISION OF LAW,
delivery of another object by the debtor to the OR THE NATURE OF THE OBLIGATION REQUIRES
creditor, upon the latter’s consent. Ownership ASSUMPTION OF RISK ON PART OF DEBTOR.
of the thing transfers from the debtor to the 3. WHEN THE THING PROMISED IS GENERIC
creditor. It is governed by the Law on sales.
CONDONATION is another mode to extinguish
CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF DEBT is gratuitous Ex. Sy is indebted to Val Php 40k. Another
abandonment of debt by the creditor person, Koko is indebted to Sy for the same
amount. Sy and Koko agreed that Koko will pay
This is done by the creditor who either expressly or
Val on due date. As a result, Sy’s obligation to
impliedly forgives the debtor in paying the obligation.
Val is extinguished.
The cause or consideration of forgiving is due to the
3. Subrogating the rights of the creditor.
creditor’s liberally or generosity. The debtor is required
Ex. Sy is indebted to Val for Php 40k. On the
to express his acceptance.
other hand, Val is indebted to Yu for the same
Applies in solidary obligation: example: A and B are amount.
indebted to Y and Z for 1,000,000 solidarily. If Y
condones the debt of A (PM1) then the obligation is Instead of collecting the amount from Sy, Val
extinguished. Note: Z can demand his share from Y. offered Yu that the latter shall collect the
amount from Sy.
COMPENSATION is another mode to extinguish

Also known as SET OFF; this occurs when persons, in INTERNET BASED Q AND A
their own right, are debtors and creditors to each other.
1. Which does not extinguish an obligation?
Ex. Ben is indebted to Cha for Php 50,000, while Cha is a. Annulment
indebted to Ben for Php 60,000. b. Fulfillment of suspensive condition
c. Prescription
In this case, Ben and Cha are both debtors and creditors d. Non
to each other. But since the amounts of the debts are 2. X owes Y PHP50k payable on September 2,
not equal, the COMPENSATION is only partial. 2022. Z, a third person pays Y without intention
When compensation is effected, Cha still owes Ben, Php of being reimbursed by X.
10,000. a. Z’s payment to Y will be considered a
donation in favor of X.
CONFUSION OR MERGER of rights is another mode to 3. Which is a special mode of payment?
extinguish obligation a. Application of payment
It occurs when the traits of the debtor and the creditor b. Cession en pago
are merged in one person. c. Dacion en pago
d. All of the above
Example: Jam issues a bill of exchange for Php 20,000 to 4. Which is not a requisite of cession en pago?
Ken. After a while, Ken indorsed the bill to Lu. On one a. Title to the properties transferred to the
hand, Lu paid his debt to Jam of Php 20,000 by indorsing creditor
the bill to Jam. 5. Which is a characteristic of dacion de pago?
a. Delivery transfers ownership
Jam becomes the holder of the instrument she
6. The act of depositing the thing due or amount
previously issue. Therefore, the traits of the debtor and
due with proper court when the creditor does
creditor are merged in one person.
not desire or cannot receive it subject to
NOVATION is another mode to extinguish obligation formalities of the law.
There are three types of Novation, namely:

1. Changing the objects of the obligation.

Ex. Sy is indebted to Val Php 40k. On the due
date, Sy offered to pay his debt by delivering his
Canon DSLR camera worth 50k pesos. The
moment Val agrees and accepts the camera,
Sy’s obligation is extinguished.
2. Substituting the person of the debtor.

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