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A Story of Myself


FEBRUARY 14,2022

My Life

My Story of my early life

I was born on the seventh day in the month of May, year 2002. I'm the fourth
child in the family of 5 children that consist of 3 male and 2 female. I don't
remember much during the early years of my infant life as I never heard nor
asked about it from my parents, and I also doesn't have prove of it because
there doesn't any pieces of prove that I will be proud of, as a history of my
infancy life.

The first and foremost important memorable moment of my early chilhood that
still exist till now in my sub-concious mind is how one day my father brought
me along to the paddy field on his broad and strong shoulder, as I'm a young
king. My early childhood history, that somehow still influences me, sometime,
that happen during one of the many festival that we have to celebrate
according to our custom, is how I fell sick, and was given a special care by the
many guest that came to our house for the celebration that my parents held.
On this special occasion, I was freely roaming around sitting on a big laddel
made of woods, as I was ridding a motocycle, with a sound of an engine
running, yet I don't know nor have seen any motocycle yet.

During this seven days period, there will be a lot of guest coming to
congratulate the boy. After the seven days period is over, then the parents of
the boy will have to celebrate for the boy, as from that time onwards, the boy
is seen as matured person, although his age is still 12 or 13 years old. For the
celebration, a big pig and dozen of chicken have to be kill, depend on the
capabilities of the family concern, usually to feed the many guest that have
been invited for the celebration.

In the month of January, 2005, it is the year when I began to have a deep
memories that I can still clearly remember until now. It is the year when I I
started my formal learning not in my mother tongue language,in our national
language, but purely in Ilocano. I started to pronounce alphabeth, words and
numbers in English. In primary school, I some how create a bit of history, that
is since primary one until primary six, I behold to the top notcher when ever
we have our school exam. The sad thing is, as far as I remember, my parents
never seem to have acknowledge my good achivement. As to me, this
achivement also mean nothing more than just a routine in school, that mean I
don't care and bother much to it. Asked me now , I don't have an answer to it.

It's a hard time during my primary school days. Everday I have to walks about
two miles to school, on a gravel road, as early as 6.00 am in the morning, and
return home around two or three in the afternoon. The funny things is, I never
have my lunch box to school, although in the morning I'll only have a cup of
coffee. Shoes, I never dream of it, because my parents can only afford a
simple rubber slippers, and when the slippers torn apart, that mean I have to
be bare footed to school. Belt, nice to have one, but the reality I never have.
The only belt that I know to tighten my school shorts is a plastic string. School
beg, unfortunately I don't have the knowledge about it too. I always put my
school books in a plastic beg, tug inside at the backside of my school white
shirt and tied the end parts of my school shirt tightly, off I go.

That the reality of my primary school life. I don't regret it, because I now know
that I am always grateful for what I have and I treasured it most. I learned a lot
from this simple way of acquiring a formal education. I will never blamed my
parents for what I have experience, because I know that the best they can
give me. I am grateful to them because they are the one to give me the
chance to live in this beautiful world. creation of the Almighty God.

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