55-1-2 Physics

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Series : A3BAB/1 _SET-2 mea pp yay QP. Code 55/1/2 waa. stare sei-va aie A sen-giera Roll No. raya area fer | Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on the title page of the answer-book. ate NOTE © 91221 wera 7 aes ara Al sik few me we Besar regen pays aR | ap (1) persia acd fe ga we—wa 3 12 er % ean we a am fren ge ae a URS, Sea Se wei oTaza feral | Se wea Bye & fee 15 fie ar aay fen rar @ | wea—va ar fare Yate H 10.15 9 fear sre | 10.15 tS 10.30 48 aH BHA Hae WHA Hl VSA ait ga staf & dor 3 sae gfe wig sen at Pra avy) ”) guar ats ar a fe se we—va Hf yea | (1) ap ay av) Ww) Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages. QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 12 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. 5 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m,, the candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer- book during this period. * sift fears (Haier) PHYSICS (Theory) Prater war: 2 70 Time allowed : 2 hours B5/u2 AUETH SH : 35 Maximum Marks : 35 P.T.O. ‘areca Paar : ‘Prafeftan Prégt at aga aaah & ofge oft stan rere hire: saree a eer 129 Ee ahaa S| (ii) Fever We aia Gat F fanfid OE %, GANT (iii) Gus: WET HEM G3 Mode MET 3% TE | (iv) WUs—w: WPT TEM A BI TH VP TTS BH BTA | (ve) WUB— 11: RF FEA 12 MHC STATA TTR TEA B, TE TET 5 SH TE | (vi) 3ea va A aig era Fare EF 8 | reais gee Wea srrafes Prewer vere fee Tee | gat a dare Cas Bh RT aT TTT RTT | (vii) car Serer aon arcinn arc erase B, ae sires B), cia seeegcten & geciin BY orgat ae @ | c= 3x 108 m/s h= 6.63 x 104 Js * e=16x1071C Hy = 4x 10-7 Tm At 854 x 10-1 C2 N71 m=? 9 10°N m? C2 gelagia 1 Ze44FI (m,) = 9.1 x 10-8 kg RAgM I RAAT = 1.675 x 1027 ke Shei a1 Zea4t = 1.673 x 10-27 ke sata} deat = 6.023 x 1023 wfe are tet ‘aes Prada = 1.38 x 10-23 JK-! SBI 2 we General Instructions : Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them: @ ti) (ii) fv) © ) (vii) This question paper contains 12 questions. All questions are compulsory. ‘This question paper is divided into three sections - Section A, Band C. Section A: Q. Nos. 1 to 3 are of 2 marks each. Section B : Q. Nos. 4 to 11 are of 3 marks each. Section C: Q. Nos. 12 is a case study based question of marks. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, internal choice has been provided in some of the questions. Attempt any one of the alternatives in such questions. Use of log tables is permitted, if necessary, but use of calculator is not permitted. c=3x 108 m/s h= 6.63 x 10-4 Js e= 16x10 C fy = 4x 10-7 Tm At 854 x 10-12 C2 Nl m=? 9x 109N m? C# Arey Mass of electron (m,) = 9.1 x 10-8! kg Mass of neutron = 1.675 x 10-27 kg Mass of proton = 1.673 x 10-7 kg Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 10? per gram mole Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1 3 P.T.O. WE - frail p-n Gf erate 8 ere eat aie Ota fara & Pa a 6) aren Ffare | 2 aren site ore eat at Fafa ee Ee ATT T > OK 4 n-wan 3K pen & srharersi & aol dug atte Wifey, | ga eat & wera ar sect Afra | 2 (a) Tip -area watt Ff webtela ST (0) & are weAfaia stem Soil ) arrefira faftoevit 3 fere dard ee fara 3 ere waprer— Pree ervey apr reer cart & fare ‘fea are fife : @ RRO A aa aaa oe Para oraftat v,, v, av, (v) < vy < vy) Gi) fafcit ft war arrafet eg faftra ctor I), 1, sf 1, C, OK, depicting the donor and acceptor energy levels Mention the significance of these levels. 2 3. (a) Draw the graph showing the variation of the number (N) of scattered alpha particles with scattering angle (0) in Geiger — Marsden experiment. Infer two conclusions from the graph. 2 OR (b) Plot suitable graphs to show the variation of photoelectric current with the collector plate potential for the incident radiation of () the same intensity but different frequencies v,, v) and v; (v, fae Salen oiite fata Fife | 3 >) aessr yoy A orgs Anh F eed wreat aih aad BIA aereeH eT aI STE aif | 10. + 5.0 D aman & frei cia 3 ara feeefi fares at sa @) eerfera feerferat at art Fife fart che feafe a cas wt faa orn on arate sfafaes waar 2 | 3 -5B/1I2 6 we fa (b) A thin equiconvex lens of radius of curvature R made of material of refractive index p, is kept coaxially, in contact with an equiconcave lens of the same radius of curvature and refractive index pp 1). Find : () the ratio of their powers, and Gi) the power of the combination and its nature. 7. (a) @) Monochromatic light is incident on a surface separating two media. The frequency of the light after refraction remains unaffected but its wavelength changes. Why ? 3 (i) The frequency of an electromagnetic radiation is 1.0 x 10!! Hz. Identify the radiation and mention its two uses. oR (») @ Trace the path of a ray of light PQ which is incident at an angle ion one face of a glass prism of angle A. It then emerges out from the other face at an angle e. Use the ray diagram to prove that the angle through which the ray is deviated is given by 28 = Zi +Ze—ZLA. (i) What will be the minimum value of 6 if the ray passes symmetrically through the prism ? 8. State the working principle of an LED. Write any two important advantages and two disadvantages of LED. 3 9. (a) Sketch the energy level diagram for hydrogen atom. 3 (b) Find the ratio of the longest and the shortest wavelength in Lyman series in hydrogen atom. 10. Find the two possible positions of an object kept in front of a lens of + 5.0 D, so that the image formed in both cases is four times magnified. 3 55/12 7 P.T.O. 11, 48 dorh attire tae es oat MeV 4 aftafera fifa 3 2 8 4 jH + }H—> 5He +n (n\ fem®: — m(jH)=2.014102u (a) m(;H) = 3.016049 u (‘Hte) = m(;He) = 4.002603 u 008665 u m, = wus TR A 12, seat & feared Hr Sea wep ae & wafraseT HT care He F Pea ara a | we fararat arate weer fs fet Fas fag a ag at are eae atom Rarer ac ci BRU sera ster —arerT Paearatt ar alee Ar Sars | Al Hereeg WaT Te eta eafereT el aaa ae | ere ar Pe Care Ural a fog ata (S) area a eer apt fagt (S, ait S,) a sa we ot Hera Bla HT HI a aa Sara fea |g TT ae Aa wat a, PH an aor Bf wa shed e, soa He a} eaten fed ar err fran | ga ted a caren (ex che) sabe sik ref fies eet @ 1 et eT ante area are Bisii & ata A) }He +n (24) Given: m(7H) 2.014102 w (3,3) m(;H) = 3.016049 u (4 m(He) = 4.002603 1 m,, = 1.008665 u SECTION - C CASE STUDY The principle of superposition is used to understand the phenomenon of interference of light waves. The principle states that at a particular point, the resultant displacement produced by a number of waves is the vector sum of the displacements produced by each wave. Light waves from two coherent sources produce interference pattern. Thomas Young devised a way to obtain two coherent sources using two identical pinholes (S, and S,) illuminated by a single monochromatic pinhole source S. Using these sources in his experiment known as Young's double slit experiment, Young studied the interference pattern. The pattern consists of alternate bright and dark fringes. The distance between two successive bright or dark finges depends on the distance between S, and S,, the distance of the screen from the plane of S,8, and the wavelength of light used. I. Consider the following waves : @ sin ot (i) y,= asin 2ot Gil) y,=a sin Got +6) (aor a® (iv) yy=asin (40 +3) Which pair of the waves coming from two sources $, and S, will produce interference ? (A) @ and Gi) ®) Gi) and Gi) (©) Gi) and Gv) @) (iv) and @ o 9 P.T.O. IL 1 WV. SBI age ee O weriag ata & frie at are a sere att fat ache A char aaa I, 2, ‘fara ote 1/4 wr Tara 8, Fret fg oe Prone 2 1 ga feeg a ahem cha eet aw ®) |, © 21, © 4% aree 3 ar or fafa at ea ST A Teh, a SAR ST HTT I ST TS frat at ga di scr F fies cher FAT: ©), of 3K 0, & at ata fear Ta pt ar aie Bele 7 A) 0,>0,> 0, B) 0,>0,>0, © 0,>0,>0, ©) 0,>0,>0, ar fa—ferdl atm i ale ferel-gaees 0.8 mm @ wen safe ed faral S, stk S, % aa 2 50 om gow fea Fe Fe ara Bier @ | ale we Hh fom Sette ‘Shere 4 0.4 mm gh aaa @, aren foe me wee aT eT S (A) 480 nm (B) 560 nm (©) 640nm ©) 680nm fh fice re, serrertt 5 areor er f—fareh eter Hf lors eptofter grew ae a are wera ae fara ahifare : @ Ra weisma gdm K Gi) Beata Sea 8 ae ae fetta & ts ea gz ser te fear ran at at fees aaa 2 (A) 48 Qi waco F Pra cea 2 | (B) Fe hh wae a we ara’ | (CC) Fert rH it Fad wea 2 Teg Get TT Hae TT? | CO) were Hert wea 8 Ted Rt wa aa Tem z | we fa Il. Two light waves of the same intensity I, each, having a path difference of 1/4, emanating from two coherent sources, meet at a point. The resultant intensity at the point will be (A) Zero ® i © 21, ©) 41, III. Vandana performs Young's double slit experiment by using orange, greon and red lights successively. If the fringe widths measured in the three cases are @;, @, and @; respectively, then which of the following is correct ? A) o> 0,>0, B) o,>0,>0, © @,>0;>0, ©) 0,>0,>0, IV. Ina Young's double slit experiment, the slit separation is 0.8 mm and the interference pattern is obtained on a screen kept 50 em from the plane of the slits S, and S,. If the first bright fringe is formed 0.4 mm from the central maximum, the wavelength of light used is, (A) 480 nm B) 560nm (©) 640nm @) 680nm V. Consider the effect on the angular separation of the fringes in a ‘Young’s double slit experiment due to the following operations : (i) the screen is moved away from the plane of the slits, (i) the separation between the two slits is increased till fringes are observed. Which of the following options is correct ? (A) It remains constant in both cases. (B) It decreases in both cases. (C) It remains constant in (i) but decreases in (ji). (D) It decreases in (i) but remains constant in (ii). n 55/2 BYR

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