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By Jake Michael Antonio

LOOK: The FEU Nursing Society was successful in holding the launching event as the new logo
of the ‘newly recognized’ academic organization was revealed to the attendees at the Huddle
today, October 20, 2022. With the coordination of the Nursing Society officers, the formal event
was hosted by Christian Malit, and was graced by the presence of the Department of Nursing
admins, including the advisor itself of the organization Mr. Neugene Cu, the Dean of the
Department of Nursing Ms. Moira G. Uy, Dean of the Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing
(IHSN) Mr. Anthony Yanson, Associate Dean of the Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing
(IHSN) Dr. Alma Trinidad Taragua, Nursing Department Chair Dr. Francisco Obmerga.

The launching event commenced with the opening remarks of the Nursing Society Secretary,
Morgan Mejia, sharing his journey as a student leader in the organization with an aim to help
assist the concerns of the tamaraw nursing students. Followed by this was the comment of Dr.
Alma Taragua. the Associate Dean of the Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing (IHSN) to the
new logo, noting that she was amazed by the new appearance of the seal. “It connotes so many
things. It would really show that they are nurses, every part of [the] logo has their own
connotations,” she added. Subsequently, Dean of the Department of Nursing, Ms. Moira Uy,
took the center stage to express her warmest message to the hardworking officers of the
Nursing Society as she appreciated the initiatives and innate leadership of the people behind
the organization. “A logo is an identifying symbol designed to represent the organization’s
character and purpose… I hope you go back with what the logo symbolizes,” Ms. Uy
commented on the logo. She then left a quotation with, “Success is not about a competition. It’s
about contribution. The best way to succeed is to help others succeed,” in hopes to motivate the
student leaders in the nursing field.

Moreover, the FEU Nursing Society officers were also congratulated by Dean of the Health
Sciences and Nursing Dean Anthony Yason for the successful launch of the organization's
official logo. According to him, the logo was nicely made; while also reminding the Nursing
Society officers that this avenue is a great opportunity for their future endeavors once they
become official healthworkers.

The organization's new seal clearly incorporated the university's green and gold colors while
also paying homage to Florence Nightingale, the founder of nursing, by placing a lamp in the

The event culminated at 10:30 a.m with a picture taking gathering all who attended to the official
seal launching ceremony.

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