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DAY 3 Nahdia

1. Do you have a pet?

2. Do you like animals?
3. What's your favourite animal?
4. What is a popular pet to have in your country?
5. Did you have a pet as a child?
6. Why do people have pets?

I (do) have some cats at home, and i am keen on playing with them. They always
wait for me in front of the door every time i go back. they are very cute.

well, it depends on the animals.. I adore some animals which are cute such as
cats rabbits and hamsters. However, Iam scared of some species like lion, and

of course , it would be cats, as i said before, I have some cats at home. besides,
they are very cute and playful.

many people in my country keep cats as their pets because they believe it will bring
luck to them.

when I was a child, I had a rabbit. but, because i did not know how to take care of
it, Unfortunately it died, and I was so sad at that time.

well, I live in a small town and it is not an industrial area, so the noise level is still
acceptable. But in the rush hours, it becomes very noisy due to moving vehicles.

as i mentioned before, the main source of noise is from vehicles... probably another
one comes from people's activities in markets or public places such as talking and

for me It would be a big yes, by being alone, we can actually do self-reflection and
comtemplate about our life. therefore, we can feel more relax after that.

When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

The last time I did something in a hurry was
this morning. I was really tired when i got back from work yesterday, and it was quilte
late night. So, I directly fell asleep and woke up late. This made me have to prepare
everything such as taking a bath, and wearing my clothes hurriedly.
2. Do you like to finish things quickly?

I would say i am not a deadliner, so I have to finish my work right away. By doing
that, I can do my favourite activities such as singing and reading.

If I don’t like what I’m doing, then I like to finish things quickly. But, if I am enjoying
what I’m doing then I take my time.

3. What kind of things you would never do in a hurry?

absolutely, i would never eat and drive in a rush because it is dangerous and not
another one is that I would never make promises or important decisions hurriedly.

I would never drive in a hurry, or cross the road in a hurry.

4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?
as we know, when we are in a hurry, our focus is easily distracted, and our goal is
directed to merely finishing the taks or the works. in this condition, we are forgetting
the details or the steps to do something, which leads us to make more mistakes.
What do you usually shop for?
Do you often go to malls?
Do you shop online a lot?
How common are shopping centers in your country?

I mostly shop for my daily needs such as foods, soaps and some stationaries for my
office. Sometimes I also purchase clothes.

Unfortunately, I rarely go to malls. I go there only when friends invite me to hang out
or just eat out, probably twice a month.

Honestly/to be honest/frankly/to be frank, I am the type of person who is too lazy to

read the product details on e-commerce, so I prefer to go to online stores to buy the
things/items that I need.

well.. they are everywhere in my country, even in a small town. shopping centers are
not only facilitating people for shopping but also for hanging out.

fruits/ suit/
I always go
I often go

I would argue that,

I would say ..
I believe that..
as we know that..
as far as I know,
as far as I observe,

of course.
without a doubt..
it would be a big yes/no

i think : i guess/suppose

as far as I know, people in my country are not really punctual. It can be seen when
we make an appointment with someone, he or she must be late for 5 to 15 minutes.
Of course, there are some excuses which are acceptable, such as getting stuck in
the traffic, or having some troubles on the way, but unfortunately most of them are
late on purpose.

absolutely, I would be very upset/disappointed, because for me time is priceless. so,

when others are not on time, I feel I am wasting my time.
on time : punctual
punctuality : ketepatwaktuan
as far as I observe, nowadays people are less punctual. I don't know exactly why,
but probably today's people do not value time compared to those in the past.

i did not save money when I was a child becaues i did not have income at that time. I
only received money from my parents.

Accept : menerima ideas/opinion

receive : menerima benda fisik

pass away

I suppose they should, because it is really important for a child to develop a good
habit of managing money. I believe it will be useful for their adulthood later on.
It is easy to make mistakes in a hurry, because the mind is preoccupied and so it is
easy to forget certain things.

two months ago. I remember my exams were going on. I slept really late because I
was studying and in the morning I did not hear the alarm. So I got ready in a hurry,
and forgot my wallet at home.

Day 4
How often do you read books?
frankly, i don't read that much currently, because I am busy working on my projects.

Do people in your country do enough reading?

I would say no.. according to the article I read online two months ago, Indonesia's
literacy rate is the lowest in Asean.. so, it indicates that indonesian people do not
read a lot. I believe it should be dealt with by the government immediately.

do you have many books at home?

well, I usually give the books that I finish reading to my friends and other family
members. Therefore, I don't keep many books with me. Besides, because I am so
busy currently, I have not bought new books yet.

work /werk/

are there many advertisements in your country?

of course there are, i suppose ads are not only in my country but also everywhere in
the world.
we can see ads in the form of billboards, tv ads, banners and even in social media.

why are there many advertisements nowadays?

as far as I see, ads are bombarding our lives because there are numerous products
produced by plenty of companies. they of course want to reach wider audiences
through their ads. by doing this, they can increase their sales.

how do you feel about ads?

sometimes they are very annoying.
I feel annoyed especially when ads appear too much on tv or on mobile apps.
another occasion is when I see ads are put randomly on the roads. I feel they are
On the other hand, ads are useful to inform customers about new products, so they
can compare the products from various brands before buying them.

Do you want to travel to outer space ?

Unfortunately no, I've never thought of it, and honestly I am not interested in doing it
Do you think it's necessary to see other planets?
As a general person like me, of course it's not quite important, but for scientists it's
very crucial because they will probably gain breakthrough in astronomy which is
useful for human life.
1. what's your favourite colour?
bright/dark colour
I am really keen on green, because it is close to nature. I feel peaceful when I see or
wear green things.

2. what colour do you dislike?

frankly, i do not fancy= suka bright colours because I don't like to be the center of
attention when i wear clothes in red or pink. besides, it hurts my eyes when i see
things in very bright colours.

3. do colours affect your mood?

well they do.. when I am in the room with bright colours or when I wear bright
clothes, i feel uncomfortable. However, when I see or weae clothes in neutral colours
like black, or grey, it can boost my mood.

4. what is the most popular colour in your country?

well, my country is very large.. so it's very hard for me to determine what colour is
popular.. but I could say basic colours like white, and grey are often used by people.

1. What kinds of apps have you used recently?

recently, I started to use a photo editing app called canva. I need this to make
contents on my personal blog on instagram. I find it really helpful and easy to use.

well, nothing special. currently, i just use apps that are useful for my personal and
profesional life, such as mobile banking apps, chatting apps and gmail.. I use them
almost everyday.

2. what apps are you interested in?

nowadays, there are a lot of apps for many kinds of purposes. Talking about th e
apps that I am hooked on, they are music streaming apps such as spotify and jooks.
these apps provide me with a lot of features which give different experiences in
listening to music. for example, we can create playlist of the songs that we love, so
every time we want to listen to music, we don't need to search the songs anymore.

3. what apps would like to use in the future?

probably, in the future I would need the apps that help me to easily consult with
professionals. for example, I want to discuss about my new house design, and this
app can connect me to an architect.

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