Close Up and Personal

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"This Stuff's Su Cleve r

It's Criminal! "
These words were uttered by MAX MAVEN shortly after read-
ing David Regal's CLOSE-UP & PERSONAL . Fortunately, Rega l
has escaped prosecution, due not only to his inventiveness ,
wit and originality in magic, but also to his success as a
comedy performer and television writer . His magic twelv e
years ago so impressed HARRY LORAYNE, he wrote and pub-
lished Star Quality : The Magic of David Regal . Lorayne's titl e
proved prophetic, and after seeing the contents of CLOSE-LIP
& PERSONAL, his comment was

"He'll fool the hell out of you ."

David Regal is a popular performer at the Magic Castle ,

just one of the locations where he audience-honed the mater -
ial presented in this volume . CLOSE-uP & PERSONAL contains ,
in the words of KEN KRENZEL

"An abundance of novel, offbeat gems ."

Many of these include complete and often hilarious pre-

sentations .

The items Regal uses to create his special type of close-u p

and mental magic are often common, but what he does wit h
them frequently lies far from the common path . He has held
nothing back from this book . Included are seventy-two of
his best performance pieces, described with care and i n
detail, with hundreds of photographs, for he has fashioned
CLOSE-LIP & PERSONAL as a lasting record of his deep and life -
long love affair with magic . If you seek close-up tricker y
that surprises, entertains and amazes public and jaded peer s
alike, you must read CLOSE-LIP & PERSONAL !

ISBN 0-945296-25-8

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