Billy's Story

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There was a homeless man namely Billy who barely got by. He would hold out a cup and beg
people for money. Hoping to get enough so he didn’t have to sleep on the street at night.

(Shaking coins) “Can you spare some change?” said Billy.

Little did he know, he was about to meet a lady who would change the rest of his life.

“This is for you, I hope this helps” Lady’s said.

“My God! Thank you so much ma’am! Now I don’t have to sleep on the street tonight. But why
did you give me so much?” Billy’s said.

“I have always believed what goes around, comes around.” Lady’s said.

“Wait! I don’t even know your name.” Billy’s said.

“It’s Sarah, Sarah Darling. I work across the street. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” Sarah’s said.

“Thank you Sarah Darling.” Billy’s said.

And after Sarah went to work, Billy checked his cup to count his money, but he surprised
because in his cup there is a ring. Billy realizes that when Sarah handed him the twenty dollar
bill, she accidentally dropped her wedding ring inside of his cup. He runs after Sarah, to try to
find her to give her her ring back. He looks all around for her, but he can’t find her anywhere.
Just as he gives up looking for her, he happens to come across a pawn shop. And decides he may
as well go inside.

When he goes inside to pawn shop, there there is man he is a security door buzzing. And then
the man asks him.

“Hi, can I help you?” the man asked.

“Uhh, I wanted to see how much this ring is worth.” Billy asked.

And then the man checkes the ring and said

“Wow! This is nice. I can give you four thousand dollars for it”.
“For thousand dollars? That’s so much money. I wouldn’t have to sleep on the street for months!
Billy’s said.

And then the man takes the money and shows the money for Billy. Billy shocked.

But finally, Billy decides not to take the money and continues to look for Sarah Instead. Because
Billy remembers what Sarah said that what goes around, comes around. As he’s walking around,
he remembers something she told him that she works across the street. So, he goes inside nearby
offices, asking for a Sarah Darling. But no one seemed to know who she was. He keeps trying
and eventually, he finds her.

“Is there a Sarah Darling that works here?” asked Billy to a woman. The woman is Sarah’s

And then Sarah’s friend calls Sarah Darling.

“Oh, Hi! How can I help you?” Sarah asked to Billy.

“Hello, I believe this belongs to you. You dropped it in my cup.” Billy’s said.

“Oh my God! You found my ring! I’ve been looking everywhere for this! But I don’t understand,
I’m sure you could have got a lot of money for this. Why did you give it back?” Sarah’s asked.

“Well, you helped me, so it’s the least I could do. Besides, a wise woman once told me what
goes around, comes around.” Billy’s said.

Sarah’s laughing

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I ‘ll never forget this. “
Sarah’s said.

“You are welcome.” Billy said. And then, Billy went out.

“You know, you should start a “GOFUNDME” for him. I’m sure people would love the story
and wanna help him. “ Sarah’s friend’s idea.

“That’s a great idea!” Sarah’s said.

And then Sarah decides to start a “GOFUNDME” page for Billy. Telling the story of how he
gave her the ring back. And to her surprise, the story ends up going viral. People all over the
world started donating. Within a few days, Sarah raises over one hundred and ninety thousand
dollars in donations. And then a few days later, Sarah goes to find Billy.

“Hey Billy.” Sarah’s greeting

“Hello! Sarah!” Billy’s said.

“I have a surprise for you.” Sarah’s said and Sarah gives a back which is in the back there are
much money.

“A hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and twenty six suprises to be exact!” Sarah’s

“What! Is this all for me? But, I don’t understand. What’s going on?” Billy’s asked.

“I set up a donation page, and told everybody about what you did. People around the world
donated. So now you don’t have to worry about sleeping out on the streets anymore. You can
buy your own home!” Sarah’s said.

“I can’t believe this is happening to me! God bless you!” Billy’s said.

Sarah’s laughing.

“God bless you, too.” Sarah’s said.

And then Sarah go leave Billy.

And Billy takes the writing of the paper which is written by Sarah.

The writing is “What goes around, comes around.”

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