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1. Series completion
i) 589654237, 89654237, 8965423, 965423, ?
A. 58962 B. 65423 C. 89654 D. 96542
ii) 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, ?
A.32 B. 64 C. 81 D. 256
iii) 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-?
A. 21 B. 26 C. 31 D. 41

2. Aruna cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller
pieces of equal size. Each of the small pieces is twenty grams in
weight. If she has seven pieces of the cake in all with her, how
heavy was the original cake?
Ans: 240 g
Kelki HSS
3. The 30 members of a club decided to play a badminton singles
tournament. Every time a member loses a game he is out of the
tournament. There are no ties. What is the minimum number of
matches that must be played to determine the winner?
Ans: 29
4. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A
and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of
A. S B. A C. S D. X

5. A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is

sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the
bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right of B
and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position A is sitting ?
A. Between B and D B. Between B and C
C. Between E and D D. Between C and E Kelki HSS
6. In a zoo there are some rabbits and pigeons if we count their
heads there are 100. if we count their legs there are 240. Find the
number of pigeons
A. 20 B. 60 C. 24 D. 80

x  y  100 2 x  2 y  200 x  y  100

4 x  2 y  240 4 x  2 y  240 20  y  100

2 x  40 y  80
x  20

Kelki HSS
7. A bus starts from city X. The number of women in the bus is
half of the number of men. In city Y, 10 men leave the bus and
five women enter. Now, number of men and women is equal. In
the beginning, how many passengers entered the bus ?
A.15 B.30 C. 36 D. 45

W W  5  M  10 2W  M
W  M  15 2  15  M
2W  M
W  2W  15 M  30

W  15 Total  45
8. A father is now three times as old as his son. Five years back,
he was four times as old as his son. The age of the son (in years)
A.12 B.15 C.18 D. 20

y  3x
y  5  4( x  5)
15  4x  y
15  4 x  3 x

15  x
10. P is heavier than Q but lighter than R. Q is heavier than T. S
is heavier than P but lighter than V. Who among them is the
(a) V (b) S (c) T (d) R

11. In an examination Tandin got more marks than Karma but

not as much as Sonam. Sonam got more marks than Tshewang
and Yuden. Tshwang got Less marks than Karma but his marks
are not least in the group. Who is Second in the descending order
of marks.
A. sonam B. Karms C. Tandin D.Yuden

Kelki HSS
12. Karma needs to transport a dog, a duck and corn in a boat
across a river. The boat is capable of transporting Karma and one
of the other three at each crossing. Karma succeeded in crossing
them all without letting the dog eat the duck or the duck eat the
corn. Which of the following sequence of events made him
possible in crossing them all safely?
A. He transports the duck. He returns to get the dog, transports the dog but
brings back the duck. He leaves the duck on shore and crosses with corn. He
leaves corn with the dog and returns to get the duck.
B. He transports the dog. He returns to get the duck, transports the duck
but brings back the dog. He leaves the dog on shore and crosses with corn. He
leaves corn with the duck and returns to get the dog.
C. He transports the corn. He returns to get the dog, transports the dog but
brings back corn. He leaves corn on shore and crosses with the duck. He leaves
the duck with the dog and returns to get corn.
D. He ties the dog to a tree and transports the corn. He returns to get the
duck, transports the duck. He returns to get the dog. Kelki HSS
13. Dorji is 7th from the left and sonam is 5th from the right.
When they interchange their position sonam becomes 19th from
the right. What is Dorji’s position from the left?
A. 12 B. 21 C. 20 D. 26

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Total = 25 – 4 = 21

Kelki HSS
14. Four defenders in a football match — Defender A,
Defender B, Defender C &Defender D — take their
positions in this order in a row from right to left.
During the match, Defender A changes places with
Defender C and then Defender C changes places with
Defender B. Which defender is now at the right end of
the row?
A. Defender A B. Defender B
C. Defender C D. Defender D
15. If water is called food, food is called drink, drink is
called blue, blue is called red, red is called white and
white is called brown, then what is the colour of blood?
A. Blue B. Red C. Brown D. White
16. Karma is heavier than Sonam. Dorji weighs less than Sonam.
Dawa is heavier than Dorji but lighter than Sonam. Which of the
following statements is NOT true?
A. Karma weighs more than Dorji.
B. Sonam weighs less than Karma.
C. Dorji weighs more than Karma.
D. Dorji is the lightest of all.

17. A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many was he
left with ?
A. 8 B.17 C.9 D. Nil

Kelki HSS
Choose the figure which is different from the rest:

Ans: A

Ans: E

Ans: D

Ans: B
Kelki HSS
Ans: E

Ans: D

Ans: A

Ans: A
Kelki HSS
Ans: 6
Kelki HSS
Ans: 6-2+5=9
Kelki HSS
Ans: 17+2=19
Kelki HSS
Ans: 16

Kelki HSS
Ans: 4
Kelki HSS
Ans: 9

Kelki HSS
Ans: 7

Kelki HSS
Ans: 13

Kelki HSS

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