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Science 3 & English 3

Third Grading Performance Task

Total Score Points = 60 pts.
Activity: Vlogging
Performance Standards
● Describe the different uses of light, sound, heat and electricity in everyday life
● Participate in Generating ideas through pre-writing activities.
● Make a vlog about safety precautions of using electricity.
● In making a vlog, the allotted time for the said task is 5-10 minutes.
● Answer the questions : How can you conserve electricity?

15-14 pts 13-12 pts 11 pts 10 pts

Content & Not organized. Portions may be Fairly well documented Program shows a continuous
Organization poorly documented and organized. Format progression of ideas and tells
Difficult to follow. Poor and/or organized. is easy to follow. Good a complete, easily followed
quality shows poor Hard to follow the explanation shows story. Well documented and
effort. progressions of the good effort. organized. Excellent, well
story. Explanation thought out explanation
shows some effort. shows superior effort.

Usefulness Project’s usefulness is Project demonstrated Project is focused and Project is focused and very
in question. Does not development of informative; promotes informative; promotes the
inform; does not stay computer technology; the use of computer use of computer technology
focused on the topic. has problems staying technology to create to create the video and
focused on topic. the video to deliver makes others want to use the
information. same type of format in
delivering information to an

Creativity & Use of elements Minimal use of design Good use of graphics Excellent sense of design.
Elements of detracts from video. elements. No and/or other design Effective camera techniques
Design Too many or too gaudy transitions. Sound is elements. Some used for the video and
graphics; transitions, lacking or transitions are pictures. Video and pictures
too many clips, inappropriate or inappropriately placed. are I focus and of good
backgrounds and/or scratchy. Some Sound quality is OK. quality. Smooth transitions
sounds detract from pictures or video clips Video clips or pictures are appropriate and aid in
content. Pictures or may be out of focus or are clear and in focus. delivery of the presentation.
video clips may be out “shaky”.
of focus or “shaky”.

Oral Great difficulty Some difficulty Fairly fluid delivery. Well-rehearsed. Voice, eye
Presentations communicating ideas. communicating ideas. Communicates ideas contact and pacing hold the
Skills – Did you Poor voice projection; Poor voice projections; with proper voice interest and attention of the
respond to the no eye contact; no some eye contact; no projection; perhaps one audience; introduced self and
questions by introduction; introduction; mispronounced work; project. Responded easily to
the students mispronounced words; mispronounced a few made eye contact; questions.
and instructor stopped or had long words; long pauses; introduced self and
with ease? pauses; confused. somewhat confused. project. Respond to
Rubric: (Total points: 60)
Way of Submission:
1. Submit it to the drive that your teacher provided.

Date of submission: Feb. 15, 2023

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