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I. Choose the correct answer!

1. She is the wife of grandfather. She is our….

a. grandma b. aunt c. niece

2. I have uncle and aunt. They have one child. The child is my…
a. niece b. nephew c. cousin

3. There are three children in my family. Hugo, Sania, and me. Hugo is the oldest.
Sania is older than me. Which one is correct?
a. hugo is my little brother
b. sania is my sister
c. I am the oldest one

4. My grandma and grandpa have a son. He is my……

a. father b. uncle c. grandchild

5. My sister has one daughter. She is my…..

a. nephew b. cousin c. niece

6. What is cucu-cucu in English?

a. grand daughter b. grandson c. grandchildren

Look at the family tree to answer the questions 7-12!

7. Indra is Fazia’s……..
a. father b. siblings c. uncle

8. Rama is Sudibyo’s…
a. father b. siblings c. grandson

9. Anggoro and Nadin are Nicky’s….

a. father b. parents c. uncle

10. Alya is Fazia’s…..

a. sister b. siblings c. cousin

11. Rama is Alya’s….

a. sister b. siblings c. brother

12. Nadin is Nurhasanah’s….

a. sister b. daughter c. mother

13. Are-my uncle – I – and – shells – not – collecting

The correct order is….
a. my uncle and I are not collecting shells
b. my uncle and I not are collecting shells
c. I and my uncle not are collecting shells

14. Below are the activities you can do in the beach, except..
a. swimming b. drinking coconut c. watching TV

15. Adik perempuan ku sedang membuat istana pasir, in English is…

a. my brother is making sandcastle
b. my daughter is building sand castle
c. my sister is building sand castle

16. Are they flying kite?

a. yes, they are
b. no, they are not
c. no, they don’t

17. My mother ………… having picnic in the beach with her friends
a. is b. are c. am

18. My father is …………………….. in the beach. He brings so many fish after that.
a. reading b. snorkeling c. fishing

look at the picture to answer the questions 19-20!

19. What is the boy doing under the umbrella?
a. lying down
b. listening music
c. eating sandwiches

20. Who are sitting on mat?

a. a boy and a girl b. two boys and one girl c. two girls

I. Essay : The following picture is to answer no 21-30!

21. Pablo is Clara’s……..

22. Luis is Elena’s…….

23. Juan and Isabel are Ana’s……

24. Carlos is Miguel’s…….

25. Eva is Pablo’s……..

Write down True / False!

26. Eva is Carlos’s sister ( )

27. Clara is Pablo’s wife ( )

28. Juan and Isabel are not siblings ( )

29. Ana is Carlos’s grandma ( )

30. Eva is Elena’s mom ( )

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